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  • BaskerviIle1

    ^ Why the above is not as concerning as the numbers make it seem, it's to be expected:

    • Also, the people most likely to get COVID (like retail workers etc) AND the people most likely to die from it (like older people or with serious diseases) wereyuekit
    • the first to get vaccinated in every country. So the vaccinated population contains a more vulnerable group of people.yuekit
    • considering LA is only 55% fully vaxxed - 45% making up 75% of cases would suggest over 70% efficacy against infection anyway regardless of agekingsteven
    • one third of the unvaxxed are partially vaccinated... i know its not much protection but must be driving the numbers down even more...kingsteven
  • nb0

    “The vaccines did, however, protect individuals from more severe cases. According to the study, 3.2% of fully vaccinated individuals who were infected with the virus were hospitalized, just 0.5% were admitted to an intensive care unit and 0.2% were placed on a ventilator.

    Among the unvaccinated who fell ill, 7.5% were hospitalized, 1.5% were admitted to an intensive care unit and 0.5% required breathing support with a mechanical ventilator.”


    Wow when you look at these numbers, the vaccine appears to be reducing serious illness by about a half to two thirds.

    Not great.

    But on the other hand, the vaccine is safe, proven, widely available and FUCKING FREE

    • I’m surprised the numbers are so low for the unvaccinated. I had the impression the were dropping like fliesGnash
    • Yeah... From the “news” reports, you’d think all of Florida and most of the South would be dead by now or dead by Xmas.nb
    • Or maybe they will be? Heck if I knownb
    • Vaccinated, if infected, are 5x as likely to die from covid vs those how had covid, as per paper shared by Bret Weinstein (loo lazy to look it up for you).pr2
    • that's bullshit, pr2monospaced
    • literally nobody treating the dying patients would agree with you, as 95%+ are unvaccinated. holy fuck you drank all the koolaid.monospaced
    • once again mono knows more than people who spent their careers studying this stuff.pr2
    • I never claimed to know more. That's you.monospaced
    • Weinstein is considered a covid misinformation clown fuck by the medical community, on the topic of covid.monospaced
    • man, it's getting sad to talk to you. just look up the paper and then argue with that instead.pr2
    • only thing sad is how fucking selfish, irresponsible, emotionally driven and irrational you are about all this.monospaced
    • Not to mention, careless, reckless and endangering, in addition to flat out wrong and in denial of facts. Sad.monospaced
    • pr2 - Brett Weinstein is a biased and often misinformed source of information fyi.inteliboy
    • i like how local idiots all the sudden know more about the issue than guys who have phd and write books about the topic. bravo, just bravo.pr2
    • i dont think any of the guys in the vaccine discussions wrote books on the topic? calling something free and open discussion when all the guests are knownkingsteven
    • for crying censorship. the rna 'inventor' guy on the vaccine show was behind the claim pepcid could prevent covid, brett pushing ivermectin, the bald guykingsteven
    • who keeps talking out of turn has an article thats 'yet to receive criticism' because its behind a $5 paywall... clown shoeskingsteven
    • fucking pr2, we're listening to the experts who actually were behind creating the vaccine and those on the front lines, derpmonospaced
  • colin_s-2

    I walked into a market the other day to grab a bottle of wine and while i'm walking from the back to the front I hear the guy behind the register cough ... like, in a rough way, a couple times, turn the aisle to see him unmasked, but as I approach, he puts his mask on.

    I'm vaccinated so I still bought the wine before I ran out, but at this point this has just been a massive failure of leadership across the board. The entire focus has always been the economy, never the safety of the people, and now we're going to claw our way into 2022.

    Seriously feels like the end of the third Star Wars, where Anakin is all on fire and crawling up to try and still fight Obi-Wan. It was the bad ideology all along that fucked you, kid. Now you're gonna burn slow for it.

    • you kinda forgot about 1000s of conditions other than covid than can make you cough.pr2
    • 1000s of reasons to wear a mask if you're in a small public space then.Fax_Benson
  • Gardener2

  • elahon3

    • "I'd take a bullet for this country, but I'm not putting a damn mask on for nutthin"!capn_ron
    • THISinteliboy
    • I still think it's uncool to warn people about slow children in the area. It's discrimination.ETM
    • I hope that the Teletubby contracts Covid and dies a slow horrific death.utopian
    • This is why I won't take a bullet for this country. The person sending me to my death will easily be as shitty as DeSantis. Maybe worse. The US has no bottom.CyBrainX
  • fooler1

    John Pierce, an anti-vaccination advocate and lawyer representing people arrested for allegedly participating in the January 6 Capitol riots, has contracted COVID-19 and is reportedly on a ventilator.

    When Pierce failed to appear at a Wednesday court hearing for Capitol riot suspect Shane Jenkins, his colleague Ryan Marshall told the judge, "Mr. Pierce is in the hospital, we believe, with COVID-19, on a ventilator, non-responsive," The Independent reported.

    Pierce has publicly made comments against the COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates.…

    • Would be wrong of me to say "die muthafucka" I won't.BusterBoy
    • Tweets & Prayersutopian
  • shapesalad0

  • pr2-7

    Pro-vaxxer dies from vaccine complications:…

    • *in May.
      "Pro-vaxxer?" Where did you get that from? That's not at all been part of any narrative I've heard in relation to her passing,
    • And it works both waysdrgs
    • "works for BBC" = pretty much given that she's pro-vaxxer.pr2
    • Right, so you totally made that up then.

      Good to know.
    • spend some time actively looking at the world, and you will develop a skill of educated guesses yourself.pr2
    • lolFax_Benson
    • he educated made it up, which is different.Fax_Benson
    • I know enough Eastern European blokes to know that you're very good at talking absolute bollocks with an amusing amount of arrogant certainty.Nairn
    • just read the fucking article man.pr2
    • It was known back in May that she'd died from AZ complications. It was fairly big news here in the UK. Affects not your loose handle on Pravda though, comradeNairn
    • so well known that the news sources posts the article only now? maybe you should start selling your magic-ball predictions to news stations?pr2
    • so, you found one person who had a vaccine complication ... but there are literally many millions who died from COVID ... you stupid afmonospaced
    • Here, fool - 28th May.
    • Ther have been a few people who've died from AZ vaccine. A % of people have complications with most vaccines. It's nothing peculiar to CovidVaxNairn
    • ..unless, of course, you have some pointless personal agenda and want to spin things that way.Nairn
    • sure, and it's so extremely rare that it couldn't be considered a serious riskmonospaced
    • No, but it was a handy political football for our friends in Europe to try and score some points against the UK in regards to vax roll-out. Well done, them.Nairn
    • tell it that it's not a risk to one of the 15k people who died in Europe from vaccines, or the thousands that died in US. yeah, not "serious risk" at all.pr2
    • Do you have a non-skewed source for that 15k figure?Nairn
    • https://www.politifa…Nairn
    • I'm seeing some high numbers, but then teh above article suggest that the granularity of mortality recording isn't accurate enough to make the deductive leap ..Nairn
    • ..that people like you, with an eye to sustaining a narrative, are so keen to make.Nairn
    • there are not thousands of people dying from covid vaccines, pr2monospaced
    • Even if there were, there'd be fewer dying from Vax-related clotting than Covid-related - clotting ... (apos for DM link)Nairn
    • https://www.dailymai…Nairn
    • a.) asking for non-biased source of info, don't bring up a biased (leaning Left) source of info. that just creates a surreal world of blind leading blind.pr2
    • b.) CDC's source has a figure of covid vaccine-related deaths at over 4k. yeah, i know that all pro-vaxxers will latch onto "related" part...pr2
    • ...but the truth is that if not for the vaccine, those people most likely would be alive.pr2
    • Left leaning is more in line with what science says, and evidence shows.monospaced
    • c.) the point is that death happen when you get covid AND when you get vaccine, so we should stop the debate and move on to what those deaths really mean.pr2
    • I didn't imply a preference for any 'left-leaning' narrative. I simply wanted facts. Interesting that that's your immediate tangent though.Nairn
    • I saw high numbers when I searched earlier. Much larger than I expected - but more like 5k across EU, rather than 15k, and even then not necessarily certifiableNairn
    • c) Yes, you're entirely right. And when you run the numbers, the stats and all that palava, vaccines and basic measures mitigate overall deaths.Nairn
    • Of course there will be deaths directly attributable to vaccine usage. But vastly overall, the statistical sacrifice is better than the opposite [in]actionNairn
    • We knew early on that AZ had an adverse effect on young-ish women. Ok, shit situation, but then you account for that. It's an evolving process.Nairn
    • Your stance is akin to dumb creationists screaming INVALID! at all scientific 'theories' because Science isn't able to account for every instance..Nairn
    • advance.Nairn
    • Also, you clearly bullshit. So. Yeah.Nairn
    • you jump to valid/invalid conclusions too quickly. you need to account for context. In NYC where i'm living 75% had the virus so the push for vaccination...pr2
    • is nonsensical because a.) most are already well protected and b.) vaccination when you already had the virus increases your risk of complications.pr2
    • i try not to jump to any conclusions - rather, read up as much as i can, and then when engaging with other people, not just lie to substantiate my claims.Nairn
    • ..'cos, see - i don't have any claims. I'm as equally curious about every abstraction of this situation, paranoid, sane, statistical, mundane or otherwise.Nairn
    • give me actual facts and change my understanding.Nairn
    • 75% did not get the virus. You’re still working from this assumption.monospaced
    • Many thousands in nyc died of covid. Still are. The vaccine didn’t kill us, it only saved people. Still does.monospaced
    • dude, remember when months ago i asked for a wager about it? guess what? the numbers of deaths in nyc barely increased since then.;pr2
  • Brabo_Brabo-3

    1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination..…

  • Brabo_Brabo-1

    Natural immunity much better than vaccination ;…

    • Added benefit - no 5G tracking magnets.Brabo_Brabo
    • I still have antibodies 1.5 years after getting Covid.Chimp
    • another paper from thelancet corroborates those findings.pr2
    • Robo with the science, nice new nickname btwgrafician
    • Millions didn’t get immunity, they got dead instead. Worth the risk?monospaced
    • Yeah man if you have a proper working immunity, no underlying risks then of course natural immunity is better but for those that don’t there is no option_niko
    • Other than Vaccine or death in most cases. For us that have a good immunity getting the vaccine is like giving usain bolt springier track shoes_niko
    • Ummm. People with perfectly good immune systems and health died from covid disease. You can’t count on your system by itself.monospaced
    • MORE fucking bobo accounts? Christ, i thought we finally got them allscarabin
    • Your chances of dying decrease by 95% or more if you get vaccinated.monospaced
    • We’re talking about a difference so small it probably isn’t significant. And it probably isn’t a good case to argue that the vaccine isn’t worth it.monospaced
    • I disagree, mono - I imagine that natural immunity is significantly better, but it becomes a numbers game; what diff in deathrate between un- and vaxxed?Nairn
    • If a virus kills a larger % of people than it makes immune, then it needs to be tempered.Nairn
    • i'm sitting back and relaxing, just watching to see how some of you pro-vaxxers will twist those findings to serve your beliefs.pr2
    • Actually, that's not at all right, lol at me.
      That sounded right in my head, but ~1% death vs, say, 10% immunity is not a statistic that we're comfortable with
    • @pr2 - I don't imagine there's a minute in a day when you're not entirely self-satisfied.Nairn
    • ah, your title is misleading, it should be having covid once produces better immune response than 2 doses of the vaccine._niko
    • If you got "light" covid, the immunity is not that good. You ALSO NEED to get the vaccine.grafician
    • Dunno man, I think natural immunity is best.Brabo_Brabo
    • "light" covid means that your body already kinda knew how to deal with the virus based on previous experiences or that virus load was small.pr2
    • either way, it means that your body is probably well prepared for a possible shit storm.pr2
    • Thing is, if you get covid you risk death. But not if you get the vaccine. And the vaccines are 95% effective or better. So maybe natural immunity is what, 96%?monospaced
    • So the argument that natural immunity after getting covid is stronger than the vaccine isn’t that strong. Vaccine is already great.monospaced
    • F - A - L - S - E misinterpretation of data!pr2
    • immunized still have around 50% protection against new variants while vaccinated (without previous covid) have almost 0%.pr2
    • moreover, you do NOT risk death with covid in our age group. recent study from Israel: 84k of infected unvaccinated and only 36 deaths.pr2
    • in 16-44 age group.pr2
    • 2,213 Americans died yesterday, it's strange that in a number of weeks the death rate will be a higher death rate than the Spanish Flu.PhanLo
    • With all the medical advancements of 100 years more people died of a less deadly virus.PhanLo
    • hey pr2, people "our age" ARE dying from COVID every day. Begging for their lives. Regretting not getting vaccinated.monospaced
    • It obviously is a risk to get covid without protection, because that's who's dying. This is based on reality, not obscure data.monospaced
    • Sure, you might gain immunity if you don't vaccinate and you contract covid, but you also might die. The vaccine prevents that.monospaced
    • Another really dumb post.utopian
    • mono, people of our age are dying in news pieces - meaning they are part of the "36" from the study.pr2
    • and it's obviously NOT risky. how can you deny the science? 36 out of 84,000.pr2
    • (not risky for our age group)pr2
    • Our age group uber alles! All other age groups are inferior! They deserve to die! Let's spread it to them instead of getting vaccinated!i_monk
    • Idiot.i_monk
    • A friend of mine got covid twice, the first variant and the last one. Not in a severe form. She is 29, unvaxed and not immune apparently.ApeRobot
    • It is risky for people in our age group, far riskier than getting vaccinated. You're clearly ignoring reality. They aren't all in that one study either, idiot.monospaced
    • They aren't just dying in news pieces, they're dying regularly nationwide. Because they aren't vaccinated. If they were, they wouldn't die. At all.monospaced
    • shit people, the paper clearly states how many deaths there are and you fucking questions it? what would it take to convince you? thunder from God?pr2
    • how do you expect people to talk to you? you expect your anecdotes and collection of news pieces to somehow outweigh rigorous science research?pr2
  • Ramanisky20

  • dbloc1

  • drgs2

    I started browsing conspiracy videos, and I feel it's pulling me in.
    I need QBN analysts to assure me that none of this is true:

    • you should look up all the mad shite she's been saying the entire pandemic, part of https://en.wikipedia…kingsteven
    • you won't find a scientist who deals with immunology that will disagree with the first part of her statement.pr2
    • Get her job at The Communist Party of China ASAP!utopian
  • maquito2

  • PhanLo1

  • whatthefunk1

  • BaskerviIle-1

  • sted6

  • Ramanisky24

    Another one ... Pooof gone.

    Let Freedumb riiiiiing.…

    • They are literally dying because they think a virus is taking away their freedoms.. You get them viruses billy-bob!_niko
    • He doesn’t look older than 40monospaced
    • The vaccine would have saved him, guaranteed. Too bad he ignored reality and science, which shows that covid actually kills people this age.monospaced
    • McLovin will be gutted.PhanLo
    • Say his name!palimpsest
    • Seth from Superbad?PhanLo
  • Ramanisky23

    annnnd another one.

    Marc Bernier a prominent anti-vaxxer and conservative radio show host from Daytona Beach Florida ... Pooof gone.

    This was the last tweet.

    • cool punctuationbainbridge
    • Barely 65 years old.monospaced
    • If he had been vaccinated he would have lived, guaranteed. There is no risk to getting vaccinated, but he risked life because he thought getting covid was okmonospaced
    • but muh 99.5% chances of survival!!dorf
    • Phil Valentine also died last week. Morans.noRGB
    • pr2 was right though. For a minute or two before he died, he had immunity, maybe stronger than the vaccine provides. Maybe.monospaced
    • Lol at that last comment mono hahaha so truenb
    • you children still don't understand immunity nor age difference in mortality.pr2
    • Lol @palimpsest's postOBBTKN
    • @pr2 Please educate us. Full post with citations and read the rebuttals from very well-educated people here. Or just stop embarrassing yourself.garbage
    • Look at the data. Numbers don't lie.
    • He’s dead you clown. Dead.monospaced
    • are you implying that I’m wrong and the vaccine wouldn’t have saved him? you need to be clear what level of fucktard you are here pleasemonospaced