2020 Election Predictions

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  • 376 Responses
  • Ramanisky20


    • All violence should be punished. Simple as that. Hopefully police will do its job and any redneck cuck will get what he deserves.babydick
    • Law & Order

    • Omg this stupid af argument again. Please. As if violence would do anything except cause more loss and swift harsh justice for those committing it.monospaced
    • He will float invalidation but courts are only swayed by evidence. Violence in the streets is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter at all.monospaced
    • lol, Imagine Trump claiming "law & order" if his supporters are the ones rioting.brandonp
  • Continuity3

    Come on, Russia. Your boy's done. Fini. Fertig. Terminado.

    You've got no reason to hang on to that pee-pee tape anymore.

  • Bennn3

    They already started to protect the new President :

  • monospaced1

    I love it. Trump campaign hasn’t brought a single lawsuit with any evidence a court could even look at. Hilarious.

    • A lot of people still believe this shit though. It's scary how there is no rational thought process.yuekit
    • People get passionate about politics... and also people think they understand how the law works from watching TV.nb
    • Giuliani's argument to the courts is "Our watchers were 15 - 30 ft away when they only needed to be 6 ft away, therefore we should THROW OUT all those ballots.nb
    • Judges aren't idiots & they're far less political than people pretend. They may be biased, but they're not subverting law to cheat a man into the presidency.nb
    • Count them again then. Count them 3 more time. Triple check. Who gives a fuck. They lost.monospaced
    • I agree nb. Judges are not idiots. Trump will present a case, and if it's a good one, we'll see whats next from there.IRNlun6
    • Media declaring it's over has no legal basis in the outcome of the election. It certainly influences peoples opinions on if it's valid or not.IRNlun6
    • Why would think Trump has any case at all? Has he articulated one aside from "votes are fake because I'm losing"?yuekit
    • It's crazy that people haven't figured out that Trump is a shameless liar over the course of four years. Will be interesting to see at what point they snap outyuekit
    • of it (if they do at all).yuekit
    • He has, and millions of people believe it as well. Whether you think it's valid or not is irrelevant.IRNlun6
    • OK explain it then.yuekit
    • There's nothing suspicious about Democrat-leaning votes coming in late. People have been talking for weeks about how this was likely to happen due toyuekit
    • the pandemic and vote by mail. Some states with GOP legislatures even mandated they couldn't start counting the vote by mail until after the in person votes.yuekit
    • There will be a case. Valid or not, at this point that will decide the outcome. You don't think there's a case, fine. Changes nothing.IRNlun6
    • So you have no idea what the case will actually be but you think it will "decide the outcome"yuekit
    • Umm, yes. If he can make a valid argument, it's not over. If he can't, then Biden wins. Hence "decide the outcome."IRNlun6
    • lol at thinking all the fraud is just in Philadelphia and Atlanta. Republicans are so transparently butt hurt it’s pathetic.monospaced
    • I'm sure you can find cases of fraud or mistakes somewhere, it's pretty much inevitable when 150 million people vote.yuekit
    • But the idea that there will be enough to overturn the result in multiple states when you have no evidence at all...seems a bit fantastical.yuekit
    • BTW you need standing to bring a case at all...you can't just challenge all the results everywhere.yuekit
    • Anyone can file any lawsuit they want. This is what is happening now. Judges so far have quickly tossed the cases based on the legal merits.nb
    • You can write up a suit that says "we should win because Biden has grey hair" and the judge will read it and say "There's no law against grey hair. Dismissed."nb
    • You can't definitively say what will happen because you can't know what lawsuits will be argued.nb
    • However, you might presume Giuliani is arguing his best possible suits first, which so far have changed the results not one bit.nb
  • Bennn0

  • cherub0

    Oh and I forgot the wild card: a foreign nation could do something stupid, completely apart from Trump.

    • Sure can. With the prospect of Biden winning... good luck Taiwan.IRNlun6
    • Taiwan is delusional if they think Trump would stand up to China if they made a military move to take the island...jonny_quest_lives
    • He likes to talk tough about standing up to China but his long term business dealings say otherwise.jonny_quest_lives
    • Ask the Syrian Kurds what Trump thinks of allies.jonny_quest_lives
    • His administrations actions have already proven to be more aggressive that past administrations. Including recently approving arms sales to Taiwan.IRNlun6
    • ... and the impending Kurd genocide never materialized.IRNlun6
    • He pulled out of the TPP, giving China free reign to muscle everyone around. He has done nothing to protect South Korea, quite the contrary. Same with Japan.zarkonite
    • He's been talking though but his actions have undermined the usa's influence everywhere. S.Arabia killed one your journalists and he shrugged, total disaster.zarkonite
    • $1.8 Billion arms sale to Taiwan... a couple phone calls and he sent Alex Azar to Taiwan... big whoop. He also refused to increase trade with Taiwan.jonny_quest_lives
    • For fear of derailing a trade deal with China... Trump looks at a place like Taiwan on a transactional basis... He won't put up a fight for it. Again...jonny_quest_lives
    • He gives two shits for historical allies.jonny_quest_lives
  • hans_glib3

  • whatthefunk0

    • well, it's ok when white people do it /sdorf
    • It says they're praying right there.palimpsest
    • Thoughts and prayers guys!_niko
    • That tan suit though.palimpsest
    • I guess that God does not agree with what the sheep refer to as "good to prevail" fucking losers all of them.utopian
    • Upside down world.ideaist
    • It's not ironic because the National Anthem isn't playing. They're making a statement while not shitting on all the people who fought and died for them.MondoMorphic
    • No, it's not ironic because they are not protesting. Make language great again.palimpsest
  • neverscared0

    Georgia secretary of state confirms there will be a recount
    Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, has confirmed there will be a recount in the state.

    “There will be a recount in Georgia,” Raffensberger said in Atlanta, promising transparency in the process.

    Given how close the presidential race is in Georgia, it was expected that the state would conduct a recount.

    As of now, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by just 1,579 votes in Georgia, representing a virtual tie.

    • Yeah that's fine. Recount if it's close. Makes sense to double check.nb
  • noRGB-2

    Say we are pragmatic and take all of this at face value with no conjecture or spin, all politics aside; this has been a massive blunder, total incompetence and impropriety on a state and local level in 8 critical swing states with margins within 1% OR LESS. This deserves a recount.

    To expand on the blunder, these states have widely varying demographics, political climates and party control. This isn’t a partisan issue, this is national.

    All counting should be stopped immediately, all tickers reset to zero, and the DHS Election Security wing needs to take over the counting in those states.

    We can't let this slide and say we will fix it next time, we have to get it right now, win lose or draw this election and our election process cannot be delegitimized.

    Biden or Trump is irrelevant. This is not tinfoil shit. This is a real constitutional crisis and it needs to be resolved properly and promptly, and the American people are going to have to wait. Trump needs to stop screaming "FRAUD!" because it's canceling out the real issue and the real message behind everything going on, and makes it too easy for the left / centrists to sweep it under the rug as the ravings of a mad man. This election has been totally mishandled by the state and local election committees and has been improperly messaged by the MSM on both sides, not to mention the overreach of big tech.

    • What's the blunder though? You have to remember we're in an unprecedented situation with the pandemic.yuekit
    • So record numbers of people are voting by mail since they don't want to get infected, and it takes a while to count them all.yuekit
    • While I wholeheartedly agree, I think Trump will still find ways to discredit any further counts that aren't in his favor and sow discord.SteveJobs
    • It's a big logistical challenge but I doubt the federal government would do a better job than states that are set up to do this kind of thing.yuekit
    • Couldn't agree more.MondoMorphic
    • Agreed. Although I think it's crucial for him to be screaming "FRAUD" because this has played out so terribly.IRNlun6
    • Can't fix this going in thinking "oh everything is fine, we just need to check to make sure." It's not fine, this shit looks terrible.IRNlun6
    • So what is actually bad or suspicious about what's happening?yuekit
    • Agree that a recount is needed in many areas, but we should absolutely finish the first count before starting a new one.akiersky
    • It's not a recount if you just start over in the middle. We need a number to compare the recount to, otherwise you just end up in the same situationakiersky
    • What's the real issue? That it's close? How's that illegitimate?Fax_Benson
    • add to the fact Republican state legislators wouldnt allow vote tallies to start until election day in some statesjonny_quest_lives
    • so this is all optics we would have known the outcome Tuesday night had those states been able to compile their mail in votes earlierjonny_quest_lives
    • Republicans created this "drama"jonny_quest_lives
    • ^ this is what is being reported outside the US... it was also all over twitter last week that this was the challenge they would mountkingsteven
    • recounts will occur where the vote threshold merits it as is covered in most states election laws... 1.0 % These have been the rules all elections have followedjonny_quest_lives
    • we don't do recounts based on feelings... "elections have consequences" -Mitch McConnelljonny_quest_lives
    • Republicans did not create this issue. Instituting a new mail-in voting system at this scale did.IRNlun6
    • In Pennsylvania at least they did
    • "Dems tried without success to approve pre-canvassing which would have allowed for a quicker tabulation."IRNlun6
    • Quicker tabulation is not the purpose of canvassing. An article that calls the president a liar is not an honest, unbiased opinion.IRNlun6
    • "Pre canvas" as I understand it, means you open the ballot, check the voter's identity and record who they voted for ahead of time. Then on election day, youyuekit
    • simply add up/ tabulate all the votes. Some states like Pennsylvania weren't allowed to do that, so they're stuck doing the whole process after election day.yuekit
    • look at RGB here acting like he has a pulse on every detail of all counting procedured in all 50 states ... fucking hellmonospaced
    • If we throw out the fact that you actually DO NOT have a basis that there are blunders, your entire rant is absolute horse shit nonsense.monospaced
    • no offense, but can you really be so far up your own ass that you can confidently conclude there has to be a recount? you sound like a conspiracy theoristmonospaced
    • Mono, once again, with a personal attack. It was to be expected. Shrug.noRGB
    • You have literally no position in the process whatsoever, and never have, and never will. DERP.monospaced
    • Oh, and this doesn't "look terrible" unless you're butt hurt it isn't good for Trump. This looks perfectly fine to most educated, intelligent people, btw.monospaced
    • deathboy level of incomprehensible nonsense. all vagueness and no specificity.dorf
    • Personal attack? What do you expect when you share a personal opinion? I'm attacking your opinion, not you. I don't know you, it's not personal. LOLmonospaced
    • You made nonsense claims about the counting process when everyone knows you don't have an inside scoop on it. It's not personal, it's just horseshit. :)monospaced
  • R_Kercz2
  • mg332

    I'm honestly surprised Republicans aren't more excited about Biden winning. Didn't Trump and other prominent Republicans say that Covid-19 would go away the day after the election if Biden won? Didn't they say that the economy would fully reopen?

    • lol it'll go the way of the migrant caravan at the midterms!MondoMorphic
  • utopian1

    QAnon Goons with AR-15 arrested, alleged for a plot to attack Philadelphia convention center where ballots are being counted.

    Police said an armed group had driven up from Virginia in a Hummer with violence in mind. The vehicle is reported to have been covered in QAnon stickers.


    • Covered in qanon stickers. LOL. Did you add that bit?mort_
    • But...but...ANTIFA!!BusterBoy
  • yuekit1

    Why it's taking so long in Pennsylvania...

    Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania refused to allow mail-in ballots to be processed ahead of time, causing delays that have left the result of the 2020 presidential election in limbo.


    • In other states ballots were allowed to be processed (i.e., opened and organized) before Tuesday. This is why some were able to report everything so quickly.yuekit
    • For instance, in Florida they have been processing them since mid October.yuekit
  • Bennn17

  • nb2

    Nevada’s Clark County, the largest population center, just delivered big for Biden — giving him nearly 20,000 votes, more than double what Trump received in this drop. Biden is much closer to clinching Nevada.

    Source: New York Times

    • NYT is now in the process of considering calling Nevada for Biden.nb
  • dbloc3

  • Krassy7

  • dbloc1
  • neverscared1

    • Magnificent Meat HelmetRamanisky2
    • Gross. You can actually see where the dye kinda pooled in small cracks.monospaced