Donald Trump
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- yuekit0
"Don't let it dominate your life"
- neverscared4
“The F.D.A. proposed stricter guidelines for emergency approval of a coronavirus vaccine, but the White House chief of staff objected to provisions that would push approval past Election Day.”
This is called politicizing science. And it’s beyond unethical.
- Continuity2
I haven't looked, but isn't there something in US criminal law about intentionally or recklessly spreading a potentially fatal disease around? I mean, FFS, the orange turd is still contagious.
At this point, there's really absolutely no difference between letting this guy out of his cage and back at the WH, and letting a suicide bomber in with C4 strapped to his chest.
- Criminally stupid. Most doctors are saying his physicians should have their licenses revoked for this shit.monospaced
- And rightly so.Continuity
- tank026
Let him wear himself out. Let him campaign and don't build up reserves for recovery. And he dies on election day on your golden toilet A fitting end for this perversion of man.
- In an ideal world, he would work himself up into such a frenzy during the next debate that he dies right there on the spot, on camera.Continuity
- Marvelous. I never wished for anyone to die, but these few days he really shown how low he goes.tank02
- nb4
All this reminds me of another certain someone who was briefly unpopular and crucified by his enemy. His disciples carried him away and lay him down, away from the angry mob. Three days later, he rose again from the dead and stood above us triumphantly.
- Except nobody was crucified by an enemy and he wasn’t laid down or rise from the dead. So not at all reminiscent of that bullshit story.monospaced
- Did you not see the debatenb
- brian?_niko
- Lol @_nikoOBBTKN
- Lemmy, you're talking about Lemmy. Aren't you?face_melter
- You're implying Biden crucified him in the debate? And he rose from the dead after a couple of days in the hospital? Weird.monospaced
- It's a joke, mannb
- Also, I was talking about Lemmynb
- I did not see the Lemmy debate.monospaced
- dasohr7
I just really wanted the lump to loose the election and go to jail, but at this point I wouldn't mind if he'd keel over and die in a puddle of his own defecations. The audacity of this guy and his cronies. Incredible.
- BaskerviIle3
Can you imagine if you'd shown the front page of todays newspaper to one of us 5 or 6 years would be unbelievable:
Trump is president, Johnson is prime minister, ongoing global pandemic has killed over a million people so far..what else?- Also Trump caught the deadly disease and was miracle cured like in the final moments of an epidemic disaster movie.PhanLo
- Ramanisky22
- His Doctor Wife must be screaming inside.face_melter
- So this is the intellectual upstart from the right? Ok than.tank02
- everyone's favourite miniature mentalistfadein11
- I'm going start an online "business" selling anti-covid "serum" derived from "trump" to sell to his idiot followers. I mean it's the American way no?_niko
- I know a guy who knows a guy who knows the doctor that drew a veil of blood from Trump, we've now synthesised it and for the low price of $3500 you can inject_niko
- yourself with the life-saving blood of the messiah. Feel the power of Trump running through your veins, be one with Him and together make america great again._niko
- Derp._niko
- Yeah tank, he's the stunted dwarf mascot for the melted brains trust known as The Intellectual Dark Web. He and Tim Pool take turns to be their official dildo.face_melter
- Is this satire?FNP14
- No wonder his wife is as dry as a Nun's nasty.BusterBoy
- Ramanisky25
- LOL "Hope Hicks in the Rose Garden with the Spittle"elahon
- “Throwing out Spittle Skittles to everyone”Ramanisky2
- neverscared3
- Not to uh, rain on the parade here but... CNN is trash. It's not as bad as Fox, of course. But still, I don't trust CNN to report accurately on their own polls.nb
- Are those numbers how much active brain matter they both have left?face_melter
- ^Lol!PhanLo
- Lol facescarabin
- so many fuckwits crying from the sidelines, likely barely old enough to run for office, if even from this country. no help. all static. so annoying.imbecile
- haha facefadein11
- nb6
Trump would rather let hundreds of thousands MORE die than lose the election. It's clear that if he somehow could literally have that option presented to him he would choose his victory over their lives.
And he's convinced some 40% of voters to agree with him. (I guess they all would rather die than have the radical left bringing single-payer healthcare for all?)
We've all been joking around about him for years but all this shit he's done – the fake news accusations, spreading misinformation, dumbing down public discourse to the point where it's impossible to have a discussion – it's so unamerican, it's so unpatriotic. HE DID THESE THINGS. He got us to here.
He's fucking evil. It's all so maddening. And the left had the decency to go easy on him when he was sick?
Every day I hope he dies. Fuck him. He's a bad person.
- worst of human kind poster childrenderedred
- *politics aside :)renderedred
- +1,000,000 Fuck him and his whole POS family.elahon
- He’s a Fucking Monster and I wish nothing but the worst. Covid activate.Ramanisky2
- Yup. Fuck all of these people to death.Continuity
- he's not the worst human. the worst human knows someone that will vote for him but stands idly by as society falls further into despair.imbecile
- Spot on. Many say he's a symptom of a broken system. Fuck that...he's THE DISEASE.BusterBoy
- dbloc0
- This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU ltank02
- Article:…PhanLo - "Menjivar said it is also unclear who owns the land." city planning office is too hard to reach?imbecile