Sexual Harassment of the DAY

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  • 552 Responses
  • Bennn0

    On video, disturbing

    • Sorry but that's BS. She was not being naive, she did want something from him and made decisions accordingly. Why flirt back if you're filming ?spl33nidoru
    • But she still went out for a drink with him and still went to his hotel afterwards? Smh_niko
    • The dude’s fucking hideous he looks like a god damned toad that enough should have been enough for her to run out of there screaming_niko
    • why blame her? BASH THAT FUCKER instead, he's a real shitBennn
    • ^ it takes 2 to tango. He might be a shit, but he's as WYSIWYG as they come, and a lot of people willingly did whatever to benefit frm him, only to now complainspl33nidoru
    • and buy themselves a new virginity. I'm not saying he never raped anyone (though i doubt it considering his MO on past recordings), but I don't buy her storyspl33nidoru
    • I dont know, it never happend to me and i'm not a woman. Who knows how you'd react... I think its very easy to state how she should haved reacted.Bennn
    • Bennn it's a cut throat business, nobody gets HW-level meetings by accident. These are not people who "find themselves in an unexpected situation" with himspl33nidoru
    • In any case, others might not have, but all signs point to her knowing what was upspl33nidoru
    • If you aren't screaming 'no', or fighting him off of you then you are consenting on some level.hotroddy
    • ^ one doesn't always act rationally when frightenedGnash
    • ^ ... or greedy. I do feel sorry for the young actresses sent to him by shameless agents stressing them how important meeting him was.spl33nidoru
    • If he gets a female lawyer like gomeshi had the poor girl’s going to get crucified. Why did you flirt with him why did you free to meet him for drinks why did_niko
    • follow him to his hotel room, why were you wearing lingerie, why did you wear extra makeup why did you shave down there etc_niko
    • It doesn’t prove that she wanted it, why would she he’s a discussing troll but she was open to the idea or possibility at least_niko
    • But if she was being pressured by her team to close the deal then they’re as big of scumbags as Weinstein_niko
    • I hate that fat fuck. But something's fishy here. She agreed to have drinks with him. Went to hotel room (could've just walked away)...NBQ00
    • many many years later claims he raped her. If he really raped you, you scream and run away, call the police immediately.NBQ00
    • Guys, you're no woman and you've never been raped. I think it's so easy to say "she should this and she should that".Bennn
    • Weisntein is a disgusting pig, and all your comments are about criticizing the girl. Where are the girls in here? Am i right?Bennn
    • I agree, Benn. Easy to say you'd punch him / call the cops as a 40-ish man who wasn't there.Fax_Benson
    • I'm not saying punch him, call the cops. I'm saying did she want to sleep with him ? Probably not. Did she know what she was getting herself into ? Probably.spl33nidoru
    • She either 1) did willingly, 2) set a trap she fell into, or 3) felt both the pressure of HW and her boss, in which case she should also call out the boss.spl33nidoru
    • Personal responsibility and accountability go out the window if you’re a woman? How feminist of you.imbecile
    • If I were in her situation ben, and an old rich haggard woman came on to me like that insinuating that i sleep with her to get the funding i'd either_niko
    • a) throw up and run out of there laughing/screaming or b) fuck the shit out of her and get my funding. what I wouldn't do is go through with it and cry rape_niko
    • that's a completely different scenarioFax_Benson
    • and you can't say that for sure until it happens - that's shit that you don't have to deal withFax_Benson
    • the woman also has the pressure of her employers to manage -- not wanting to fuckup a deal with a major player.Gnash
    • no way a guy can really appreciate what that experience can truly be like.Gnash
    • Either we have equality or we don’t, either we own up to our actions and responsibilities or we don’t. If women are looked at as poor defenceless creatures that_niko
    • ...don’t know any better then we’ll never have equality and the feminist movement is a farce._niko
    • but the situation she's dealing with isn't equal from the outset. and his + her actions aren't equal. you can't level the playing field after the event.Fax_Benson
    • you need to level it prior = you don't need to feel like you have to flirt to get a deal and flirting isn't then a green light for rape.Fax_Benson
    • fuck me this is backwards.Fax_Benson
    • no but does it need to be equal for both to be at fault? what if he was 70% to her 30%. How do you assign blame based on their needs or desires of outcome?_niko
    • Anyway I have 0 sympathy for dirtbag Weinstein but I also have 0-10% sympathy for the girl in this situation._niko
    • you think you're being rational and super-objective but you're not.Fax_Benson
    • well as much as I can be given just this video and the fact that I don't have tits, ie from the optics of a man. Just my opinion._niko
    • I'm sure he's a master manipulator, done this 1000's of times and honed his slimy craft. I'm sure he dangled and pulled back many carrots until she thought she_niko
    • ...was in control, making the decisions and knowing what she wanted, when all the while she was being strung along by Dirtstein. But Still, let's not reduce_niko
    • ...women to whimpering, naive idiots and victims who can't possibly know any better. This is not only dangerous but detrimental to acheiving equality of sexes._niko
    • He was slowly escalating the situation and she went along with it with no resistance. She knew exactly what was going on the whole time.Milan
    • She was flirting like fuck.Hayzilla
  • Fax_Benson2

    We know that fame / power / pressure changes the way people react in certain situations. If somebody you believe to be more powerful than you behaves inappropriately, most people will instinctively go along with it in the hope of managing the situation. People tend to be compliant in order to avoid confrontation if they feel that confrontation will make the situation worse (even though the opposite is clearly evident with hindsight).

    How many times have you regretted the way you've acted in a pressure environment and wished you 'd said something different or stood up for yourself more? And then felt uneasy about raising it afterwards? Or let fear overtake your rational thought process? Or made a bad decision because a girl asked you? Or ever done anything stupid because of fear or pressure?

    So there are legitimate reasons why people feel psychologically pressured into acquiescing, despite their better judgement.

    But let's say she wasn't pressured or coerced. She knew the rules and took responsibility for her actions. The rules of the game say that she needs to flirt to get a deal. Otherwise no deal. She had a decision to make and decided to flirt in order to get the deal. He then changes the rules. The rules now are 'we fuck in my hotel room and no deal'. What does she do now?

    This is basic stuff that our partners / family might have to deal with. Can't get my head around some of the comments.

    • +1Gnash
    • +1
      How does a deal maker compete with women (and men) who have no qualms about 'sweetening' the deal?
  • spl33nidoru0

    Fax I understand what you're saying and can agree for the most part.

    Your first paragraph is a lot about managing the situation and avoiding confrontation when dealing with someone more powerful or wealthy. You're disregarding what people will willingly (if not remorsefully) put themselves through to advance their career, get richer or jump to the big league.

    Weinstein has never NOT had his reputation. It was always well known in this industry that he was all about sexual favours, and would either flirt you to death, take pleasure in arm-wrestling you in business or despise you right away.

    The level of hypocrisy that is going on in this case and coming from insiders is baffling.
    There's no way a girl in a position to meet him would not be warned left and right, unless she was young to this industry and tricked either by her boss or agent, in which case they should also be accountable.

    I can totally understand that someone with no ties with Hollywood would look at this differently. But HW was the notoriously horny Anna Wintour or Steve Jobs of cinema, and tons of people played along to get a piece of him. You might call him disgusting or repulsive, there's no shortage of mind-boggling couples when big money is involved.

    An actress exgf (10 years ago) would already tell me about dodging him any chance she'd get when bumping into him at events. And without any other connection to that field back then, I already assumed him to be like that!
    Some of her friends made other choices and their names would be more familiar to you.

    Of course his behaviour is wrong and the fact that this system was allowed to strive for decades is sickening.

    But rape is a serious matter that shouldn't be thrown around so lightly, and because of complains like this one he will most likely end up walking free.

    • I get where your coming from but this video is in two parts. First her meeting then the "deal". your right he is WYSWYG and that's why she filmed it.mugwart
    • second is the alleged rape. That is a criminal matter and only for the police/ legal to work out if she is and isnt.mugwart
    • Hollywood is a corrupt system and has been since its roots, you are right it goes on and you have to be very very awake to survive.mugwart
    • Even Lynch has made a few films about it. The more layers you go into the worse it gets. My frustration is that I used to support the independent film studiosmugwart
    • but HW owned them. Everyone I seem to know whom has worked with "set" work was aware of these going ons. Really lowmugwart
    • Right. Also, 1 key factor I forgot to mention. In my experience, given the chance, most people will ditch their principles for fame & proximity to famous peoplespl33nidoru
    • I can't pretend to know about Hollywood. If you know exactly what she should have known, or did know, then fair enough. Lots who'll blame her won't have a clue.Fax_Benson
    • I hear you and i'm definitely not saying she asked for it, nor taking rape lightly. I just don't think she was naive, and I think an adult can reluctantly findspl33nidoru
    • himself/herself having sex without it being rape. Ok enough for me on the subject! :)spl33nidoru
  • BonSeff1

    This Kavanaugh accusation is nuts.…

    • Wow Feinstein is 85!!!robotron3k
    • Wow Kavanaugh knew 65 girls he didn't force himself on!BonSeff
    • so desperateGnash
    • Curious how Grassley was able to procure character testimony from 65 women in a day's time.BonSeff
    • https://www.buzzfeed…Gnash
    • (i know, i know, buzzed)Gnash
    • *buzzfeedGnash
    • Must be a tight knit group of ladies who are on the friends of kavanaugh facebook page or something?BonSeff
    • sorry, bipartisan ladies.BonSeff
    • it seems that one of the women he went to HS with is still friends with him so she took it upon herself to contact the others.Gnash
    • I could probably get on Facebook now and find 60 people i went to school with in 10 minutes (god, that sounds like a horrible idea)Gnash
    • He went to an all boys high school. that mofo didn't know 65 girls, you kidding me? fuck, i didn't know 65 girls in high school.BonSeff
    • small town I guess.Gnash
  • PonyBoy8

    Fuck you, Bill...


    Bill Cosby sentenced to state prison for sexual assault…

    "Comedian Bill Cosby has been sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison for sexual assault."

    • Probably do about 2 weeks.PhanLo
    • that dude is a predator.Gnash
    • damn... do not pass go...
      right to the clink... enjoy those prison pudding pops, B
    • monster.Krassy
    • He used to give Eddie Murphy shit that his comedy was too dirty.BH26
    • Proper creepy bastard.PhanLo
    • Fact is, all lies, all evil deeds, they stink.
      You can cover them up for a while,
      but they don't go away.
  • utopian3

    Papa John's Founder Schnatter Says He Has NDAs With At Least Two Women.…

  • NBQ005

    Cristiano Ronaldo said 'I'm usually a gentleman' after 'rape', according to court papers.…

    • It says he paid the bitch $375,000 in a nondisclosure agreement. It's no longer rape, just prostitution.
    • Just like Weinstein getting an actress a role in a movie after fucking them. To paraphrase Rick & Morty: It's prostitution with extra steps.
    • If that would have been me I would have signed for half the price somewhere between the jacuzzi and the bedroom.
    • Just seeing those 6 figures would have made my sphincter looser than docpoz's mom.
    • ^ she was in the jacuzzi as well ;-)mugwart
    • So in your sound and reasonable logic, if a convicted rapist was ordered by the court to pay the victim. The victim is no longer a victim but a prostitute...pango
    • Sanctioned by the justic system...
    • And the rapist is no longer a rapist but a disgruntled sex patron the court thinks who under pay the prostitute...pango
    • -_________-pango
    • Also when you broke into someone's house and took their money then only to pay them back after the police are involved are you still a robber?pango
    • Does it sound reasonable to you? o_O?pango
    • My boy pango! Hear me out:
      The whole idea of an NDA is to avoid a process; therefore, there's no conviction.
      Legally, we don't know if the accused is innocent.
    • The police are not involved in a NDA, it's a deal between 2 individuals. It's up to the person that receives the money to show how much their silence is worth.
    • I am not against somebody receiving monetary retribution if it's accompanied by a legal process where the accused is found guilty.
    • So, " if a convicted rapist was ordered by the court to pay the victim. The victim is... a prostitute.". No, that is not what I'm saying. See above.
    • "Also when you break into someone's house... are you still a robber?". I am robber as soon as I break into someone's house.
    • If I pay the person who I stole from back so I won't be convicted as a robber, it's no longer theft (I'm still a robber). It's borrowing money with extra steps.
    • When you rob somebody I hope that it's more than the money they care about, it's also about somebody violating their private space.
    • And if they care about their neighbors I would hope they would report it to the police and press charges.
    • I hope my logic was sound enough.
    • chillmaquito
    • He’s a self obsessed man child who still cries during games, what do you expect?_niko
    • We are chill though. I didn't get any feeling of animosity from pango and there was none from me either. We're just explaining our p.o.v.s.
    • haha ...that bust
    • fuck...the comments...sad...
  • Gnash0

    believe all... oops

    Four dentists from California, including three brothers, who faced rape charges for the alleged assault of a woman. The charges included sex assault, conspiracy to commit sex assault and first-degree kidnapping for the late July incident.…

    • Charges dropped because the woman lied, yet they don't show photos of her or mention her name... she's not a victim, they arerobotron3k
    • if there wasn't video evidence who would have believed those mugs?Gnash
  • chukkaphob1

  • chukkaphob-6

  • NBQ001

  • Gnash-1

    Sarah Silverman Says Louis C.K. Masturbated in Front of Her With Her Consent…

    • well if she's ok with. it's not really harassment.pango
    • They were very young at the time too.monospaced
  • fadein110

    Sir Philip Green named over harassment claims…

  • utopian7

    Google reportedly paid Andy Rubin $90 million after he allegedly coerced sex from employee.…

    • cunts. Wish we all boycotted these shitty cooperations.mugwart
    • Yeh, it's friday, lets play judge and jury. Isn't the sexual coercion charge of 'performing oral sex in a hotel room in 2013' alleged and ultimately unproven.Morning_star
    • autovoters out in force todayfadein11
  • robotron3k-1

    Its time for Neil-Degrass, serious shit possibly...…

    • Damn, not him :(NBQ00
    • Goddamnit, seriously? I literally go to bed to his voice every goddamn night. Now I'm totally grossed out.shellie
    • Why are you grossed out? Are you somehow certain he did some shit?cannonball1978
    • lol shellie. star talk!hotroddy
    • but this is seriously sad. I love him.hotroddy
    • i really hope its not true. I read his statement. hmmshellie
    • his statement is interestingmonospaced
    • Why is his statement in that godawful fontscarabin
  • ok_not_ok4

    Neil Degrasse Tyson's FB post about the accusation.…

    • "as a capstone of our friendship, I invited her to wine & cheese at my place upon dropping me off from work" guilty afrobotron3k
  • utopian4

    • Arrogant fuck...I'm not surprised.utopian
    • Buh-bye Hayden Planetarium
      Buh-bye StarTalk
      Buh-bye Nova
    • Awe man.monospaced
    • Aww, they don't know... what the jazz... is all about!mort_
    • raping the girls in the physics department. he must have been desperate.hotroddy
    • If he gets thrown in jail with illegals would that become Predator vs Aliens??robotron3k
    • You’re not funny. I doubt he did anything bad.monospaced
    • With liberals eat their own...robotron3k
    • justice is blind. liberal should eat their own. if they don't, they would have been like their counter part,pretending nothing happened.pango
  • Gnash0

    Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All Cost…

    "No more dinners with female colleagues. Don’t sit next to them on flights. Book hotel rooms on different floors. Avoid one-on-one meetings. In fact, as a wealth adviser put it, just hiring a woman these days is 'an unknown risk.'"

    • Which is better - 50/50 men women workforce with sexual harassment OR 100% single sex workforce with no sexual harassment?Morning_star
    • Islamic takeover is being covertly instigated by being the metoo movement?shapesalad
    • even with 100% male work force. there will still be sexual harassment. some people are just that thirstypango
    • wall street is practically saying, if you put a women in the same room with them, they will eventually harass her.pango
  • PonyBoy-1

    dude released this on his youtube channel today...

    • I've always been a massive fan of HOC, so this intrigues me. I didn't follow the news story but were the allegations true? I'm unable to follow the subtext..SteveJobs
    • There are witnesses that told the kid to run. So yeah. None of this stuff surprise me anymore. The righteous liberal Hollywood is ripe with pedophiles, rapistsBoz
    • and demented people. God knows I was in that industry for a decade so every time I hear them "fighting" for morals and justice I find it hilarious.Boz
    • and he released this video right after he was criminally indicted. I think he is actually talking to the kid in this video. Sick fuck.Boz
    • and you can bet your ass that half the Hollywood knew he was like this all along. Just nobody really talked.Boz
    • Poor Kevinutopian
    • I don't get you utopian.
      Neil Degrasse goes and touches a woman on a shoulder with some weird pick up lines and you wanna hang the guy but Kevin Spacey is
    • rapist fuck who made the 18 year old kid drunk and who knows how many kids he actually did the same thing to and he's poor Kevin. Mind blown.Boz
    • srcsmpango
    • Can't disagree with Boz.Hayoth
    • +1 utopian, hahaNairn
    • weeiiirrrrdshapesalad
    • Boz have you contracted Hayothism? You clearly been hit over the head with a few dumbbells lately.…utopian
    • i did not read that with sarcasm just saw previous post and reacted my badBoz
    • is this a promo for a cooking show?neverscared
    • he desperately wants a come back.pango
    • He hung about with Jeffrey Epstein, fuck him into space.PhanLo
    • this video is bizarre as hellKrassy
    • not sure its a good moveBennn
    • @mugwart touché.Krassy
  • NBQ003
