Epstein / Maxwell
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- mort_2
Can anyone explain why this Prince Andrew / Virginia Giuffre case is a civil case rather than a criminal case? She's claiming he sexually assaulted her. People don't usually do time for a civil case.
- $$$monospaced
- Ms Giuffre's legal action is a civil case filed by a private party for monetary damages, as opposed to a criminal case filed by the state.PhanLo
- the only way they'll nail 1 rich dude is if it benefits another rich dude.GuyFawkes
- Ah gotcha. thx.mort_
- Lol. They’re richmaquito
- mort_0
I’m not sure if this does Giuffre more harm than good.
“[Giuffre] said, ‘I got to sleep with him’,” Andriano told the Mail.
- mort_4
- he's gonna get it in the pooperGuyFawkes
- even though he "has a condition where he can't sweat" he's gonna get all sweaty when he drops the soapKrassy
- Very unlikely there’ll be a criminal case against him, so his soap will continue to come from a gold plated soap dispenser.mort_
- can he get plastic surgery and take a private plane to somewhere and hide?pinkfloyd
- like to an island or somethingGuyFawkes
- My prediction: He dies in a fiery auto wreck or plane crash before seeing the inside of a courtroom, courtesy of the Royal Family.jmckinno
- _niko1
hmm never heard of this Mossad angle but it makes total sense, compromising and blackmailing politicians and business leaders to do the bidding of Israel.
- https://www.rollings…_niko
- There was a podcast series linked in this thread that gets quite into it.PhanLo
- https://www.qbn.com/…PhanLo
- Ah cheers Phan!_niko
- will we ever know the whole truth about all this? probably notBennn
- Akagiyama1
Hmm, low-end cannon fodder, or powerful elites?
- PhanLo0
- Probably Hollywood is fucked thread also.PhanLo
- Also crypto, florida is whack, capitalism and punches for threadPhanLo
- Very small mention of Epstein, but weirdly Brock was good pals with Bannon.PhanLo
- friend of mine did design work for DEN. the dot com implosion of that company was spectacular. at one point they stiffed employeesjonny_quest_lives
- so bad people just walked walked out with computer equipment. Joe Escalante who was a producer/star of Fear of A Punk Planet a DEN original showjonny_quest_lives
- had 5 or 6 green DEN branded G3 Imacs in the Kung Fu Records office he nabbed for money owedjonny_quest_lives
- rumor has it that the DEN video compression and servers they used for hosting content were snatched up by the company you know now as youtube.jonny_quest_lives
- https://www.youtube.…jonny_quest_lives
- not surprised Brock is in the epstein maxwell thread... everything he touches turns to shit kind of a reverse midas touch he always seems to come out on top.jonny_quest_lives
- ^That's mental. How is he not dead?PhanLo
- ********-1
- Krassy5
Prince Andrew settles sex abuse lawsuit by Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre
- $he got an offer $he cou£d not refu$eKrassy
- Funny...he is paying her with Britain tax payers money.utopian
- Sickening he can just buy his way out. At least there can be no doubt about his guilt now, if there ever was.mort_
- his statement is something elsefadein11
- admission of guilt via £££ is the best outcome here unfort.fadein11
- I was first with the news, you cunts********
- So basically he paid more for the sex he had with her and she accepted that higher payment. Hmm.Krassy
- the money is supposedly going to a charity... we will see.fadein11
- Lol Krassymort_
- @fadein I think the charity donation is in addition to the settlementmort_
- not surprising but also not convinced this was a money exercise for her, she won regardless and he admitted his guilt, weird justice was kind of served.fadein11
- the conspiracy theories are already hotting up though.fadein11
- It should be prohibited to settle in these kinds of lawsuits.stewart
- that's fucked, she has other option$ to pull out. this human had all the power, money everything to stop this and come out as a hero and yet here we are...sted
- @stewart agreedKrassy
- the outcome is: as long as you have enough $$ you're above the law and allowed to have sex with minors. So fucked.Krassy
- follow the moneyApeRobot
- From her perspective she can't undo the past so it makes sense to capitalise as best as she can. Let's just hope Handy Pandy has a bad 'fall from his horse'.Nairn
- Now do Charles.PhanLo
- i think you over-estimate Charlie's wherewithal, if you think he's like his nonce uncle. That cringe Diana 'whatever love means' moment speaks volumes to meNairn
- ********6
- Milan-4
Video cameras in cell where Epstein’s alleged model-agent pimp Jean-Luc Brunel was found dead reportedly not working at the time.
- Bennn5
Crazy how all this is already forgotten, right
- Nothing to see here. Carry on. Keep calm and get boosted.AQUTE
- sorry, whats forgotten?Gardener
- yes whats crazy ? and whats forgotten ? did they cut out all the press articles out of the archives ? and put all prosecuters off the case ? please explain..neverscared
- bennn started the thread and there must have been some comments to the effect that it would be forgotten... comments all but bennn have forgotten :)kingsteven
- PhanLo0
- https://www.qbn.com/…PhanLo
- What could possibly go wrongAQUTE
- Is this a bit like an American Jim’ll Fix it?Ianbolton
- You know who was in that duck costume don't you....shapesalad
- Nooooooo, sneaky little fuckerIanbolton
- Jacko?OBBTKN
- Jeffery is wearing the duck costumeshapesalad