Men's Fashion & Style

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    • perfect, except for the glasses...janne76
    • normcore
  • scarabin15

    i'm surprised so few people here are willing to entertain or adopt anything outside of the extreme end of boring in terms of fashion. it seems like anything not historically established as classically "safe" or found in a j. crew catalog garners responses bordering on violence...

    we praise originality and edginess in our other visual work but when it comes to our own looks a lot of you act like frightened children.

    i thought we were artists?

    • preach!chukkaphob
    • i'm not suggesting we dress up like pirates or anything but the few shots that get upvotes here all look the samescarabin
    • the "stock photo" lookscarabin
    • agreed. reminds me of high school. step out of line and be laughed at.inteliboy
    • pirates look cool thochukkaphob
    • Also the haute couture stuff gets down voted and hated on... really? The shit is pretty much designers going nuts on human bodies. Tho no qbn appreciation.inteliboy
    • Though experimental flash websites in 2004 were the best!inteliboy
    • I don't pay attention to up/downvotes, especially on this thread. I believe they're thrown around without much thought. Lots for "whatever" reason or no reasonchukkaphob
    • The high fashion, or out of the norm stuff draws people's attention to a person. Some people just don't want to draw attention to themselves.iCanHazQBN
    • Not everyone uses fashion/dress as a way to express themselves.iCanHazQBN
    • that's weird to me because the folks here are awesome. and creative. i just expected a little more... flavor. personal branding.scarabin
    • the way you dress is an expression of your self whether you like it or not. might as well personalize itscarabin
    • This thread is for laughs. 99 percent of the posts on here are for comedic effect. How you dress is the least important form of self expression so seeing these
    • People wearing outlandish costumes and calling it fashion thinking they look cool is the humor in it
    • There's fashion to look stylish and there's fashion to look different. Truly unique AND stylish is rarely achieved successfully, imhoformed
    • Leave the self branding to the kardashians and kanyes. All the posing and costumes reminds me of high school as well
    • "How you dress is the least important form of self expression" lol. it's the first thing anyone sees and tells an enormous story. i’ve seen you making up wholescarabin
    • "How you dress is the least important form of self expression" lol. it's the first thing anyone sees and tells an enormous story. i’ve seen you making up wholescarabin
    • books of assumptions about a person based on nothing more than a glimpse of what they’re wearing.scarabin
    • i can't comment on what you guys actually wear because i don't know, i'm just reacting to what i've seen here. and i'm obviously not referring to stuff postedscarabin
    • for humor's sake. the difference is obviousscarabin
    • agreed, formedscarabin
    • Yea, i see a man who is all primped and dressed up like a side show and I make assumptions about their lack of substance to be spending so much time on somethin
    • Something that matters so little
    • who said anything about dressing like a sideshow?scarabin
    • it's okay gilga, caring about one's appearance has long been a hallmark of masculinity. you can look good without being "one a' them queers"scarabin
    • Lol, sideshow as in making a spectacle out of yourself as some misguided form of self expression. Really, it just screams vapid and insecure. Lol at your attemp
    • Attempt to profile me as well. I disagree with you on this one so I must be homophobic, you aren't persecuted, you are just an attention whore
    • haha. calm down, gilga. i'm honestly not trying to ruffle any feathers here, it was an observation about creativity in the lives of designers, not an attack onscarabin
    • any of you fine folks. i apologize if i've offended anyone.scarabin
    • but for the record, it wasn't this topic or your way of dressing yourself that screams homophobia. your manliness is like your favorite topicscarabin
    • I never said anything of the sort so that must be coming from a personal problem of your own. And you are most definitely trying to ruffle feathers, likinening
    • People on qbn to frightened school children, and claiming to be the recipient of 'borderline violence' whatever the fuck that whiney shit means
    • i never claimed the be the recipient of anything. haha. no idea where you're getting this shit. or the persecution thing. nothing of that sort was ever said.scarabin
    • i also never said anything about school or making a spectaclescarabin
    • you miss the point entirely, which is that it is odd for designers to praise creativity in one area and apparently abhor it in another. i was hoping forscarabin
    • a discussion, not you foaming at the mouth in some sort of vitriolic frenzy, making shit up about me being victimized or whatever trip you’re onscarabin
    • Spare me the people who need to "make a statement" with their clothing choices.i_monk
    • And by the way, you don't have to be vain and effeminate to be homosexual, it might surprise you to learn that there are plenty of masculine gay guys
    • you are certainly correct, sirscarabin
    • "garners responses bordering on violence" you are just like mono, say one thing and then try to deny it and make believe you didn't say what you did. No vitrio
    • Vitriol here kiddo lol, just calling them how I see them, your melodrama is quite entertaining though. Bravo
    • i was referring to notes about punching people for their outfits, of which there are many. not anyone here coming to harmscarabin
    • people getting worked up over what someone is wearing instead of just letting them do their thing and not giving a shitscarabin
    • Nobody is upset other than you, this thread is all laughs at the vapid people who wear silly costumes and incorrectly think people will take them seriously
    • And here you come along putting down people for laughing at the clowns, lol, it is you who has missed the point, then again, you are too close to see it aren't
    • you
    • one, i'm not upset, and two, no, not the entire thread. as i said, the difference between humor posts and style posts is obvious. you're just repeating yourselfscarabin
    • "when it comes to our own looks a lot of you act like frightened children.

      i thought we were artists?"
    • Yeaaa, you mad. Like i said. You are too close to see it but the pretentious bullshittery is amusing for everyone else but you
    • i know it's difficult for you to comprehend, but a person can be critical without being angryscarabin
    • you got anything relevant to add or are you just trying to use up notes?scarabin
    • Says the moron who accused me of being in a vitriolic frenzy. Lol, sorry kid, I'm not accustomed to such melodrama, usually when people act the way you have con
    • Conducted yourself here it is because they are upset. Then again, you would like to project all your insecurities on everyone else it seems, not surprised you
    • Dress the way you do, clearly have some shit you are trying to work through. Still laughing at your attempt to color me some type of homophobe btw
    • gilga, every exchange you have here is melodrama. you’re notorious for being unable to have a conversation without it blowing up into a 50+ note shitshowscarabin
    • of insults and assumptionsscarabin
    • Anything relevant? Yea sure. So what story am I supposed to see when I see you in your little costumes with the fingerless gloves and emo shit. Do tell
    • talk about not being aware of your own bullshit... son, you don’t get to talk about needing to work things out or projecting issues or posting angry. fucking LOLscarabin
    • costumes? i wear gloves sometimes because i build shit. beyond that i wear jeans and a t-shirtscarabin
    • fuckin' chuck taylors. haha.scarabin
    • 'I know you are bit what am i' c'mon nate, be a man, you picked a fight coming out the gate with insults and melodrama, you got what you asked for. Do you know
    • What story your little costume says to every adult who sees you, it says childhood abuse, low self esteem, and substance abuse. Is that really what you want to
    • Go around advertising as your 'personal brand' you look like a walking stereotype
    • yeah, jeans and a t-shirt do that to people who like projecting shitscarabin
    • Lol, OK then, back to playing pretend. Can't decide which side of the fence you are on huh, whichever stance suits you in the moment huh, lol, be a man nate
    • we've established your brain only operates in terms of stereotypes, this is your limitation, not mine. i've experienced none of what you describescarabin
    • which makes you harping on my homophobe jab only that much more hilariousscarabin
    • i knew i wasn't serious, you'll go to your grave believing i was abused in some wayscarabin
    • there you go again, wanking on about manhood. pointing out that you're full of shit has nothing to do with my machismoscarabin
    • you know what constantly bringing up masculinity says to other adults? what story that tells?scarabin
    • Lol, you and the white girls with dreads really have it all figured out then huh. Go on dressing like a clown, it's everyone else who has the problem, not you
    • don't worry, i will. and you know i value your psychological assessment, as the clearly learned and well-balanced individual you arescarabin
    • btw, i concede that my original post was pretty dick-ish. i regret that and apologize to anyone who's bothered to read this farscarabin
    • Nothing psychological about it, i'm telling you what the first impressions of your fashion sense say about you to the rest of the adult world. You aren't a uniq
    • Unique snowflake and nobody cares about your alternative lifestyle, time to grow up Peter pan, you are the one with the problem not us
    • gilga, i doubt you could find ten people who can stand being in the same room as you, let alone elect you spokesman for “the rest of the adult world”.scarabin
    • you got anything else? you were almost holding it together earlier but it’s all just kind of breaking down now.scarabin
    • maybe get some sleep and come back to this in the morning. i can wait.scarabin
    • there you go again, pretending like you know anything about me. you come on here, spout off insults, call me a homophobe on the basis of having a different fash
    • fashion sense than you, and now prattle on about what a bad guy i must be. take it or leave it, you know i'm right though, that's why you ran to the mods trying
    • all aboard the gilga trainwreck, choo chooscarabin
    • to get this post deleted. i made my point, you can act all flippant but i know you heard me and will probably do some reflecting on it when the butthurtness su
    • subsides
    • dude you haven't even made any points, let alone any credible ones. all you've done is throw out silly theories about my personal life and claim to representscarabin
    • the whole world with your hateful stereotyping. if you want anyone to consider anything you say you’re gonna need to cut out the shitty name calling, ridiculousscarabin
    • assumptions and gain some fucking credibility and respect in this place. considering the way you act here that won’t be for a very long time, if at all.scarabin
    • i’m at least trying to keep things positive (but fuck up sometimes which is why i requested the post be deleted). but go ahead, attack my manhood or call me emoscarabin
    • some more. let’s see how seriously i take you.scarabin
    • in short, don't fucking flatter yourself.scarabin
    • I don't care in the slightest if you don't like me, you know i'm right though. everyone else stays silent for fear of the knee jerk homophobia accusations, i am
    • immune to that shit though. i am just saying what a good portion of people on here have always wanted to say to you and were too worried about their profesional
    • reputation being smeared by you to do so. well i said my piece and you heard me loud and clear. reflect on it, and in the future don't throw around the gay card
    • have a tiny bit of class
    • jesus fuck dude, i already told you i wasn’t serious about it. and there’s nothing for you to be right about because it’s all just been angry noise aboutscarabin
    • my personal life, none of which has any basis in reality. you go ahead and tell yourself you’ve dropped something insightful though if it makes you feel betterscarabin
    • after your little tantrum.scarabin
    • not hateful or angry at all, i find your costumes quite amusing. just telling you what the entire adult world assumes about you based on the first impression
    • seeing as how you say how important you think first impressions are and what your clothes say about you. you look like a depressed teenager. do you understand
    • do you have any idea what your constant bitching, closed-mindedness, prejudice, stereotyping and negativity on here says about you? bitter old fuck who neverscarabin
    • gets out of the house and hates everyone. add the constant, unending references to masculinity and you can scribble “insecure with his manhood” to that list.scarabin
    • i’ll take my happy-go-lucky guy who loves life but looks like a “depressed teenager” despite his shit-eating grin over that any day.scarabin
    • and for the last time, your narrow view does not represent the whole of humanity. get over your damn self.scarabin
    • seriously, for the last 30 posts you've just been repeating yourself and trying to pat yourself on the back. if you don't have anything groundbreaking to sayscarabin
    • just stfuscarabin
    • Your the one with a hangup on masculinity, i'm telling you to grow up and act your age, nothing more. Don't put your issues on me. And yes, every adult outside
    • if you can't tell, i'm not interested in what you imagine "acting my age" to be. if it has anything to do with how you behave, fuck everything about itscarabin
    • outside of LA takes one look at you and makes the same assumptions, it has nothing to do with hate or prejudice, nice try though
    • there are enough assholes in the worldscarabin
    • You know I'm right. Reflect on it, I'm sure you will see the validity in what I'm saying when you are done being feeling hurt
    • and if you think my point had anything to do with considering others while styling yourself you’ve lost the plot entirely. way to keep upscarabin
    • what i said was that one’s personal style is not an invalid form of expression as you said. you’re the one that’s overly concerned with what others think of youscarabin
    • probably why you're so goddamned frigidscarabin
    • i do what i do because it makes me happy. i wear what i wear for the same reason. i offer no apologies and expect nothing from anyone. i just want to see peoplescarabin
    • enjoy what i consider to be an enjoyable facet to their creative lives instead of being frozen in fear or wrapped up in ignorant biasesscarabin
    • the only thing that makes me sad is that you're so goddamned lost in your prejudical BS that all you can see is "costume"scarabin
    • What gave you the impression that I care what you people think of me, once again, don't put your issues on me. Your little get up screams for attention, of cour
    • Course I'm sure you spend plenty of time gazing at yourself in the mirror
    • because you keep bringing up how you imagine others see me. clearly this idea is important to you, and it's totally missing the pointscarabin
    • again, with the silly assumptions about my personal life. ad hominem attacks and shots at my ego. you're so fucking lost, kidscarabin
    • you're not even present in this conversation. to you it's just me vs youscarabin
    • It seems odd to me how you refer to yourself as grinning and happy when in all the multitudes of pictures you vainly post of yourself everywhere, you haven't
    • Been smiling in a single one. Always the same glum, angsty teen look
    • you're just seeing what you wanna see. whatever supports your delusion. if you knew me in person and had the balls you'd apologize for how wrong you've beenscarabin
    • about me. your strange little fantasy idea of me is so off the mark it's not even funnyscarabin
    • your redneck mind can't get past "he wears black" to see any kind of human beingscarabin
    • but that's your M.O. judge first and never ask questions laterscarabin
    • Am I an old man, am I a kid, am I frigid, am I full of vitriol. Lol, you a confused little man, and one can tell that just by looking at you
    • you've got me pegged as some kind of silly dark archetype but i'm all fucking archetypes. i do what i do and love everythingscarabin
    • i'm sure if we kicked it i'd have to update some of my ideas about you as well. the difference is i'm down for that. fucking prove me wrong, manscarabin
    • i've literally shown no emo behaviors here. you saw the hair and that was the end of itscarabin
    • you think i'm goth but i don't even like metal. i don't wear makeup or mope around. it's a ridiculous idea to mescarabin
    • i wear black because it's fucking zen, man. it's an easy choice. it's a blank slate that allows me to add my own kind of colorscarabin
    • but you never askedscarabin
    • Well I have no plans to ever go back to LA so unless you are in Boston you are going to have to take my word for it. Don't wear the costume if you don't want pe
    • People to make assumptions
    • it's not a costume, it's a rejection of mass marketed crap and a fearless embrace of what makes me comfortable and happyscarabin
    • again, i don't give a fuck about your assumptions, only that you cling so dearly to them. i can't help that.scarabin
    • And certainly dont for a moment think that other people should have to get to know you before instantly judging you. That's how the adult world works sweetheart
    • i am not about to change myself to accommodate anyone's prejudicesscarabin
    • i'm not gonna enable that shit, you'll just have to deal with your own issuesscarabin
    • Doesn't make me a hatefull ignorant blah blah blah generic insults type of person, it makes me honest. Not a lot of people will take the time to be honest with
    • You. Reflect on what I have said to you, it's for your own good
    • it does when you don't even try to get to know me. you built a wall made of stereotypes and happily sat atop it, enjoying your imagined superiorityscarabin
    • all you've said to me is shit reinforcing your preconceived beliefs. i've processed what little else there was already. there's nothing to reflect but your ownscarabin
    • crap right back at you and i’m bored with that alreadyscarabin
    • Vegan, occultist, fetishist, artismal, brooding, scene typical LA type, you are a walking stereotype but you have convinced yourself that you are some fearless
    • Unique snowflake, just like those posuer wanna be granola fake dread white girls. Lol, and you say I don't get out of my house
    • that said, i know i'm not perfect and my original post reflects that. it was ill-worded and reactionaryscarabin
    • C'mon, you are a caracature, the real you is under the 100 dollar haircuts and emo cutter bracelets somewhere, let that dormant adult out to stretch his legs
    • you forgot to add hippy, large-scale artist, gardener, tinkerer, lover, sci-fi buff, etc etc. you take what fits your stereotype because it pleases youscarabin
    • that white girl with dreads runs a homeless shelter and is one of the sweetest women i have ever met. again, fuck you and your assumptionsscarabin
    • you're seeing the tail of an elephant and assuming you're holding a snake because you hate snakesscarabin
    • "emo cutter bracelets"? wtf are you talking about? i wear friendship bracelets that were given to me, and festival bands to remember the good times i've had.scarabin
    • Go to supercuts, get a cheap hairdo and put on some clothes that fit you that aren't all designer distressed metro shit and you will still be you. Shit is a cos
    • this is exactly what i'm talking about. assumptions, assumptions.scarabin
    • Costume you are hiding behind. But hey, I have told you that a couple dozen times and while you say you dissagree, you know it's true. I have said my piece
    • again, all of my clothes fit. i distressed them myself because i like the look or have loved them to death. and wtf is a cheap hairdo going to accomplish? makescarabin
    • you feel better about yours? it’s not even relevant.scarabin
    • Friendship bracelets and festival something or other. Gahaha that's what I'm talking about. Time to grow the fuck up, that shit is for teenagers
    • i could make the changes you suggest but all it's going to do is betray my own happiness in exchange for yours. and when you treat me like this why shouldscarabin
    • i care about your happiness?scarabin
    • my relationship with people i love is important to me and those things represent that. if that's childish again, fuck whatever it is you imagine adulthood to bescarabin
    • So is vanity and preoccupation with your own superficial appearance which is what this whole post is about. It's child shit and you know it
    • it clearly hasn't made you happy because all you ever express here is negativityscarabin
    • wait, who said i'm vain? nothing i do is driven by vanityscarabin
    • To feel the need to wear on yourself a representation of who and what you are and every relationship is indicative of a shake and shallow sense of self, commonl
    • again, i'm not preoccupied with my appearance, i just take care to choose things i like. FFS man, you're not paying attentionscarabin
    • Commonly found amongst teens going through an identity crisis. Your supposed to grow out of this shit you are stuck in
    • *shakey
    • omg that is such an insane statement. that being myself is shallow? that's just outright nonsensescarabin
    • modeling yourself after someone you're not just to please others is shallowscarabin
    • i'm fucking honestscarabin
    • You don't need a costume to be yourself
    • Unless you yourself are so shallow that you need a costume to feel halfway decent about your appearance
    • again, if you think it's a costume you're missing the point. a costume is wearing fucking khakis everyday to fit in. you honestly don't see that?scarabin
    • Defining yourself by what clothes you wear is supremely shallow by the way
    • i don't define myself with my clothes. they are a reflection of my pre-existing self.scarabin
    • Fuck me 172 notes. I just came here to agree with scarabin. Although to be honest I could same the same about beliefs...
    • Has nothing to do with my happiness, I already told you, I don't care. I am engaging you on this 200 post exchange out of empathy
    • howdy set, glad you could join us. i think (hope) we're finally clearing some things up herescarabin
    • Obviously you know there is a lot of truth in what I am saying or you would have disengaged a long time ago
    • Anything out of the norm is instantly ridiculed rather than intelligently questioned
    • Society has expectations about how you should present yourself. You can throw all that to the wind in order to be a unique snowflake but you will find that real
    • Really, you are just making yourself into a caricature to your own detriment. It is a mask to hide behind, it is unhealthy behavior for an adult
    • Gilgamush only deals in absolutes in order to defend his antiquated half-head opinions. Sad really.
    • Nothing wrong with expressing yourself through what you wear, calm down there Himmler
    • What you just said was an absolute so what's your point really
    • okay, man. i can tell by that statement alone you're not grokking. it's cool. let's just do our own separate things. rest assured i am a supremely happyscarabin
    • and developed adult, and thanks for your concern, as ill-founded and insincere as it is.scarabin
    • And yes, there is plenty wrong with expressing yourself through what you wear, it is vain and shallow, and the more you indulge in making a spectacle out of you
    • Yourself, the more vain and shallow everyone who sees you assumes you must be
    • you've made clear you're not budging or understanding. we get it.scarabin
    • you're just repeating yourself at this point, let's save ourselves the troublescarabin
    • Call me insencere, liken me to mass murderers, what ever, I couldn't care Amy less what you think of me, you know I'm right though or you wouldn't still be here
    • *any
    • I like how you speak for everyone, haha. Thats just you there buddy. Just you and your bizarre opinions.
    • Still, it'd be pretty boring of we all agreed all of the time.
    • It's sad that you're so empirically repressed that you think dressing in any way other than the complete and utter norm is vain and shallow. Poor guy.
    • another crazy statement. i continued you because i thought you might finally understand. you don't. all you're interested in is being right on the internetscarabin
    • Emotionally repressed*
    • i don't dislike you or hate you. i was hoping you might understand where i'm coming from but it's just too different from what you're used to.scarabin
    • your last 20 posts have been repeating that you're right instead of listening.scarabin
    • talk to me when you're ready to listenscarabin
    • There set goes again setting up straw man's. A little bit of vanity never killed anybody. It is bad for the character though, be wary when investing so much of
    • 'Who you are' into what you look like, it's not a good path to go down, speaking of emotional repression haha
    • *mans
    • Tedious man
    • Right, I'll leave you two to it - haha. Another utterly fruitless internet exchange.
    • yeah, i'm bailing too. i think others will understand, even if gilga doesn't. i've got work tomorrow. night all <3scarabin
    • I'm pretty sure I made my point a hundred some posts ago. It wasn't fruitless, he can say whatever he needs in order to save face but he heard me. Going fishing
    • Gilga, I live in Boston and there's anything from jock, to hipster, to punk, to conservative, etc, etc... what we choose to wear is more cultural than societal.IRNlun6
    • wow, you guys been busy!formed
    • 200+ notes flolpinkfloyd
    • I've come to this post last and I'm not going to read 200 notes. But can someone let me know if we came to a decision on dressing like pirates?Wolfboy
    • The QBN consensus on dressing like a pirate is that it's both acceptable and encouraged.chukkaphob
    • A pirate? Why are you escaping from your true identity? What are you trying to hide exactly? Maybe stop allowing fashion conceal your true world.iCanHazQBN
    • me: dress like a pirate if it makes you happy
    • I'd dress like a pirate any day. Except job interview for none pirate related job.pango
    • Lol, I was wondering when you would show up. What were you for Halloween pango
    • Pizzapango
    • Even though i had bunch processed and genetically altered pepperonis on me. IT DOESN'T DEFINE WHO I AM!pango
    • although i thought about being a piece of meat for the next halloween.pango
    • what were you for halloween?pango
    • here you go pango :)…
    • gilgamush > certified by scarabinutopian
    • Scarabin = Gilgamush?
      OHHHHHH Shit just got real!!
    • scarabin, you should not apologize for your post just as nobody should be offended by it. I hope you see thismonospaced
    • "I hope you see this" Do you talk like this in real life? Are you a lesbian?pinkfloyd
    • My last post was mean, my apologizes.pinkfloyd
    • Thanks. Of all people you must recognize that my comment could easily be hidden by another set of followups, and scarabin might not be arsed to check backmonospaced
    • +1 monochukkaphob
    • This is peak QBN.nb
    • Made you look
    • tl:drhans_glib
  • detritus0

    Not saying you necessarily, but I've often found through life that people who make so much effort on their externalities are usually compensating for being quite dull internally.

    Conversely, the most interesting minds I've met in life generally couldn't really two shits about how they look, or how people perceive them outwardly.

    • -1'd by three blokes who dye their hair!detritus
    • walk around in cheesecloth detrituspinkfloyd
    • my point was in favor of dressing to please yourself, not dressing to please others. i think there's a difference. pleasing yourself doesn't have to take effortscarabin
    • i think adhering to an "safe, acceptable" template instead of just doing you is putting on a silly costume, not the other way aroundscarabin
    • if i put on khakis it would be a total costume because it's not who i am. nahmeen? that doesn't mean that i'm going out of my way to be different, either.scarabin
    • it's just what i enjoyscarabin
    • Aye man, sure - I really wasn't framing you as for you it's a whole lifestyle anyway, so good on ya'.

      I'm just saying that i've met a lot of
    • ...
      compensatory twats who replace character with pink fucking hair.
    • Me, I've had my own uniform for about 6 years now. Plain, not too descript, but not generic either and.. mine.

      GF hates it.
    • right on, i feel yascarabin
    • Thanks Detritus - you have summed it up v.succintly... saved me getting involved. As for Scarabincomparing to graphic design, meh - totally different matters.fadein11
    • Shut up detrituspinkfloyd
    • YOU SUCKpinkfloyd
    • Haha. Khakis aren't 'you' lol
    • but is khakis anybody?pango
    • Ditridus. But there's no certainty in what you said. it's just those people you met who's interesting happened to be the ones who couldn't be troubled withpango
    • external appearance. Or maybe they tried and gave up. it's like somebody just can't draw. doesn't mean they are unintelligent.pango
    • I find it odd few of you who said appearance doesn't define one's character yet they are the ones who insist on defining other's character based on appearance.pango
    • Khakis exist in the fashion world and have for many many years for a reason. They can be done right. Lolmonospaced
    • Yea but some of this and a bit of that and all the rest and that
    • All I'm saying is that I've noted a correlation between dull people and extravagant aesthetics. I've met lots in life and yes, there are exceptions. Not many.detritus
    • When I was younger, I naturally assumed extravagant aesthetics meant interesting personalities. Now that I'm old, I try and see the character before the effort.detritus
    • so i guess your observation experience falls under "cool story bro"?pango
    • If you want to respond with an internet meme, saying fuck all and prove how witless you are under your bleached hair.. yes?detritus
    • I dunno, I'm not the one getting touchy here.detritus
    • Oh no touchy at at all. don't worry about it one bit. Just want to confirm that you agree what you said has no certainty.pango
    • I'm struggling to see where I have said anything here in absolute binary terms, but then I'm not on The Spectrum, so I'm quite comfortable with that.detritus
    • Although the I find my bleach blond hair is only as relevant as if you wearing a pink t shirt. It's just a colour.pango
    • "Most people wearing thick frame glasses are smart. But of course with few exceptions" you see where I'm going at?pango
    • No, I'm talking about my experience.

      In my experience, most people who wear thick-rimmed glasses are using them as a conceit, but what the hey.
    • I wear them because my eyes are really bad and I can't see without them. Thin frames reveal the thick lenses.monospaced
    • Generalisations... Woo
    • The brain is a pattern-recognition engine, so everything in your head is 'a generalisation'. The only problem is when generalisations aren't questioned. Woodetritus
    • tell us more
  • Fax_Benson6

    I don't think it's mutually exclusive. I'm clever AND stylish, but I don't have to try at either, so I'm not vain or arrogant.

  • chukkaphob3

    • Nice!pinkfloyd
    • I don't get graphic on the inside.pango
    • i had a friend who use to silkscreen porn into the lining of blazers just for the fuck of itscarabin
    • Actually I don't like graphics on clothing at all. It's my thing.pango
    • @pango, that's the joy division graphic which represents star pulses or somethingpinkfloyd
    • I know where that graphic is from. Just don't get why graphics are on the inside.pango
    • @pango because it's what's on the inside that matters.chukkaphob
    • It's because it's rad and if someone sees it they will also think it's rad because it's creative and unexpected and people love that shitmonospaced
    • I'd love to have an awesome blazer that looks normal but with a sick print inside. It's not that uncommon for lining to be fancymonospaced
    • Joy division fuck yea
    • I know it's common... I just think it's equivalent to tattooing the inside of your lips. Don't get it and not for me is all.pango
    • Who gives a fuck
    • everyone who commented or up/down votedchukkaphob
    • GAYHayoth
    • LOL Hayoth. Thanks for comedic relief.monospaced
  • IRNlun63

  • Fax_Benson1

    I'm with scarabin. Why wouldn't you wear what you want to - and for whatever reason. Maybe you find it comfortable / interesting / exciting / affordable / reassuringly anonymous, scatologically practical. Or you just don't want to be told what to wear by corporate style bods.

    That said - it won't stop me silently judging you in the street as I walk past.

    • 'dickhead'

      'genuine oddball'

    • totally fair. all i'm saying is don't fear those judgements because nothing matters and you're gonna die anyway. enjoy what you enjoy and fuck what people thinkscarabin
    • ayeFax_Benson
    • Judging silently falls under "other people's opinion". Which most of the time is not that important as all.pango
    • Well.... Not entirely not important. Depends on what kind of impression you want to give. But if you don't care about the impression then ya fuck it.pango
    • I don't get it...if you don't care about others, then why would you go to extremes for 'personal expression', isn't that a little hypocritical?formed
    • https://media.giphy.…pango
    • who said anything about "extremes"? i'm talking about allowing your personality to show instead of wearing a "society mask"scarabin
  • pango1

    I have couple rules for my self.
    Practical. Agile. Sturdy. Weather proof. No rustling sound. Subtle detail you can only see with in a meter. No graphics. No bright colour that stands out or attracts attention.

    So.... I pretty much look like a fucking ninja everyday....

    • i'm sure the wig gives you away
    • why?pango
    • while you are still here. could you answer this for me?pango
    • Gilga. why do "you" constantly define other people by their external appearance? if you said "define who you are by what you wear is alarmingly shallow"pango
    • ok, me calling you a dumb blonde is not defining you, it's describing you. see how that works, your question is retarded btw
  • pango0

    What other formal suit or look options do we have that's not Italian influenced?
    I really don't like how business world everyone dresses the same style of Italian suits and tie. It's Italian right?

  • ok_not_ok1
    • finally an informative and valuable post on this thread!chukkaphob
    • nice suit, but the tie is too wide on the first onepinkfloyd
    • the italian suit looks best to mepinkfloyd
    • yeah, Italian for surechukkaphob
    • So...moral is: Europeans have better lighting?Gucci
    • god damn it... i can't see the difference... y'all look the same to me...pango
    • I think it's more than lighting Ducci. The Italian suit has a better fit, cutting and material.pinkfloyd
    • The other suits look flat, cheap, burlington coat factory and puffypinkfloyd
    • Zoot Suits look best on meutopian
  • Hayoth3

    I have orange shoes.

  • iCanHazQBN0

  • iCanHazQBN-3

    I like the bird!! lol

    • How can you downvote this??! Look at this bird!!!!iCanHazQBN
  • ********

    Against Scarabin's point, dressing well is actually rare. How many people are wearing jeggins or dumb prints from H&M or Old Navy? Go to H&M and there are oversized tees and pants with 100 zippers and rips. How many people with undercuts are there? In this age, it's not hard to find crazy outfits and people are more accepting than ever.

    It takes some thought to actually dress well with good pieces that fit your body and match.

  • ********

    In my view, this is how "fashion forward" people dress these days. As designers, don't we want to dress better than these brainless "trendy" people?

    • assuming these are designers, maybe the ability to spot, predict and utilize trends is something they want to communicatescarabin
    • i was just surprised more designers aren’t starting their own trends i thinkscarabin
    • Good design is about subtle details and I don't think most people here are experimen artists, so that probably explains the "ordinary" way people want to dress.
    • good pointscarabin
    • I'll go for something tasteful and a little more sophisticated vs. trendy. I kinda look at "trendy" as young, employed, "sophisticated" as mature, boss/owner.formed
    • i can see the way you approach design problems daily affecting those choices. i wonder if it would be possible to guess the type of design work a person does byscarabin
    • their clothing choicesscarabin
    • It's definitely possible to get a general idea.
    • Probably, but it's probably more of a reflection of co-workers, clients, etc. My clients wouldn't let me in the door if I dressed like some of the images here!formed
    • Sometimes clients want crazy ideas and "new thinking", but if they're a museum or college or bank, they might not take you seriously if you're dressed like that
    • I think it was the Razorfish founders that wore neon suits...back when it was "new", you could get away with "different" for shock value. But today,formed
    • web, etc., is not new anymore. How you dress projects where you are in life, age, success, etc. For pure design talent, I just let the work speak.formed
  • ********

    But to agree with Scarabin, we could dress more like artists.