Wordpress Theme Sites

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  • 3 Responses
  • Beeswax

    When I'm going to set-up a new site for some of my clients I go to through tens of wordpress themes to find a suitable one.

    The problem is demo sites doesn't give you a hint about factors like admin complexity, page setup/flexibility etc.
    If you go and buy a theme that you think is appropriate you often end up with a useless one.

    So I use nulled theme sites, test them on my server with real content that will be used on the site.

    Then when I decide on one, I go and buy that theme since the nulled ones have malwares, they are older versions and they don't provide support.

    The problem is all these pirate sites are shit. Bunch of clickbaits and stuff.
    Are there any relatively "clean" ones out there?

  • ArmandoEstrada2

    Not really an answer but learn to develop your own sites for clients, use custom post types and ACF. All the time and energy you're putting into finding a pre made theme you could be half way there.

  • ********

    stop trying to hack shit and buy the damn themes

  • noneck4

    I've all but given up on paid themes for clients. Make your own and use CPT + ACF for additional functionality.

    Paid themes are designed to sell. They're not designed to work well, or have a logical backend for your clients. This means you get a ton of "features" you don't need, and poorly programmed themes that are slow and buggy.