recent vinyl finds

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  • Gardener0

    I have a 7" single by Red Rum but this is a mid 70's LP about a
    lovely horse called Mill Reef, there is a statue of him in America.

    Another LP from the mid 70's, this is not a horse or even a Centaur but a scary Snake Lady!

    At a local boot a bloke turned up with boxes of stuff a fiver a go,
    I found all sortsa things but these four were the pick of the bunch.

    pinky Mott.

    tri-riverboat Reprise.

    2 x clear Global Communication.

    red OST.

    Not too surprisingly I always seem to come across Scottish
    records, this was #213 of 550 copies.

    Pretty (simple) sleeve for an album of choral music titled Songs of The Sea.

    the odd few singles

    Folk EP by a band called Nashville Skyline who were
    quite well known around the area where I live in the late 70's.

    2 x classic TV themes by Laurie Johnson.

    Debut EP from the traditional Irish folk family.

    I love that description at the bottom of the sleeve, the mic was in Japan for this one.

    • I've worn out that Neil Young album. I never had it on vinyl but I have After the Gold Rush, Rust Never Sleeps from the month it was released and a few others.CyBrainX
    • yes that is the first time I've ever come across a copy out in the wildGardener
    • I’ve got that Barrabas album - not terriblescruffics
  • hans_glib1

    Just scored these three gems

  • plash2

    I'm seriously getting into this.…

  • Gardener2

    I've been quite lucky these past few weeks getting in commission bids at auctions on boxes of LP's and leaving it to fate whether I won them or not. Thankfully some gems have turned up most notably a very unusual edition of Sgt Pepper which I'd not seen before along with a collection of Blues & Folk albums.

    From the front it looks like any other copy of The Beatles classic but it turned out this one was the censored issue pressed in Singapore in 1970.
    Because of supposed drug references in 3 tracks: A Day In The Life "went upstairs and had a smoke" and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds LSD I imagine
    and of course "I get high..." With a Little Help From My Friends these were removed and replaced by songs from Magical Mystery Tour and they still mis-spelt I Am The Walrus, incredible!

    These are a few of the Blues albums, it was a big box which I am still digging through.

    A couple of cheeky albums I couldn't leave in a £1 box at a car boot sale

    gotta love that sticker!

    I have a couple of Blowfly's other 12 inchers but not come across this one before, arf!

    some cheap seven inches

    Discovered this lovely tune on this EP a close cousin of his classic Midnight, The Stars & You

    A delightful folk tune singing the virtues of cigarettes in an eastern European style.

    No proper sleeve but great spooky sound FX from electronic wizard Frederick Charles Judd.

    Mid 70's Indian EP from a Birmingham based duo which I picked up as it had a track called Fish 'n' Chips

    Bizarre 7" by the diminutive comedian which features the talents of Peter Gabriel, Robert Fripp, Phil Collins and Sandy Denny among others!

    • Daaamn! Some really good stuff there - good work. Would love to try the whole auction thing one day but have no idea where to even beginscruffics
    • Hey thanks for these, except that Beatles one, fuck the Beatles!

      But the rest are top! Let's see if I can find some of these on Apple Music
    • Ignore the troll. This is the mother of all albums. What a fascinating piece of sacrilege that is.CyBrainX
  • hans_glib1

    Grabbed this today. Super bright mix, bonus buddy cover

  • Gardener0

    I'm still going through a bunch of LP's I won in an auction 2
    weeks ago but these 7"s were car boot finds, there were more
    common ones too but these ones probably less so.

    50p flexis - Alan Freeman's Pop Pickers was a competition
    promotion run by Littlewoods and still had the entry insert.
    The tunes "Fluff" wanted you to guess included Gary Numan,
    The Police and UB40 so it wasn't as hard as Radio 2's
    The Robert Maxwell one below is one I had already but the
    condition of this one is better, the other had a kink in it or maybe it was just a bit crooked.

    Another dodgy geezer (Jonathan King) was behind the hard sell
    of this awful single by a harmony group who sound like a really crap version of Darts.

    This slightly better (upper class) harmony group recorded this
    tune to advise listeners how to change their BBC radio dials in 1978.

    I have had a copy of this lovely single for years but had never found the picture sleeve until now.

    Most copies of this single are usually found signed so this must
    be a rare un-signed copy, it does have the scarce sleeve stamp though!

    Does it get any more niche than a youth choir from Sheffield
    who happen to play squash and sing for Jesus? I don't think so.

    Released in 1968 and still sung by fans home and away today.

    Best find of the week was probably this minty US issue in a great sleeve.

    Although running it a close second was this EP of sound FX of ghosts and space ships.

  • Gardener1

    Car booty vinyl finds from sunny central Scotland.

    I'd always known Billy Connolly was one half of this duo but this
    chap with The Big Yin is actually Tam Harvey who left soon after Gerry Rafferty joined.

    A slightly less successful duo were father and daughter
    Larry & Shirley Peterson, the 7 years old yodels her way
    through the whole album while dad strums and grins.

    I have the 1st UK issue with the T.Rex poster enclosed sticker
    but had not seen this Hot Car mag one before (probably as the
    previous owner stuck it on) but it looks good though!

    Another great sticker adorns this compilation from 1970
    featuring Marc's old mate and an eclectic selection of friends.

    I picked this up for the cover really and because it has a version
    of Birthday on it which isn't the most common of Beatles covers.

    In the same box were this nice pair of 70's Bond soundtracks.

    The only 7" I picked up today was this curio from 1963.

    I was surprised to see this unusual Italian folk and poetry album
    along with it's hardback book in a pound box, 2 diggers ignored it
    before I got my grubby mitts on it, I have not listened to it yet so maybe they knew something I didn't...

  • Gardener9

    blue 10" flexi circa 1930 released to promote a movie on British Lion Films

  • Gardener2

    yellow 10" promotional flexi for Filmophone Records circa 1931

  • Gardener1

    a red Filmophone disc from 1931, I think I may have an orange one somewhere...

  • Gardener2

    A few 7" odds & ends I seem to have acquired in the last week or so.

    I do already have a copy of this but this fresh one is in way better condition.

    Not as groovy as I imagined but hey, it was only 50p.

    Maybe not as awful as it could have been, I didn't even know he'd made any records until I found this.

    Someone else who's music had passed me by all these years, a singer who became famous for her complete lack of rhythm, pitch, tone and overall singing ability from liner notes:
    "After a taxicab crash in 1943 she found she could sing 'a higher F than ever before'. Instead of a lawsuit against the taxicab company, she sent the driver a box of expensive cigars."

    A far more enjoyable singer (and harpist) was Miss Russell-Fergusson who's beautiful track The Lochan was featured on a mix I recorded for Tak Tent_Radio recently.

    A nice pair of picture sleeves singles I found in the same box.

    The only pair of singles released by the family folk group from Dundee including one singing the praises of the Discovery ship
    launched in 1901 and the last traditional wooden three-masted ship to be built in the UK, she's still docked at the sea front.

    3 beautiful red vinyl records of Beatrix Potter tales, also available on blue, green and black vinyl too.

    Another 3 records which are on mottled blue, green, red and black were these Greek discs from the 60's including one by Mikis Theodorakis.

    • Where do you store all of these? I recently had to get a bigger record rack and I only have about 500 records.fooler
    • I have the front room in our houseGardener
    • The strings on that Dick Emery track are great. Good findIanbolton
  • Gardener2

    Some of my flexi-disc finds at the Groovy Record Fayre
    in London last weekend. I bought most of them for 50p/£1
    from DJ Food who had an amazing stall of goodies.

    This is probably the most recent flexi of the lot from a punk band released in the US in 2018.

    Square 5" disc by German Hip Hop band Die Fantastischen Vier from 1993.

    German Easy Listening Jazz flexi by The Golden Eight & Helmut Siggi.

    Another German (obv) disc in a sleeve that I doubt would be used to promote müsli these days.

    Sugary Australian nursery rhymes sung sweetly by Patsy Biscoe.

    UK disc issued by the GLC in 1985 to educate kids on road safety.

    French audio magazine tone test disc.

    10 x German ads for Coke.

    My fave flexi find of the day was this late 50's promo for the Renault 2CV with a great pic of.... a duck.

  • Gardener1

    I took a trip north of Montrose today with mixed blessings,
    a few charity shop finds and a recycle depot that was a chaotic
    mess, however some things rose to the surface but I got pretty mucky in the process.

    1970 BBC Records catalogue found inside this LP sleeve, which also had its own insert

    only ONE single available!

    Nice 70's jazz guitar compilation which was in an Arabic (?) poly-
    lined outer sleeve, any info on what it actually says appreciated!

    White label test pressing for a release that was only ever
    available as a free promotional cassette tape in 1987, a copy of the tape cover was inside the plain sleeve. The Inter-City train story narrated by Sir Michael Hordern.

    The outer cover was tatty but the disc is playable enough and what a beautiful thing it is too!

    Private pressing of a 12" with an experimental electronic vibe, couldn't find much out about the artist Dominic White even on Discogs.

    Four track 12" by The Horrors includes a steady cover of Suffragette City.

    Old Trad Jazz LP in a daft cover from 1961.

    The cover had some light damage but the record is OK, thankfully Evel doesn't sing on it.

  • Gardener0

    Albums that have been working their way from fairs and boots and charity shops to my turntable these past few weeks.

    Pretty nice space/prog rock from the mid 70's inspired by the book of the same name.

    Happy to pay a fiver for this, I think I've only ever seen it on CD before.

    Covering all bases this is lovely original English pressing of an Irish folk album in an American sleeve.

    Christian folk inspired by Des O'Hare's book 'In The Begginin Wuz The Werd' and other Liverpool tales, calm down, calm down.

    Sadly this is not the legendary Captain Marryat album also on the Thor label which released around the same time as this one by a less exciting Scottish folk duo.

    Still not sure quite what I'll do with this Cuban poetry compilation.

    The shirts! the flares! the lettering! the cover versions!

    I have a few car maintenance singles but this is the first album I've come across, it came in a plain sleeve.

    I bought this weird Dutch double album in a fantastic fold-out sleeve from DJ Food at the Groovy Fayre a few weeks ago and only just got round to listening to it, I wish the music was as bizarre as the artwork as it's pretty dull to be honest, that's probably why he sold it for a couple of quid...

  • Gardener0

  • Gardener1

    I won a box of albums in an auction last week for £26 but I took the majority straight to a charity shop as there was a lot of pop and country, but for some bizarre reason there was a whole batch of 'teach yourself drums' albums. All US pressings and mostly for Jazzers but they stand up as great albums to listen to in their own right, I was only slightly disappointed there wasn't more commentary on some as I might have been able to sample some of that, tis but a minor quibble as most have great sleeves and booklets and I had never seen any of them before.

  • Gardener0

    Amazon eat your heart out!

  • Gardener0

    I won a box of old records at the auction and found this one sided 78rpm lurking inside. It is from around 1904 and as well as being one of the oldest 78's in my collection is most likely the oldest football related record in the world!

    • Do you have the means to play it?Brabo_Brabo
    • It is old and it is beautiful...Brabo_Brabo
    • it is! I've listened to it and it's a comedian talking in a really fast Scottish accent describing the match with crowd roars and that's the jokeGardener
    • rear of disc says 'reproduced in Germany' lolGardener
  • Gardener0

    A mixed bag of 7"s albums and flexis have found their way into my racks over the festive period. I found most of these in one of those vintage shops that have different stalls selling old stuff,
    the return of the new year auctions will hopefully be turning up more of those pesky round things.

    A stereo test record I'd not seen before from the 60's released on Mecca Records from Lancashire.

    Very nice double compilation that collects the bands singles on the 1st disc and the whole of their classic Odessey and Oracle on the 2nd.

    Unusual early 70's private pressing featuring an awful lot of kids singing pensioners ragtime and vaudeville songs.

    London based travel agents promotional flexi from 1964

    Ex-Butlins Redcoats fronted covers band, green and nicely signed which is probably worth more to their mothers than record collectors.

    Набор двойных дисков, выпущенный Управлением по туризму СССР в 1971 году.

    Promo for an Australian trucking company sung by Bruce Woodley founder of 60's pop-folk band The Seekers, the instrumental version on the flip is quite catchy.

    It's hard to go into any charity shops here in Scotland without finding irresistible singles.

    I probably prefer the Canned Heat version but this has a kinda rustic tambourine banging charm

  • Gardener0

    The great Eric Sykes & Hattie Jacques made their only album of songs and sketches in 1962.

    I took a punt on this as I liked it's handmade sleeve, turned out to be a very limited private pressing (500 copies) of a band doing their own pretty good take on The Who's rock opera.

    I have several AiW records but had not come across this American one before, I dig the sleeve.

    Another one I picked up for it's sleeve was this 1972 promo album teaching new employees of the optician chain Dolland & Aitchison how to sell specs.

    I won this in the same auction lot that had what turned out to have the 1907 football 78rpm lurking at the back of the box, £6 well spent.

    A mid 60's folk singer I had not heard of before, her version of Brown Girl In The Ring has different lyrics to the Boney M version we know.

    Really nice chilled out Jazz on Soul Note that was only released on vinyl in Italy.

    This was a £2 charity shop find with a whole bunch of their singles at 50p a pop and it's near mint!

    Canadian stereo sampler from 1961 that has many helpings of cheese.

    1960 protest folk EP which it must be one of the earliest records to feature the ban the bomb symbol on it's cover.

    New Zealand EP from 1967