America is Fucked

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  • AQUTE4

    • CAUGHT ON CAMERA: A press conferencenb
    • wow!renderedred
    • imagine a 40 yo in the future saying " my parents let me chop off my dick when I was 15 because of a tik-tok trend". It's the suff of horror films._niko
    • But why is this from the Toronto sun and has a click bait title and totally comes off as one of those anti-vaxx covid denier doctor videos..._niko
    • It is terrifying what the far left is willing to do to children to justify their ideologynb
    • Demanding that a doctor prescribe puberty blockers or accuse them of transphobia? Psychotic.nb
    • T.O. Sun is trash, sure. But don’t judge what the person is saying based on style or aesthetic or what you think the video feels like.nb
    • Just listen to what she’s saying and judge her words on their merit. It’s not at all anti-vax type shit.nb
    • Of course you are free to believe whatever you want. but your beliefs have no effect on what is true or isn’t true.nb