China Shiitake Mushroom

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  • NorcentAgriculture

    Shiitake Mushrooms have high nutritional value and health benefits, and have a unique taste and flavor. The artificial cultivation of Shiitake mushroom originated in China, and it is now the edible mushroom with the highest output and the largest market consumption in China.

    Shiitake mushroom is a favorite food of people, and it is also a traditional export commodity. In the domestic and foreign markets, whether it is fresh Shiitake mushrooms, dried Shiitake mushrooms or Shiitake mushroom products, it enjoys a high reputation.

    The main nutrients of shiitake mushrooms
    Shiitake Mushrooms contain quite high levels of protein and various sugars, minerals, vitamins and other substances that are good for human health. According to the analysis, the dried shiitake mushrooms per 100 grams of wood chips contain 13-16 grams of protein, 2.5-3 grams of fat, 40-48 grams of carbohydrates, 7-8 grams of crude fiber, 5-6 grams of ash, calcium. 126 mg, phosphorus 415 mg, iron 25 mg and vitamins B1, B2, C, etc. The nutrients of shiitake mushrooms are closely related to the place where they occur and the quality of the culture medium. In 1983, the composition data of dried shiitake mushrooms in the Japanese Shiitake Mushroom Yearbook are: moisture 15.%, crude protein 18.96%, protamine 12.86%, fat 4.38%, total sugar 65.51% (including 54.14% of raw sugar, 1.51% of pentosan, 1.07% of methylpentanose, 4.45% of trehalose, 4.51% of mannose), 7.12% of cellulose, and 3.85% of ash. 100 grams of shiitake mushrooms contain 124 mg of mineral calcium, 415 mg of phosphorus, 25.3 mg of iron, 0.07 mg of vitamin B1, 1.13 mg of vitamin B2, and 18.9 mg of niacin. The ash contained in dried shiitake mushrooms contains various mineral elements required by the human body, among which potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron are especially abundant.

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  • Akagiyama2

    I don't give a shiitake about any of this.

  • utopian3