Donald Trump

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    • I grew up if you looked at it you got punched.teh
    • only if viewed below the waistimbecile
    • ^true.teh
  • Ramanisky21


    The West Hollywood City Council voted Monday night to approve a proposal calling for President Trump's star to be removed from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    The City Council confirmed to The Hill that it "voted unanimously to approve" the resolution, which urges the Los Angeles City Council and Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the marker…

    • they should have just said they need to remove it because of vandalism. not talked about his treatment of women etc.capn_ron
    • because there are probably a lot of walk of fame stars that have terrible men's names on them.capn_ron
    • this is dumb hollywood bullshitcolin_s
    • You buy your star, it's not given.robthelad
  • colin_s4

    the OK sign as "nazis trolling you" will be nazis trolling you until it's how they are using a graphic of it on a patch on a jacket so they know who to fucking shoot and who not to

    the people not taking the power of this image seriously are so fucking naive

    these morons are creating a specific and coordinated language of hate and it's being dismissed because they're all idiots but they're also quite well-armed and the idea that it can be laughed off with stock photos is dreadfully dangerous

    • Exactlymonospaced
    • you're right colin.capn_ron
    • this is dumb as fuck. so the emoji stickers that already exist? targets? it's like hitler and the swastika all over again you fucking idiotsimbecile
    • nice work guys
    • yeah the fuckwad who flashed it at his court hearing after murdering 50 people at Christchurch.. yeah that was just him saying “A-OK, I’m cool” .. GTFOH.Ramanisky2
    • Instead of being so fucking sensitive about it... take it the fuck back. Do it everywhere all the time till it's nothing. It's a FUCKING 4CHAN hoax FFS.PonyBoy
    • colin_s, this is EXACTLY the kind of reactionary hysteria that influences the media and public opinion into taking some trolling fuckwits seriously. You are...Morning_star
    • ... inflating a non-issue into this years Satanic Ritual Abuse. You are a biggest influence on the your perceived problem. OK.Morning_star
    • how can so many designers be so passive as to the historic significance of visual signifiers? i'm not saying that the OK sign will end up the new swastikacolin_s
    • but i'm saying it possibly could because of how symbols and association have paired throughout history and we're at one of those points now.colin_s
    • Most people know that Hitler stole the the swastika. The important thing is context. Seeing a swastika in a Synagogue or on some native american art or...Morning_star
    • ...thousand other places is culturally valuable and not unusual.Morning_star
    • Context is everything. Iif you keep up the outrage and pointing it out to everyone then that is how it gains credibility. You are doing the job...Morning_star
    • ...for them.Morning_star
    • @morning_star i would wager "most people" wouldn't know shit about the swastika as a graphic image beyond its nazi usage.colin_s
    • ^^ colin is right again ^^capn_ron
    • Denying the new meaning of the symbol is naive. There are many people who are legitimately offended by how its been appropriated; new meaning is clear now.monospaced
    • We had to remove the "okay" hand symbol from our promotional items recently. Because even the questionability of it is now an issue.monospaced
    • The thing is these alt right guys deliberately blur the line between joking and extremism. Some of them claim to be trolling, others using the exact sameyuekit
    • rhetoric are shooting up schools and churches. They then turn around and cry when they are all painted with the same brush, but WTF did they expect?yuekit
    • Most normal people don't have the time or patience to try to figure out who is an actual nazi and who is just trying to be edgy.yuekit
    • yuekit, So everyone you think is a nazi, is a nazi? How is that different from using a stereotype to pre judge a black guy or an indian woman or lesbian or ...Morning_star
    • ...any person on this planet. Your group think/identity politics is discriminatory and prejudiced in exactly the same way as you accuse others of doing.Morning_star
    • mono, In removing a perfectly innocent, universally understood gesture you lost. They won.Morning_star
    • @morning - mono works for a huge brand, as if they are going to risk that association, whether they are trolling or not. It's a bigger thing over the pond.fadein11
    • Morning_star not sure how you possibly got that out of my comment. Try rereading...yuekit
    • yuekit, if "most normal people don't have the time or patience to try and figure out who is an actual nazi" then the logical conclusion is to assume they ARE...Morning_star
    • ...a nazi. As you've shown in the IDW thread, your assumptions about nazis are often inaccurate.Morning_star
    • @fadein11, all the more reason to normalize its use. The authority of a huge brand in dispelling the negative actions of the very smallest group...Morning_star
    • ... is incredibly important. How about some real corporate responsibility for a change.Morning_star
    • with a strapline, 'making ok great again' perhaps, or upside down symbol. I don't dispute the absurdity but financial institutions aren't in the business offadein11
    • healing society's ills are they?fadein11
    • "As you've shown in the IDW thread, your assumptions about nazis are often inaccurate." haha like what?yuekit
    • Why are you so intent on defending these people anyway?yuekit
    • yuekit - you're actually 'defending' these people by giving their stupidity (and your gullibility) precedence over 'reality'... you're being trolled.PonyBoy
    • Yeah sorry I don't buy into the narrative that they are so clever with their trolling like you guys seem to. Most of it is frat boy level humor at best.yuekit
    • If someone makes a symbol that means "white power" then yes, it associates them with the alt right. That's their loss if they don't want to be associated withyuekit
    • that movement.yuekit
    • It was a hoax... is a hoax... a joke... some bought into like it was real and used it (looking stupid). Then there's those who think it's a real 'movement'...PonyBoy
    • ... such as some of the folks in this thread. You look just as silly as the alt-right white power fucks that also took the 4chan BS seriously.PonyBoy
    • Together you're making it real... good job!PonyBoy
    • *(like stupid fools)PonyBoy
    • I dunno man, whether it started as a hoax or not all I see is a bunch of alt right idiots signaling to each other.yuekit
    • Some might be joking, some are serious, but pretty much all of them are assholes so is it really up to us to waste time trying to figure out the difference? :)yuekit
    • Yes it is Yuekit. You can't casually chuck about accusations of Nazi because you don't understand the context of the OK sign. That's like saying anyone in...Morning_star
    • ..a picture with a child is a peadophile. You're making yourself part of the problem.Morning_star
    • Morning_star, please go on about the positive context of the "white power" sign and how I misunderstand nazis... :)yuekit
    • Delusional.Morning_star
    • Who are the people you think are being unfairly singled out and what would their motive be for using a symbol like that?yuekit
    • Sure it started on 4Chan sort of as a joke but 4Chan is also a haven for the far right and white nationalists.yuekit
    • Once it's been used by actual racist mass murderers like the Christchurch guy, the "joke" has worn pretty thin and you'd have to questionyuekit
    • why anyone would want to take part in it.yuekit
    • My boss used that hand symbol emoji only this morning in a slack conversation w/me... he's 100% Jewish by heritage and faith... is he a nazi?PonyBoy
    • I can provide a full screen cap if need be but have redacted some shit cuz you clowns don't need all the info:…PonyBoy
    • Is my fool-blooded / by faith / by heritage / both parents 100% jewish too / BOSS a racist nazi white supremacist?PonyBoy
    • yuekit. You seem to be looking for offence on other peoples/groups behalf. Why? and who the fuck is offended by it?. For 99% of the people on this planet that..Morning_star
    • ..symbol means OK. Are you suggesting that the simplicity, functionality and universal understanding of what it means should now be rejected because of trolls..Morning_star
    • ..and ultra right wing pricks? Can you not see how ridiculous that is? Think of all scuba divers that will die..Morning_star
    • Look at all these underwater nazi bastards!…Morning_star
    • Listen guys I'm not saying ban anything or stop using emojis OK? lol. In spite of what they would have you believe, it's actually pretty easy to tell by theyuekit
    • context when someone is giving the alt right sign vs. just an OK symbol. The idea that they came up with this incredibly clever trolling where you can literallyyuekit
    • never tell the difference between Mike Cernovich or whoever using it vs. sending an emoji to your mom is something I'm not really buying.yuekit
    • I do think you have to keep in mind that something can be a joke and serious at the same time. Look at 4Chan /pol/, everyone thought it was harmless trollingyuekit
    • and play acting as being a nazi but quickly evolved into cases of actual real-world violence.yuekit
    • https://psychcentral…Gnash
    • https://www.independ…yuekit
    • and they choked them with their okay-fingersGnash
    • the ADL thinks reading Ben Shapiro makes one a RW extremist.Gnash
    • and those 'stats' include murders that were committed by people with "ties' to rw movements.Gnash
    • even if those murders were unrelated to politics -- i.e., domestic homicideGnash
    • keep catastrophizing, though.Gnash
    • lol, and they include 'incels' as a RW extremist movement. dear lord.Gnash
    • let's just say all murders committed by white GOP voters are RW extremist acts of terror.Gnash
    • (only the men, though. patriarchy, and all)Gnash
    • Hmmm I dunno I browsed through an incel messageboard one time, it seemed pretty right wing to me.yuekit
    • They were constantly complaining about feminism, how liberals ruined society for men etc. All the same stuff just more extreme.yuekit
    • yuekit, can you see how your rationalisation of message board content to imply extreme RW Naziism is EXACTLY the same ignorrant stereotyping...Morning_star
    • ...the KKK uses to target their hate.Morning_star
    • not really seeing that parallel lol. And I didn't say Nazi, I said it's one example of an extremist online right-wing movement.yuekit
  • renderedred3

  • BusterBoy3

    • CuntBusterBoy
    • Just look at this fuckwit. If you were going to make a satire about crooked politicians (i.e. Back to the Future II) they'd look & behave exactly the same.inteliboy
    • Biden got a lot of federal funding for cancer r&d + the 1st als treatment and other disease therapies. What a pos!teh
    • #DonJr2024PhanLo
    • This really is some hackneyed dystopian sci-fi pulp right here. Why is crotchfruit #n even involved in any of this anyway?Nairn
    • Every time a Trump person talks, it's always "Liberals are idiots and crazy but we're not, we're going to make things better but not going to outline how".
    • Much better to mock someone who talks about curing cancer than to talk about anything positive.
  • Ramanisky22

  • Gnash1

    lol. perfect

    Trump is giving up on regime change in Venezuela because it's complicated and he got bored, report says…

    • If only he'd take the same approach with being president.see_thru
    • I wonder if his handlers do this on purpose. seems like a sound strategyGnash
    • "Trump is a fucking moron but what really saves us from going into complete irrecoverable chaos is that this special brand of moron is cripplingly lazy, >zaq
    • forever uninterested, never does his homework and never follows through on anything that requires more than a tweet or a quick word"zaq
  • elahon2

    Ugh, look at that war-mongering piece of shit Bolton in the back, staring lovingly at the back of Trump's head.

    • Staring lovingly or thinking "do your job, minion. Yesssssss, recite the script....."elahon
    • Bolton should be the first on the ground if he wants to go to Iran. Give him a gun and a helmet and let him start his own war.capn_ron
    • ^^ i'm in the 'do your job.." campGnash
  • Ramanisky20

    always with VaChina hands.

  • plash4

    Trumps really ramped up his spending on facebook ads. spending about 96k a day now.

  • whatthefunk6

    • Paging robo...utopian
    • #entrophymonospaced
    • Old chart, but still Obama took the stock market up 10k in 8 years. Trump is close to adding another 10k in less than 3 years.robotron3k
    • I'd say you might want to check your math, but I don't want to trigger your safe spce there Robo. Trumps no where close to 10%.plash
    • LOL, the DJI has been at a standstill for the last 18 months. It's 6k over what it was in January 2017. Things have really gone sideways under Trump.zarkonite
    • Under Obama the DJI went up 12k. Had that momentum kept up we should be at around 40k... but we had a slowdown and now a crash.zarkonite
    • Update the status bro... Obama hasn't been President in years....robotron3k
    • and the lackeys continue to think Trump has done anything but hurt the market's momentum. Must be butt hurt they didn't buy in when the economyformed
    • was actually turning around and moving positive for 8 yearsformed
    • I'm just correcting your false data robo.zarkonite
    • No sir, I didn't provide false data, Obama's numbers are cherry pickedrobotron3k
    • Nope, nothing cherry picked. Just a standard heuristic index analysis data point.zarkonite
  • BusterBoy6

    When this story of alleged sexual assault on E. Jean Kelly came out, I didn't really think much of it. But after listening to her full interview, she seems extremely credible.

    Fuck Trump.

    Longer interview here.…

    • Have you read the NYmag excerpt? Great writing.nb
    • Yup. The video provides great context with respect to her believability.BusterBoy
    • Lol she's on a book tour for her man hating book. You guys should pick it up to self hate a little more...robotron3k
    • Trump the shagger said she wan't his type, he only rapes women he likes.PhanLo
    • Fuck off Robo...she mentioned this to people YEARS ago.BusterBoy
    • have you seen the unedited interview with cooper? not sure 'credible' is the word to useGnash
    • Tman's gang doesn't care about rape or abuse (or any lies, however disgusting the reality). Everything is conveniently "fake". 16 women so far...formed
    • surely the "pussy grabber", porn buyer must be an angel, right?formed
    • Watching Pride take place all month, seems like liberals don't have much sexual morals, when did Democrats start taking the high road? you guys love trans kids.robotron3k
    • ^ Pride has become too corporate but what morals are you talking about? Don't be homophobic.
    • Yes I spent Pride in Miami and saw plenty of pride, vanity and lecherousness but I saw little tact, class or humility. And there was zero self-respect gurl.robotron3k
    • Well, you were in fucking Miami. There is not class or tact there, just a bunch of people who got rich in a blink.Maaku
    • NO such thing as sexual morals you sad sad fuck. Conservatives are so damn confused.monospaced
    • If she was lying Trump would be suing her already.teh
  • Salarrue-2

    • fuckin fuckin awful... :(
    • What's the story behind this this photo?PhanLo
    • @PhanLo
    • Horrible but as I keep saying, it's normal. For the naive who live far away from the border, they need to know this is a condition of existence for a century'srobotron3k
    • Good logic there. Might as well bring back some slavery, too, right? That's centuries old too.formed
    • robo is trying to say that this is normal in the sense that it is how assholes like it, especially trump supporting racist assholes near the border.monospaced
    • so saddbloc
    • No mono, I'm saying you pinche elitist gringos who've never seen suffering at the border don't understand the horror that occurs there. So keep promotingrobotron3k
    • Illegals with your liberal policies and you can keep bringing people closer to their death. Ain't worth it pendejos...robotron3k
    • Yup. Exactly what I said.monospaced
  • BH260

    Is trump gunning for a simultaneous war with Korean and Iran?…

    All for TV ratings in his peabrain.

  • Ramanisky20

    • She better deliver a big win, else they'll be repoing her Subaru...robotron3k
    • @robotron3k. Are you 12 or really that big of a homophobe?fooler
    • Megan Rapinoe scored twice in a 2-1 quarterfinal win over France in Paris on Friday night.fooler
    • ^ how awesome was that?CyBrainX
  • Ramanisky22

    This is fucking BRILLIANT!!!

    • Full vid here
    • Yep, that's pretty awesome! It's sad most people, myself included, aren't fully aware of the contents of the report.MondoMorphic
    • I like the drama, this is sure to get tons of donations. Then later people will be pissed they gave rich actors money when Trump gets reelected.robotron3k
    • What are you talking about robo?monospaced
    • Mono, just watch the video and donate from $5-$2,500 for truth and justice at the link provided.robotron3k
  • Ramanisky2-1

    • They all act like everythings is good and follows the protocole, but behind the curtain both their country are spying the shit out of each otherBennn
    • Fucking Trump and his little Power Trip handshake Pull. What a dildo.Nairn
    • at the end though trump is the submissive in the handshake with putin on top.microkorg
    • The first handshake was brutal, Trump savaged at 0:10 lordy, we'll Dems should be happy, that takes care of that.robotron3k
    • lol, when trump is tryin to smile 0:07-0:10neverscared
    • Lol he actually told him twice!robotron3k
    • this is so hard to watch. wow.inteliboy
    • Putin is laughing so hard at all this, he's 2 steps ahead alreadyBennn
  • neverscared2

  • Krassy5