The Russia thread.

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  • NBQ00-4

    Vladimir Putin is dangerously ill. He might have cancer. Which would explain why Mr Putin is being reckless and unpredictable in Ukraine .. he has nothing to lose.…

    • remember Abu Ghraib? Bush was so terminal cancer at the time.uan
    • What aboootNBQ00
    • Bush and Blair still should face war crime tribunals. But doesn't justify Putler doingsNBQ00
    • my point was leaders don't need to have cancer to be reckless.uan
    • He doesn't have cancer, he was born in late June. He IS cancer.ShenanigansTV
  • grafician-1

    "Moscow shutting down Amnesty, Human Rights Watch in Russia: ministry"

    Orcs land now...

  • NBQ00-1

  • grafician-1


    Last time this happened:…

  • drgs-1

    A plot for a patriotic musical practically writes itself…

    The Nazino tragedy was the mass deportation of about 6,700 prisoners[1] to Nazino Island in the Soviet Union in May 1933. The deportees were forcibly sent to the small, isolated island in Western Siberia, located 540 kilometers (340 mi) northwest of Tomsk, Russian SFSR, to construct a "special settlement" and to cultivate the island.

    Deportees were primarily "lumpenproletariat and socially harmful elements", meaning former merchants and traders, peasants who had fled the ongoing famine in the countryside, petty criminals, or anybody who did not fit into the idealized worker class structure.

    About half were so-called lumpenproletarians from Moscow and Leningrad. The authorities who were to be in charge of the labor camps were first informed that they would be sent on 5 May. These authorities had never worked with urban deportees and had no resources or supplies to support them.[17]

    The deportees were kept below decks on the barges and apparently fed a daily ration of 200 grams (7 oz) of bread per person. Twenty tons of flour – about 4 kilograms (9 lb) per person – were also transported, but the barges contained no other food, cooking utensils, or tools. All supervisory personnel, two commanders, and fifty guards were newly recruited and had no shoes or uniforms.

    The barges unloaded their passengers during the afternoon of 18 May, on Nazino Island, a swampy island about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) long and 600 metres (660 yd) wide. There was no roster of the disembarking deportees, but on arrival 322 women and 4,556 men were counted, plus 27 bodies of those who died during the trip from Tomsk.

    Over a third of the deportees were too weak to stand on arrival. About 1,200 additional deportees arrived on 27 May.[19][1] A fight broke out and guards fired on the deportees as the twenty tons of flour were deposited on the island and distribution began. The flour was moved to the shore opposite the island and distribution was tried again the next morning, with another fight and more firing resulting. Afterward, all flour was distributed via "brigadiers" who collected flour for their brigade of about 150 people. The brigadiers were often criminals who abused their privileges and ate everything themselves.

    Initially there were no ovens to bake bread on, so the deportees ate the flour mixed with river water, which led to dysentery.[20] Some deportees made primitive rafts to try to escape, but most of the rafts collapsed and hundreds of corpses washed up on the shore below the island. Guards hunted and killed other escapees as if they were hunting animals for sport. Because of the lack of any transportation to the rest of the country except upstream to Tomsk, and the harshness of life in the taiga, any other escapees who made it across the river and evaded the guards were ultimately presumed dead.

    Order on the island quickly broke down and devolved into chaos: the majority of the population were city dwellers, most of whom knew nothing about basic agricultural practices such as clearing and cultivation that would make the island properly habitable. The sparsity of resources led to gangs forming, who began to terrorize and dominate weaker settlers. People were frequently murdered in fights over food, money, and the bodies of those in possession of anything of value such as gold tooth fillings and crowns were often looted. The latter were used for exchange for food and cigarettes by gang members.

    In the meantime the guards established their own reign of terror, extorting settlers and executing people for minor offences despite being apathetic towards the gangs. The guards were also assigned to keep the settlers in and killed people who attempted to escape. Even the doctors sent to monitor the island's population, who were supposed to have protection, began to fear for their lives. The lack of proper food and the frequency of death by late May led to cannibalism becoming widespread, to the point that settlers eventually began murdering individuals for the sole purpose of consuming them.

    On 21 May, the three health officers counted seventy new deaths, with signs of cannibalism observed in five cases. Over the next month, guards arrested about fifty people for cannibalism.

    In 1989, an eyewitness reported to Memorial:[28]

    "They were trying to escape. They asked us, "Where's the railway?" We'd never seen a railway. They asked, "Where's Moscow? Leningrad?" They were asking the wrong people: we'd never heard of those places. We're Ostyaks. People were running away starving. They were given a handful of flour. They mixed it with water and drank it and then they immediately got diarrhea. The things we saw! People were dying everywhere; they were killing each other ... On the island there was a guard named Kostia Venikov, a young fellow. He fell in love with a girl who had been sent there and was courting her. He protected her. One day he had to be away for a while, and he told one of his comrades, "Take care of her," but with all the people there the comrade couldn't do much really... People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar tree, cut off her breasts, her muscles, everything they could eat, everything, everything ... They were hungry, they had to eat. When Kostia came back, she was still alive. He tried to save her, but she had lost too much blood."

  • grafician-2

    "Russia's energy giant Gazprom said today that China will start paying for Russian gas in rubles and yuan instead of US dollars, as Moscow seeks closer ties with Beijing in the wake of Western sanctions over Ukraine. - AFP"

    • aaaand so Russia turning into a vassal state beginsgrafician
    • Wondering how exactly are they transporting the goods hmmmmgrafician
    • Even so gas prices in EU down 37% from 2 weeks ago - it's over, Russia lostgrafician
  • NBQ00-1

  • NBQ00-1

  • Milan-6

    The terrorists who took part in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall tried to escape to Ukraine where a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the border.

    “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night. You have to create a campaign behind the lines.”

    – US General Mark Milley at the end of 2023

    Victoria Nuland promised “nasty surprise” for Putin in February 2024.

    All of this is just a coincidence I'm sure.

    • Of course they tried to escape to Ukraine, muffin.
      There, there.
    • It's kind of sad, your downfall in conspiracy/propagand... shittank02
    • "alleged" - source The Moscow Times, lolutopian
    • Did Ukraine also plan the ISIS attack earlier this month I posted above? Maybe Ukraine is why you fell off the bike you were riding.yuekit
    • USA created ISIS, faggot.Milan
    • So we've established it was ISIS after all. You can see the gears turning in real time as Milan tries to figure out which conspiracy he's meant to be repeatingyuekit
    • You established the perpetrators before the terrorist attack even happened, just like all of western media.Milan
    • But they still don't know who blew up the Nordstream, nor do they care.Milan
    • USA warned Russia about it. That's definitely what you do when you're planning to launch an attack isn't it?yuekit
  • set-3

    That tough motherfucker can take a beating

    • most pointless violence iv ever scene.yurimon
    • Yet nothing happened to the mirror...OSFA
  • chukkaphob-3

    'Don't threaten a NUCLEAR power' Putin REJECTS British ultimatum on Russian spy attack…

  • utopian-3

    NSA warns Russians exploiting flaw in virtual workspaces during pandemic…

      not just that, for example on friday they burned 12m ips while trying to hakk a new york based medical suppliers system.
  • Milan-4

    • yep. exactly the same with iranian nukes - they will be ready in a year every year for 10 yearskingsteven
    • North Korea vs South Korea alsopablo28
  • Milan-6

    • Ukraine: Nazism, denazification, banderovets, residential area artillery, and guns for everyoneMilan
    • Ypu are a frigging morontank02
    • Why do you believe for a second that Putin cares about "denazification" when he funds far right movements across the world?yuekit
    • It's such a goofy rationale for a war, at least Bush put in a little token effort in with the WMD thing.yuekit
    • USA and NATO do that, yuekit. They fund, arm and train terrorists all over the world on the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."Milan
    • No wait...the question was why you think Putin cares about the far right when he is the #1 supporter of them.yuekit
    • https://www.nbcnews.…yuekit
    • So Milan is saying Putin fund the nazi in Ukraine... Because the nazis are enemy of Ukraine and Ukraine is enemy of Russia...pango
    • https://www.scienced…yuekit
    • So that he can invade Ukraine with the pretext to eradicate nazi...
      Russia made up the nazi thing to invade ukraine...
    • Yet Milan still pedalling the nazi bullshit.pango
    • https://www.thedaily…yuekit
    • Putin seems to have lots of Nazi I guess we can invade Russia now.yuekit
  • NBQ00-2

    Russia holds drills with nuclear subs…

  • _niko-2

    Just a bunch of fucking kopniks with nukes

  • sted-5

    Putyin: Nincsenek rossz szándékaink a szomszédunkkal szemben

    Az orosz elnök az állami felügyelet alatt álló Rossiya 24 hírcsatornán tartott beszédet, ebben figyelmeztette azokat, akik ellenzik Oroszország Ukrajna elleni támadását, hogy „ne súlyosbítsák a helyzetet” azzal, hogy további korlátozásokat hoznak az ország ellen.

    „Nincsenek rossz szándékaink a szomszédunkkal szemben”

    - mondta Putyin.

    Beszélt arról is, hogy „nincs szükség” arra, hogy Ukrajna további lépéseket tegyen, ami „csak még rosszabbá teszi a kapcsolatukat”.

    „Úgy gondolom, hogy mindenkinek azon kell elgondolkoznia, hogyan normalizáljuk a kapcsolatunkat, hogy normálisan együttműködjünk és normálisan fejlesszük a kapcsolatunkat” - mondta. Az Ukrajna elleni háborút elrendelő elnök hozzátette, hogy az orosz hadsereg minden eddigi akciója „csupán válasz volt néhány, az Orosz Föderációt ért barátságtalan lépésre”.

  • grafician-2

    ^ Map with current pipelines:

    Nobody thinks Russia can switch from the West to China anytime soon ON THEIR OWN :))

    Meanwhile IF they do that somehow, China will basically take Russia as a vasal state = end of history for Russia (based on what China did to Tibet and other places)

    But the West CAN switch to other energy sources very quickly. Some say even by 2023. We'll see, hopefully we get there asap

  • grafician-2

    "BREAKING: American Express suspending operations in Russia and Belarus"

  • NBQ00-2