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  • 204 Responses
  • ********

    • LOL!
    • Benitez was right, wasn't he?
    • So he just knows how to use a freekick?
      LOL at MegaEGO!
    • Oh i feel bad for him now. Esp when some idiot fan jumped in. Too much star pressure on him. Leave ronaldo alone!Beeswax
    • I think that's a fair comment. Some people either have it or they don't. You can't teach everything. Nothing to see here...
    • but, but...he had it and he lost it...40 attempts 0 goals!
    • Yea he's been shit in the tournament but no one can deny he's an amazingly talented player
    • I thought Nani was better than him, much more exciting, just less autistic!Ianbolton
    • The young buck who got their goal. Now he's got MOXIEstoplying
  • Beeswax0

    • Incredible how the tvs censored this. Probably a policy to avoid giving exposure. Every single view was avoiding the scene until they got him out of the fieldESKEMA
    • I know, highly disappointing. That was by far the most interesting thing since the first half
    • Yes, there is a rule not to show this kind of events. Also fights between supporters, police action...dmay
    • best part of the gameDillinger
  • chukkaphob4

  • Ianbolton-1

    I forgot this competition was still going on now my country has nothing to do with Europe whatsoever

    • Your country is still in Europe you bollock-chinned jizz-trumpet
    • you country is part of antarctica now.Beeswax
  • Beeswax1

    Wohooo Sheep shaggers: 3 - Waffle suckers : 1

    • first game i saw. like 30 minutes. totally worth it.
  • Wolfboy2

    Finally, an entertaining game!

    Well done Wales.


    Great game!
    Belgium started really good but after they scored (best fucking goal of the tournament) Wales went full on beast mode. It's going to be really tough for us (Portugal) going against them next week.
    Can't wait.

  • Beeswax0

    Boateng thought he was playing basketball I guess.
    C'mon Italia!


    New meme Italian penalty shot

  • burnt2

  • autoflavour0

    damn that was good.. felt almost like it was scripted tho..
    who kicks the ball that high so many times

  • autoflavour-1

    but yep, Fuck Italy ..
    (sorry, still not loving Italy after they took Australia out of the 2006 World cup)

  • _niko0

  • _niko0

    Democratic Republic of...France?

    • They're french, what's wrong?ESKEMA
    • and football is poor youth's sport from ghettos. This pic is no coincidence. This is the only way they will be allowed to have a future in Europe.Beeswax
    • whatever, it's one thing on a club level but they're doing it for national teams too, giving out citizenship like candy if they can play._niko
    • the world cup in a few years is going to be all mercenaries. Last world cup I think there ware 5-6 Brazilians on teams other than Brazil._niko
    • great point Beeswax, I don't think most of their other countrymen enjoy the same privilege or respect_niko
    • 4% of the population is black but 78% of the national football team is black..i don't know, it feels like NT make up should be closer to the actual demographics_niko
    • like where are my Chinese or indian peeps? I know there are tons of you on the continent, is it too much to ask to see one of you on a national team lol_niko
    • American Basketball. Are they at the same ratio as the population? Wtf are you on about? They play well they get picked..ESKEMA
    • Oh my god you ignorant fuckwit.fadein11
    • someone just upvoted this... :(
    • There are a few here who like this sort of fucking shit - it's making me really go off this website.fadein11
    • It's crazy how many Indians dominate the national spelling bee in the US every year.
      is an observation.
    • I hate how many Indians dominate the national spelling bee in the US every year.
      is racist.
    • sorry, my thoughts are all over the place, my comments about citizenship were'nt aimed at teh French players, just the trend in general_niko
    • like Croatia giving Brazilian Sammir citizenship even though he wasn't born there or grew up there or spoke the language...just a mercenary_niko
    • lol, make a valid observation and get dragged through town square on charges of racism. interesting how the same people who cry hate speech are also going aroun
    • -d saying hateful shit themselves when it concerns issues other than race
    • I think the thirst for victory means that management/govt couldn't give 2 shits what they look like, they just have to win. Doubly so because host nation.BuddhaHat
    • question if this is the French team is a to "make a valid observation"? LOL!
    • "the same people who cry hate speech are also going around saying hateful shit themselves when it concerns issues other than race"
    • give an example, please do.
    • ‘When we represent France, we know we are playing for the multicultural French nation,’ Sakho told The Guardian afterwards.
    • ‘We love France and everything that is France... France is made up of Arab culture, black African culture, black West Indian culture and white culture and we...
    • a squad that reflects that multiculturalism, are all fighting in the same way and are united behind France qualifying for the World Cup.’
    • And the following comments...like these players were mercenaries...LOL!
    • https://sites.duke.e…
    • ^ yep... ignore the fuckwits.fadein11
    • Mercenaries? What is it you think his comment was implying?
    • Sweden's team will look like this in a couple of years. immigration to Europe is their only hope.hotroddy
  • ********

    I don't have anymore patience to the growing racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and sexism in this forum.

    Yes, this is a political statement in the UEFA Euro 2016 thread.

    Because first because of _niko's previous post, clearly political.
    Second because of statements like:

    "whatever, it's one thing on a club level but they're doing it for national teams too, giving out citizenship like candy if they can play."

    As far as I know in certain countries, like Germany, and not just in Europe, like in the USA, people born in those countries are entitled or have tthe right to citizenship.

    And I totally fucking agree.

    Statements like this just reveal ignorance, fear and hate.

    Fuck you!
    And if I get a strike because I wrote this then fuck you again.

    People have the right to have different opinions, thing is that racism and all other mentioned things are not a fucking opinion.

    That has nothing to do with opinions.

    And if Football and other Sports are a way out of social ostracism and daily racism then be it.

    Not everybody has the same opportunities you know?
    Social surroundings and other things count and make it far more difficult to certain groups.

    You ignorant fucking racist.

    • Ever heard of Colonialism and Immigration? Do even know its implications?
    • I mean can you even understand? Don't think so. Where do you live? Which nationality do you have? Where does your family comes from?
    • what a dickhead, just seen - 100% agree.fadein11
    • I get so angry on stuff like this that I get difficulties in writing and express myself correctly. Grrrr....
    • lol you made it political and racist, I have no issue with any of it. relax._niko
    • erm, explain. how are racist views not opinions?
    • it's an observation, if Cameroon had a population of 4% white but all 8/11 starters on the Nt were white I'd say the same thing.. isn't that curious._niko
    • For example Giannis Antentokounpbo, my personal favourite player, was born in Greece to Nigerian parents, he wasn't allowed to be a citizen until he was 18_niko
    • after he made the National basketball team... so yeah it's fucked up that they only consider you worth of citizenship if you're good enough to play._niko
    • it's curious if you've got some proof that players are being picked based on their skin colour. Otherwise it's borderline racist nonsense.Fax_Benson
    • it's only racist if i have a problem with it. I'm making an observation and oyer and fade are flying off the deep end like usual._niko
    • i live in a multicultural country, am from an immigrant family myself, all my closest friends are multi cultural so you can take your week "RACIST" comment and_niko
    • stick it up your ass._niko
    • skin color has nothing to do with it, I think it's also curious that so many Polish players are on Germany as well._niko
    • Niko makes a very rational and reasonable point. If I moved to India and had children there with a white partner I wouldn't consider my children Indian
    • They'd be Indian citizens and would deserve every right that any other citizen deserved, but they wouldn't be Indian.
    • It's not racist to point out that the French team isn't particularly French.
    • oey needs to look up what the word opinion means. and yes set, exactly, making an observation shouldn't get you tarred and feathered. there was no value judgem
    • -ent about their worth as people
    • @set - it is French lol - they are born in France lol... jesus.fadein11
    • If you lack the intelligence to understand the point then there's really no point in anyone wasting anymore energy on talking to you
    • They're French citizens and deserve any right any other citizen has, but they're not of French or even European heritage
    • If the Ghanaian team had 80% white players all born there but with English parents... Would you label someone a racist simply for pointing that out?
    • Fuck your nanny state bullshit
    • so, he was just pointing it out?
    • what does it matter if they're not of french heritage? what's the point of pointing that out?
    • what does one want to actually say by pointing that out? specially with such a question like " Democratic Republic of...France?"
    • "giving out citizenship like candy if they can play" set, can you please explain me this?
    • what's he pointing out here?
    • one has the right to have french citizenship even before walking, what does that have to do with football skills?
    • "In case nobody noticed yet, I would like to point out that the French National Football Team is mostly constituited of players of Non- French Heritage"
    • So, I ask, what do you want to actually say? Specially with following comments and examples? Why do one wants to point ou that, that all can see but actually...
    • ...don't matter till someone points it out because for that person it matters? Why does it matter for that person?
    • What's the issue?
    • Fucking LOL!
    • Seriously, why does it matter that they are not of French origin? What's that French orgin? You want to point that they are not really French? LOL!
    • LOL!
    • LOL!
    • The question "Democratic Republic of...France?" is not innocent at all.
    • oey - fighting a losing battle - we are apparently victims of our nanny state lol... this site enjoys casual racism/sexism/homoph... on a daily basis - itsfadein11
    • kind of treated as normal which is making me seriously reconsider how much time I spend here. Not to mention dickheads like Yurimon.fadein11
    • Fuck off then. How is that racist? If anything he's saying that black people are better at football than white people. Is he being racist to white people?
    • It's a simple observation which were allowed to discuss without SJW blessings. I didn't see anyone say they don't deserve to play. Of course they do..
    • They're awesome...
    • maybe yiou can not read set. maybe. have you read the notes and stuff like:
    • 4% of the population is black but 78% of the national football team is black..i don't know, it feels like NT make up should be closer to the actual demographics
    • ?
    • or maybe you just don't want to read what he wrote...whatever.
    • he's done one because he knows he is v.wrong :)fadein11
    • No point arguing with SJW halfwits
    • Pretty much. These guys are just projecting thier own racist feels on everyone else. They seem to think you can't bring up race without there being racist under
    • -tones, to that I say, well oey and fadein, it sounds like a personal problem of yours, because normal people can talk about trivial things such as skin color w
    • -ithout getting all triggered and outraged. All I see is reactionaryism with a side helping of shame and guilt masquerading as social consciousness
    • ^
    • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfadein11
    • did your narcolepsy kick in just in time to save you from doing a bit of introspection
    • If the Chinese population of the USA is 4% and they made up 78% of the national basketball team and I posted an image of them on the court_niko
    • With the caption the people's republic of... America would you think that was racist oey? I think everyone would think that it was a curious thing indeed_niko
    • And not go off on a bizarre rant making accusations at people you don't know._niko
    • Or if I said it's crazy how many nfl players are from the tiny island of Samoa, would that also be wrong somehow?_niko
    • _niko...lodeon
    • so.. how about the football team.. go sports!autoflavour
    • oey, this is the last thing i'm going to say on this. I get it. On this side of the pond, we treat our black athletes with respect, admiration and a god-like_niko
    • reverence. We've done so for decades. On your side of the pond, you treat your black athletes with bananas and monkey noises. You have a long way to go._niko
    • I applaud your sentiment, but i'm not one of you, I'm not some neo-nazi ultra trying to make a political statement. I can see why you took such offence._niko
  • lowimpakt-2

    From the left
    Number 18: Moussa Sissoko - Place of birth, Le Blanc-Mesnil, France

    Number 19: Bacary Sagna - Place of birth, Sens, France

    Number 15: Paul Labile Pogba, Place of birth, Lagny-sur-Marne, France

    Number 3: Patrice Latyr Evra - Place of birth, Dakar, Senegal (French Colony)

    • Sissoko - Parents from Mali
      Sagna - Parents from Senegal
      Pogba - Parents from Guinea
      Ebra - Parents from Senegal
    • that's why they don't look like nikos stereotypical frenchman
    • true, if they aren't wearing a beret, smoking a long cigarette and eating a baguette then i don't consider them french lol_niko
    • it's a fact that they have way more melanin than the french average. a thing that is completely unrelated to citizenship. no need to get panties in a bunch
    • "I have a black friend. I'm not racist" so what? Trump is also a grandson of immigrants. that's not an argument. besides. you pose a very provocative question.
    • You know what you're doing. what you're provoking and what you're saying. so step up for your fucking actions.
    • stick it up my arse? why? LOL!
    • is sticking things up the arse a bad thing? negative? degenerate?
    • lol, yeah now i'm homophobic too._niko
    • what i'm doing is talking shit, don't take anything I say too seriously._niko
    • if you don't know you should take it litterally and try it out.
    • report your results in these notes.
    • lol_niko
    • So to sum everything up, Go France!
      Would love to see them end Germany's reign.
    • ^ it's a good thing you didn't say German "reich', _nikoGnash
    • "what i'm doing is talking shit" - yeah seriously ignorant racist shit and yes you knew what you were doing. They are all French born you muppet.fadein11
    • French is not a race...nerp.yurimon
    • Yuriturdrine - you won't get this discussion pal - move along.fadein11
    • I get it. you to much focus on racism you must be covering up for your own racismyurimon
    • fade and oye, seriously chill the fuck out, you're both coming off as extreme self-defensive racists. You two no one else._niko
    • if I can't tease my jamaican friends and call them criminals or tease my chinese friends about their driving or call my lebanses friends terrorists and they_niko
    • can't tease my about being greek, then we're not friends. We take the piss out of each other constantly and we love it. it's not racist you twits_niko
    • you both sound like you live in the whitest towns and only see people of different races on the telly or something, and you act like some kind of morality QBN_niko
    • police or something. Just fuck off, the both of you can just hold hands, skip down the street and sing koumbaya and tell everyone how tolerant and awesome you_niko
    • both are you triggered humourless cunts._niko
    • oh fuck off you dickwadfadein11
    • "oooh too many blacks in the French team... oooh how distasteful... ohhh blacks in the french team and french are white... ohhh how unfair... oooh"fadein11
    • you whiney prick.fadein11
    • Trust me I do not live in the "whitest of towns"fadein11
    • Lol unfair and distasteful? Your words not mine. You obviously have issues. I have no problem just trying to make a joke_niko
    • If we're citizens of this world and love and treat each other with respect and celebrate our differences then as brothers we should have no_niko
    • Worries about taking the piss out of each other. If you're racist then you should take offence. Which you obviously have_niko
    • Worries about taking the piss out of each other. If you're racist then you should take offence. Which you obviously have_niko
    • Btw I'm in london with the family for the first time and I have to say compared to Toronto, New York and Chicago, this place looks like the Nuremberg rally_niko
    • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfadein11
    • So you were taking the piss out of complete strangers? Your logic is strange - I never said there was anything wrong with banter between friends of all races?fadein11
    • Lol pretty fucking white. We're a nation founded on immigrants we know how to live in harmony with each other. You cunts just voted to leave the eu_niko
    • Sounds like you are justifying yourself pal... anyway - moving on. You insulted me - I insulted you back. Let's leave it there eh?fadein11
    • Because of the influx of immigrants. So don't lecture me about racism. Chill the fuck out and look at your own shit before judging anyone else._niko
    • Now respond with your typical insult._niko
    • I didn't vote to the leave the EU.
      You are v.touchy mate and have v.strange logic and making some big assumptions - laterz.
    • Bad connection, my notes are all over the place, out of sequence, whatever, cheers man no offence_niko
    • no offence either - storm in a teacup and discussed face to face would have been no issue I am sure...fadein11
    • Lol yeah heading out tonight, would have loved to grab a pint or something actually_niko
    • Yeah just the one before we started discussing race issues haha.fadein11
    • I think what fadein wants is some acknowledgement that he is great so lets give it him. Your such good boy. yes you are, because you are not racist. good boyyurimon
    • whitest town...LOL!
    • London is like the Nuremberg rally apparently - I missed that one. London is one of the most multicultural cities in the world and proud of it.fadein11

    We got to teh finalz motherfuckers!

    • yeah but the final might be ugly for you guys!spl33nidoru
    • yep, the last win for Portugal. But then I thought the waffles were in with a shout.MrT
    • Win or loose we're there and that's awesomeESKEMA
  • Masterramos0

    Great team.

    • Really? I don't think they deserve to be there at all and only made it to the semi final out of sheer luck. They haven't done much...
    • I'll admit I'm bitter. I know the welsh had no right to be there really but played so much better from the very start of the comp. Those goals were soft as fuckHAYZ1LLLA
    • Ronaldo should be in Ibiza with his boyfriend on Sunday not in Paris.HAYZ1LLLA
    • Suppose Ronaldo's ego dragged them to the final, but yeah, like fuck do they belong there. Wales missed Ramsey way more than expected.Ianbolton
    • I agree, for the first half they were totally void of quaresma.kingsteven
    • If it wasn't for Ronaldo i'd be backing them... The portugeese are great lads and Sanches, Quaresma, Nani... oof!kingsteven
  • autoflavour0

    Germany vs France tonight..

    a friend of mine has a theory that whenever Germany plays in their black uniforms they always loose..