recent vinyl finds

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  • Gardener0

    Picked up a pile of 7"s in a local charity shop that had
    just come in and at 4 for a quid seemed reasonable,
    a lot of mostly 80's double packs and limited editions
    - I didn't take the lot as there was a lorra, lorra pop!

    Fresh OJ disc still enclosed in it's paper bag

    3 artists fighting for a summer hit came complete with car sticker!

    The Spanish waiter from Fawlty Towers released a few
    singles but this was the first one I'd found out in the wild,
    the B side is Waiter, There Is a Flea In My Soup, haha.

    This Welsh singer had previously tried to cash-in on
    Charles & Di's wedding, 4 years later he's at it again
    doing a medley of songs to celebrate the end of WW2
    complete with fold-out poster sleeve.

    The most curious one of the lot was this cover of The Undertones classic by Radio 1 + 6Music DJ Liz Kershaw
    (sister of Andy) who released a few records before she started
    spinning them. The fold-out sleeve features her in the middle
    but the oddest thing about this is the bassist,
    check those credits, that can't be right can it?!

    There was also a promo Tizer drink flexi-disc I had not
    come across before, complete with T-Shirt offer + stickers

    My lizard laid claim to this double pack, damn.

    • The Dawn Chorus 7" is intriguing, it's not belong the realms having the TW Duke on bass : )Eighty
  • Gardener1

    odds and ends that seem to have come into my possession in the past week or so

    There were a whole bunch of 30's and 40's Jazz records
    in a charity shop box but as most of it was before my time
    (just) I dunno what's hot and what's not so plumped for a
    couple of compilations and soundtracks including these 2 LP's.

    This kind of weird album and demo single stuff is just catnip

    A real treat to find this re-issue of Ivor's debut album unplayed!

    I do have a tatty old copy of this somewhere but this one
    is shiny nice and comes with the original poster, it features
    so many great tracks all under 1 minute long from Residents,
    and Andy Partridge to Robert Wyatt

    I picked this up for the Dracula Cha Cha track but never
    even realized it was signed on the back until I got home.

    A mid 70's pop tune by someone who's real name is
    Stephen Jameson, I seem to remember the Two Ronnies
    doing a similar joke on this name, it's probably as bad as this 7"

    Also hard on the ears is this tune from 1981 - I liked the sleeve

    Odd Indie single I'd not heard or seen before.

    I was most pleased finding this pair of original sheet music,
    the bloke who sold me them at a car boot took my email and
    said he had loads more so fingers x he gets in touch.

  • Gardener1

    I've picked up some nice albums recently including a
    whole collection of Beatles from a guy I'd met over the
    summer at a car boot and had given my card to then 3 months
    later he actually rang me up! Other stuff included...

    Signed by the band who sound like an unfunny,
    low budget Barron Knights, but at least the sleeve is hilarious

    A great German pressing of a compilation of 60's R&B.

    Sealed but it's all up there on Youtube anyway.

    The sleeve alone was enough to part me with a pound,
    but it turned out to be soft Hong Kong pop, damn

    I was more than happy to part with 100 pennies for this
    first vinyl outing by John Cleese & two Goodies

    Best buy of the week, by some distance was an entire Beatles
    collection along with various solo stuff, I probably have them all
    on vinyl or CD somewhere but this lot were in such beautiful
    condition there are keepers and there were some pretty scarce
    issues in there.

    Some issues of the US 'Trunk sleeve' had the cover pasted
    over the withdrawn 'Butcher sleeve', but judging by the small
    tear to the bottom someone had tried to find it underneath,
    without much luck.

    There were 2 different issues of Abbey Road one with the
    mis-aligned Apple sleeve.

    Although it was a later issue to the first top-opening editions,
    a numbered White Album with all the bits was nice to find.

  • Gardener0

    There was no way I was ever gonna leave this 12" in a 50p box,
    but it made me smile (once) it is actually pretty annoying though.

    South African Disco album which didn't have the outer sleeve
    but it was cheap!

    I kinda hoped this cover version compilation might be
    reggae versions, but sadly they are not, so what's the point?

    Unusual UK promo version of The Lady Sings The Blues s/t
    by Diana Ross for a London clothing retailer, I could not find
    anything more about this specially pasted over sleeve edition
    so if anyone knows more?

    One of the gems I have been listening to that was
    from the boxes of albums I picked up the other week.

    the pick of the 7"s that have come from charity shops this week

    This E.P. from 1970 is signed inside by the vocalist, but the
    stand-out track on it is the organ heavy version of Soul Finger.

    • kazoo trolls ffs! pretty things are deadly (and still great!) any other nice stuff in those boxes? or still sorting through? looked like quite the haul on fbkingsteven
    • i've got that kazoo one too. staying alive is great on it.scruffics
    • sleeve notes are hilarious tooscruffics
    • more bits are revealing themselves kingsteven, cheers!Gardener
  • Gardener0

    An unusual Xmas related 7" on a great looking label I had no
    knowledge of, I had kinda hoped the John Carr Quintet might
    be somehow related to the legendary Jazz man Ian Carr but
    despite Ian actually having a brother it turns out his name is
    Chris, damn... and I couldn't find out anything online about this.

    Original UK EP from 1958

    I have Yin & Yan's album which has some great spoken word
    samples, this promo 7" has the same 2 tracks on each side for
    shops to give vinyl the hard sell from your local friendly record pusher.

    UK promo from 1973

    An obscure 60's TV theme from the guy behind Jason King, The Avengers etc

    great old card sleeve from the early 60's -
    I assume it is as it had Gerry & The Pacemakers in it!

    half a dozen odds 'n' ends

    Mildly amusing record from 1982, signed by the band of merry men

    Sadly not signed but on nice clear vinyl and a poster sleeve
    with a bloody great un-removable sticker on the front!

    • that hand written font on the record is ace.renderedred
  • Gardener1

    vinyl finds in a few charity shops and one bought in...
    a record shop!

    This took my eye, not listened to it yet but it was cheap as chips (small bag)

    Not sure quite how many times I will sit ALL THE WAY through,
    but I will try...

    Sweet charity shop find and it's playable but is pretty scratched

    A nice pair, fnarr fnarr, of belly dancing LP's from the 60's -
    I just love the inner sleeve of this one

    this pair of middle east related 7"s were in the same box

    this bunch of albums were unsurprisingly in the same box but different shop

    I bought this brilliant album new, I've had the CD since 1997
    but it's such a personal fave it's lovely having it on vinyl

  • Gardener1

    nothing more than a pound!

    I first heard this when my dad used to play it at parties when
    I was growing up in the early 70's - I always loved the cover too.

    A good compilation I'd not come across before which was
    alongside a pile of their original 70's albums, I picked them
    up as well but this is a keeper.

    A should I/shouldn't I? dilemma as it's still sealed.

    An original Jamaican pressing in single sleeve, my UK copy
    has a much smarter gate-fold but it's weird how it's only now
    I have noticed that the background on it is all coloured in with felt-tip!

    some odd singles

    The music from various adverts for the ciggy company.

    Dutch electronic band EP from 1980 and came with a poster.

    The Swedish soprano + pianist on her only EP released in 1969.

    A pair of old BBC library white labels, shame I couldn't find
    a few that were actually really good.

    An unusual release I had not seen before - a clincher was
    that it came in this cool old sleeve, I dig the flip side more.

    One of 3 copies in the same box of this Smiths cover version, still sealed.

  • fooler4

    I went record shopping Friday night without a clue on what I wanted to buy. I was just aimlessly browsing and bought 4 of my favorite albums I've owned on CD or cassette but not yet on vinyl.

    Beastie Boys Pauls Boutique

    UNKLE Psyence Fiction

    Mike Watt Ball-Hog or Tugboat?
    I didn't even occur to me until this afternoon that they all have the Beastie Boys on them.

  • fooler0

    Matt Talbot of HUM personally reissued his bands 1998 Downward is Heavenward recording as a double record on 180-gram vinyl with a 5 color 12x12 hand-printed poster.
    The first pressing immediately sold out but I had to have it. Even though I was wallet raped on eBay it was well worth it.

  • Gardener0

    Some odd finds from a few of charity shops and a recent record
    fair. These 2 were cheap and had nice sleeves, the music is a
    bit generic 80's synth though

    Polish electronica by Władysław Komendarek who was
    an ex-member of symphonic rockers Exodus

    A Russian electronic pop album, signed by Дисплей, ‎obviously...

    A curious novelty pop disc I had not come across before

    it also came with a colour-it-in-yourself insert, similar to the
    one that came with Ringo Starr's album Scouse The Mouse
    also released a year later in 1977 and on the same label too.

    In the same box was this mid-80's issue, on Knotty Ash Records
    no less, and nicely signed on the front

    now then, now then...

    One of a handful of Beatles albums sitting in a box at
    the Age Concern shop, I didn't quibble a a quid a pop

    In the same box as the Fabs was this mid 70's cabaret recording
    by Jimmy Crawford, whooooo?

    Best find by far at the fair for a fiver was this bizarre
    electronic album from the mid 70's by Mort Garson

  • teh0
  • nocomply0

    Pulled out of the $1 bin:

    I bought it for the cover but I actually really like the music too.

    Never heard of Herbie Mann before, but I looked him up and apparently he's a really prolific and pretty well known improvisational jazz flautist.

    Love discoveries like that!

    • https://upload.wikim…wagshaft
    • #yazzflutewagshaft
    • Herbir Mann is the shit. I am on a mission to collect all of his stuff and I’ve never seen this one before. good work!scruffics
    • The one wagshaft was the first album I found in a charity shop and much like nocomply I bought it for the cover but kept for the musicscruffics
    • *postedscruffics
  • Gardener0

    vinyl things that I have come across in the past few weeks,
    some came from the charity shops of Sheffield while I was
    taking a break and a couple were in with a box of bits I won
    in a local auction including some nice Jazz and Library albums
    I'd not seen before.

    I got this one for the sleeve but the music isn't too shabby either.

    This sleazy jazz classic was minty!

    Nice mixing desk on the cover of this library music album
    on the other Studio One label.

    Another library music album I'd not seen before.

    This is an oddity, I couldn't find anything online about either
    the record company or the album, it looks and sounds mid 70's.

    This curious acetate featuring the 70's TV series theme
    by Mr. Brooks turned up in the back streets of Sheffield.

    mmmm, jazz improv, nice...

    odds & ends including a couple of Manchester Utd related 7"s

    I was best pleased by this early Julie London album on London
    which although the sleeve was a bit tatty the vinyl was beautiful.

  • Gardener0

    bits and bobs from a digging spree over the weekend

    I have never seen a copy of this 7" in the wild before and was
    so pleased to find it, as it was the name of the film my parents
    saw and then decided that was what they would call me,
    still relieved they never went to see Heidi that day.

    I found up a cheap load of old folk LP's on a trip to sunny
    Milton Keynes yesterday, on labels like Topic & Trailer but
    these were the pick of the bonny bunch.

    the most unusual pair were these two

    a 10" released in 1971

    a beautiful album released on a label I had not heard of in 1965

    This rare album was sitting next to a box but was sadly scribbled on!

  • Gardener0

    a mix of the groovy LP's and 7"s that have made their way
    into my cellar the past few weeks, including...

    A nice pair of hippy self help albums,
    I never realized thought was such a menace.

    I've always loved the title tune so was very pleased
    to come across the long player.

    I knew nothing about this so bought it on the strength that it
    was on Island Records from '66 and should have guessed
    from the rear that the title tracks were not the usual stuff that
    Island were releasing at the time, it turns out to be quite pleasant
    easy listening, sung in Italian.

    some of the singles

  • Gardener1

    with the car boot season in full swing allsorts of vinyl delights
    are beginning to turn up

    I just liked the sleeve of this 12" which turns out to be someone
    called Dubble D ‎and sadly not the inspiration for the Police tune
    Walking On The Moon.

    The sound of lots of old cars driving very...very... slowly...
    from London to Brighton including BBC TV's Blue Peter team .

    The 2nd LP by Ivor Biggun aka Doc Cox from the 80's TV show
    "That's Life" features a whole host of erm, stars.

    I have had this guy's How To Lose Weight album for years
    but until I found this one I never knew he had done one on
    smoking too, nice touch on the rear of the sleeve
    where there is a cigarette burn!

    Various cover versions arranged by the dad of the 4AD
    record boss released on the Pinnacle label in 1974.

    A nice pair of stereo originals, I have a friend in China
    who'll have these off me!

    2 x compilations, the first is bands on the Bomp! imprint
    including The Flamin' Groovies

    and a pretty good mix of Avon based new wave and indie bands

    a few nice singles turned up today, this electronic sounds
    one is excellent and I like the copyright credit on the label

    this 7" with it's signed sleeve has a great flourish on the signature!

    I could hardly leave this oddity in a 50p box, a 10" album
    in the back of an A3 sized book released in 1970 which
    includes a history of the London drinking holes, I wonder
    how many of these pubs are left today

    • Fantastic selection! Re: The London Pub, you'll be pleased to know the Prospect of Whitby is still going strong!Eighty
    • great news!Gardener
  • Gardener1

    tramping across the fields ear-lie in the mornin'
    has turned up some odd things including these albums

    A strange one this (I liked the cover) and a really pleasant listen
    mix of choir and string quintet.

    This was in the same box, not had a chance to listen to it yet
    but it had me by the warning on the front.

    This nice pair of BBC LP's I didn't already have were cheap in a charity shop

    I wasn't aware that there was a TV show called
    The Comet Is Coming I had assumed the new band
    of the same name had come up with it.

    A tatty sleeve but the record was fine and a great selection
    of themes including Record Breakers!

    Now I know where Pink Floyd got their inspiration for the
    heartbeats at the start of Dark Side Of The Moon (probably)

    some curious singles

    The first two releases on the Reflection imprint

    Two signed sevens

    Three releases by 70's 'comedy' legends

    I've three inch 7"s, square 7"s and all manner of picture disc 7"s
    but now I have the worlds first holographic 7" - and it was bloody
    difficult to photograph!

  • Gardener0

    digging through my 78's I came across this one from 1910
    - the first ever recording of a bird on disc

  • Gardener0

    Not many singles have found their way into my grubby paws
    in the past few weeks but some nice albums have, such as...

    This album #3 in an edition of 8 copies came my way when
    I met the Basingstoke based artist at a record fair and he had
    a bag of his handmade releases, the lathe cut vinyl came with
    an SD card with 100 extra tracks, a great way to spread the
    good grooves, and they are really good!
    more info :…

    A bloke at the car boot sale had a box of these beautiful,
    one sided gold discs, I am kicking myself for not buying the lot
    as they were only 3 for a quid, I still don't know exactly what
    I am going to do with it as there is no music on them.

    Strong double album compilation of songs played on an
    Oklahoma based radio station in the late 60's early 70's.

    a nice pair of picture discs were in the same box, along with
    some other heavy metal ones but these were a bit erm, sexier

    this Japanese one is excellent!

    I got this one for The Good, The Bad & The Ugly track
    and that cheesy grin (inner sleeve was signed To Hilda)

    A budget re-issue of an earlier album by a band who
    released an album on the spiral Vertigo label in 1971

    In the same box was this album from 1965

    • great finds! wtf is up with those golden ones. really cool...scruffics
  • Gardener0

    I had a nice albums and 78's score at the car boot today,
    luckily 2 of the regulars are on holiday so I almost had the
    pick of the field! One bloke had literally hundreds of cheap 78's
    and singles and when the other diggers wandered off to look
    at other cars the stall holder told me to go and have a look at
    the stuff he hadn't unloaded from his transit van, he had several
    big boxes which had mostly Elvis in which I couldn't be arsed
    with to be honest but he did have some lovely Hank Williams
    78's and some sweet 60's LP's at a pound a pop,
    this is the pick of the bunch.

    I had not found a Scott 2 with it's insert before today.

    Lovely Hank UK 78's and a 10" album

    I was pleased with the T.Rex as it had the sticker on the front
    and the poster, which I'd not seen before, the Johnny Cash
    was a UK London front laminated original in beautiful nick.

    a whole bunch of Stones LP's including 2 early UK mono's
    and a stereo Aftermath

    Upon further investigation I discovered this zipper sleeve
    had a sad message inside the cover...