The Russia thread.

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  • pango1

    • Even if they did have bio labs there, that doesn't justify their invasion.Chimp
    • Remember Saddam and his WMDs? There’s always a reason, now matter how made up it is!Ianbolton
    • wasn't highlighting if the bio lab is real or not but to highlight how qanon troll information spiral out of control.pango
    • if you repeating the same words qanon uses that you wouldn't normally use from several years ago, you're caught up in it already.pango
    • Totally. It's ridiculous how the slightest bit of wrong info can lead to the fabrication of any story whatsoever todayIanbolton
  • NBQ000

    Russian Karting Driver gives Nazi salute on poduim (Artem Severiukhin). And that stupid laugh.

    Since Russia was banned from participating Italy has let him drive under their flag. Hopefully he gets banned for life.

  • NBQ000
  • NBQ002

    Rumors are swirling in Russia about Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu having suffered a massive heart attack.

    Leonid Nevzlin, a former co-head of the oil giant Yukos, claims that Shoigu is in critical condition.

    He also says that 20 top generals have been arrested.…

    Poo-tin going berzerk.

    • Close enough to “detrone vlad”
      If he doesn’t have anybody to delegate to, they are dead in the water
    • Again?drgs
  • Nairn0

    From earlier this year..…

  • grafician-2

    “ (Reuters) - Belarus on Friday announced a ban on trucks registered in the European Union from entering its territory, Interfax news agency quoted the transport ministry as saying.”

    Basically cutting out Russia from European trade...

  • _niko3

    I know Putin invaded Ukraine over what he called Naziism, when in reality it was a handful of neo-nazi hooligans, which Russia also has a ton of, but as a whole, Putin is a totalitarian dictator of a far-right fascist regime akin to the actual Nazi party no?

    • More or less, yeah.Continuity
    • Putin's actions are even similar to Hitler at the beginning of WW2. Hitler thought Poland was a fake country, he used the pretext of protecting ethnic Germansyuekit
    • It was a Putin's strawman. There is a contingent of Neonazis that has been folded into the Ukrainian force that serves in the east.garbage
    • But ffs, Putin's buddy runs their merc group equivalent to Academi / Blackwater, and Putin uses them for war crimes all the time.garbage
    • Top brass are literal Nazis. They named themselves Wagner Group, it can't be more obvious projection.garbage
    • They're good at killing civilians, but they fired on American troops in Syria and Mattis fucking smoked them, hundreds killed in minutes.garbage
    • Thanks for the info garbage, I just read about that battle : https://en.m.wikiped…_niko
    • No problem, and if you want to dig deeper look up Yevgeny Prigozhin. He's a fucking movie and a half.garbage
    • Petty thief turned hotdog salesman turned casino owner turned Putin's mob connection and financier of a private military company. It's insane.garbage
    • Oh and he also is likely the head or at least a higher up in the Internet Research Agency, which is the most prominent Russian bot farm..garbage
    • ..for the past 10 years, arguably the most destructive disinformation machine in recent memory.garbage
    • Article on the Wagner Group's activities in Africa
    • "A man said Russian mercenaries and the Central African Army tortured him and cut off his finger with an axe"yuekit
    • Bit fucked up to send neo Nazi mercenaries into Africa. Apparently they are helping Central African government suppress rebellion and guarding diamond mines.yuekit
    • saying you go against nazis, communists, capitalists or bioweapons are common means to convince people into wars. makes people think wars are right.uan
    • Fascism communism totalitarianism are all far left ideologies with total government control far right is anarchy or libertarianismHayoth
    • what?sted
    • even Hitler disagrees with you Hayoth lolsted
    • We've already established that it's not worth engaging the village idiot. If he's doing a bit, it's boring..garbage
    • ..and if he really has such a raging misunderstanding of basic political ideologies, he's beyond reason.garbage
  • NBQ000

  • NBQ001

  • shapesalad2

    Some useful insights even in the first 10mins, eg a pollution with low education, high drug/alcohol abuse, high rates of TB and aids etc.

  • drgs2

    "Geneva Agreements
    The general name of a number of fundamental documents signed by the governments of the largest states after the events of 2035. They are the legal foundation of the New World Order.

    Moscow Trials
    Actions of the international community to condemn the crimes committed by the former Russia against peace and progress of mankind.

    The First Moscow Trial was organized by Russian human rights activists and had no legal force, but its recommendations were favorably received by the world community.

    Of greatest importance was the Second Moscow Trial, known as the "Trial of Russia", which laid the foundations for the new political system in the former Russia. All Russian states were forbidden to have own territories in exclusive possession (they could only exist as co-ownerships). An institution of guardianship over the former Russian territories was created. Each Russian state must have at least three official guardians. All Russian states are required to have Geneva constitutions with significant restrictions in rights. In addition, a large-scale de-Russification program was adopted.

    The Third Moscow Trial proclaimed an objective collapse of the totalitarian community of the Russian people, removed some of the restrictions from a number of Russian states, especially from Moscow and St. Petersburg, which were allowed to keep their own territory (see Nuvorashi). At the same time it was decided to make Moscow Trials regular events in memory of the victims of Russian crimes against humanity.

    The Fourth and Fifth Moscow Trials were held as memorial shows on a commercial basis.

    Nuvorashi/Nouveaux russes
    Descendants of the so-called "new Russians". Nuvorashi are not considered to be Russian, although the majority speaks one of the versions of the Russian language. By decision of the Third Moscow Trial they are considered to be the legal owners of the former Russian culture (science, art, literature until 1990). Nuvorashi are not subject to the restrictions imposed on the Russian peoples by the Geneva Demographic Committee. Population: about 6 million, moslty in Moscow and St. Petersburg enclaves.

    According to the definition of the Second Moscow Trial, national diasporas of the former Russia and Yugoslavia that have a common criminal past (with the exception of peoples who have been enslaved by the Russian regimes). Residents of the former Soviet national republics and autonomies, as well as descendants of Nuvorashi are not considered to be Russian. Most Russians speak Russian, Komi and Serbian (according to a special decision of the Second Moscow Trial, some of the inhabitants of the former Yugoslavia, the so-called "Serbs", are considered to be Russian). All Russians are carriers of totalitarian complexes. Population in 2068: about 40 million people.

    Totalitarian complexes
    A common mental pathology which manifests itself in systematic reassessment of the subjective value of a thing or service. Thus, undervaluation of reliable information leads to a "truth complex" or "truth-seeking"; overvaluation of design of an object leads to "aestheticism" or "cult of beauty", etc.

    Phycological test for totalitarian complexes
    In everyday life it is called obedience test. A passed test is required for Russians to work in large companies.
    The procedure was developed during the Second Moscow Trial. The subject is exposed to a series of various humiliations (verbal and physical) while being strapped to a lie-detector. If the performed actions do not cause internal resistance in the subject, but only fear and guilt, the test is considered successfully passed."

  • pango0
  • Krassy6

    Two Russian Oligarchs Die in Mysterious Circumstances 24 Hours Apart…

  • grafician-3

    "Russia Does Not Seem to Be After Ukraine's Gas Reserves"

    "There seems to be, quite simply, very little reason to believe that the true stakes of the war in Ukraine are the country's natural gas reserves.

    Ukrainian gas fields appear too small to justify the costs of the invasion, too hard to keep, and almost impossible for Russia to exploit.

    One of the few things Russia is not short on already is hydrocarbons. If Moscow hoped to cheaply take over Ukrainian gas reserves, it would appear no less misguided and miscalculated than the hope for a quick and painless regime change."…

    • Yeah, always thought the hydrocarbons angle was a strange take, given Russia's vast resources in that regard.Nairn
  • Nairn6

    "Russia’s central bank says that the economy will plummet in the second quarter and Putin is ignoring the warning"…

    • It's ok, all the men will have new jobs... raping and killing ukrainians.shapesalad
    • he is gonna sell some nukes.. a russian fairytale.neverscared
  • NBQ003

    - Sergey Protosenya
    - Vladislav Avaev
    - Vasily Melnikov
    - Mikhail Watford
    - Alexander Tyulyakov
    - Leonid Shulman

    These are the names of the 6 Russian oligarchs who have been found dead in unclear circumstances since January 2022.

  • Nairn1

    I'm really very curious to wonder at what might happen at the May 9th Victory Parade in Moscow. It strikes me as a hugely-symbolic target for... something. Propaganda-esque, I'd hope, not something brutal and nasty, as much as that might tempt some.

    • It Would Be A Shame vibes.palimpsest
    • ?Nairn
    • "not something brutal and nasty, as much as that might tempt some."
      Sounds like you're wishing for a terrorist attack.
    • Absolutely Not. I'm just having a hard time envisaging something savvy and clever that could untruck things.
      I thought you figured better of me.
    • Mind you, perhaps they could ballistically trebuchet frozen dead orcs from Kyiv to the Red Square.
      That better?
    • My mind always takes the worst route. As things have been going I can't see a reasonable way out. The only thing that could tip the scale is more violence.palimpsest
    • Yeah, hence my bleak thoughts on this y'day, thinking the Ideal We Want is a lot farther from grasp than we'd like to believe.
      Shit all around.
    • I think I'm more worried now than I was a month ago.Nairn
    • I wouldn't say I'm more worried but I'm more hopeless. Like the first months after COVID I'm realizing we're in it for the long run.palimpsest
    • aha, yes. Quite.

    • russian version of this?…
      early celebration while nothing is resolved
  • NBQ001

  • Nairn2
    • Once a KGB bullshitter, always a KGB bullshitterKrassy
  • drgs1

    "People in Russia see war as a sacred experience that can wash away everything and bring back their true purpose, back to themselves. They think that the war will free them from whatever situation they find themselves in. The whole country keeps talking about denazification, demilitarization and liberation. A thought suggests itself that these words did not arise by chance. Russian people subconsciously want all of this, but they can't get it. And they express it in a form of aggression towards those whom they consider as maximally similar to themselves. Russia is doing to Ukraine what it wants to do to itself."