Donald Trump
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- utopian1
California Republicans are allegedly setting up fake 'official' drop-off boxes to harvest ballots.
- gaymonospaced
- ^ That made me LOL. Bravo.Morning_star
- I couldn't imagine a more childish response fitting for this behavior.monospaced
- Uhm is this fake news. The link to the source routed me back to "newsbreak"********
- Yea fake news as fuck. Utopian u getting lazy peddlin your wares********
- You're a disgusting, apologetic retard. Here you go, asshole. https://www.nytimes.…monospaced
- And here. https://www.washingt…monospaced
- And here, you silly, stupid, brainwashed cunt. https://www.snopes.c…monospaced
- The only fake fuck is you, and you peddling your conservative brianwashed diarrhea everywhere. You are on the wrong side of history, you fucking idiot.monospaced
- I mean, how fucking stupid do you have to be to call "fake news" when it's literally front page confirmed on every newspaper in the nation today. idiot.monospaced
- Even Fox News running a story about how they admitted to doing this.monospaced
- Lay off deathboy...he is recovering from Covid like symptoms.utopian
- nb2
"We're signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan."TRUMP ON AUG 3:
We'll have a new healthcare plan most likely by end of month.TRUMP ON AUG 7:
"Over the next two weeks, I'll be pursuing a major executive order requiring health insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions for all customers."TRUMP ON OCT 12:
"Republicans must state loudly and clearly that WE are going to provide much better Healthcare at a much lower cost. Get the word out!"Why is it that Republicans can get Supreme Court bench seats filled with confirmed conservative judges in record time, but they can't get anything else done? Do you think it's because they don't want to? Are you really going to blame democrats?!?!
Republicans will never do a fucking thing that doesn't benefit themselves. They promise a lot, but can't get shit done. Simple as that. Fuck 'em to hell.
- executive order ≠ plan
lower costs ≠ planmonospaced - This sounds like how I used to talk to my freelance clients when I was a kid.nb
- "two weeks... oh yeah end of the month" "two weeks this thing will be grea"nb
- Trump was saying this in 2015monospaced
- lol nb. "Two more wheeze and COUGH COUGH... excuse me two more weeks and.."garbage
- Obamacare like as is in the system. Like cancer pretty hard to remove. Also now removal takes some greater sacrifices. Not sure it will e er get removed if********
- Insurance co have their lobbyists. Best thing is to move away from insurance but think of job losses involved. Political suicide********
- deathboy ≠ planmonospaced
- executive order ≠ plan
- doggydoggdog4
- More action than Melonia ever gets.face_melter
- Get a room!12xu
- More action than Pence gets from MotherRamanisky2
- When you're a star, they let you do itFax_Benson
- lol ramfadein11
- Ramanisky23
- Rona? What Rona?!
He's still got it.PhanLo - Mary Mother of God, I can't take anymorefadein11
- Dancing on the graves of 215,000 people.nb
- Oh wait, most of them don’t have graves, they’re still on a big pile behind the hospital. :( :(nb
- lol load up on guns and kill your friends. he's totally going to win.face_melter
- and the Cult members rejoice…Ramanisky2 - Dear lordGnash
- What have you wroughtGnash
- he turned queer? YMCA lolNBQ00
- "he turned queer"fadein11
- I'd laugh at the fact that he thinks this exudes virility, but I just can't. What a fucking joke.garbage
- YMCA is a top tune.
Still find it weird that it plays at Trump rallies.PhanLo - Macho Macho man! I want to be... a Macho Man!wagshaft
- Rona? What Rona?!
- Ramanisky21
- fucking cuntstank02
- Remember this when people say our democracy is at stake - as if we still are in a democracy. It matters how we talk about this. We have a war to fight.CyBrainX
- tyranny is the only optionimbecile
- This is the result of not voting election after election. If everyone at least tried to vote as they should, suppression wouldn't be an issue anymore and you'dzarkonite
- have people that actually represent you in charge.zarkonite
- this is the result of voter oppression. it obviously works.imbecile
- the US has a voter turnout of about 55%, how much do you think voter suppression counts for? 5%? 10%? People are staying and getting the gov they deserve.zarkonite
- ^ staying homezarkonite
- disillusionment has a trickling psychological effect. the result of continually being let manipulated by the system has led to lower turnout over the centuries.imbecile
- for example, in 1860, voter turnout was 81.2%. plot those numbers over time to see a trend. it makes sense people don't participate when one can't believe in itimbecile
- zarkonite0…
"Wisconsin blames Foxconn, says $3 billion factory deal is off.
Wisconsin says Foxconn has hired far fewer people than promised in a 2017 deal."OOPS, another donald deal that didn't work out. I wonder how the good people of Wisonsin are going to react 3 weeks out from an election?
- The best deals!utopian
- They'll still vote for him.PhanLo
- Biden is up 10 points in Wisconsin, I think they see through donald's bullshit.….zarkonite
- It's really hard to tell, enough people voted for him in the first place to make me never put too much faith in people's minds.PhanLo
- Ditto, the fact he's still getting a solid 40% support no matter what makes me want to vomit.zarkonite
- 4/10 (2/5) are ignorant and proud.
I'd say that's true up here in Canada as well.ideaist - This was a Scott Walker deal. Yeah, we got rid of him eventually, too.allthethings
- utopian0
First American confirmed to have caught COVID-19 twice
A 25-year-old Nevada man is the first American confirmed to have been infected twice with COVID-19. He was sicker the second time.
- stand by for miracle times!renderedred
- When Michael takes off his maskdbloc
- Nutter0
Properly a stupid question, but haven't really heard anything about Melania since it came out she had covid-19. Has she also had the express covid-19 "cure" that her husband has?
Isn't it a bit weird if she isn't cured now that Donald is trotting around saying he has never felt better?
- She never even had symptoms bad enough to need anything beyond in home treatment and was likely normal the whole time.monospaced
- And, actually, I don't think we know what's been happening to any of the other retarded monkeys in the WH who got it, either.Continuity
- Neither Melania nor Drumpf EVER had CovidKrassy
- HOAX!nbq
- She wants as little to do with this tumbling fucking clown show as possible.face_melter
- Last time she was in hospital with a health scare she returned with new tits, so she's probably in for a two-fer with Covid and botox.face_melter
- lol face, please don't stopfadein11
- PonyBoy4
Donald Trump superfan who worshipped 6ft statue of President dies after starving himself & praying for him to beat Covid
- But did he fuck the statue?FNP14
- This is so weird. What's with the strange obsession. Has this happened with any other U.S. president?dbloc
- Folk were into Kennedy, but I sort of get that, Trump's a bit more like being into a wrestler.PhanLo
- deathboy?Salarrue
- @Phan but people in other countries were worshiping Kennedy?dbloc
- elahon3
- deathboy will explainmonospaced
- Sure he will... on the nest election maybenbq
- "nbq how do u kno about the nest election that because is egg secret and now collapse no pepperonri how dare u" - dbgarbage
- Ramanisky24
- What a sheer and utter cunt. Apart from disrespecting the elderly...BusterBoy
- Thanks kind of funny to be honestinstrmntl
- 3 years older...nbq
- Funny? Unless of course your grandmother died from COVID hey. Hilarious.BusterBoy
- and less senile/demantia.. win-win I guess?nbq
- iloldsted
- Tough crowdinstrmntl
- But.. but... but the discourse! Civility! Dems would have pulled this kind of shit but they have this basket-case idea of respect and a fair fight.face_melter
- who gives a fuck about civility / discourse ?
Look at the shit you clowns post about Trump on a daily basis... lol @ 'disrespecting the elderly' too. :PPonyBoy - I could care less about the shit you post about Trump btw—it's the fact some of you post shit 10 X's more fucked about trump daily but act appalled at this. <3PonyBoy
- ... and it is kinda funny (cuz it's accurate).
<3PonyBoy - If you want to look closer at a politician over here in the States that disrespected / FUCKED over the elderly... look @ Fredo's big brother.PonyBoy
- Calm your flabby fucking tits. Awash with miserable libs as it is, QBN is not the real world.face_melter
- Dem savagery amounts to Mayor Pete going on Fox and making some shitty teacher joke about him being orange or some such inept fuckery.face_melter
- I’m talking to QBN tho... and eyes up here, pervPonyBoy
- I mean we're a bunch of anonymous people talking shit in a forum and he's the actual president of the USA...aside from that it's totally the same.yuekit
- respect Mr Trump and he'll respect you accordingly, okay fellas?Fax_Benson