Sexual Harassment of the DAY
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- 556 Responses
- sarahfailin-2
- EMINEM got fucking oldRamanisky2
- MSM?i_monk
- Mouvement Socialiste Militant
(militant socialist movement)PonyBoy - lol. yeah. clearly a conservative meme, but still... has a point.sarahfailin
- colin_s0
It's cool that this is finally happening, but much like Black Lives Matter, I fear that this is the media using the hype of anti-Trump-ism to finally let a few stories through the cracks that would otherwise be stifled airtime-wise.
Cops haven't suddenly changed to be 'the good guys,' nor has any real reform been seen. People of color are still, and perhaps moreso now, are still subject to the law enforcement of America... it's just last year the cameras seemed to care more.
This will go on for another month but I'd imagine by the new year, the media will move on to cover something else that gets big attention as a moral issue, and then forget about it.
That's the interesting thing to me about all of this - that we're looking at power dynamics between individuals and finally exposing them, and hopefully doing the best to tear them down. Yet the true power dynamic is between the cultural narrative at large and those responsible for overseeing the systems that perpetuate it.
Weinstein is probably the only name on this list that matters to anyone outside of the individual victims, because it isn't just a guy losing his career but an industry taking a hit. That shit doesn't happen much.
(For those who might say "But social media will care ...", I'd say that there have been many mass shootings that social media cares about that the powers that be stop the flow of information for.)
- It has nothing to do with trump. He was accused of sexual misconduct by 20 women though.monospaced
- You don't think the media hype of left-populist stories in the past year had anything to do with the shock of the election?colin_s
- Like I'm as far left as they come and this is popcorn season in terms of watching the powerful eat shit, but there's obviously more than retweets happeningcolin_s
- maybe but I recall this kind of hype for years on both sides ... I wouldn't give so much credit to how low trump has set the bar for human decencymonospaced
- I think it more has to do with news directors using anti-Trump stories as tentpoles for ad revenue. But I'm cynical as fuck about the journalism industrycolin_s
- they weren't starving for ad revenue before Trump ... he simply gives them a lot of shit to report on, because he's an ass clown of epic proportions, daily.monospaced
- chukkaphob3
NBC Fires Top Booking Exec for ‘Inappropriate Conduct’ With Women
- i_monk3
Brand New postpones tour as another woman shares accusations against Jesse Lacey
- Brand New...Accusationschukkaphob
- Ohhhh cmon! I like that band! Uggghhh
O well.pango
- PonyBoy-3
Bryan Cranston says we should be open to forgiving Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey…
"“His career now, I think, is over,” actor Bryan Cranston said recently of Spacey, in an interview that captured what a lot of people seem to be feeling. “He’s a phenomenal actor but he’s not a very good person... It would take time, it would take a society to forgive them, and it would take tremendous contrition on their part,”"
- Someone get my torch and pitchfork.pango
- fuck all thatGuyFawkes
- If they turn their lives around and do something good for society, sure. No reason to forgive them just because.bainbridge
- ^ yeah how do you measure progress other than "not do it again".cannonball1978
- Don't think Cranston said anything outrageous here - certainly not in keeping with the headlineFax_Benson
- Weinstein might go to jail too.bainbridge
- They're both multi-millionaires who don't have to work if they don't want to.bainbridge
- After he serves his time then the public might consider forgiving him.pango
- I think Cranston makes very obvious statements when really the press are the one's sensationalising things. "It's a societal problem, not just Hollywood"Ianbolton
- If we're never going to forgive them, or at least learn from their mistakes we may as well bring back the death penalty!!Ianbolton
- robotron3k0
Time to name some names...
Taxpayer piggy bank lets Congress settle sexual harassment cases in secret
WASHINGTON — A senior Senate staff member is accused of trying to tug open a junior aide’s wrap dress at a bar; she said he asked why she was “holding out.” A former aide says a congressman grabbed her backside, then winked as he walked away. A district worker said a House member told her to twirl in a dress for him, then gave her a bonus when he liked what he saw.
As the nation at large deals with lurid stories of sexual harassment, Congress is only beginning to grapple with tales of sexual aggression that have long been fixtures of work life on Capitol Hill. On Tuesday, the Committee on House Administration will convene a hearing on harassment in Congress, putting the halls of the Capitol under scrutiny alongside the hotels of Hollywood, the kitchens of New Orleans, the board rooms of Silicon Valley and the suites of New York’s media giants.
- chukkaphob2
Four Women Detail Alleged Sexual Misconduct by FYF Fest Founder Sean Carlson ... Goldenvoice/Coachella fire him
- End sexual harassment, ugly people need good jobs too.robotron3k
- ^ lolGnash
- bainbridge0
Don't drink at office holiday parties.
- bainbridge-8
- i suppose this douche nozzle shared these out himself cause he's so proud of what a prick he issarahfailin
- that face is screaming .punch me'GuyFawkes
- robotron3k1…
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It
- Christ, he looks like a stupid teenager in the pic of him air-groping the author's chest. What sort of environment creates these perplexed-by-women cretins?detritus
- Locker Room Stufffooler
- franken responds. https://www.politico… the stupidity of this pic undermines whatever point you might have robo.sarahfailin
- https://www.politico…sarahfailin
- utopian11
When Has Trump Been Accused of Rape or Attempted Rape? Allegations Include a Child, His Wife and a Business Associate
- "In 1994, Trump took a 13-year-old girl to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender....moldero
- and raped her that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016moldero
- The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein....moldero
- Anyone that hung about with Epstein is a beast.PhanLo
- But Hillary's radioactive pizza stained emails.fadein11
- He's probably the greatest sexual predator. The best. There's been no-one more predatory than him.face_melter
- lol facefadein11
- chukkaphob12
Sylvester Stallone accused of sexually assaulting 16-year-old fan...
CLAIM: Made Her Give Him, Bodyguard Oral...
Threatened To 'Beat Head In' If She Told...
- When you're famous you can do anything. Now where are my tic tacs?Ramanisky2
- Hopefully this will stop him from making stupid movies...pango
- what's happened to his face? looks like one of my daughters play-doh creations.fadein11
- ^ was complications during his birthmugwart
- and shit tonnes of botoxmugwart
- The guy is 71, the fuck you expect him to look like? Adonis?face_melter
- Why would any 16 yes old be his fan?!?!?pango
- This was years ago!mugwart
- what is wrong with these people (if true), he can surely get his leg over without forcing himself on anyone?fadein11
- Ramanisky22
- robo just commented
"PEDOS ARE PEOPLE TOO!"moldero - ^lol
good PEDOS, on both sides.Ramanisky2
- robo just commented
- HijoDMaite1
- I see that photo and automatically hear that beat.garbage
- BusterBoy3
This has been a watershed few weeks as far as women coming forward...and rightly so. But I think it also changes the landscape somewhat...from this point on, you would hope that any woman that has been assaulted goes to relevant law enforcement authorities before they go to the media. Otherwise it will just be seen as a cynical attempt to gain notoriety.
- It would be nice if the accused start being held accountable in a court of law and not this public opinion / you're fired shit. But that would require an...PonyBoy
- ... adjustment in Statute of Limitation laws.PonyBoy
- That's a good point you make BusterRamanisky2
- I hear you!mugwart
- utopian4
Ivanka Trump warned to stay quiet after speaking out about sexual assault allegations.
Breitbart editor-in-chief: Ivanka Trump should stay quiet "especially when there's been so many allegations against President Trump"
- Every time this photo is posted, I feel it is my patriotic duty to point out that they are sitting on a statue of two parrots fucking.garbage
- And the top parrot is barfing out a fountain. Because nothing says class like a photoshoot where you fondle your daughtergarbage
- ..on a statue of literal fucking parrots.
Also his shoes are garbage.garbage - incest-spatsfadein11
- Miami Vice styleesureshot
- #DentureDonaldGuyFawkes
- ********0
- Ramanisky21
- https://dy98q4zwk7hn…detritus
- Couldn't they just pay for sex?pango
- "when you're famous, they let you do it"Ramanisky2
- i_monk3
Terry Crews claims to have been sexually assaulted by Adam Venit, the head of William Morris Endeavor’s motion picture group and agent to Adam Sandler, Emma Stone, Diane Keaton, Eddie Murphy, and others.