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  • robotron3k-5

    Burning Man 2020 prolly ain't gonna burn...…

    Given that reality, we believe the prudent next step is to postpone our upcoming ticket sale. Registration for the “Main Sale” was scheduled to begin April 1, and the sale was set to take place April 8. Effective today, we are postponing the Main Sale registration and the Main Sale. We are going to gather more information over the coming weeks so that we can make a more informed decision. We have not yet set an alternative date for the registration and sale.

    • The last thing people give a shit about at the moment? But yeah, it was a rich mans game at this point anyway.lvl_13
  • ********

  • PhanLo1

  • PonyBoy8

  • utopian3

    Trump Organization, hit by virus, tries to delay loan payments: report

    New York (AFP) - US President Donald Trump's family company is asking creditors such as Deutsche Bank if it can delay loan payments as the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic deepens, The New York Times reported Thursday.

    The Trump Organization -- the conglomerate of companies created by Trump and now run by his sons -- is, like many others, losing money as the restrictions put in place to lessen the spread of deadly COVID-19 bring the US to a grinding halt.…

  • drgs3…

    4 out of 5 infected don't show any symptoms whatsoever.

    The sample is small, and more data will become available. Also, it’s not clear exactly how these cases were identified. But let’s just say they are generalisable. And even if they are 10% out, then this suggests the virus is everywhere. If—and I stress, if—the results are representative, then we have to ask, ‘What the hell are we locking down for?’

    • Quoting Tom Jefferson from the linkdrgs
    • Precisely for this reasonOBBTKN
    • Gain time and try not to collapse the emergency rooms with millions of infectionsOBBTKN
    • Hmmm sample size is only 166 people.yuekit
    • One thing I wondered about and might be relevant here...I've read these coronavirus tests can give a false result as much as 30-40% of the time.yuekit
    • If that's true then it seems like if you test a certain number of people, you will inevitably get some number of positive, "asympomatic" results even if thereyuekit
    • are zero actual cases of the virus.yuekit
    • yep. early testkits aren’t very good yet. and depending on where you take the sample, it‘s different results. docs repeat tests regularly if they can.uan
    • this is for the antigen tests.uan
    • also have read reports that much like SARS mild cases spread the disease less and gets it's high R0 from 'superspreaders'kingsteven
    • one mild symptomatic case in china was reported to shed the virus for 49 days until treated by blood plasma from cured patients.kingsteven
    • on the other hand one mild case in the US didn't spread at all after checking all close contacts on a uni campus after developing symptoms on return from china.kingsteven
    • read some preliminary antibody test results from the states that would back up the high asymptomatic counts. big tests happening all over now. we'll know soon.kingsteven
    • @kingsteven can you help to find that vaccine what was distributed to 4 countries from china in the recent days?sted
    • I'm helping journalists in Hungary, the gov. saying that they received 400k from that stuff. that's all we know currently.sted
    • it took me a while to find a reference in english but it seems to say 'treatment' not vaccine in which case probably favipiravir/ avigankingsteven
    • hmm, that one fell off the wagon furst because its japanese, but right now that and the one made by CanSino Biologics is closest to the truth, so thanks.sted
    • first!%sted
    • cansino is producing a vaccine. favipiravir is an antiviral treatment developed in japan but is produced in china and the govt have licensed and are treatingkingsteven
    • patients with... cansio is only one of 10+ vaccines in development but is just on first clinical trials, there would be no point in distributing it.kingsteven
    • i'd like to see where it was said to be a 'vaccine' ... i looked up the quote from your health minister and he seems to have said 'treatment'kingsteven
    • we got this far with the help of a doc in shanghai who works at a private hospital selected for foreigners with covid19 and he is saying that they are testingsted
    • 7 types of vaccines across the country . its a complete mess.sted
    • but its far better than waiting years or generations for a solution.sted
    • we will know in 2 weeks sted. i wouldn't take a vaccine unless it had been tested for at least year, strong chance it could kill more than the covid-19 esp inkingsteven
    • venerable people. 2 weeks and we know if italy follows china, better treatment, drug trails complete. the next 2 weeks are huge. vaccine is worst case scenariokingsteven
    • Is this a plausable scenario: Corona is not deadlier, but much more contagious than other flu viruses. If other strains of flu viruses usually penetrate 5-15%drgs
    • ...of the population, corona is more thorough, reaching out to 50-80%, and so more people in risk groups are affected, which explains the higher number of dead.drgs
    • Mortality rates are ratios of dead/infected. We know the number of dead, but the true number of infected is difficult to measure under current circumstancesdrgs
    • And as someone has pointed out, you have to differ between currently ill carriers, and those who are recovered, both in sum make up the "infected" numberdrgs
  • Gardener8

  • mg332

  • mg330

    Coronavirus breakthrough as scientists discover a drug used to treat HEAD LICE can kill COVID-19 cells…

    • ...the next step is to determine whether it can effectively treat coronavirus in humans, and learn what a safe dosage would be.sted
    • this was mentioned in the abc news few hours ago. they said that this still requires months of clinical trials stage 1-2 after the research ends.sted
    • Breaking News! Cyanide found to immediately kill the virus, scientists just need to rest on humans and check the dose.shapesalad
    • *testshapesalad
    • don't get it, they said a single dose works then they need to research the correct dosage and run clinical trials of a drug that's already approved worldwide?!grafician
    • why not give it already to very sick patients and see if they improve - they are already on a death course, so why not try at least?grafician
    • just feels like we are in a movie getting to the climax and now we need the solution/fix to miraculously save the day and run into the sunset winninggrafician
    • Probably because this is cream and not to be ingested ? I mean how would it kill headlice were it not applied to the hair??shapesalad
    • ^ they can be taken orally. It’s prescribed in pill formGnash
    • Caution always advised given this is the newspaper that reported pastry, pizza, retirement, flip flops, bras, blowjobs & skiing give you cancer... but good newswebazoot
    • not much use if it can't kill head lice on the virus cells
    • I’m not looking at anything like this is the ultimate end to this crisis, but reading about potential development is the one thing that gives me a pick me up.mg33
    • ultimate end to this crisis would require the same distribution system which greatly fostered the consumption of the problemsted
    • everybody is coughing and spitting on everything and everyone :)sted
  • kingsteven6

    While we're on speculative correlation... An Irish immunologist Luke O'Neill has been pointing out links between mandatory BCG in countries and death rate on twitter.

    So much of this going about ATM, Not long until someone attributes coronavirus deaths to getting out of the wrong side of the bed.

    • Yeah read that already ofc, I think it was already posted and sure, makes sensegrafician
    • think this was the paper https://www.research…grafician
    • but inconclusive evidence for nowgrafician
    • interesting that's sorta coolcolin_s
    • most of my theories play to my own biases.and this one has the feelgood factor all over it (if you had BCG) and want to believe your country is going to fair bkingsteven
    • ... better than italykingsteven
    • Tb vaccine map is inline with lower cases and explains a lot, again could be a coincidence but fascinating nonetheless._niko
    • Also a great use of Occam’s razor this is a much simpler and likelier explanation than the 5g nonsense._niko
    • heh, indeed. i can't help thinking when this is over they'll find everything contributed. fatality counts for many countries are far lower than usual due tokingsteven
    • lockdowns... a direct correlation between leaving the house and death as i always suspected :Dkingsteven
    • correlation between leaving the house and a 2% chance of death only if you contract it, just to be clearmonospaced
    • ^ i mean fatalities are lower in europe right now than last year even with coronavirus deaths... where i am is currently at it's lowest in >10 yearskingsteven
  • zaq3

    The World’s Great Photographers, Many Stuck Inside, Have Snapped

    Stephen Shore, Catherine Opie, Todd Hido and others have turned to Instagram to cure ‘corona claustrophobia’ or show how life has changed. They talk about their quarantine pics.…

  • ********

  • bliznutty-3

    ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines…

  • grafician2

    "As of Saturday, more than 223,000 people worldwide have recovered from Covid-19, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University dashboard. The actual figure is likely to be higher since the data only cover confirmed cases."…


    • so about 20% recover and about 5% die (most due to complications)grafician
    • The remaining 75% live with it forever. ;)nb
    • was just trying to put focus on the recovery!grafician
    • +1monospaced
    • Median age of death in Italy is 78 from the virus (usual age of death is 83), so when an elderly with multiple diseases gets virus, they lose a few months/years
    • That’s true. In many cases, any threat to an immune system or vital systems at that age is very life threatening.monospaced
  • PhanLo7

    Brian Eno having a chat about the Post-Virus World

    There's only hope if we have hope.

  • utopian2

    Just eight US governors have decided against issuing statewide directives urging their residents to stay at home as the outbreak of the coronavirus escalates and spreads across the country, the last holdouts in the nation.

    The governors, all of whom are Republican, have offered a variety of explanations for why they have not followed the lead of their colleagues from coast-to-coast -- along with countries across the world -- by ordering people to restrict their movement in hopes of slowing the pandemic.

    In doing so, they've collectively ignored the stay-at-home pleas of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, who said in a CNN interview: "If you look at what's going on in this country, I just don't understand why we're not doing that."…

    Tweets & Prayers

  • neverscared0

    Italy plans to extend special powers to protect key industries from unwelcome foreign interest, a government official has said.

    There is allegedly concern in the Italian government that foreign investors might try to take advantage of the collapse of share prices caused by the coronavirus pandemic to buy assets in Italian industries.

    Cabinet undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro said on Saturday that Rome would expand its vetting powers to the whole banking and insurance sector, alongside the health and food industry.

    The scheme would allow the government to oppose any move by non-EU and EU players to buy a stake in companies considered to be strategically important.

    A draft will soon be proposed to Italy’s cabinet, and measures would also apply to transactions within the EU, Fraccaro said.

    Since Italy imposed the first set of restrictive measures on 23 February, Milan’s all-share stock index has fallen by close to 35%

    • Vultures ready to pick the bones.PhanLo
    • populists tear apart the eu.sted
    • China and Germany did this in GreeceGnash
    • China owns Italian fashionrobotron3k
  • neverscared1

  • grafician-2

    Just seen the latest numbers, almost 300k infected in the US I mean starting to question these numbers, how they test this fast?!

    Also from other sources, I get that the virus cases are about 14% severe and 5% critical overall - the rest are mild and don't need hospitalisation - so about 20% of cases need ICU beds

    So if the ICU beds in the USA are about 34 per 100k people, that's about 112000 ICU beds in the country

    Rrrright so if they are only testing people that come in so at least severe cases that means 300k people are severe cases that need hospitalisation rn?! That means the ICU beds are already full twice?! wtf?!

    Not to mention if 300k (tested) are severe+critical cases meaning 20% of the actual number of infected, that would be around 1.5 mil REAL CASES with a current death rate of 0.5% (8k dead) and with a median dead rate going of about 5% (Italy Spain have 8-12%) that would mean at least 75k more dead?!

    NY has almost 100k confirmed so again with 34 ICU beds per 100k people, thats about 2800 ICU beds (for 8 mil people in NY) so how can they help 100k infected people with 2800 ICU beds?! the death rate is now around 2k in NY so that's around 2% about the same with the country death rate (8k out of 300k) of 2.6%

    California has about 4500 cases with 89 dead so that's again a 2% death rate BUT they just said "California governor says 126,000 people have been tested for coronavirus statewide" so how the fuck can they only have 4500 cases out of 126k tested if they test only people with at least severe symptoms?!!?

    Overall about 40-60% cases are asymptomatic so imagine the real number of about 2-2.4 mil REAL cases in the US rn


    • Anyways, don't trust the numbers, forget the numbers, just live your life and fuck itgrafician
    • It’s not 300,000 hospitalizations. Only a percentage of those need hospitalization. Most are told to go home and isolate and treat the symptoms.monospaced
    • A lot of people tested negative because they probably had the flu or something else.monospaced
    • The vast majority of cases aren’t tested AT ALL and tests are only given to the MOST severe symptoms. Not the other way around. They turn you away ifmonospaced
    • if you don’t seem critical (respiratory).monospaced
    • If the REAL number of cases really is far far higher, then the death rate logically is far lower and so is the hospitalization chance. That’s just math.monospaced
    • aggregating resources (beds) nation-wide is no good, of 3140 US counties, only 10 have over half of all cases
    • @mono right, like I said, they only test most severe symptoms so 300k people means at least 200k severe? agree?grafician
    • @mono so that's 1 mil actual overall cases (20% severe+critical cases out of 100%)grafician
    • @mono and with 8k real dead, that's 0.4-0.5% overall death rate - way lower than expected and a great source of hope?grafician
    • Possibly.monospaced
  • whatthefunk4

    • The end, lol.
    • I wouldn't say I hope all these people die a horrible slow death from COVID-19...yet.BusterBoy