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  • 604 Responses
  • colin_s3

    i agree that defunding the police is a ridiculous proposal.

    abolition would be a compromise.

    every police force in america should be abolished and governments should reconstruct public safety from the ground up with a diversity of jobs that are called on for different issues. "9-1-1" could still be an emergency number but it is up to the switchboard operator to dispatch the proper response teams.

    this is the spearhead to dismantling capitalism in america.

    • defunding isn't what it sounds like according to some memes which is where i get all my newsmoldero
    • defunding police means reducing them to protecting and serving the public like it says on their door, instead of assaulting citizens with military grade weaponsimbecile
    • Haha. Which hunts and mob rule wod definitely destroy capitalism. And the cost of most freedomsdeathboy
    • Colin. Curious where u picture yourself in such an environment. Nothing to be taken? Everything to be gained?deathboy
    • Typical rational people can point out what they gain and what they'd Lose unless trying to decieve. What do u gain?deathboy
    • Why do you think less police would cause witch hunts and mob rule, db? What makes you think that’s a certainty?ben_
    • Because it creates a vacuum to be filled. How'd it work out before police? How does it work out other places leaving policing to citizens. Think congodeathboy
    • I think it is absolutely asinine to pitch and idea without even looking forwarddeathboy
    • Well accept in this case Colin has and he wants chaos to ascend and fall into mob rule and tribes where he thinks he will be offdeathboy
    • Colin didn’t say leave policing completely to citizens. What he’s saying is quite clear, but wait... you think the Congo is comparable on any level to the USA?ben_
    • Well glad you brought it up, considering any citizen policing in the Congo has been happening because they have had leadership so hell bent on their own gainben_
    • That the police and military there have become a tool of the government to oppress its own people. Sounds vaguely familiar, huh?ben_
    • What the hell are u trying to say Ben. Like Colin u haven't said shitdeathboy
    • I only see you admitting as much any blm movement is an oppressive tool of govdeathboy
    • Comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it?ben_
    • You compared the prospect of citizens policing themselves in USA to the Congo. Do you know anything about the history of the Congo? It doesn’t seem like it.ben_
    • But that doesn’t even matter, because to start you completely misrepresent what Colin is saying in your responses. Read things twice, dude.ben_
    • Lol ben did u say anything at all?deathboy
    • I believe u think u did. But I can't even give a cliffnote of it accept " Nuh uh"deathboy
    • You asking for cliffnotes is a beautiful irony.ben_
    • Here they are for you:
      The Congo has dealt with a tyrannical government for decades. The "official" police serve the interest of the President.
    • You compared a shift to alternative policing (what colin is talking about) to a country where police are acting out the exact preference that the Trump gov't.ben_
    • has for the role of the police. I pointed out that your comparison is fair, but not for the reason you believe it is.ben_
    • The Congo is a great comparable in that way... Authoritarian Presidential power, with a police force dedicated to upholding that power, along with...ben_
    • ~$0 Social/community health initiative spending = gaps to be filled.ben_
    • Trump would turn the USA into the Congo in a second if you let him.ben_
    • Haha well at least u tried. U fail to realize the democratic process of every leader and as such policingdeathboy
    • The congo a prime example of power without rule of law. Tell me this Ben. What is alternative police bg and how does it work. Give any exampledeathboy
    • You Seem to want to get out of abstract and I to actual process. I'm all earsdeathboy
    • But what you're saying about the congo is simply untrue. There's no point in discussing with you, anyhow I should have known better.ben_
    • you have yet to say what is untrue. or whydeathboy
    • yes my congo is generalization. but what is untrue and its relation to the conversation? that is what you needdeathboy
  • _niko-2

    Is it possible for humans from different races to co-exist and get along?

    is it possible for humans of the same race but with different beliefs to get along?

    History has shown us that it's unlikely.

    some examples:

    Rawanda- Hutus vs Tutsis
    Yugoslavia - slavs with slightly different languages or religions but ultimately the same shit.
    Indian subcontinent - Pakistan vs India, essentially the same people with different beliefs.
    middle east - arab nations who believe in the same imaginary god in different ways from each other.
    Japan vs everybody
    Germany vs everybody
    countless wars in africa
    countless wars in europe
    ghengis khan
    Pol pot
    billions massacred at the hands of their own race

    Is it ingrained in us? is it a primitive drive to protect your own tribe and eliminate all others?

    Chimps go to war against each other all the time. As do lions, as do hyenas, as do orcas as do ant colonies and wasp colonies.

    So not just human nature but animal nature as well.

    maybe BLM is a first step in the right direction but it's a much much deeper, much much older issue.

    • You know this is mostly because of colonists and conqerors divided the country lines fucked up eh? And add religion to the mix...tank02
    • Idk, it's more a question of politics, privilege and stuff, on a deeper level is competition, fear, greed, we might never fix these, but education first is keygrafician
    • We might need outside intervention on a global scale to unite under common beliefs, think Matrix or Independence Day type shitgrafician
    • But lack of empathy, lack of IQ and EQ overall breeds all this crap, ignorance and apathy are too spread in our societygrafician
    • point is, maybe it's not white supremacy that's the issue but supremacy period, both human and animal. The need to dominate others to keep your group going._niko
    • And I agree, education, tolerance and empathy is key, let's change the shitty course we've been on for the past 100,000 years._niko
    • ^For sure. Colonialism + capitalism = recipe for disaster. We can fix this with good education for a few generations, but there's no political will for this yetgrafician
    • Maybe in a post-scarcity society a lot of issues will fix themselves, but for now, we're in limbografician
    • Also another point is that all the hate ppl show to others, actually they really are hating themselves but too scared to admit it and fix it.grafician
    • to see a member of another race as anything less than equal to yourself is a deeply seated problem in the individual.imbecile
    • Humans need a LOT of therapy these days. A well balanced person wouldn't go crazy hating and hurting other ppl...grafician
    • Just a thought: imagine Trump going to therapy for 4 years to fix his shit and become a better man. Sure, in his case maybe not, but others could still do this.grafician
    • @imbecile yeah! "change yourself and you change the world" and all thatgrafician
    • A dog? Oh drgs. No. I just don't debate with your drivvle. Every post you have shows your smug and sometimes sociopathic behaviour. You are so ignorant and ->tank02
    • not willing just even try to understand what is happening. And then you start these Ben Shapiro / Joe Rogan tought exercisis that are so childishtank02
    • You pseudo intellectual meanderings are you joke because your mind is set and will never change. But you do act as open minded but you are not; You are a fraud.tank02
    • ow yeah, this dog bites dickhead.tank02
    • well I see the 20th century's biggest war is old fairy tales now. Hitler would not start the fun and games if Stalin did not offer him helprzu-rzu
    • Wait u just pointed out blm is basic tribalism no different than any other but saying maybe this one right. ..deathboy
    • The older issues u talk of is tribalism vs individualism. I agree blm is same old enlighten shitdeathboy
    • *unenlighteneddeathboy
  • drgs-10

    Black people openly hate white people.
    White people secretly hate black people.
    And everyone is racist

    There is a layer of political correctness between us, which filters what is ok to say or do, but it does not cure racism, it only moderates it. After all, everyone is allowed to keep his thoughts to himself.

    Most white people are latent racists, ie. they do not want to get involved and if possible avoid black people. If they see a black person who is doing well for himself, they will embrace him, but if he fits into any of the black stereotypes, they will say the n-word within themselves.

    The first step to overcome the animal in yourself and to become human is to address this exact question: do I appear tolerant only to public?

    Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance, is an American white supremacist. He always gives joint press conferences together with black supremacists of opposite orientation (ie. black racists). American white supremacists and black supremacists see each other as allies for obvious reasons -- both want segregation. (There is a novel called Serpent's Walk by William Pierce which describes a racist utopia in 2048 built by the descendants of the SS, and their main ally were American black supremacists.)

    So, there are two approaches here:

    The conservative approach accepts human racist nature without changing it, ie. the human kind is not mature enough to live side by side with other races and there is nothing you can do about it. This is the approach followed by the white and black supremacists.

    The socialist approach perceives the same (indisputable) fact tragically and tries to overcome it, to actively work against it and to take a big step over your own stubborn animal nature -- in spite. To fight racism is to do the opposite of what Tom Metzger wants, ie. to fight segregation at any cost, to dissolve the ghettos and to mix and dilute people as much as possible (probably impossible without tyranny).

    So, whenever you hear about safe spaces for black people, Afrocentric schools in NY, white actors apologizing for playing black people 40 years ago, Uncle Ben's rice firm to scrap brand image of black farmer -- it means we are going in the conservative direction. It's Tom Metzger's dream coming through, except that it's mostly the black people doing all the work.

    My future outlook is that in 2048 we will see a soft version of the Serpent's Walk.


    • you are such a moron.tank02
    • tank02, you're like a dog, you seem to understand everything, but can't speak in human languagedrgs
    • I’m disappointed that you think this. It is as far from my experience of living, loving and raising my kids on this cosmopolitan and diverse planet. There...Morning_star
    • I think you’re projecting a wee bit here. We all have biases that have been formed by personal experience but to go the extreme of ‘hate’ is a huge stretchGnash
    • “ if he fits into any of the black stereotypes, they will say the n-word within themselves” - is your own mind the data source on what most white people think?mort_
    • ...far too much fear about these days and it’s unnecessary but encouraged by various different organisations and groups. The world you seem to experience is...Morning_star
    • ...the same as mine. Come round, have a drink and a smoke I’ll show you the kindness and support in the community I live in.Morning_star
    • UK does not have the same problems. I might agree with you, but this is where US is headingdrgs
    • I hope you’re wrong.Morning_star
    • So what is this BLM fuss all about? Tell the rioters about your living and loving experience and ask them to go homedrgs
    • Make sure you tell it specifically to black people, just as you told medrgs
    • You’re right about the UK. From my experience it’s far from perfect however you get what you give. I attended the BLM protest in the city I live in, with my...Morning_star
    • ...kids and wife and neighbours and it was generally peaceful and constructive. I lived in Bristol during the race riots of the 80s and experienced first hand..Morning_star
    • ...the progress communities can make given the support and good leadership. There is no love in fear.Morning_star
    • This is the second direction I mentioned and probably more typical for Europe.
      I'm describing what I see (in US), not what I want
    • Canada’s nowhere near as bad, we’re a smorgasbord of colours, black being one of many, we generally all get along no segregation other than the natives I guess_niko
    • So it can be done. With proper social and health care programs, strict gun laws and a general inclusiv attitude towards one another. The us might be too far gon_niko
    • ...gone though._niko
    • lol drgs you seem to think USA is some kind of apartheid state. It's really not THAT bad...yuekit
    • This is the problem with the media now...we are more 'informed' than ever before but if you are bombarded with one type of story all the time you can walk awayyuekit
    • with a completely false impression. Most of America, even with all the shit currently going on, is just normal life..and is already integrated in many respects.yuekit
    • Interesting drgs. I'm not sure I'd go your Metzger guys way though. There is a human trait most can't overcome on any anti race shit. But it's more than racedeathboy
    • It's basic darwin a d tribalism. Same shit I n sports team and political parties or design threadsdeathboy
    • Similiarites breed comfort. A car salesman will try to connect with u. I think the obvious thing is to not focus on race at alldeathboy
    • But there is cultural black pride that also keeps from advancing past the race card. Equivalent to the dumb eat south kkk thinkingdeathboy
    • Think both are Morons on both sides putting value on racedeathboy
    • Just victims o low Intellect and higher feardeathboy
    • I love how white nationalist types think separating the races is going to solve anything and that this is even realistic.yuekit
    • Most 'racially pure' white countries would be somewhere like Belarus and other Eastern European backwaters, truly a glorious utopia.yuekit
    • Eastern Europe sucksi_was
    • Eastern Europe appears more racist, but only bc they never lived together with other races and haven't learned the right etiquette, ie. not hiding itdrgs
    • Anybody thinking of separating anything is plain stupid. But all this comes from lack of education and proper raising.grafician
    • Eastern Europe indeed appears racist, but it's rather not, not amongst the younger generations, we have exactly zero issues with anybody being Black, Asian, etcgrafician
    • The older generations indeed might seem racist, but it's from them not seeing & living with other people from other countries, not traveling, etc.grafician
    • Also police stopping people on the street because of their race is unheard heregrafician
    • Yeah sorry grafician, I didn't mean to paint with a broad brush there lol. I've heard a lot of people say good things about travel to Romania.yuekit
    • What I was getting at is that many of these nationalist types seem to think racial separatism is some sort of answer to all of societies' problems.yuekit
    • When in fact the evidence is pretty mixed. You could argue cause or effect but most of the prosperous areas that everyone want to move to are quite diverse.yuekit
    • What white nationalist types ukit? Also would u agree giving reparations or welfare based on race will fix all black communities as well. Have to admit they'redeathboy
    • Both Stupid as fuckdeathboy
    • @yuekit, was not judging, just telling it like it is. We're not perfect, just very "normal" in a way when it comes to people's rightsgrafician
    • Bruh, you don't even seem to know what "conservative" and "socialist" mean. You're using words here completely out of context. Lulznb
    • Conservatism and socialism are opposite sides of pessimistic/optimist... view of human nature, bedside reading: https://tinyurl.com/…drgs
    • In a different context, (say economy) something else is opposite to conservatism, and something else is opposite to socialismdrgs
    • In general, socialism is progressive, and tries to overcome our stubborn, passive nature. "Man is something that shall be overcome."drgs
    • All people are racist scum, all races, black and white.drgs
    • Nb define the terms for me bruhdeathboy
  • utopian1

    It will never end!

    • Sooo... cops did this wrong? I got stopped for the same traffic violation last weekGnash
    • Dude knew he was f’d because of warrants and was acting accordinglyGnash
    • who is wrong here?nudes
    • The sex offender is in the wrongGnash
    • Is this supposed to show police brutality?TOMMYxGUNN
    • This is how mentally ill people get shot and killed by the police.mathinc
    • so getting tased in that situation is ok for all of you? wow.uan
  • imbecile0

  • nudes2

  • omahadesigns-2

    • tbh that's a huge step for him already.pango
    • I wonder if they asked him if that meant gay people?omahadesigns
    • Black is a subset of All, so in a sense he said it.Doris_McSquirter
    • No not quitepango
    • It’s a cult. You have to recite the proper incantation as ordained, or else the magic doesn’t workGnash
  • omahadesigns-4

    “Make America Great Again” and “All Lives Matter” considered racist hate speech.

    • https://i.pinimg.com…dorf
    • who cares...that 'make a great again' slogan didn't really work out, or did it?uan
    • Only if you’re a brainwashed racist fuck who wants to make shit up I suppose. But no it isn’tmonospaced
  • rzu-rzu-4

    Sorry for this intermission, but all this yap yap yap all day long and in the end when you think of it, no lives really matter. We live on Planet Moron, that is run by greedy monkeys, who oppress self-righteous ignorant monkeys, which in turn are very easily manipulated and triggered by blinking lights and moving pictures, as the imbecile monkeys always are. It is rather silly also to see BLM being advertised as a "global" issue, becoming a monetized brand, which it was meant to be from the beginning I guess, clicks and clicks and merchandise and free ads and someone's pockets are getting fat. I'm not judging, just sitting back and watching this headless chicken dance. Please try not to offend me if you disagree, just scroll down and move to what pleases you more.

    • Peace :)rzu-rzu
    • It hasn’t been advertised as a global issue. It’s just taken a global stage. It’s purely grass roots organic.monospaced
    • The fact that it’s funded only shows that it has impacted many institutions and is generating significant support at all levels.monospaced
    • With that in mind it just seems like you’re pathetically attempting to undermine the whole thing as if it’s not necessary. Like a cunt.monospaced
    • And what pleases you? Black people continually discriminated against and kept in a lesser status, quiet and compliant so it doesn’t bother you? Find a safe spacmonospaced
    • If BLM doesn’t interest you and offends a house little snowflake ass, The YOU fucking scroll on. But you didn’t. You mouthed off. You invited it.monospaced
    • NO OFFENSEmonospaced
    • no need to get your blood pressure up, calm yer titties. I guess inhabitants of USA are very neurotic lately, everything needs to A or B, and I say Crzu-rzu
    • Not my fault that USA is where racism breeds no matter what color you are. USA is not canter of the world for me, so I find this overreacting quite silly.rzu-rzu
    • *center, sorry :)rzu-rzu
    • mister or miss monospaced, please do not discriminate people with other viewpoint, drink a cup of tea, add some lavender to your bath etc.rzu-rzu
    • "The fact that it’s funded only shows that it has impacted many institutions and is generating significant support at all levels" NSDAP did so too.rzu-rzu
    • @mono, ‘grass roots organic’ are you fucking joking? The virtue signalling, band wagon jumping, media orgs and corporations all looking to align themselves ...Morning_star
    • ...today’s cause of the week is painful to see and when a storm blows in another cause they’ll change like the wind.Morning_star
    • Well said mono.mort_
    • It started grass roots. The connections are because the movement is important. It’s not propagandamonospaced
    • And rzu, nobody accused you of causing American racism so STFU you snowflake. I also didn’t discriminate on shit. You really are a snowflake.monospaced
    • This movement ONLY RISES UP when black people are killed on camera. It happens way too often. It’s grass roots.monospaced
    • Rooted in racist police And brutality. No way around it.monospaced
    • @mono. I understand the point you’re making but what is different this time round? I think the media promote a carousel of social justice issues Me Too, BLM...Morning_star
    • ..Greta and the Planet, mental health ad nauseum. What is it that will make the groundswell of attention and activism a more permanent movement? What’s ...Morning_star
    • ...different now, that is different from when Rodney King was kicked shitless?Morning_star
    • you use that snowflake word like you really are attracted to me or something, I'm a happily married dude ;)rzu-rzu
    • and no matter how many times you repeat it, it is unlikely I turn into snowflakerzu-rzu
    • Nazism and communism once were grass roots movements too, just drawing a parallel. Bad things happen when people commit crimes in pursuit of "justice"rzu-rzu
    • @rzu, the actual snowflakes are just trying to reclaim the word. They think they’re being clever when they use it.Gnash
    • Damn right reclaiming it; it’s MORE than fitting. The difference now is that it’s like the final straw, combined with a global pandemic. Totally organic.monospaced
    • Classic tipping point. It’s not a single thing. I think any intelligent person can grasp this.monospaced
    • I am also a happily married husband and father. Snowflake is just a reference to your incredible fragility threatened by a distant movement.monospaced
    • Peace.monospaced
    • Mono may not be racist but not so big if his kid prefers gay sex over hetero. But hey I'm cool with his feelings.deathboy
    • @mono I don't feel my fragility is being threatened... not sure where that came from, I just said "no lives matter", but yes, peace to all :)rzu-rzu
  • omahadesigns-6

    • https://i.imgur.com/…utopian
    • Is it impossible for a black person to represent a warm and lovable figure?drgs
    • always thought guy looks sad, like he was forced to be on that image.uan
    • look at their eyes.uan
    • drgs. check next post.pango
  • pango20

  • rzu-rzu1

    • Well actually its gonna be a war between the 30% Magas and the rest of us.tank02
  • nudes0

    • Why do they have to shut up but he gets to blabber on for hours on YouTube? This guy isn't even funny, he's the laziest comedian* I've ever seen.nb
    • I totally agree with this idiot_niko
    • How about this guy shuts up?omahadesigns
    • Actually agree 100%omahadesigns
    • But no Gal Gadot singing, shameNBQ00
    • dude is moronutopian
    • no you shut the fuck upmilfhunter
    • not this moron again.neverscared
  • nb2

    A woman wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt was in line for Trump's rally. Police came and arrested her for trespassing. She claims she has a ticket for the event. Of course, no one else in line was arrested. The Tulsa Police Dept claims that the event organizer has the right to eject anyone they want and that there was nothing they could do. They were forced to arrest her. That they had no power to think for themselves.

    Ok, so let's set aside for a moment that a private company owned by the president just instructed the police to arrest someone at a political event. I'd like us to think about the larger issue: freedom of speech.

    Trump supporters on the net are now arguing that she deserves to be arrested for the content of her shirt — that because she wore the shirt to stir up controversy (which is true) she should be jailed for it.

    How fucking typical that these idiots are so quick to give up an American's first amendment rights. And for what? Security? Decency? No, no one is arguing that. No, they actually just agree she should be arrested based on the content of her shirt. No other reason given.

    These morons want to live in a society where the police enforce their ideology and arrest anyone who disagrees with them. The lack of reason is astounding.

    This is what happens when a large portion of our society hasn't read a single book since someone forced them to in school.

    • dude, that's a cult gathering!grafician
    • they reject any logic, all of reality in fact, they only listen and follow what Drumb says!grafician
    • they also have guns and the police protects them because most of the police is them! This will turn ugly in the Fall...grafician
    • No shirt no shoes no service. Oh yeah no masks. No back packs no shirts that say eating ass is tastydeathboy
    • Can u reject a person with a shirt that says hang niggers? A black tie event? I think someone just trolling and got banned at the gatedeathboy
    • If blm was about true freedom. Besides land management, perhaps they would have high ground. But they are all bout censorshipdeathboy
    • Nb u didn't t even realize your stupid statement about police arresting anyone disagreeing with their ideology. The hypocrisydeathboy
    • That is what is astounding.deathboy
    • But your last statement sounds in agreement with Betsy Davis in dismantling the edu system which i can get behinddeathboy
  • imbecile10

  • omahadesigns-8

    The narrative on the right is that black people kills each other more than anyone else.

    • They are trying to justify cops killing black people.pango
    • they all "look" blacknudes
    • Not sure where they got 10 from
    • The true number is more like a couple hundred each year. Maybe it is lower than you would expect based on media coverage. But I think a lot of the anger isyuekit
    • due to what they perceive as constant harassment by police, getting stopped due to their race, and so many people being incarcerated, after which their livesyuekit
    • are basically ruined. It's much more than just fatal shootings, which this graphic gets completely wrong anyway.yuekit
    • Chicago?monospaced
    • where is the source? who made it?inteliboy
  • omahadesigns-9


    • Fuck QBNnb
    • You Win the "Dumb Post of The Day" Award® Congratulations!utopian
    • Why did you share this?nb
    • Because he gets off on trolling!utopian
    • Lol I found it funny.deathboy
    • /\ exaaaaactly.ben_
    • not everyone smart enough to get laughs out of things they know so little aboutdeathboy
  • omahadesigns-8

    Why are armed cops the ones who give tickets for traffic violations anyways?

    • How do they handle it in Omaha?yuekit
    • Because drivers have guns and shoot cops who pull them over.i_monk
    • Do guys remember "Questions Guy?" He is like "Questions Guy?"...but with much, much, much dumber questions.utopian
    • All cops are armed basically.monospaced
  • omahadesigns-7

    Rasmussen: Black Approval For Trump Surges to Over 40%


  • omahadesigns-5
    • 5 children amongst the 14 killed in one day from 104 shootings. This is who needs to be on placards and signs and the focus of protests and marches._niko