ecig Mods
- Started 11 years ago
- Last post 7 years ago
- 180 Responses
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Vapors Produced by Electronic Cigarettes and E-Juices with Flavorings Induce Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Response in Lung Epithelial Cells and in Mouse Lung…
this shall be harmful for us in the vape industry
- maybe cigarettes can help me ween off of the vape.moldero
- there's a very good comment. Hope to see it addressed. http://www.plosone.o…ESKEMA
- ^ yupmoldero
- well that's the last time i let a mouse use my mod, thenscarabin
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- it's illegal to own this without a fedora, a pair of beats by dre around the neck and a bluetooth piece on your ear.Miguex
- Comes with free punch********
- BuddhaHat0
I don't think I have seen this link posted up here before, so any ecig fans should check it out for tanks, batteries, parts and liquids, it's super cheap. The postage takes a while, but if you're just stocking up on liquids then who cares?…
I just ordered some replacement coils for my Kanger Subtank Mini, I got them for half the price that I'd pay at a local vape store, plus a couple of clone RDAs and mods that would cost probably 3 to 4 times as much locally.
For example, this Derringer style RDA is $8.45
And this Nemesis mod clone is $15.89
Can't argue with 4.7/5 after 1800 reviews!- i made an order with them and it came spread out in parts over the course of three months. they should really change their namescarabin
- cheap as shit though! most of my builds came from therescarabin
- lol scarabin, you should open, mirror their website content, and see what happens :) BTW, what builds? Do you use tanks or drip?BuddhaHat
- i use both but am liking taks more and more recently just because i'm lazyscarabin
- dirtydesign0
- Wrong place maybe?dirtydesign
- i haven't seen those in dispensaries. would probably pick up a pack if i did, thoughscarabin
- looks like they're only available in washington :/scarabin
- I wood try thatmoldero
- Gadamit, i thought this site Had been updated..ESKEMA
- Trying to embed an YT Vid with an iPad is an adventureESKEMA
- ^ search the vid name on google, then hover (press, dont let go) over the link on the google search result, then copy the url and paste in the Qubemoldero
- ^something like that, its off of my memory,moldero
- BrokenHD1
just quit smokes. my brother gifted me a kbox for dad's day. biking and running again. never felt better. soon enuf i'll ween off the vape too and be good for a while (aiming for forever). i'm assuming a month or two of vaping is better that a couple smokes a day for years. my 2¢
- just stop all fullstop. easily done/. smoked for 20 years or something. just decided to stop one day and did it. 2.5yrs without a toot.microkorg
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No one gives a shit about this anymore here
- Cosmodrome1
Can anyone recommend a quality, plug-and-play set up for me? Trying to get away from the smokes, but I don't want to make this a hobby. Something that's close to the feel of a tobacco cigarette?
Also, are there any of these "juices" that don't taste like food? Like maybe a tobacco flavor?
I can't believe how sophisticated this has become from the first one i bought back in 2009. haha.
- good kit
http://www.provaping…moldero - good cigarette flavored juice
http://www.provaping…moldero - Thanks! does that kit last long? Seems like everybody is always talking about replacing parts. Seems complicated. Is this one easy to maintain?Cosmodrome
- every few weeks you have to replace the coil, but its easy, it just screws in, easier for beginners who dont want to rebuildmoldero
- i have 2 bigger versions of this as well as some rebuildable coils but this is just quicker so i use this setup 95 % of the timemoldero
- your lungs will thank you once you switch, im like you, i needed something that tasted like a cigarettemoldero
- ive tried other cig flavors, but this one was the closest to what i used to smokemoldero
- see the thing is plug-and-play set ups last 3 months or less, if youre serious get a $70 mod and a tank, & yes tobacco flavors are everywhere********
- It's not the price I'm concerned with, It's the complexity. I have no interest in making this a hobby, but I want something of quality.Cosmodrome
- I'd assemble it if i even understood all the parts required. But from a lay perspective, these things get pretty complicated.Cosmodrome
- eleaf istick is pretty simple setupmoldero
- good kit
This kit is great for starting, the new airflow can be set to very tight (for mouth to lung), and you can get it wide open also (direct).…You'll also need a battery (I recommend 2)
There's plenty of tobacco flavours, just try a few. Personally I like the RY4 (many brands have this one) or variants of it.
- It has replaceable could heads, as well as a rebuildable one.ESKEMA
- * ^ Coil headsESKEMA
- Where do you get your RY4? I've only tried the Fasttech one, and it's a bit sickly...BuddhaHat
- don't buy chinese juice. Just go to your local vape shop, I'm sure there's something near you, and try out some flavours.ESKEMA
- lol at the faces on the two on the right********
- Nice though. How's the Kanger?********
- the Kbox or the Subtank? Love them both. Although I had to hack the Kbox because the 510 pin insulator was very weak and was shorting out (I used an insulatorESKEMA
- from a Subtank OCC Head to replace it). After that it's been working perfectly.ESKEMA
- *Shorting = no firing, it does not mean weird dangerous shit.ESKEMA
- I just meant the whole setup :)********
- It's my favorite setup. The one I use everyday, all day. Great flavour and ok vapor.ESKEMA
- I use it at 0.5 ohms and mostly at 13w, sometimes 20w. Battery last all dayESKEMA
- Nice. What's the one on the right? Clean...********
- the one on the right is a SMPL mechanical mod and a Derringer RDA (Dripper). They're clones, not originals. (...)ESKEMA
- (...) This is a really cheap and great setup for a mech / dripper.ESKEMA
- SMPL Clone
https://www.fasttech…ESKEMA - Derringer Tobeco Clone
http://www.eciggity.…ESKEMA - Thanks! Just got the SMPL clone from a UK vendor for £13.99. Bargain :)********
- be sure it's a good clone. From a respected cloner ( tobeco / infinite ) because I bought one for 10 with a faulty button.ESKEMA
- had to order another, this time a little more pricey (from 10 to 17 :P ). But this one is perfect.ESKEMA
- It's a tobeco. Phew :)********
- lol at the faces on the two on the right
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- 26.0W? you'll shoot your eye out!moldero
- My brother has the cloupor. Very nice little mod. Vapes great. Just don't charge it with usb, use an external charger. There were incidents.ESKEMA
- Not mine but was thinking of getting one. Google it and all you get is burning/exploding stories though********
- http://www.planetoft…********
hmm probably best just to steer clear of this. Shame though.******** - crazymoldero
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- it's super heavy. I mean reeeaaaally heavy.
but yeah, It's a beauty..ESKEMA - Ah, I can imagine. Like a padlock...********
- looks cool but it also looks like you have to refill it after every 50 or so drawsmoldero
- moldero, the tank is full size, the mod has a hole and the tank screws lower in it.
http://cdn.shopify.c…ESKEMA - That's a subtank mini********
- it's super heavy. I mean reeeaaaally heavy.
- ********2
- how much does that tank hold?moldero
- 3ml
Subtank nano******** - That's clean. I like it. And thanks for the rec on the juice. I'm going to order some from them now.Cosmodrome
- Nice! My favourite is Night Shift. Coffee with cream and glazed chocolate donut... So good.********
- what mod is that?ESKEMA
- It's an ego one battery. Love the size and convenience of having a micro USB charging port...********
- looks great! how does the battery perform? how much does it last you?ESKEMA
- It's perfect. I'm not a huge vaper, only with a glass of wine or in the pub garden, so I only charge it every 3 or 4 days. It hasn't actually died on me yet.********
- Cosmodrome4
Thanks err, scarabin, pockets, BuddhaHat, ESKEMA, moldero, and others. Sent my ass down a rabbit hole.
22 days prior I said I wanted something simple and didn’t want it to become a hobby of sorts. So much for that. Started with a pen thing a local vape shop sold me. Thing pissed me off and wasn’t very fulfilling, so I dug deeper.
Just built my first RDA tonight. Too big a jump for me, but I’m kinda stoked I got it all right. It’s a Tugboat v1 Mechanical Mod with a Production RDA, dual coil, 22g, measured at .24 Ohm. It’s too intense. The flavor is amazing. Night and day from the pen thing. But I need some zero or low nicotine juice for this thing. I really only did it cuz I found the mod for $20 and it’s all American / California made, which is my local.
Ordered a Sigelei 30W Box with an Atlantis 2 kit for more regular use. That’s kinda what moldero and ESKEMA were recommending above, and without even having received it yet, I think you two were right. Seems like a good middle ground. It’s an 18650 battery like the mech mod, so all those parts should be interchangeable.
Anyway... glad it's been about 3 weeks off the Camels. At worst, I smell much better.
- nice!moldero
- fuck yeah!ESKEMA
- Haha same happened to me. Went from ridiculing it, to a cheap pen and now I'm obsessed with the gadgetry side of mods and tanks.********
- yep, you're on a spiral now :PESKEMA
- Rad! But .24 ohms is so low and potentially dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. I rarely go under .5err
- Thanks for the input err! I thought the same when i built it, but everything I did was right in line with what I watched others build. How would you raise it?Cosmodrome
- This is identical to what mine is. And I mean like mirror image:…Cosmodrome
- I'd use 24 or 26 awg wire. You can make the same setup and it will get you at .31 or .46 respectively. that would get you a cooler vape (specially the 26awg)ESKEMA
- and less stress on the battery.ESKEMA
- Thanks! I'll give that a try. I got a kit with 22, 24, 26 so I could test them all out.Cosmodrome
By the way, I found this little app very useful for building.
Coil Genius