Donald Trump

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  • Ramanisky212

    Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell blocks U.S. Senate Democrats' move on making Mueller report public.…

    • lol so gooddbloc
    • waiting for robo & pony to explainzaq
    • Lol poor Ram, this must bring up lots of pain from 2016....robotron3k
    • ..all in protecting the sanctity of the presidency, and also ports, jk. It's a garage sale.BonSeff
    • zaq... it's Mitch Mcconnell's head on a turtle... that help? Oh... also—nobody has a 'right' to these documents—not Congress—not the public—do some reading. <3PonyBoy
    • this is awesome, btw... ram :)PonyBoy
    • (you make this, ram?)PonyBoy
    • Haha no I didn’t pony.Ramanisky2
    • Explain me now how we do not have the rights to the investigation paid with our taxes.zaq
    • ^ you also paid for the tanks, you still can't drive oneGnash
    • I want a tank.PonyBoy
    • Traditionally it's congress who ends up with these reports.. and they decide what should be done about the findings.mathinc
  • robotron3k4

    The pundits that got it wrong... Lol, keep watching these nuts because this thread will be poppin for 5 more years! #maga

    • imagine if the 'democraps' on qbn, as you call it, posted in this frothing at the mouth fanboy way.inteliboy
    • Interesting...I'm on the left but don't like any of these peopleyuekit
    • I guess robo is in full #magasturbation modeSalarrue
    • But inteliboy, the left has been frothing for 2+ years—straight. Until today. So I appreciate the silence.robotron3k
    • inteliboy... you demcraps DO post in a frothing of the mouth way—DAILY... wtf are you going on about? Read this fucking thread ffs. XDPonyBoy
    • Check the Politics thread... check the Religion thread... daily you pricks shit on anything not democrap... DAILY. Jesus... what site are you on?PonyBoy
    • so suddenly educated, well intentioned, moral and smart outlooks and expectations are so bad they must be drug induced? hahamonospaced
    • Not one person that ran w/this crap calling for the man's head should be considered well-intentioned or moral for that matter... these folks wanted blood...PonyBoy
    • ... but had zero proof other a bullshit dossier and clowns that wouldn't go on the record w/any info (Adam Schiff etc) but swore there was proof.PonyBoy
    • *other than aPonyBoy
    • Monos here! Hey mono, which white male will you be voting for in November??robotron3k
    • Just kidding mono, you musta swung by the Donald Trump thread to enjoy the celebration!robotron3k
    • Well to be fair Russia did interfere with the election to the extend of hacking Democrats to help Trump...that was also part of Mueller's findings.yuekit
    • And Trump campaign met with representatives of the Russians where they discussed lifting sanctions.yuekit
    • And Trump just happened to hire a campaign manager who worked for pro Russia politicians in the past.yuekit
    • While also pursuing a hotel deal in Russia at the same time he's running his campaign and seeming weirdly sympathetic towards Putin.yuekit
    • Now can all of that be true but it's also the case that Trump himself did not "collude" with Russia? Absolutely, and media should not have jumped to conclusionsyuekit
    • and hyped the story as much as they did, especially people like Rachel Maddow who was ridiculous at times.yuekit
    • But to say there was no reason for investigation at all or it was all made up...seems like a weird view when you take into account everything mentioned above.yuekit
    • It would also be easier to feel sorry for Trump if he didn't engage in exactly the same exaggeration and lies he is accusing people of himself on a daily basis.yuekit
    • I don't think anyone's arguing that the investigation shouldn't have occurred—I think we're giggling at how triggered so many in the media were for so long...PonyBoy
    • ... w/out having a touch of actual proof to run with. There were nights that Maddow (or the like) literally were like 'We Got Him!!!"...PonyBoy
    • ... but again - they didn't have a fucking thing (actual evidence).PonyBoy
    • Agreed it was ridiculous at times. I hope it makes people realize that conspiracy theory thinking in general is stupid whether it's Russia, 9/11, George Sorosyuekit
    • or Obama birth certificate. Everyone seems to fall into this trap of thinking that because one thing is connected to another, therefore worst case scenario isyuekit
    • automatically true. When in reality coincidences and random fuckups are a lot more common than giant conspiracies.yuekit
  • Salarrue1

    #magasturbation #stablegenius #nystateinvestigations #trumptaxes #octobersurprise

  • Salarrue3

    "Robert Mueller May Not Have Found Evidence of Collusion, but His Report Proves the System Worked...

    ... Of course, Trump still has lots of advantages as he faces the next round of prosecutorial investigations and congressional inquiries. The Justice Department’s longstanding legal opinion is that a sitting president cannot be indicted in a federal criminal case, and any federal prosecutor who seeks to charge Trump will have to overcome that legal advice. (State prosecutors, however, would not face the same obstacle.)"…

    • So many writers like this dude, the author, write pieces of fiction for $$$$, when they should tell you the truth, Trump's doing a pretty damn good job.robotron3k
    • Here's his early piece https://theintercept…robotron3k
    • Yes robo we know #magasturbationSalarrue
    • Yup, they are making moves to obliterate all the ACA now, not just pieces. Let's take healthcare away from everyone while this distracts.formed
    • and gut SS MC/MD and surely 1000 other evil acts we can't keep track of. So yeah, robo, he's getting a lot done...that continues to destroy Americaformed
  • mathinc7

    I know that the red hats are taking a victory lap, and the WH messaging is that this was some sort of manufactured hit job by the media and Dem.

    How did you expect them to act for the last two years? Let's not forget that:

    - Flynn met with Russians re sanctions and then lied about it to the Feds
    - Pence lied about knowing that campaign officials meeting with Russians
    - Trump saying on live TV that the 'Russia thing' factored into his decision to fire Comey
    - Jr. lied repeatedly about meeting with Russians
    - Daddy helped dictate a lie about that meeting with Russians
    - DJT lying about 'not having any deals, or any connection, with Russia'
    - Sessions recused himself for lying to Congress about meeting with Russians, and then DJT got mad about him recusing because he thought Sessions should be protecting him
    - The new Russian sanctions that were passed by the Senate 98-2, are still not being enacted by the president
    - Manafort gave polling data to Russians
    - Manafort had some insanely deep ties with Russians
    - The Helsinki Handjob Trump gave Putin on live TV
    - Stone's connections and communications with Wikileaks (an arm of Russia)
    - Papadopolus (not even going to look up the spelling of this) lying to the Feds
    - Trumps repeated attacks on the special council

    These are all facts, and I'm sure I didn't even list everything. The media didn't make this shit up. What the fuck were they supposed to be reporting on?

    Also, your victory lap is based on a 4 page summary of what is likely tens of thousands of pages of evidence, interviews, and findings -- written by a guy who wrote a 19 page job interview that came to the same conclusion without seeing a scrap of evidence. Personally, I'm withholding my judgement until more of the report is released. If the GOP totally blocks its release, you've got to wonder why.

    • All this, and more. The media once again has fucked this up royally. Learned nothing from how they got played in '16allthethings
    • Also, Barr's memo only includes 4 incomplete sentences from the Mueller report. That's not enough. Ya'll want to talk about how much taxpayermathinc
    • $ was used to create this report. Then you should also be screaming about it being released. We paid for it. I want to see it.mathinc
    • THISmonospaced
    • Likely releasing it fully will just bottleneck the administration for years with the same exact outcome – Hillary still won't be President.robotron3k
    • So you're saying that with all these facts posted to the left, if the roles were reversed, you would have taken Holder's word for it that there was nothing?mathinc
    • You would have been okay with moving on. You expect me to believe that?mathinc
    • Besides, you mention bottlenecking this administration as an issue, to me that would be a feature.mathinc
    • If nothing was in it, then what's the harm. You'd think if this actually exonerated Trump then it would be released yesterday.mathinc
  • Ramanisky25

    • I love how suddenly the right totally accepts anything mueller reports. Can you imagine the shit they’d say if it was critical at this point?monospaced
    • Was totally thinking of this parallel this morning.mathinc
    • You guys are hysterical, posting little snyde memes to soothe each other... Carry on.robotron3k
    • It's odd to me that you see people who are upset with the current administration as weak, sad and emotional. Like we're emotionally scared that H lost.mathinc
    • *scarred*mathinc
    • everyone should be happy to find out that trump wasn't a russian shill. Would you rather he be found guilty?Gnash
    • The report isn't public. Why go round and round on this. What is the time limitation from the freedom of information act?BonSeff
    • Barr released a summary 48hrs after receiving a 800 pg legal document.BonSeff
    • The right? It's the liberal media Trump calls fake news — CNN, NYT, USA Today, etc. — who are pushing NO COLLUSION as hard as they can. It's odd in a way.shaft
    • Well, first of all, the news is not liberal, it's corporate. WaPo is the closest we have to a liberal paper.allthethings
    • And they're also stupid. They are pushing that narrative because of their stupidity and their insistence on seeming "objective"allthethings
    • It was important to be seen as unbiased when the two parties were very similar. But now, one of the parties is full-on authoritarian.allthethings
  • Gardener0

  • NBQ000

  • Ramanisky20

    Coffee boy George Papadopoulos and his wife Red Sparrow say “life is full of coincidences” ...

    Yah, sure Jan.

  • allthethings3…

    The Barr Gambit
    By Josh Marshall
    March 28, 2019 1:53 pm
    A former federal prosecutor has some thoughts on the Barr Gambit ...

    A few thoughts on the Barr Gambit, which I think will go down as a singular achievement in the annals of intellectual dishonesty and bad faith legal jujitsu:

    1. It is undisputed that the Russian government brazenly interfered in the 2016 election to support Donald Trump. In so doing, the Russians and those acting on their behalf committed a variety of federal crimes including computer hacking and conspiracy to defraud the U.S. Those crimes were committed to benefit (a) Vladimir Putin and the interests of the Russian government; and (b) Donald J. Trump. It is also undisputed that Trump and his campaign joyfully used and weaponized the information the Russians stole against Hillary Clinton. Trump personally trumpeted the Wikileaks disclosures 141 times during the campaign, and his surrogates countless more times. While Mueller’s team apparently “did not establish” (i.e., did not find enough evidence to charge criminally) that Trump personally conspired with the Russian government to commit the underlying crimes, there is no question that he was (along with Putin) the single biggest beneficiary of those criminal efforts.

    2. Mueller apparently pulled together significant evidence that the President attempted to obstruct the investigation into these crimes. But to support his decision not to prosecute the President for obstruction of justice, Barr relied in part on Mueller’s conclusion that he could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the President was involved in an underlying criminal conspiracy. Therefore, Barr’s reasoning goes, Trump lacked corrupt intent to obstruct because, at least in part, he was not involved in any underlying crime. This argument is both legally wrong (obstruction charges don’t depend on the existence of an underlying crime, just an investigation or proceeding), and it flies in the face of one simple fact: Trump was a prime beneficiary of the undisputed criminal conduct that did occur. He of course had a strong personal interest in seeking to obstruct this investigation for a variety of reasons. If you receive and use stolen money, even if you weren’t involved in the theft, you have a strong interest in thwarting any efforts to investigate the underlying theft. Why? Because you don’t want to lose the right to hold onto your money. Same here. This investigation posed a direct threat to the Presidency. It also posed a direct threat to prying open Trump’s shady business empire. Barr’s argument might hold water if the Russian election interference was intended to help Hillary and Trump’s campaign was not the subject of the investigation. As it stands, the President had a deep personal stake in the outcome of the investigation and it appears he used his executive power to thwart it. That cannot be countenanced.

    3. The non-charging decision on obstruction by Mueller cannot be explained as a failure of evidence. On conspiracy or coordination, it appears Mueller made a clear decision not to charge because of a lack of evidence. As too many members of the media seem to get wrong, this was not a “no evidence” situation, but rather a failure to get to the required level of admissible evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. And the level of proof had to be something in between probable cause (you can’t get 500 search warrants without it) and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I have no problem with that decision from a prosecutorial discretion standpoint. There was lots of evidence of an underlying conspiracy, but it was always going to be very difficult to prove the President’s direct involvement with sufficient admissible evidence (classified intercepts from foreign governments won’t do it). And Manafort and Stone holding the line seems to have been the stopped the Mueller team short. Mueller made a decision not to charge conspiracy because of a lack of evidence, so why not obstruction? If it’s a 50-50 call and a pure “jump ball” that’s easy. You decline. If it’s “more likely than not,” the civil standard, you also decline. Even if it’s “clear and convincing” evidence that doesn’t rise to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, you decline the case. So what is going on here? To me, the only answer is that they had a chargeable obstruction case but stopped short of making a decision to charge the President–because he’s the President. It could have been the policy not to indict a sitting President, it could have been the legal and policy arguments around executive authority, or it could have been out of deference to the legislative branch and its impeachment prerogatives. Any way you cut it, I just can’t see Mueller shying away from a tough evidentiary call. If we ever get to see it, I fully expect the actual Mueller report to contain a devastating case against the President for obstruction of justice. This is why we should expect to see Barr, the White House, and the Republicans in Congress fight like hell to keep as much of the report as possible away from the public and House Judiciary. Democrats cannot let this go.

    • much smart, very logicmonospaced
    • The media lied to you abt the 2016 elections, now there's proof they have again been lying to you for the last 2 years for clicks & you keep falling fo for itrobotron3k
    • I think he's doing much better statistically but nobody is reporting on it. Dems will be looking fuckin' nuts now anytime they say "Russia collusion"robotron3k
    • Proof? Haha. What statistic is showing "he" is "doing better?" At what? Not even his supporters are reporting it?monospaced
  • Ramanisky25

    • lolmonospaced
    • oh dear, lol.dorf
    • the president of a country constantly broadcasting his grievances about the media is nothing but divisive. what a great leader. #maga #butemailsinteliboy
    • Those stupid liberals!!! There’s no Pulitzer for FICTION!monospaced
  • ********

    While colluding with Russia might have been illegal and treasonous, it's just the least of the worst things Trump has done.

    And now he didn't even do it.

    All that wasted coverage about Trump possibly coordinating with Putin over FB posts or being a victim of Putin blackmail.

    There still must be something Putin has on Trump.

    But the shutdown, the wall money, the Supreme Court picks.

    The lies about everything. The ridiculous tweets.


    It's amazing anyone respects this guy.

    But him calling all this Russia stuff a "witch hunt" and Rachel Maddow trying to nail him on it is just going to ignite his base now that they see him as "completely innocent".

    • His fanboys would lap up anything. They'll just shrug anything off as a "lie" and "fake" now. There's really no hope of logical thinking from his base, ever.formed
    • meanwhile spawn of Trump gives interview on far right loon conspiracy website.fadein11
    • most of us know it , in the the end all his lies will come back and make him suffer exponentially.neverscared
  • Ramanisky26


    • There are 3 mexican countries?nbq
    • holy crap. is that real??Gnash
    • Maybe they meant 3 Mexicans?monospaced
    • MAGA!
    • #bestpeopleSalarrue
    • I'd love to hear Beto pronounce those country names in his 'native spanish'...PonyBoy
    • https://www.newsbust…PonyBoy
    • lol, people thought he was mexican because his name is Beto?monospaced
    • apparentlyPonyBoy
    • O'Rourke ...monospaced
    • No'shit
      You don't have to help us out here... however there are plenty of folks in love w/the guy that believe he's hispanic. Shame he doesn't correct that.
    • whoah, relax ... I wasn't trying to "help" or anything, I'm totally in agreement, broseph.monospaced
    • There are plenty of people in love with the guy purely for his politics too :)monospaced
    • hehe... all's well, broheim... *uncocks hammerPonyBoy
  • whatthefunk9

    • HahahaRamanisky2
    • Barr looks like what would happen if Bannon were on Queer Eyefooler
    • @fooler i saw that meme too.Krassy
  • Ramanisky25

    • Is this an april fools to make me wipe my screen?
  • Bluejam6

    “He didn’t look me in the eye. He just shook my hand and walked off. He’d kind of been a dick the whole day. We were together for five or six hours, so there was plenty of time for conversation with me or my parents, but all he ever said was, ‘Isn’t this course fantastic?’ and ‘Aren’t these facilities the best?’ He’s a total asshole with no character.”

    Commander in Cheat? Donald Trump's 18 golf tournament wins examined…

  • Ramanisky26

  • Ramanisky23

    Fred Trump was born in New York

    • jeremycapn_ron
    • thinking of his grandfather, but saying fatherKrassy
    • Interesting, he could have been born in Germany but they claimed birth in the US, I don't think there was much accuracy in 1905robotron3k
    • always here to defend your orange lord.inteliboy
    • always here to add nothing to the conversation but your hate for the man.PonyBoy
    • "because of me" - Drumpfutopian
    • to be fair, this thread is just a new version of the original Donald Trump Hate thread that was started in, what ... 2001?monospaced
    • this thread's inception began with hatred for Trump, which is not only totally justified (he's scum), but also shared by the majority of the world and the USA.monospaced
    • given over 90% of media coverage has been negative towards Trump (and very wrong at times) it's quite easy to see why so many would hate the manPonyBoy
    • Proof that a big chunk of media not only hates him but wants him gone was a pathetic 'belief' in the russia collusion BS. There's nothing there...PonyBoy
    • ... yet they don't stop. They double / triple-down on it. Many Americans are privy to the media's literal 'hope' for Trump's failure. They seek news & info...PonyBoy
    • ... when they flip on most networks but are realizing they're being fed bullshit. The man is a crass prick... can't argue that-but all the hate is probably...PonyBoy
    • ... going to backfire because of the current egg on all the faces of these outlets that didn't just report on the Russia deal but acted HOPEFUL that...PonyBoy
    • ... the hoax was real. Hate built on lies doesn't work in anyone's favor. Hate w/hope for failure based on a hoax just makes you look like an idiot.PonyBoy
    • LOLRamanisky2
    • Curious - even as a Brit I loathed the guy literally decades before he blundered his way into your White House on some vainglorious 'Fuck You Obama' ego trip.Nairn
    • Like I said. People hated him long before he even thought of reining for president. We had a hate thread here for a decade ffs. It’s not recent.monospaced
    • You should be glad they've focused on Russia, if they focused on the actual robbery and corruption we'd have never ending new newsformed
    • Look at the HUD suggestions, look at the new pipelines, look at the 25 security clearance shams...every day there is something new and disgracefulformed
    • Everyday there is some new attack on America. Look at Mitch's 'nuclear' options...the abuse is insane. It's disgraceful that anyone can even try to defendformed
    • such horrendous acts, such blatant abuse of power, such transparent corruption.formed
  • Ramanisky22

    A woman carrying two Chinese passports and a device with computer malware lied to Secret Service agents to gain access to President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club.…

  • utopian2