America is Fucked
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- PhanLo2
Interview with Antifa Qanon Shaman in prison.
-- Neatnb
- Just downloading some higher dimensional data just now.PhanLo
- was just gonna post thisGuyFawkes
- listening to this idiot is hilariousGuyFawkes
- does this really need to last 46 minutes? what point should I jump to here...sarahfailin
- the whole thing is comedy though he's being seriousGuyFawkes
- Trust the plan I suppose. ⥀.⥀PhanLo
- The sad thing is that guy is spending his prison time isolated 22 hours of the day and he is not well mentally.PhanLo
- He's not mentally ill he's just from PhoenixGuyFawkes
- ^ha ha he he he :-)PhanLo
- colin_s0
jan 6 was some hilarious shit
- Ssshhhh, don't say that too loud. You'll trigger the progressives!Khurram
- Second saddest day in Stephen Colbert's life after 9/11 :-/Khurram
- Never even happened, it was a cgi movie funded by Giorgio SorosisPhanLo
- T'was a pretty embarrassing day to be a Trump supporter. Total clown show.FNP14
- ^ You think those people ever feel shame? Insanity is their superpower along with other GOP virtues.CyBrainX
- drgs3
- TV's we must watch TV... worse than crack addiction.shapesalad
- those aren't tv's. They're an analogy of Biden's upcoming 'social programs'. The trash is the foretelling of those 'social programs'hotroddy
- Breaking Bad.PhanLo
- 1st world country?Chimp
- 3rd world peoplehotroddy
- That's the sort of entrepreneurial spirit that America creates no?PhanLo
- Dude sounds like he’s on all the xanaxscarabin
- I saw this happen in LA...there's one particular spot where people will loot the trains by just throwing as much stuff as possible on the ground. Then lateryuekit
- they will sort through it, take the valuables and leave the rest.yuekit
- utopian2
Up to 75% of the $800 billion PPP flowed to business owners instead of workers, study finds.
- #TrickledDownEconomi...
#Capitalismutopian -…GuyFawkes
- all this proves is socialism is prone to corruption because by its nature it's inefficient & bureaucratic. Picture Biden distributing all that inefficiencyhotroddy
- My employer told the PPP lenders (and their clients and us employees) that no one would be laid off due to Covid....nb
- Later that week they fired me (without a hint of reason) and just said it was unrelated to the pandemic.nb
- ^ damnGuyFawkes
- The solution is simple, make the wealthy pay their fair share, eliminate all tax loopholes, prosecute everyone hiding their billions in offshore.utopian
- ^ username checks outhardhat
- But seriously, what’s wrong with this fucking country. “They” have us all infighting about critical race theory etc when we should be focused on stuff like thishardhat
- #TrickledDownEconomi...
- neverscared2
Capitol rioters called Nancy Pelosi's office looking for a 'lost and found' for items they left behind on January 6, according to Rep. Jamie Raskin……- just can't make this shit up.utopian
- supposedly that is Adam Carolla's niece.fooler
- true, its beyond satire..neverscared
- Sign of pros. Obviously a very well organized and executed insurrectionGnash
- drgs1
- "Save America Great Again" SAGAaslip
serious question though who the F is going to run on the Dems side next election? Biden barely stayed awake for the last one. Kamala?_niko - We took a little break, the election was stolen from us, sleepy Joe did nothing for 4 years (if he lives that long) Kamala is a traitor, I invented vaccines etc_niko
- the next election is going to be the biggest shitshow of all time and that's saying a lot after what we've already been through. fuck me._niko
- Save America, Don! Sad!nb
- _niko-1
latest odds for 2024 presidency. buckle up folks
Donald Trump +250
Joe Biden +450
Ron DeSantis +600
Kamala Harris +700
Nikki Haley +2000
Pete Buttigieg +2000
Mike Pence +2500
Michelle Obama +4000
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez +5000
Candace Owens +5000
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson +5000
Elizabeth Warren +5000
Josh Hawley +5000
Kristi Noem +5000
Mike Pompeo +5000
Tucker Carlson +5000
Hillary Clinton +6600
Ted Cruz +6600- The Rock is running?drgs
- not sure but he's the only other candidate the American public would be dumb enough to vote for. I'm putting $100 on him for the hell of it lol._niko
- Imagine the WWE style rallies, debates and interviews. It would be hilarious and just absurd enough to defeat Trumpito. He's the only one from this list who can_niko
- Shitlistdbloc
- I have buckled upnb
- Rogan and Musk, dream team.********
- Tucker Carlson. Get the fuck out.monospaced
- Hah! AOC won't be 35 yet and you have to be according to our quickly dying Constitution.CyBrainX
- Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson!!!!!!pango
- palimpsest2
Your cell phone plan prices.
It's a fReE mArKetTtt.- Google Finb
- aMeRiCan't HEaltHCare.
It's a fReE mArKetTtt.Nairn - BuT iF eVeryONe hAs tHe saMe heAlthCarE tHe sErvIcE wILL bE bAd.palimpsest
- lol, it is bizarre.fadein11
- nb2
Marshawn Lynch is paying your Cell Phone Service for LIFE
You read that right! Marshawn Lynch is going to pay your bill for life. That's a long time without a phone bill! That's more money spent on you!
- Salarrue1
Continuing the recent spate of conservative book-banning initiatives, The Mcminn County School board just voted to ban the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel “MAUS” by Art Spiegelman from all of its schools, citing the inclusion of words like “God Damn” and “naked pictures” (illustrations) of women.…- That's a pretty adult oriented comic, no? https://en.wikipedia…monNom
- I've seen it mentioned that a lot of the banning is for books that aren't even used in the current curriculum anyway (nor would they be given the states).evilpeacock
- utopian2
More than a million Americans have died from overdoses during the opioid epidemic.
Deaths due to drug overdose have topped a million for the first time since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began collecting data on the problem more than two decades ago.
A study released Thursday by the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC, found that 932,364 people died in the U.S. from fatal overdoses from 1999 through 2020.
Separate preliminary data from the CDC shows another 100,000 drug deaths expected in 2021.
- CCP's revenge for the Opium Wars.********
- Covid man, it's covid.ApeRobot
- CCP's revenge for the Opium Wars.
- sted1
In Search of a Better Life, Thousands of Russians Are Crossing the Mexican Border to America
Unscrupulous middlemen charge asylum seekers hefty fees to embark on the treacherous journey.