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  • 546 Responses
  • iCanHazQBN0

    Re: "well maybe not with that SHIT background, but you do realize the look changes drastically with the user's bg choice"
    – doesnotexist9/9

    Fine, let's compare them on the same background. The new one is still uglier. It's not the backgrounds that are the problem. It's the icons. The new icons have no dimension to them to separate them from the background. This is why some subtle shadows under the icon and behind the text are necessary. There's too much color vibration going on in the colors of the new icons.

    • looks shit broutopian
    • congratulations on making them both look shit. also why you think using the SAME background on both supports your argument is beyond me.kingsteven
    • your argument is beyond me.kingsteven
    • for a start OS6 worked better with more backgrounds because of the drop shadowskingsteven
    • while OS7 adapts more to the users background because of the frosted backgrounds (it just looks real shit with some)kingsteven
    • It's not "adapting" to the user, it's LIMITING the user.iCanHazQBN
    • It may use the "translucency" of your background, but who cares (when most background look like crap on os7 anyway)?iCanHazQBN
    • Look at how Messages, FaceTime, Videos, iTunes Store, and Weather all vibrate incredibly. They are so saturated and bright..iCanHazQBN
    • so saturated and bright that they clash with every background. You need some separation around those icons...iCanHazQBN
    • icons... as in a dropshadow.iCanHazQBN
    • I know designers hear "dropshadow" and they freak out. But they can be done nicely, subtly, and effectively.iCanHazQBN
  • iCanHazQBN0

    "congratulations on making them both look shit. also why you think using the SAME background on both supports your argument is beyond me."
    – kingsteven2/3

    The argument was that the chosen background was making the new icons look worse than the old icons.

    So, I applied the same background to the old interface... but the new icons STILL look worse than the old ones.

    In conclusion, the background is not the reason the new icons look worse than the old icons.

    Pretty simple, really.

    • sorry i should have said "why you think using the SAME background on both opposes doesnotexist's argument"kingsteven
  • monospaced0

    Are you going to just post comment after comment after comment where you post screenshots and say it's ugly? You don't have to, we get it.

  • benfal990

    the clock is moving


    iOS 6 was uglier in my opinion, iOS 7 looks better but they could have done a better job in some areas.
    In my regard, 7 is always an improvement, but that improvement could have been 10x better with more tweaking. That's all.
    Any way you look at it, 6 is far more uglier. Look at that Photos icon, what the fuck is that, fucking stupid sunflower?? Always hated it.. Email with some fucking clouds behind, come on.. corny as shit, and those predefined reflections always bugged me.

    • What exactly is the new iPhotos icon? How are color panels in a concentric circle supposed to represent "Photos"??iCanHazQBN
    • I never liked the sunflower, but it does say "Photos" more than that completely abstract colored circle.iCanHazQBN
    • The new one is an abstract representation of the old. I don't think the new one is perfect, but I like it better.ESKEMA
    • And then compare it to the Camera icon, which is SO literal. There's absolutely no consistency here.iCanHazQBN
    • It's Icon Design 101 FFS.iCanHazQBN
    • the new one talks more about light, the iris (eye and camera)monospaced
    • Problem was, they had 20 different people working on these icons.iCanHazQBN
    • Mono, that sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo. If a layman can't figure out what it's supposed to be, then it fails.iCanHazQBN
    • It's like they put all the icon names in a hat and told all their designers to pick one. 'Ooh, yay! I got the Settings icon!"iCanHazQBN
    • I think people are figuring it out just fine. ;)monospaced
    • The fact that it's even an issue, proves that people aren't understanding it. The fact that we're talking about it here.iCanHazQBN
    • Go ahead and google it. I've read many articles outlining the confusion behind what it's supposed to be.iCanHazQBN
    • A sunflower doesn't say photos to me. You only know what it is because you're accustomed to it.ESKEMA
    • Imagine if you saw that icon for the very first time without the word "Photos" under it. What could one assume it represents?iCanHazQBN
    • represents?iCanHazQBN
    • ESKEMA- I never said it represents "Photos". I said it represents "Photos" BETTER than the new icon.iCanHazQBN
    • It actually says "photos" underneath, so I don't think it's a problem.monospaced
    • So you're admitting the icon fails on its own? Isn't that the opposite of what an icon is supposed to do?iCanHazQBN
    • I think it is a success in that is visually distinctive. After that it's easy to remember.monospaced
    • It fails because it's inconsistent. If all of the other system icons were that abstract, then you could say it succeeds.iCanHazQBN
    • All of you, get a life!DaveO
  • monospaced0

    Okay, so I tried out iOS 7 on a friend's 4S and decided to upgrade myself. Overall, I like it. Like a lot of people have said, "it feels like a new phone." Some things, like iCanHazQBN pointed out, like the system dialogues, have some weird inconsistencies. Hopefully those work out.

    I really do enjoy the new look and function for the Calendar and the UX of the settings tray and notifications. The look isn't my favorite, but I think I'll get used to it. Loving the ringtones (yeah, superficial). The flat gray folders and bottom tray seem out of place. Wonder why they didn't do translucency on those.

    The weather app is cool too. Way more useful and the animations in the background are a nice touch, even if superficial too. I happen to like the new look overall, but to each his own.

    • mmhmmdoesnotexist
    • As with any good design project, they will iterate and make it better. This is clearly headed in the right direction...zarkonite
    • Fanboy Fatigue®utopian
  • iCanHazQBN0

    A thought: Why do the Clock, Calculator, and Camera icons still exist, when they can be very easily reached from Control Panel?

    I could understand why those icons should exist IF the Control Panel was customizable and one could replace those apps with other apps. But it's not possible to change the apps in the Control Panel. So why the redundancy??

    • for fast access, from any app, and even the lock screenmonospaced
    • I guess having options is a good thing thoughmonospaced
    • Not sure if you understood right. I like the icons in the Control Panel. It's the actual app icons that are redundant.iCanHazQBN
    • I understand.monospaced
    • the wee clock icon goes straight to the timerkingsteven
    • Yes, but then you can select Alarm, etc after that right? Is that button only limited to the Timer??iCanHazQBN
    • I can appreciate the need to get to those functions quickly and more efficiently . I think it works.Gucci
    • ever hear of a shortcut?rosem
    • Rosem, Gucci. I don't think you understand either. I LIKE the shortcuts, but they make the actual app icons redundantiCanHazQBN
    • why have them if they're so easily accessible through the control panel?iCanHazQBN
    • you can remove/move the fucking homescreen icon if you wantkingsteven
    • Are you telling me you can delete the Clock and Calculator icons from the Home screen? Those are system icons.iCanHazQBN
    • you can move them to the last page or put them in a fucking folder with the rest if it bothers youkingsteven
    • So you're admitting it's redundant? Another point for CanHaz :) Just knocking down one victory after another.iCanHazQBN
    • It's not a thought-out OS in almost every facet.iCanHazQBN
  • utopian0

    Now when updating, purchasing or downloading any app from the iTune store, you have to read and accept a 54 page agreement before you can download anything else.

    Fuck You Apple!

    • weird, I didn't have to do thatmonospaced
    • people read those?? You just hit ACCEPT or you don't get anything, not much of a choiceformed
    • Shut up and sign it!inv
    • only 54 pages. lol.akrok
    • Yeah, Android is better, theirs is only 53. Fuck you Apple.monospaced
  • Centigrade0

    OK so in Safari you used to be able to double tap the top bar to scroll back up to the top of the web page. How do you do this on iOS7? Is it gone? Now my bookmarks / Favourites just pops open.

    • Click to the left or right of the time.ideaist
    • THANK YOU! Was driving me nuts.Centigrade
    • it was never double click lolset
    • double tap*set
    • it was just a single tap at the top, and it is in most appsmonospaced
    • It was nver a double click. Only a click. And it still works. Click on the clock once.ESKEMA
    • Well I guess iOS6 was more forgiving to my stuby fingers than ios7.Centigrade
  • stoplying0

    I got used to right-swiping on emails that I wanted to delete. Now I have to left-swipe. Apple, you rascals!

    • I thought the saem thing, but it's actually easier if you do the swipe with the left thumb holding the iPadESKEMA
  • lnu0

    • wtf is that supposed to mean?benfal99
    • 1st world problemslnu
    • diagram is wrong...showing deleting txts/emails in ios6 vs ios7.doesnotexist
  • animatedgif0

    "b-b-bb-but muh 'subtle' drop shadows"
    "b-b-bb-but muh sheen"
    "b-b-bb-but muh gloss"
    "b-b-bb-but muh Photoshop 101 effects"

    iOS6 has looked shite for years

  • iCanHazQBN0

    ^ You assume that I actually like iOS6. I don't like iOS6. But I think it's leaps and bounds better designed than iOS7.

    And if you have anything of substance to counter my arguments, I'd love to hear them instead of your immature mocking.

    • you still here?inteliboy
    • I'll never leave.iCanHazQBN
    • You're worse than me. Except you are just whining and bitching.monospaced
    • I'm pointing out obvious design flaws on a design forum.iCanHazQBN
    • You only consider it "whining and bitching" because you happen to disagree with it.iCanHazQBN
    • If you're content with this new design, then the bottom line is your standards are just lower.iCanHazQBN
    • If you read carefully, I agree with you. But you post the SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER.monospaced
    • We get it! You think it's ugly and Steve wouldn't approve. Move on.monospaced
    • But face it... for pages, you have been bitching like a little biatch bitch. You know it. Has nothing to do with disagreementmonospaced
    • disagreement. It's a fact. You're whining.monospaced
    • Post something you do like thenanimatedgif
    • I like the Flashlight.iCanHazQBN
    • where's the substance of YOUR argument?doesnotexist
    • What are you talking about? I've been pointing things out and discussing why they're bad design practices...iCanHazQBN
    • I've been doing that all over this thread.iCanHazQBN
    • Exactly. You've been doing it ad nauseum. Same shit over and over. WE GET IT.monospaced
    • But it's not the same shit. I talk about different stuff about the UI in each post.iCanHazQBN
    • Come on, mono. Everyone knows you jump on anybody who dare criticizes Apple. I think the issue is with you.iCanHazQBN
    • I criticize Apple too, but you probably don't realize it because you can't read.monospaced
    • also... http://img.pandawhal…monospaced
  • set0

    Is it now impossible to share a google link on iOS?

    If I search for something, then try to select the URL in the address bar to copy to share with share with someone it just gives the text you searched for.


    • Awful grammarset
    • seems so (unless you share to new text and copy it from there) - i just use chrome...kingsteven
    • chrome has its faults too, but worth it for the "request desktop site" featurekingsteven
    • Tedious that you can't copy it straight out of the address bar anymore...set
    • just click on the share button (box with arrow up) then hit copy. Boom link copied..ESKEMA
    • hah, there you go... didn't see that there.kingsteven
    • Ok that works

      : )
    • .....doesnotexist
  • benfal990

    <3 <3 <3 <3 iOS7

  • set0

    Funny that some people notice how awful this mess is and some people seem perfectly content. I guess it's the same concept as many people being perfectly content eating a ready-meal for dinner.

    • Apple is managing to move itself into the gormless accept and proceed target audienceset
    • haha, ok. so your subjective opinion is universal law?doesnotexist
    • If for whatever reason you want to assume that, sure.set
    • doesnotexist– that's set's opinion, man. It's not universal law. That's what forums are for... to discuss shit.iCanHazQBN
    • Apple invented the gourmet smart phone, to use your metaphor. I guess you're saying they're more like chain?monospaced
    • analogymonospaced
    • From gourmet to ready mealset
    • it's not that extreme, surelymonospaced
  • hans_glib0

    i love the hectoring way it tells me that i have connected an "unapproved device" when i use my cheap usb/thunderbolt lead

    • That's because people die that way. You'd be pissed if they didn't warn you.monospaced
    • i'd prefer it if the message was "Danger of Death, you Cheapskate"hans_glib
  • iCanHazQBN0

    Things they should've done a long time ago:

    -The ability to "turn off" / disable system icons that a person will never use. In my case, I will never use Contacts (it's in the Phone app), Compass (how often has anyone used this?), Voice Memos, Videos, Passbook, iTunes Store, Stocks, Game Center, and Photos (it's in the Camera app). There should be a switch in the Settings for each of these to turn them "off".

    -Live temperature in the Weather icon. This is just incompetence. Other OSs have been doing this forever. It seems like the most simplest of things to do, yet it still hasn't been done.

    -Ability off "Search" function. For the people who never use it, it just gets in the way.

    -Car transformation. I would like my phone to turn into a car by voice command. I would jump into my phonecar and drive to the local stripclub to look at boobs.

    • I got rid of the iTunes Store by going into restrictions and turning it off. But yes, would be great to have this ability for every default app.ESKEMA
    • live temperature, there's some apps that do that by leveraging the notifications numberESKEMA
    • the car thing would be great, would like that too. Maybe next update..ESKEMA
    • *** INSERT NOTE 1.5
      for every default app.
    • you're good at this troll thing.doesnotexist
    • says the trollset
    • nice one!doesnotexist
  • iCanHazQBN0

    "you're good at this troll thing."
    – doesnotexist5/5

    How am I trolling? I'm pointing things out and explaining why I think they're bad design choices. And I'm expressing my opinion over elements of the UI that Apple has been lazy about.

    Are you psychotic? Do you not have anything of value to add? No rebuttal? Is your only response to call someone a troll and walk away?

    Do you not agree that Apple should have implemented the above listed items long ago?

  • monospaced0

    You're Boz, aren't you?