Elon Musk

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  • neverscared2

    that retarded mf wants the elected german government run a poll if they should save people drowning ...

    lol.. its so serious u can only laugh....

    • lol anyone can vote on that poll what somebody copy-pasted into that thread. it isn't geolocked or anything lolsted
  • sted6

    coming in next month:

    with my truth saying i made enemies everywhere because i see the reality now, buubu ubuu, the public/establishment/somebs is attacking me, cancel culture must die etcetc.

    • Pathetic Woke Solider is Patheticutopian
    • only on twitter news are funny... legacy media makes me depressive... well .. all that anti-semitism, disinformation and hatespeech makes me vomit from Xneverscared
  • NBQ002

  • BusterBoy9

    The world is getting stupider by the day...

    • he is just bashing Ukraine so far, never RussiaNBQ00
    • as someone here once said - "the idiots are winning"hans_glib
    • bet his agenda has nothing to do with UKraine or Russia but with the USA and the elections.uan
    • that statement proves his agenda is with russia ... everything else is speculation and worthless.neverscared
    • he is pumping up all his right wing extremist lunatic fan base in in germany and austria ...that for sure...and then celebrating the traffic on X goin up whileneverscared
    • sueing ngo´s doing hate speech research...neverscared
    • manchild strikes againKrassy
  • NBQ0016

    • if you ever wanted to see how people went delusional in nazi germany, just visit QBN to see all the brainwashed woke lunaticsHayoth
    • There's our favorite commie woke warrior and de facto village idiot.utopian
    • Please explain to me how legit criticism of despot and an idiot heir equates to brainwashed and woke. What moron planet do you hail from?garbage
    • But isn't Putin a commie, Hay-oatNBQ00
    • visit Putin = Hero qbn thread to see the love fest QBN has had with the dictator.hotroddy
    • "Putin is a promotion and hope for the Russian populace" - Nairnhotroddy
    • Utopian "putin is my hero"
    • Set and FadeIn defending Putin against Western media
    • Two village idiots walk into a bar...utopian
    • the punchline is utopian's "putin is my hero".hotroddy
    • Russia must be defeated, then Ukraine's corruption is next.crazyprick
    • the punchline, hotroddy, is you're too stupid to recognize the sarcasm that is the Putin thread.monospaced
    • brainwashed lunatics are Trump's retard fanbase (looking at you hayoth), who blindly side with trump who absolutely looks up to Putinmonospaced
    • lol, such sophisticated sarcasm... on par with your intelligence no doubt.hotroddy
    • Knobbler Stage 7: Very severe cognitive decline...sarcasm undetected.utopian
    • this moron really thought the Putin thread was about praise. I mean, that is just some stupid shit even for youmonospaced
    • hotroddy's thick as the foundation on an old whore's cunt.Nairn
    • keyboard warrior musk... never seen real war up close.. but wants to fuck up a president who lives in war condition as an underdog over 18 months....neverscared
    • one guy wants to hang out with his kids and wife and has to fight an army of criminal gangs joined the military while the other rather talks shit on the webneverscared
    • then to hang out with any of his 10 kids.... flippin disgrace !neverscared
    • "putin is my hero"
      "putin is hope for the russian populace"
    • with upvotes and all (might as well be chuck norris)
    • https://qbn.com/repl…
      6 upvotes. 6 ignorant fucktards
    • Hotroddy doesn't understand sarcasm.mathinc
    • more like a circle jerk disguised as sarcasmhotroddy
    • knock it offdoesnotexist
    • dull-minded gobbler is dull-mindedutopian
    • Fascinating how the instances of 'sarcasm' suddenly ceased when Russia invaded, as if it takes an act of aggression for you to realize "RUSSIA BAD"hotroddy
    • lol what a simpletonpango
    • The Knob Gobbler Side Note
      Woke Warrior Is Always Triggered
    • I imagine it's better to be the hero of stupid than the hero of incompetence

    • 15 years ago you thought Putin was cool bc he stood up against the American capitalist empire u like to bitch about. Roosters have come home to roost. Own ithotroddy
    • Pango next time you call someone a simpleton, remember you’re the guy who thinks he can see to the otherside of Lake Ontario. :)hotroddy
    • “White monkeys so brave” - neverscared. The level of self doubt and resentment is off the charts with this guyhotroddy
    • You truly don’t get it. Wowmonospaced
    • hotroddy. you were the one looking under every rock looking for people to call you nazi when no was lolpango
    • how many times have you been called a nazi this week?pango
    • “Putin is my hero”
      “Western media painting picture of Putin as bad guy”
      “Putin is hope for Russian people”
    • “Mono is a master at detecting sarcasm”hotroddy
    • lol funny as soon as i said 'simpleton' you think i meant you.
      is that what you think?
    • You don’t have to be much to figure out the entire Putin thread was purely sarcasm. That’s why you are coming off so fucking retarded right now.monospaced
    • Literally nobody is actually praising Putin. Except trump but that’s because he’s a traitorous cunt like you.monospaced
    • ‘Media is painting Putin as bad guy’
      ‘Mono is emotionally well-balanced’
      ‘Putin represents hope to his people’
    • Let’s see if your sarcasm detector can spot which comment is sarcastichotroddy
    • i thought you love a strong authoritarian. like pinochepango
    • Conversely, I've gone on an reverse narrative arc. Back then, I used to hate him. He was the butcher of Grozny... And now? Come full circle han't i?Khurram
    • He's taking on NATO's proxy army on the land of the Ukes. And he's winning!Khurram
    • That's some boss moves right there. Proper gangsta shit. Smash those fuckin Euro-Americans! End the US global hegemony 4-eva!Khurram
    • On Ukraine's fetid corpse the giobal south will rise! :P :P :PKhurram
    • Is rising, kkkkkkKhurram
    • ^ no sarcasm right there. he really loves the Puti lolpango
    • Love is a strong word LOLKhurram
    • You know why you used to love him back then? Cos he was always sniffing America's arse. Trying to ingratiate himself into Europe.Khurram
    • And now he's turned his back on all of you. Now Africa loves him. India loves him. The Chinese, the West Asians...the great Tricontinent!Khurram
    • And it's just you, Euro-Americans, with your little corner of the world slipping from your grasps.Khurram
    • I for one welcome this turn of events!Khurram
    • i used to love him? when was that?pango
    • Ah the collective QBN "centrists' hotroddy's referring to.. What are you doing in this thread btw? Just hanging out?Khurram
    • ya. seems like a nice place.
      just watching everyone explain to hotknobby what sarcasm is.
    • Venezuela, China ,South Africa, Cuba all love Putin. The world is upside down. Outside of NATO, the woke love him.hotroddy
    • Let's not forget Lula in Brazil.hotroddy
    • Knobby is brain dead, does not understand sarcasm, what a fucking moron.utopian
    • what's sadder? 1) sucking Putin's cock is code for humor/sarcasm? or 2) upvoting Putin's cock and calling him a hero because you believe it?hotroddy
  • ben9812

    Richest man on the planet right there

  • Ramanisky26

    What was Elmo Mush’s strategy for Twitter?

    On the day that public records revealed that Elmo Mush had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright.

    Mush’s purchase of Twitter, the 3,000-word anonymous article said, would amount to a “declaration of war against the Globalist American Empire.”


  • neverscared2


    Putin’s Pals Brag: Elon Musk ‘Really Is Our Agent!’

    Kremlin propagandists are rejoicing after Congress omitted aid to Ukraine from its most recent government funding bill.

    Russian experts have long predicted that it’s only a matter of time before U.S. aid to Ukraine is jeopardized by war fatigue and domestic issues. The MAGA branch of the Republican Party is currently delivering in spades, as a stopgap funding bill that was passed by Congress to avert a shutdown excluded much-needed funding for Ukraine.

    As a special bonus for supporters of the Russian war effort, Elon Musk over the weekend mocked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on X (formerly Twitter) for seeking international support to help his country repel a genocidal aggressor.

    Predictably, Musk’s cruelty brought joy to Putin’s mouthpieces. During Monday’s broadcast of 60 Minutes, state TV host Olga Skabeeva noted, “It’s impossible not to notice that the West is getting sick not only of Zelensky but Ukraine as a whole, as a circumstance that is constantly siphoning away their money. Elon Musk is magnificent, he is wonderful and perhaps he really is our agent! He published a meme about a beggar that recently became popular, using Zelensky’s face instead of that person. It says, ‘When it’s been five minutes and you haven’t asked for a billion dollars in aid.’”


  • neverscared0

    Elon Musk Hit With Lawsuit For Falsely Accusing Man Of Being Part Of Neo-Nazi Brawl
    Ben Brody, 22, said he was forced to leave his home after Musk falsely accused him of being a federal agent pretending to be a neo-Nazi.

    Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and far-right sympathizer, has been hit with a defamation lawsuit after he falsely accused a recent college graduate of being a federal agent involved with a neo-Nazi group.

    Ben Brody, a 22-year-old Jewish man from California, filed the lawsuit against Musk on Monday after he said he and his family were forced to flee their home after continued harassment and threats after Musk promoted a dangerous conspiracy against Brody.

    “In yet another example of Elon Musk’s serial pattern of slander, he falsely told the world that Ben Brody participated in a violent street brawl on behalf of a neo-Nazi extremist group,” the lawsuit, obtained by HuffPost, alleges.

    The lawsuit centers around a fight between neo-Nazi group Rose City Nationalists (RCN) and neo-fascist group the Proud Boys that took place in Oregon earlier this year. In video footage that went viral, a member of RCN had his face mask pulled off, and internet sleuths went to work hoping to identify him.

    But others dismissed the reality of far-right violence by falsely claiming members of the neo-Nazi group were actually federal agents. That included Musk, who amplified the false conspiracy that Brody was the man in the mask, then later suggested Brody was part of a “false flag situation,” in a post on X ― previously called Twitter ― that remains up today.


    • wtf is wrong with this guy. I also can't understand why he won the lawsuit where he accused the Thai rescuer a "Pedo"NBQ00
  • NBQ00-2
    • I don't understand why people expect so much of Musk. I don't think he has more responsibility than any other car salesman.palimpsest
    • Sorry, salesperson.palimpsest
  • Gardener3

    Grimes Sues Elon Musk Over Parental Rights


    • All fathers of 11 I've met are gems as fathers.ideaist
    • Family Values Republicanutopian
    • so that is why enjoys the full siding with the far rigth extremists... a broken heart by his sweet heart... poor melon mush.neverscared
    • https://www.nbcnews.…neverscared
    • if he keeps on the trajectory he will endorse the taliban soon...neverscared
    • he already has a high counting family with different wives like afghani style in numbers...neverscared
    • for his next birthday, all his kids and ex-partners should throw him a party, get him drunk, and feed him into a wood chipper.face_melter
    • Probably doesn't even remember who all his kids are. He names them like products... here is child X.A12-3231B.yuekit
    • Honey can you pick up child X.R99-V1.4 from the school today?yuekit
  • yuekit2

  • NBQ000

    He and Donnie Jr. should suck each other off.

  • neverscared-2

    Elon Musk Deletes Tweet Telling People to Follow Antisemitic Account for War Updates
    In the since-deleted tweet, Musk encouraged his nearly 160 million X followers to follow accounts known for spreading lies

    As verified accounts on X, formerly Twitter, continue to spread misinformation on the violent conflict between Hamas and Israel, Elon Musk directed his nearly 160 million X followers to follow accounts known for disseminating lies.

    “For following the war in real-time, @WarMonitors & @sentdefender are good,” Musk posted on X Sunday morning. He added, “It is also worth following direct sources on the ground. Please add interesting options in replies below.”

    In his own post, CNN’s Jake Tapper took a screenshot of Musk’s post next to a screenshot of a derogatory message from the War Monitor account to a user named Avi Kaner. In the caption, Tapper wrote, “Elon Musk lauds this bigot as a good source of information, part Infiniti.”

    A year ago, the War Monitors account thanked Kanye West in a Twitter thread and claimed that “the overwhelming majority of people in the media and banks are zi0nists” and told another X user in June “go worship a jew lil bro.”

    Emerson T. Brooking, a researcher at the Atlantic Council Digital Forensics Research Lab, wrote on X that @sentdefender is an “absolutely poisonous account. regularly posting wrong and unverifiable things (“sources say”). inserting random editorialization and trying to juice its paid subscriber count.”

    Both accounts shared by Musk spread the false report in May of an explosion at the White House, leading to a brief dip in the stock market before the story was debunked.

    In August, a hashtag campaign pushed by right-wing ideologues and rife with antisemitic content began to trend on X, and was shown support by owner Musk. As a number of accounts began tweeting #BanTheADL, they called on Musk to remove the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — a civil rights organization focused on combating antisemitism and extremism — from the site.

    Keith Woods, an Irish YouTuber with connections to prominent white supremacists including Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes, amplified the hashtag in a post that falsely alleged that the ADL is “financially blackmailing social media companies into removing free speech on their platform.” Musk engaged with Woods, first by liking the post, then by replying that “ADL has tried very hard to strangle X/Twitter.”

    One year after Musk’s takeover of X, the social media platform has dissolved its trust and safety council, reinstated right-wing extremists and peddlers of misinformation previously banned from the platform, censored journalists critical of Musk (they have since been un-suspended), and reportedly saw an increase in hate speech on the site — the billionaire threatened to sue the researchers documenting the rise in hateful tweets.


    • king of misinformation right at the top of the corporationneverscared
    • stupid is as stupid doesutopian
    • lol @WarMonitors - I mean, yeah, it's worth tracking (especially their telegram channel) but it really isn't ..well, balanced, if you will.Nairn
    • I am amused at their referring to the IDF as the IOF though, as dark and relevant as that is to find amusement in.Nairn
    • He's actually got a point: There is no balanced middle ground coverage here, so you can only really check in on both extremes and draw your own conclusions.Nairn
    • u can also check news sources from around the middle and not extremes to find a better middle ground...neverscared
    • except u enjoy your news from some hot headed pricks ...neverscared
    • u dont go to mcdonalds or eat sushi at a gas station to know what extreme shit food tastes like..u know it already and eat something cooked-written more carefulneverscared
    • Ok, so where is this comprehensive and well-informed middle ground you speak of? I'll wait. A long time, I suspect.Nairn
    • And before you bleat "The Guardian" etc (to which I'm a subscriber) I mean more facts on the ground, not post hoc editorial analysisNairn
    • for some people them middle ground is the extremists side... more facts from the ground from extremists side.?. highly likely not...neverscared
    • guardian not bad... der standard not too bad either.. they have reporters on the ground too in interviews so its fine.neverscared
    • at least they have no anti-semitic- hate contentneverscared
    • i hope u didn´t wait too long ... dont wanna keep you waiting checking out anti-semitic news sources ... ;)neverscared
    • this whole thing was not really negatively aimed at you.. you generally seem like a reasonable personneverscared
    • enjoy your shit burger and cheap sandwiches covered in dirt from the ground.... just kidding..neverscared
    • You done?Nairn
    • only if are u satisfied ?neverscared
    • just make sure u dont get diarrhea eating from all that dirty food and shit yourself ...neverscared
    • I can't decide whether you're nasty or just a bit simple. Certainly, your view of the world is.. simplistic. Teenage, almost.Nairn
    • heisenbergsche unschärfe principle ... to fast to determine.... yes i know u said that teenage thing a couple of times already... lets hope its not alzheimerneverscared
    • that u always forget u already said it...neverscared
  • neverscared5

    The Israel-Hamas War Is Drowning X in Disinformation
    People who have turned to X for breaking news about the Israel-Hamas conflict are being hit with old videos, fake photos, and video game footage at a level researchers have never seen.

    IN THE WAKE of Hamas’ deadly attacks on Israel this weekend—and the Israeli military’s response—journalists, researchers, open source intelligence (OSINT) experts, and fact-checkers rushed to verify the deluge of raw video footage and images being shared online by people on the ground. But users of X (formerly Twitter) seeking information on the conflict faced a flood of disinformation.

    While all major world events are now accompanied almost instantly by a deluge of disinformation aimed at controlling the narrative, the scale and speed at which disinformation was being seeded about the Israel-Hamas conflict is unprecedented—particularly on X.

    “For many reasons, this is the hardest time I’ve ever had covering a crisis on here,” Justin Peden, an OSINT researcher from Alabama known online as the Intel Crab, posted on X. “Credible links are now photos. On the ground news outlets struggle to reach audiences without an expensive blue check mark. Xenophobic goons are boosted by the platform’s CEO. End times, folks.”


  • neverscared1

  • neverscared4

    The EU has issued a warning to Elon Musk over the alleged disinformation about the Hamas attack on Israel, including fake news and “repurposed old images”, on X, which was formerly known as Twitter.

    The letter comes less than two months after sweeping new laws regulating content on social media seen in the EU came into force under the Digital Services Act. If Musk, the owner of X, does not comply, he can face a fine of 6% of his revenues from X or a total blackout in the EU.

    Thierry Breton, the commissioner responsible for the act, wrote to Musk to urge him to ensure “a prompt, accurate, and complete response” to the request to contact Europol, the EU police enforcement agency and “relevant law enforcement agencies” within the next 24 hours.

    Breton reminded Musk that he needed to have “proportionate and effective mitigation measures to tackle the risks to public security and civic discourse stemming from disinformation”. He wrote:

    Following the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel, we have indications your platform is being used to disseminate illegal content and disinformation in the EU.

    He added:

    Public media and civil society organisations widely report instances of fake and manipulated images and facts circulating on your platform in the EU, such as repurposed old images of unrelated armed conflicts or military footage that actually originated from video games. This appears to be manifestly false or misleading information.

  • utopian10

  • utopian0

    EU launches probe into Elon Musk’s X over Israel-Hamas war content


  • PhanLo0