Donald Trump
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- 11,112 Responses
- dbloc1
- Perfect physical specimen of a maggot filled, bloated turd, that isdasohr
- He was only being sarcasticRamanisky2
- PhanLo8
- lolSalarrue
- Confession time: I've not actually seen this film, yet.Continuity
- hahafadein11
- "No one believes your fake tears..." LOLAkagiyama
- that was probably him in the bunker that day :)renderedred
- Never thought I’d say this but that’s an insult to hitler._niko
- Just when you thought that this "video meme" was dead...Trump gives it new life...LMAOutopian
- This needs trump deepfaketeh
- Nairn1
Is he dying yet?
- we all are Nairn, it's happening slowly, but we all are.capn_ron
- ha.
*cries in spanish, and all the other languages too.Nairn - The comedown off these drugs could finish him offFax_Benson
- Here’s hopinghardhat
- he's certainly going to be a hard pharmaceuticals enthusiastFax_Benson
- ^ Just like Rush Limbaugh was.Ramanisky2
- he got away with it, peak 2020 ffs.fadein11
- Probably skipping the debates so they don't ask about them stem cells.......formed
- ^ drinking them fetus flavored smoothiesRamanisky2
- Ramanisky23
Is this shot with green screen ??
- Experts agree it wasn't, but it's definitely got weird optics and lighting.…evilpeacock - I thought one of his hospital vids was a greenscreen one too. The background was cartoonishly out of focusPhanLo
- lolsted
- his accordian arms - fuck man - just lies upon lies upon bullshit_me_
- Tremendous Bullshit.utopian
- The hospital, Lawn of the Rose Garden and this video all shot on a green screen. Fake ass hair, fake ass president.utopian
- “It’s free”hardhat
- The background loops poorly and jerks every so oftenscarabin
- Experts agree it wasn't, but it's definitely got weird optics and lighting.
- sted3
tots and prayrs
- +REGENERON!…sted - Coughs and Prayers for his flock of sheep.utopian
- USA, what a strange and amazing country!Bennn
- elahon5
- virtual - they could mute him when he screams like a baby out of turnProjectile
- They could have muted him already. It would have completely solved the problem.CyBrainX
- PhanLo2
- Nice shade of shoe polishRamanisky2
- ^Lol. Hey You guuuuuysss!PhanLo
- CEO behind Trump's experimental antibody drug Regeneron is a member of the president's golf club.
Howzabout daaat?PhanLo - That'll be the series of strokes he had a while back. He's actually visibly decaying before our eyes.face_melter
- He's got a face I'd like to re-enact that fire extinguisher scene from Irréversible with.Continuity
- @cont lol, that scene still haunts me (a bit)fadein11
- Yeah, same. Well, the whole film is difficult to stomach, frankly.Continuity
- @Phanlo, that's Elephant man :)Maaku
- Oh jeez. a French 'friend' encouraged that we watch it and then was like "so, i'm off" shorlty before it got utterly horrific. Total cunt.Nairn
- Just imagine cuddling Donald Trump. Go on, just let the idea in. It's a rainy day and you're both miserable as hell - go on, cuddle Trump. Just imagine it.Nairn
- .
Isn't it the most disgusting idea?Nairn
- sted2
- yuekit-1
- Sup with Wolverine Watchmen's ears?utopian
- I would have believed this is a 3D render over this…yuekit - Just imagine the conversations these cunts probably had with each other.BusterBoy
- 'Conversations' is a bit far-fetched, I think. Probably more a series of grunts.Continuity
- deathyboy , hayoth, mcsqurter, robo, and his brother.. count it.neverscared
- 'Jus some good ol boys, never doin no harm...'PhanLo
- Damn. Limp Bizkit really have hit the skids, eh?face_melter
- neverscared0
Trump speaks to senior citizens about COVID: "You're not vulnerable, but they like to say the vulnerable, but you're the least vulnerable — but for this one thing you are vulnerable."
- utopian2
Trump's "miracle" COVID-19 treatment was developed using cells derived from an aborted fetus
The experimental treatment for the coronavirus that President Trump took last week and which he has been touting as a miracle “cure” was developed using cells originally derived from fetal tissue, according to new reports.
The president was administered Regeneron’s cocktail of monoclonal antibodies — essentially man-made proteins that act like those naturally produced by the human immune system to fight viruses.
In order to test the potency of its antibodies, Regeneron made use of HEK 293T, a human cell line once derived from the tissue of an aborted fetus, according to the MIT Technology Review and The New York Times.
- yuekit1
- Dude needs to change his smoke alarm battery.elahon
- amerikka is fukkedhans_glib
- He'll enjoy his career in law enforcement.PhanLo
- What is with these brainiacs and recording their moronic tirades? It's the internet, son. Every motherfucker can see it.face_melter
- Like, in the future this cunt applies for a job? Ok *tap tap tap* let's see... a video? Wonder what he says... oh my!face_melter
- What is 556?Maaku
- nevermind...Maaku
- elahon0
Coughing Trump tells Hannity he's healthy and ready to hold rallies
- Would that he would keel over and suffocate to death at one of his rallies, after a coughing fit. Sigh. I guy can wish.Continuity
- Imagine watching that whole thing and still supporting Trump. Just how many psychotic murderers live in this country?CyBrainX
- Have to laugh really. The fallout from Tanface McFucknugget will take generations to fix.PhanLo