Donald Trump

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  • whatthefunk2

    This dbag got slapped around on daytime talk show b/c his whataboutism and abject lies don't fly outside of the liddle' MAGA bubble - more bad-faith arguments from a family so accustomed to getting their way in a dysfunctional family business. Enough is enough with this already

    • why is he even getting air time? bizarre.renderedred
    • They sure think people are dumb by saying "he released the transcript" constantly.mg33
    • Still rolling with that beard. That show is brain aids.PhanLo
    • Badly drawn beardtank02
    • impeach & remove is coming...neverscared
    • Did they sit the Melania lookalike next to him on purpose? He got handled here, only a beat down would have made it better.ben_
    • i just learned that he brought his gf with him LOL what a pussy!!!renderedred
    • that's the melania lookalike :) ben_renderedred
    • ah holy fuck... it's all beyond the pale.ben_
    • Look at his eyes. Stoned!nb
  • robotron3k-4

    • The leaker who will help Trump win the 2020 election.robotron3k
    • i hope that someday you find a loving partner... kidding, you'll be forever alone. right lil' fella?!dorf
    • Sad sack of shit robotank02
  • yuekit3

    Trump Ordered to Pay $2 Million to Charities for Misuse of Foundation

    The president admitted he had used funds raised by the Donald J. Trump Foundation to promote his campaign and pay business debts. A fund-raiser for veterans that Mr. Trump held in Iowa was in fact a campaign event, he acknowledged.

    Among Mr. Trump’s admissions in court papers: The charity gave his campaign complete control over disbursing the $2.8 million that the foundation had raised at a fund-raiser for veterans in Iowa in January 2016, only days before the state’s presidential nominating caucuses. The fund-raiser, he acknowledged, was in fact a campaign event.

    The president also admitted to using the foundation to settle the legal obligations of companies he owned, including Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Florida, and the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, N.Y. And he acknowledged that the foundation purchased the $10,000 portrait of Mr. Trump, which was ultimately displayed at one of his Florida hotels.…

  • whatthefunk3

  • BonSeff12

  • yuekit2

    So going by that story I posted above, Trump illegally raided his charity to buy this painting of himself...

    He then tweeted this out the same day.

    • Imagine being naive enough to trust this guy or think he's the victim of a "deep state conspiracy"...yuekit
    • Worth way more now you're saying???robotron3k
    • It looks like the artist just ran a picture through a Photoshop filter and printed it.yuekit
    • He paid $60k for it and it ended up costing him $2 million in fines, so yes worth a lot :)yuekit
    • $2 million in fines, and another $2.8 in damages.monospaced
    • He also did one of Hillary. https://www.instagra…PhanLo
    • That guy's art is fucking horrible. Probably makes good money though. Still paints Marilyn Monroe portraits and they're a winner.PhanLo
    • https://www.instagra…
      Geez yeah it's like the most insipid shit possible.
    • Yep, Yuekit, absolute gash. I look at work like that and it really makes painting seem pointless. Folk love that shit too. https://www.instagra…PhanLo
    • so he stole 60k out of a charity fund to buy a shitty picture of himself in order that he could boast on twitter about how much some fucking idiot paid?Fax_Benson
    • yes, yes he didmonospaced
    • crikey. I'm not sure anyone could help him even if he wanted to get some. where do you start?Fax_Benson
    • simply put, you find the most crooked assholes in the country and give them positions that support you being head assclown of a nationmonospaced
    • and then you target the nation's most gullible, uneducated and ignorant assholes and recruit them to support youmonospaced
    • with fake bigoted promises and classless liesmonospaced
    • Art for people who don't think about art.
    • dude's instagram is like a 16 year old girls "Selfie" gallery.utopian
    • photo to PS > filter, output onto shit giclee = $60k, I'm in the wrong game :)fadein11
  • Ramanisky25

    Maybe their last name is Black?!?

  • NBQ003

    • I was hoping the therapy finally worked & you Never-Trumpers wouldn't be posting on this thread anymore, we went at least 36 hours-a new record in last 3 years!robotron3k
    • Sorry that I posted a pic of you, robo.NBQ00
    • No soy gringo pendejo.robotron3k
    • eat shit robotank02
    • Aww robo, you know you love being our village idiot.garbage
    • yea robo, do you have an orange dildo and take it up the ass?tank02
    • eat shit Dinofooler
    • Y'all short circuit cuando yo hablo Español....robotron3k
    • Cierra la boca panochita.garbage
  • nb4

    • certain people relate with trump and despise Obama - and vice versa. says a lot about an individual.inteliboy
    • But who REALLY can relate to trump? What is relatable? He’s so outside the normal it’s insane.monospaced
    • Conservatives simply ignore the fact he represents so much they abhor in principle. It’s disturbing how up their asses they are defending him.monospaced
  • nb4


    Another stipulation ensures that Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump received training on the duties of officers and directors of charities so that they cannot allow the illegal activity they oversaw at the Trump Foundation to take place again.

    • only the bestutopian
    • The shagger should never be allowed near a charity for the rest of his life. Neither should his offspring.PhanLo
    • eat shit dinofooler
  • nb5…

    "The press is so dishonest that we no longer have Freedom of the Press!" – President Trump, November 10, 2019.

    Only the dumbest of people could support this guy.
    How embarrassing.

    • Robo et al. too dumb to understand why they should be embarrassed.nb
    • After the mislead of a Hillary victory by the MSM, the Dems should have done soul searching. U can't blame the customer if nobody is coming into the restaurantrobotron3k
    • eat shit dinofooler
    • hillary? lol ok.inteliboy
    • most of qbn hated Hillary. so not sure why you keeping pointing fingers at us.inteliboy
    • This topic is about the Press not being "free". You see prior to 2016 elections, you and others we're led to believe Hillary would be in office and Trump wouldrobotron3k
    • The Press fooled you and everyone to think Trump would lose. But he didn't, he won, it surprised you and many on QBN. I was laughing so hard at people crying,robotron3k
    • So because of Hillary and the Dum party, you and others, fume daily and keep this Donald Trump Thread alive. And you'll be doing so for 5 more years. Enjoy.robotron3k
    • This tweet is not about that. It’s about freedom of press and how he has no idea what it means. Clearly you don’t either.monospaced
    • Robo is too dumb to understand, as evidenced here.nb
    • Mono haven't you read the news!? The sex crimes of an egg-dick shaped Democrat supporter.were covered up by ABC news. How embarrassing is it to be a Dem now.robotron3k
    • nb, now that Beto is gone, what genius candidate do you support?robotron3k
    • muahaha, the press is dishonest and that from the guy with the gazillion lies per atomsecond in the white house.neverscared
    • You really don’t know what freedom of press is do you? It has nothing to do with recent reporting on Epstein.monospaced
    • Robo has no argument so he tries to deflect by the conversation to others. So basic.nb
    • * (shifting) the...nb
    • If we no longer have freedom of press it will be because trump makes sure of it.monospaced
  • sephil2

    That interview aged like fine wine.
    Lindsey called it like it is back in those days.

    • I'm taking wagers on who's posting next.... Could be ram, yuekit or utopian... I'm gonna guess renderer might bump Trump to the top.... Any one want to guess??robotron3k
    • can u just not post anymore!?.. it´s ok to have the village idiot around once a month..but all the time.. get a grip, man.neverscared
    • I’ll wager that whomever posts next you’ll be there with a “but Hillary” in a sad attempt to deflect from the fact you struggle to defend a a shitty presidentmonospaced
    • eat shit robotank02
    • @robo, you pandering? LOLrenderedred
    • I don't stress Trump if tweets "freedom of the press" or "freedom in the press". But all of you keep Trump alive on QBN. Let's see if y'all control yourselves.robotron3k
    • he doesn't know the difference anyway :)renderedred
    • Trump is QBN.PhanLo
    • You don’t care because you don’t realize there’s a difference or that trump was obviously talking about freedom of the press, while not even understanding it.monospaced
    • eat shit Dino!fooler
    • Oh it's eating you guys up... Who's gonna bump Trump next?? Tick tock tick tock....robotron3k
    • Lets see how long it takes him to tweet something stupid, shouldn't be too long.fooler
    • If trumps behavior doesn’t “eat you up” then you probably aren’t a true Americanmonospaced
    • mono you really need to stop watching The View, you're just parroting Whoopi Goldberg's opinion...robotron3k
    • I've never seen that show. I don't even have cable or watch TV you dumbass.monospaced
  • BusterBoy4

    Look at Mango Mussolini...wannabe dictator.

  • BusterBoy5

    Hahahahahahaha..what a little pussy Trump Jr is. Needs to be bailed out by his feral girlfriend.

    • it's pretty insane really, but i doubt there would ever be a liberal speaker at a Conservative gathering who would get treated like this. These kids are nuts_niko
    • It looks like his beard is painted onGnash
    • that's one feral gf alright :)renderedred
    • that went wellutopian
    • niko...really? Although it's very difficult to find a Liberal equivalent of dickwad Jr. If Chelsea Clinton abused Conservatives the way this dick does...BusterBoy
    • And then went to speak at a conservative gathering, how do you think that would go. Or Hunter Biden?BusterBoy
    • The conservative ones just drive cars into crowds and walk around in khakis chanting racist rants with tiki torches. But yeah, these are crazy.monospaced
    • he was booed by the alt-right. Trump supporters. Bwahahahahaha! Triggered!Khurram
    • https://www.theguard…Khurram
    • trump and co always whining about the media as if Murdochs right wing newscorp empire hasn't been derailing politics for decades.inteliboy
    • No idea really but decency is decency nobody deserves this I think. The anti-fascist are becoming more fascists than the fascists._niko
    • Or maybe I’m just tired of it all , american politics are so ridiculous and draining just wipe each other out so that we can have some peace and quiet lol._niko
    • Not that Canadian politics or any other countries are much better, the whole worlds going to hell in a hand basket and I say good riddance._niko
    • I think you're missing the irony.Khurram
    • For those who’ve missed the point, this is his supporters BOOING him at his own book launch. Let that sink in.scruffics
    • lol, well then, that's hilarious_niko
    • Those aren’t supporters. Those are UCLA students. Chances are 90%+ hate them coming in.monospaced
    • Niko, why doesn't he deserve a response? negative or otherwise it's just a reaction to the words he's put out in the public sphere. No one is assaulting him.ben_
    • Going to a liberal school and calling the student body "triggered" by a shit president, and then asking them to buy the book is just asking for it.monospaced
    • ^^some of them were wearing Maga Hats, one of them is a holocaust denier - read the news articles - these are Trump supporters aggrieved at an earlier slight.Khurram
    • Ben, it was probably my knee jerk reaction to having just watched the Hong Kong vid of setting that guy on fire. Plus I skimmed this video_niko
    • @Khurram fair enough, I'm sure there are a handful there I guess. But it's still UCLA. I Would have gone just to boo the piece of shit too, if I was there.monospaced
  • Ramanisky23

  • whatthefunk3

    • He was heckled, verbally abused and shouted over. Not sure any person on the planet wouldn't leave. Guys a prick sure but this is a shit tweet.Hayzilla
    • Ahhh Hayz he wrote a book called Triggered! lol come on. Fuck this goob.nb
  • whatthefunk0

    New ads show Trump supporters saying they made a mistake

    • FAKE NEWS!monospaced
    • NOT FAIR!monospaced
    • Plumber thought Trump was on his level?PhanLo
    • He figured: I don’t know shit about politics or government so I’m voting for the guy who also doesn’t know jack shit.monospaced
    • he he Mono! I'll snowmobile over a lake to that. :-)PhanLo
    • All these guys with experience running shit and I work in a coal mine. Let's make sure we get someone with NO experience because that will be better!monospaced
    • These people have been ignored for a long time. I suppose they just said fuck it. Bit silly putting any faith in Trump though.PhanLo
    • Sorry. Ignored how?monospaced
    • Ignored in the sense that since the 80s the dogma has been to delocalize manufacturing to China, both parties have been supporters of that doctrine and notzarkonite
    • really addressing the casualties of this new reality. Mostly they point to the stock market and GDP and say "hey look everything is great" but those who dozarkonite
    • manual labour or non-whtie collar work are getting shafted big time. I totally understand why you'd vote for Trump if you were the 2nd or 3rd generation to getzarkonite
    • fucked and your whole community is destroyed and no one seems to care.zarkonite
    • Oh THAT kind of ignored. Gotcha.monospaced
  • nb4…

    "DACA recipients with arrest records: 53,792! That is a very large proportion of the total. @LouDobbs Not good, but we will be able to make a deal with the Dems!" - President Donald Trump, Nov 12, 2019

    Ok. A couple things here:

    1. This number is based on "apprehensions", not convictions. Presumably many of these are because people are immigrants without their papers on them. But who cares.

    2. If you go by this number, this means about 8% of DACA have apprehensions. According to the FBI, using a similar but less-serious measure, the overall American population has about a 30% apprehension record. So DACAs are better than your average American.

    3. MOST IMPORTANT: This is fucking AMERICA not fucking Nazi Germany or some bullshit dictatorship where a person is considered dangerous and a threat just because people of a similar administrative status may have once been accused of a crime. GOOD LORD.

    Trump is sooooo the opposite of what the founding fathers intended for this country. Trump is so fucking anti-American, it makes me sick. Trump supporters don't have a fucking clue what it means to be an American.

    • whoops, actually I meant a *more-serious measure.nb
    • Dear Trump supporters: read a fucking history book – and not one written in the past 10 years by a TV pundit, kthx.nb
    • Kind of a garbled message there too...they are criminals, but I'll cut a deal to let them stay in the country.yuekit
    • This one reads even more incoherently…
  • Ramanisky24

    A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.

    This administration is a fucking embarrassment.…

    • Obviously this woman an illegal from Ecuador, probably snuck over to USA on a freight train, lived on the streets por favor, she just wants an opportunity...robotron3k
    • She also had her kidney surgery done by the same guy who Melanies kidneys.Ramanisky2
    • Only the best ®nbq
    • A freight train from Ecuador to the USA. Yes, this is one of the biggest immigration problems.monospaced
    • #buildTheWallnbq
    • Normally you put a 5 yr old on top of a freight train, write his name on his t-shirt, send him North. If it's a girl, give her birth control for her journey.robotron3k
  • yuekit0

    Leaked emails show that Trump's senior advisor Stephen Miller, currently in charge of immigration policy for the USA, is a fan of openly white nationalist sites such as VDARE and American Renaissance.…

    • Who woulda thunk it!BusterBoy
    • Shocker!!!Ramanisky2
    • I agree it's not all that shocking if you paid attention to who this guy is. But if you went back in time a few years and someone told you a white nationalistyuekit
    • would be at the top levels of the government running policy, that would be pretty shocking.yuekit
    • We've now reached a point where American liberals will just cynically accept it and conservatives will defend it because logic dictates they have to defendyuekit
    • everything Trump and his people do.yuekit
    • "accept it" is a stretch. When you have 50% of the population defending racism, corruption and abuse of power, there's not exactly much we can do beyond votesformed
    • Less we forget, most dictators were loved by many at one point. Trumpster's won't back down for anything, even an impeachment, treason, corruption, etc. etc.formed