Guess Who...
Guess Who...
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- 4,771 Responses
- sted2
- Ramanisky23
- Alvin and the Chipmunksutopian
- Middle aged men in the hall_niko
- Spice Girls, menopause 2021 reunionNBQ00
- friends?hans_glib
- trevor and simon, rich fuller, paul chuckle, alan carrkingsteven
- Pearl JamKrassy
- haha @kingsteven That's the most UK answer to a Canadian question.Wolfboy
- @Wolfboy hahah, what a dream team thoughkingsteven
- They're hip, they're cool, they're 55.garbage
- Monty Pythonmaquito
- SteveJobs0
- East ClintwoodRamanisky2
- raymond burrhans_glib
- KraftwerkKrassy
- Vanilla IceFax_Benson
- Jude Law bottom, David Bowie topmonNom
- Dirty Larryoey_oey
- Krassy5
- Jethro Tullfooler
- John LennonFax_Benson
- Rick OwensKrassy
- Not only did he skip legs day...the lazy bastard always skips back day as well.utopian
- he's trying to smuggle a turkey out of the grocery store under the back of his shirtGuyFawkes
- me picking up the dog's turds in the parkkingsteven
- ^ lofl spot on, and I will never be able to unsee myself that way.garbage
- Jimmy Savillemort_
- Adrian Brodyoey_oey
- Krassy0
- Ben Afflecckgrafician
- Lucy in the shed with diazepamkingsteven
- ^ lolKrassy
- That QBN’r who won’t shut up about the new camera and lenses he bought.NBQ00
- The Walrusfooler
- Zach GalifianakisRamanisky2
- that dude with the Leica in EuroTripKrassy
- i like that sweater. where can i buy itsarahfailin
- Some island in Britainoey_oey
- Derm?PhanLo
- Brian BlessedBluejam
- A young David Bellamy.Nairn
- My dad's Nikon F.CyBrainX
- NBQ000
- Marky Markutopian
- Prince Harry (in his head)Gardener
- Leo di Capriografician
- Seth RogenGuyFawkes
- Ben Affleckoey_oey
- good for himcannonball1978
- Everybody wants to look good in Hollywood now. Nobody wants to be the fat funny dude anymore.NBQ00
- Because it feels like shit being fat.cannonball1978
- But somebody gotta be the fat funny dude in Hollywood.NBQ00
- fat funny dudes don't live that long, thomonospaced
- grafician0
- Bruce Lee and Javier BardemOBBTKN
- charles bronson and bardemrenderedred
- Cheech and bardemGuyFawkes
- Jorge Negrete and Eduardo NoriegaMiesfan
- Anthony Kiddis and Michael Boltonoey_oey
- Eric and Don Trump Jrnb
- Edward James Olmos and Ricky Martin.monospaced
- lol @ nbutopian
- Mortal Kombat********
- Geraldo Rivera and Steven SeagalSandder
- Salarrue0
- Godspeed you black emperorGuyFawkes
- Ian Brown, Richard Ashcroft, Simon Pegg and Neil Hannonoey_oey
- Southern CANkingsteven
- IdlesMorning_star
- fleet foxeswhatthefunk
- coleridge6
- roger fedderer_me_
- Indian RamboGuyFawkes
- Pakistani RamboGuyFawkes
- "You’re Not Hunting Him...He’s Hunting You.” - Trautmanutopian
- Dave Bautista with a silly wigRamanisky2
- Just googled this, damnGuyFawkes
- Is this that comedian guy!?monospaced
- Apu Ferrigno_niko
- lol@indian rambosted
- @mono yeah thats dineshGuyFawkes
- Tren hard Anavar give up. (insert a couple syringe emojis here)NBQ00
- Check out the drgs thread I posted a video about him there. He's obviously on steroids/ testosterone therapyNBQ00
- Eugene Levy has had enough!futurefood
- Cunt face®********
- Rowan Atkinsonfadein11
- Roid face®NBQ00
- Salman RushdieMrT
- What is he filming indrgs
- eternalstank02
- +1 futurefood. After his wife passed, he too started banging Stifler's mom.Nairn
- This guy fucks.ideaist
- Too much Russfe$tmisterhow
- I live across the street from this dude. Weird seeing a paparazzi shot from your own block.FNP14
- Wow, it actually is him. I'm more confused by the shitty photoshop on the tank.garbage
- I'll take what he's havingGuyFawkes
- HGHgarbage
- not even once.neverscared
- Wait... who the frig actually is this?kalkal
- It's actually Dinesh from Silicon Valley. He got ripped for a Marvel role. Definitely not natty.garbage
- Jesus. I always wonder if I had Hollywood money (and the incentive for more money) if I could actually manage this.kalkal
- Shame he looks like a deformed Harold Ramis now thokalkal
- NBQ00-10
- Kumail Nanjiani
Pakistani-American comedianutopian - why the downvotes?utopian
- because it's downvote tuesday.sted
- That guy definitely fucksRamanisky2
- Kumail Nanjiani
- whatthefunk0
- Hostin DuffmanRamanisky2
- Snickers Mankingsteven
- ahhhh my brain!_niko
- simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, simon, and garfunkelomer
- Leonard Cohenlemmy_k
- wop16utopian
- Al Pahoffmanfaxion
- Robert DeNiroelahon
- Fredo, you're my brother and I love you...cherub
- Dylan Thomasface_melter
- Paul McCartney everywhereKrassy
- Albert DiNuffroelahon
- Just don't do this to me when I need to confirm a purchase.CyBrainX
- kingsteven4
- the not so fab fourhans_glib
- They all played James Bond ... from top left ... Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Daniel Craig & Sean ConneryBluejam
- Stone RosesFax_Benson
- Fab 4utopian
- @Fax_Benson lolKrassy
- crappy Ringo on the lower right.CyBrainX
- 3 lesbians & a suicide bomberGuyFawkes
- Messiwagshaft
- Trick question, they are the same persondrgs