QBN Suggestion Box

  • Started
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  • 468 Responses
  • nb0

    Cross-posting in multiple threads should be treated as spam. User IP ban.

  • ********

    Can we get some cloud storage to upload our own images to QBN, thanks.

  • ********

    A notification when one of our posts has been flagged. A private and unobtrusive way to do it would be through the poster's feed. Next to the date either put 'Flagged' in red or a number next to it to know how many times it has been flagged. When a post gets flagged it should pop to the the top of feed even if there has been no other interaction on it.

    This recently came to mind when a post on my profile page that was a year old got deleted. The matter has been settled but had I known that my post was tagged for deletion I would have shut my mouth about it.

  • ********

    In light of recent events there seems to be a need for a means of communication between two users that doesn't disrupt the front page by either appearing on the frontpage feed or bumping a thread on the menu. My proposal is to use our own profile pages for us to communicate in a discreet manner while staying within the QBN universe. Profile pages posts don't have upvotes or downvotes and don't appear on the main menu. The system is already there, the only thing that needs to be implemented is that a new post on a user's profile page be added to their feed as a notification that another user wants to engage in a civil discussion.

  • ********

    This site needs http://chatttr.com/
    "Each room’s history here is limited to twenty-four hours or one hundred posts, which ever comes first. And the archives are continuously recycled."

    So kids could lash it out in the sandbox all day and start afresh the next one.

    • So we can separate the wheat from the chaff.
    • We could call it the Rumpus Room.
      Cover / Feed / NT™ / Rumpus Room™
    • Thunderdome!i_monk
  • autoflavour5

    there needs to be a counter, a tally each month of most down and upvotes.. and users displayed at top..

    • Hall of Fame / Wall of Shamenb
    • this would actually be good and entertaining. and may actually deter the ridiculous behaviour witnessed of late.fadein11
    • This somewhat works for individual threads. You get most upvotes of all time : http://www.qbn.com/t…
    • The joke was that they added that feature so you could find yuri's post at the end of the list. http://www.qbn.com/t…
    • It won't deter anything - I was on a board which introduced votes, it became a farce when folk took it personally. People downvoted purely to downvote.face_melter
  • dbloc0

    body.cover .thread dd.main .body img {
    max-width: 100%

  • moldero1

    polls would be a pretty damn cool thing

  • sted0

    .  , . , ! ? , .

    • fuck it's now working anymore :)sted
    • it works, you just have to keep your post short, i guess the mods got tl/dr on our asses
  • ********

    while you mods have convened maybe you could consider getting rid of the threads with peoples usernames as the 'of the day', almost all of them serve only to antagonize.

    • regardless, it's just childish vindictivity
    • apparently i made up the word 'vindictivity', whatever, it's a good word
  • ********

    also the shooting of the day thread. smugly cracking jokes about the death of innocent people on the flimsy grounds that it supports some political stance on gun control. it should fall under the politics clause

    • btw, i support gun control, my suggestion does not come from any personal political biases but from a desire for qbn to be a better place
    • Rome wasn't built in a day - let's just enjoy the calm and peace that has returned after today's events.fadein11
    • i haven't noted much jocularity in that thread — for me it serves as a somewhat grimly-ironic reminder of just How Fucked Up Things Are.detritus
    • yea, the mods are on a roll today though, tryina harness this forward momentum
    • please explain to me the irony of innocent people dying and i will explain to you your inappropriately timed political posturing
    • if you wish to be obtuse, fine, but I clearly meant the tone of the thread and its title is the grim-irony, not the tragedies themselves.detritus
    • Or, censor away. I thought you lot were against that sort of thing.detritus
    • what a ridiculous distinction. it is one in the same, these are human beings we are talking about, often whose corpses are not yet cold and you want to tell me
    • about irony. ridiculous, it is ambulance chasing and political posturing and nothing more
    • wow, he said "you lot". way to make my point detritus
    • hahahaha, sorry, i love throwing 'you lot' out there. always gets a response. shallow of me, i apologise. a little.detritus
    • Perhaps you misunderstand me - I merely think of that thread as being a grim and ever constant chronicle of Yet Another One.detritus
    • I have not particularly noted, nor have engaged in (I think?) flippant discourse within it.detritus
    • Yes, the title is terrible.
      That's kind of the point.
    • right, the whole point is to facetiously point out how violent america is. obvious political intent is obvious
    • the title probably should have been "mass shooting of the day" so it didn't devolve into any old one-offmonospaced
    • I started it in hopes of discussing the mass shootings (schools, theaters).monospaced
    • Not necessarily America, dude. Just, statistically, sadly - yeah, more so. i'm not gloating over that, man.detritus
    • And you imply facetious, not i.detritus
    • "Yes, the title is terrible.
      That's kind of the point."

      so what was your implication then?
    • ok mono, maybe your point wasn't to facetiously gloat and wax political but that's all anyone ever does in there so it should go
    • normal people can discuss gun control in the politics thread and the people who post in your thread who to giggle about how violent america is can take that shi
    • I.. i.. You're... You're..
      wtf, man? You can't be that daft?
    • -t to stormfront or somewhere else with like minded sick puppies who revel in the epidemic of gun deaths
    • ok, bro. ^5!
    • are you really going to attack my spelling and grammar now detritus lol, pathetic
    • wat? my 'daft' post was a response to 'so what was your implication then?' - i don't give a fig about your grammar or spelling. have you seen mine?!detritus
    • I saw no error in terry's use of yourmonospaced
    • oh, i see. well. . .i guess my point in quoting you was to say that even the name of the thread itself is facetious, doomed from the start to draw in all the si
    • -ck puppies
    • but mono already addressed that in hindsight
    • Terry, are you not aware of irony and how it can enforce the seriousness of an issue not diminish it. But I am British, it's a huge part of our culturefadein11
    • i'm not interested in playing semantics, the 'if only the ___ had a gun" statements after every murder victim are politically motivated statements on gun contro
    • -ll. that's pretty much the entirety of the content in that thread, therefor the thread is political in nature and should fall under the new rule. if people wan
    • -t an honest dialogue about gun controll than they should do that in the politics thread. the reality of the situation though is obvious. the people who consis
    • -tantly post in that thread are doing so to be facetious
    • *then
  • ********

    Show who delegates new users. Or whatever it's called.
    Who makes new users turn from green to blue.


    • That's in the users profile already.monospaced
    • darkslatebluesince 2016 certified by ORAZALsted
    • oh! thanks!
    • downvoting suggestion for something that already exists. well that make me not the real target does it....
  • ********

    May I suggest a QBN Playground Thread?

    ...and leave the other threads clean of this continuing nonsense?

    • downvotes get free invite to the playground...muahaha...
  • utopian3

    More collaboration!

  • chukkaphob5

    Dog-ear for notes

  • imbecile10

    long awaited return of the ignore™ feature

    • yes ... PLEASE!!Ramanisky2
    • aka, safe zone™yurimon
    • it's not safe without yourself and drake shitting on everything, yurimon, it is simply a better experience.imbecile
    • I don't come here to give 2 fux about left/right politics & ur inability to make friends. I come here for like minded banter & to share cool shit i make & find.imbecile
    • you ruin that experience for everyone. sadly, it's intentional on your behalfimbecile
    • ^ exactlyRamanisky2
    • aka, millenialization of qbnyurimon
    • i dont know. this type of feature seems more of a bandaid to a problem of emotionally not able to cope with certain posts. maybe a more viable solution is goingyurimon
    • to a dr to deal with such inabilities. just sayin.yurimon
    • Yurimon - full autistic spectrum bore.detritus
    • "AutoBores - Transform! [the dialogue into the same old vortex of cretinitude]"detritus
    • *khe-khru-koo-kghrug...
      Yurimon Transforms back into his father's dildo
    • thats gross. says something about you for bringing these things up.yurimon
    • Isn't it sad that you have to fight against an online form feature optimized for people to ignore you? Think about that with your morning coffee.sofakingback
    • Emotional problems indeed.sofakingback
    • The problem with people that ignore you is that they don't know they're ignoring you.
    • lol, not really fighting, no struggle. im giving suggestions. you guys are the ones fighting.yurimon
    • No, we're the ones beyond asking you to shut the fuck up with your boring boringness, you utter, utter bore.detritus
    • Oh, very considered and articulate input, drake. Your mother must just be brimming with pride at the little genius she gave birth to.Continuity
    • Wahhhhhhh
    • Bobo Button®utopian
  • CyBrainX-3

    Keep me logged in every time I come back. I NEVER want to hear that chimey voice.

    • unclick JINGLE in the top right menu. doesn't that stop it?capn_ron
  • Al_dizzle3

    Dog ear for the front page.

    • yesterday that gymnast booty was pinned to my screen.Al_dizzle
    • gay?
    • not gay. that booty is too much for the officeAl_dizzle
    • ^ this. It was a problem for me too. This office can't handle that much ass.kona
    • Hahahahapango
    • I know it could be an office space matter
  • sted7

    On monday I will publish the first qbn browser extension, make some suggestions now if you want some extra features. currently its just hides posts by specific ppl, it will never work for threads.

    • +and notes, not just postssted
    • wow!
    • sted, link please and does it ignore notes?imbecile
    • aiapaec please keep in mind that this has only impact on the front-end, so there is no way to notify people about these events.sted
    • there is a function to show specific notes/posts by the ppl you want to ignore. still testing this to make it usable in the way that it will not break the uxsted
    • @imbecile: still beta testing, and fixing some issues (for fucking chrome), i will be ready somewhere on sundaysted
    • sweet!moldero
    • lol @ all this time spent. more time spent complaining.yurimon
    • yeah sure what a waste of time.
      *just to point out why you're an idiot again: now I know how to build browser extensions...
    • make a european version only versionsureshot
    • ;psureshot
    • good for you sted, you only need to master few other things and your set.yurimon
    • I've still got $5 says that yuri can't master an apostrophe within the decade.monospaced
    • $5 say you wont master greater consciousness this lifetime. my material reductionist friends.yurimon
    • Yurimon. sounds like you don't like the idea of this extension. I wonder why.pango
    • right click menu for other website content > post to Pic of the Day, Gif Animation Thread, etc.sarahfailin
    • @sarahfailin yeah not a bad idea thx :)
      @yuri betting in money and talking about greater consciousness hmm again you mean you're talking about :D
    • nah, its all good. i think its hilarious everone got their nazi period as soon bernie lost.yurimon
    • ya that's what spam email sender would say. "You're a nazi if you block me!"pango
    • pango, i know you are not that dumb. posting is different, im not soliciting anything. lol. nice try. i'm observing the behavior of very emotionall frail peopleyurimon
    • and being condescending all the whilemonospaced
    • Yurimon. You're saying you're more like a preacher in public space yelling shit nobody wants to hear? Expect people to ignore you.pango
    • its fine no prob pango.yurimon
    • It's fine calling people nazi when they try to ignore your shit? Thats pretty trivializing the death taken away by the nazi party. I dont think you're this dumbpango
    • Yurimon - self proclaimed saviour of the sheeple!*fadein11
    • oh lighten up, you guys take yourselves to serious.yurimon
    • too*fadein11
    • seriously*Continuity
    • Another string of notes full of Yurimon arguments. Bored of it. This extension will have a use! Nice work
    • Though it won't block replies so I imagine qbn would become rather confusing, no?
    • which browsers ?d_gitale
    • its not going to work. time wasted complaining, programming, when you could have just shown restraint, etc.yurimon
    • i'll help you test it.yurimon
    • lol, yeah. you dont see me all over the site on every note or post. i keep to minimum to certain content.yurimon
    • Actually, we DO see you all over the fucking site. Which is why we are where we are today, with politics restricted to one thread, and ...Continuity
    • ... and people trying desperately to find new ways to shut YOU out of their daily QBN experience.Continuity
    • Like a pigeon, there's hardly a thread you don't waddle into and shit all over.Continuity
    • Sted. Mate. Seriously, I don't think you can get this plugin working fast enough!Continuity
    • where am i all over the site? oh you live in naziland. never mind. :)yurimon
    • 'Naziland', eh? Get fucked, you spineless, self-aggrandising, patronising little cunt.Continuity
    • So does this mean some people will just be talking to themselves?sea_sea
    • Yespango
    • yurinemon's trivializing the lifes nazi has taken away again.pango
    • Not to mention insulting an entire country of people have absolutely nothing to do with that era.Continuity
    • ^ i'm sure you extend the courtesy of that understanding to everyone..butyurimon
    • Naziland is waz too far yuri...fuck dude!
    • i know someone like yuri in real life. has this: https://en.wikipedia…inteliboy
    • Oh, we know Yurithing is a narcissist of the first order. And yet, apparently, he is still tolerated.Continuity
    • How did you come with that? I've taken alot of abuse from the lot and when i make a sarcastic comment with a smiley face everyone goes nuts.yurimon
    • my origins started out in testing alternative views and i a got a backlash. its still based on a few people that dont like my ideas. if you watch the site youyurimon
    • see the preference. even if I post a valid question it gets bombarded with trolling, Sorry you are taking this way to heart. more because its political.yurimon
    • adding the feature to hide up/down votes, and its done, search with the proper keywords @ the extension repo for your browsersted
    • thanks
    • WHERE IS THIS PLUG IN!!pango
    • Is the extension ready yet???Continuity
  • ernexbcn4

    I did an extension for QBN mooonths ago, back when we were getting swamped with spam, it helped with reporting the spam threads. I think I added ignoring people but not sure if I ever released that update. Pretty sure the extension doesn't work anymore since it was for old QBN and older Chrome/Safari.