UK is Fucked

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  • neverscared1

  • Morning_star0

    This weeks Moral Maze on the BBC debates and discusses ‘What do the riots say about Britain’.

    It’s a good programme in general but this week in particular tackles a more nuance discussion with guests offering different perspectives.

    Have or listen, or don’t, up to you.…

  • utopian0

    British crocodile expert sentenced for sexually abusing, killing dozens of dogs.

    A British crocodile expert who admitted in court to filming himself sexually abusing, torturing and killing dozens of dogs will spend the next 10 years incarcerated, according to multiple reports.…

  • Noggin2

    Embarrassing to be a Brit.

    This guy does good ground coverage.

    • the more and more you look at it, it's clear that it's a class issue. Poor, frustrated and uneducated are struggling with substance abuse and mental health_niko
    • are easy targets for manipulators on social media to get them on the streets to riot for reasons they're not clear about. Poor brown folk aren't the problem_niko
    • it's the wankers in power that are the real enemy._niko
    • ^ Good take.HAYZ1LLLA
  • NBQ00-7

    Muslim immigrant who raped a 13-year-old girl in the UK was allowed to walk free because he didn't know rape was illegal.…


    • But everyone who protests this stuff is a Neo-Nazi.NBQ00
    • hmmm i'm sure there are ridiculous story of none muslim in UK if you want to look for it. but nope. spot light is on muslim.pango
    • its like cops patrol black neighbourhood more often so they arrest more people in that neighbourhood.pango
    • am i going to look for examples? nope. that's how much this deserves my attention.pango
    • anway. good luck convincing people you're not racist. i'm sure you're not. but you're making yourself sound and walk like a duck.pango
    • Yeah me racist, Muslim raping goodNBQ00
    • or muslim raping bad and you're also racist. 2 can be true at the same time. you need to update your logic.pango
    • there are thousand of crimes committed everyday in UK but only ones perpetrated by muslim gets your attention. hmmmmmpango
    • you also called yourself a feminist lol I wouldn't trust yourself to label yourself.
      anyway i didnt do any name calling this time. hope the message is received
    • Yeah me racist cause I'm currently fed up with all this shit. Fuck Islamists and your woke PC crap.NBQ00
    • lol right. i haven't started calling you name yet.
      answer me one thing. is muslim committed crime higher than other?
    • not only was this 12 YEARS AGO, he was spared jail because he had just turned 18, had learning difficulties and home schooled by religious parents.kingsteven
    • the judge ruled that he had the mind of a child and would be himself abused in an adult prisonkingsteven
    • Yet again NBQ posts racist stuff to push his own beliefs without ‘doing his own research’. Oh, that was the research?Ianbolton
    • Only a privileged first world brat would think patrolling black Neighbourhoods is a bad thing. Blacks want more police presence bc they live in high crime areahotroddy
    • "posts racist stuff". Yes a Muslim raping a 13 year old girl is racist.NBQ00
    • Because you’re posting it to say “look what Muslims do”Ianbolton
    • lol the only person agreeing with NBQ is hotroddy.pango
    • Racism shouldn’t be even be a disagreement.Ianbolton
    • Typical impotent Zionist Jew facing a crisis of legitimacy with nowhere to direct his impotent rage except at these people.Khurram
    • https://www.timesofi…Khurram
    • I'm not pro Zionist. But I don't want Europe overrun with Sharia loving, criminal, raping, democracy-hating, patriarchal Muslim scum.NBQ00
    • I'm not a fan of religion so why should I be tolerant towards islam? All you virtue signaling peeps immediately scream "racism" as soon as Islam is trashedNBQ00
    • Oh and you Khurram, go suck Erdogans dickNBQ00
    • NBQ00, the guy who defends christianity even though there is rape in the church. pick a side, racistimbecile
    • no you dumb fuck, I'm not defending Christianity. I'm saying there's double standards on here. Cunt.NBQ00
    • no one raped and looted as much in the last 2000years as the germans in WW2 going unpunished ...except maybe the western colonizers .. crime from the top...neverscared
    • In 2013autoflavour
    • Haha, Go rape a goyim you filthy j00oo.Khurram
    • @imbecile. He's not a Christian. He's a goyim raping filthy Zionist j000.Khurram
    • lol you little goat fucker I'm a left-leaning Atheist but don't like Islam and criminal Muslim immigrants, they don't belong to Europe and the westNBQ00
    • Of course Khurram lives in Canada and not somewhere in the middle east. We in the west bend over to such Muslim idiots.NBQ00
    • You're a filthy Zionist j00 is what you are you filthy Zionist j00.Khurram
    • Well good to know, now I'm a Satanic Atheist, a Neo Nazi racist and a Zionist Jew. On top of a violent sex-pest. Ahh, beautiful :)NBQ00
    • What's the matter, NBQ00? Woman you were harassing decided to go out with a brown man, and now you're butthurt?Continuity
    • No Islamist cuck, I'm in a relationship since a while. Ps: Islam is still cancerNBQ00
  • PhanLo0

  • NBQ00-6

    The UK is so fucked even Mr. Bean has to chime in:…

    Muslim immigrants raping girls get a few months jail but British people posting stuff that may insult Islam can get 1-2 years jail time…

    • the easiest ananlogy for you to misunderstand would be that people see you treating this the way trump treats mexicans. you're both stupidimbecile
    • imagine taking the time on a Sunday evening to write this shit. you and shapesalad should hook up and fuck each other's brains out.face_melter
    • like, you can get all hot and horny telling each other stories about children being sexually assaulted.face_melter
    • LOL at the imbecile who thinks everyone crossing the border is Mexican. And then you have the nerve to call someone stupid.hotroddy
    • I like Mexicans. But I don't like religions, fuck Islamists and them wanting to turn Europe into Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.NBQ00
    • lol... i dont see see anyone writing only mexians... doddy always so much fake news and projections...neverscared
    • i like religion but i dont like germans... they are nr.2 in crime in austria ...just sent them back ...horrible people...neverscared
    • see .. its so easy to hate on someone even with numbers backing up crime... but its not groovy...neverscared
    • Where is your source "Germans nr.2 crime in Austria"? Just curious.NBQ00
    • interioir ministy of course.. we all know u hate u religion u should how well enough back in the day how to fuck people up because of religion... as in anti-neverscared
    • semitismneverscared
    • showed us well enoughneverscared
    • Rumänen die größte ausländische Tätergruppe; gefolgt von den Deutschen mit circa 14.700neverscared
  • PhanLo1

  • NBQ00-6

    This is not Kabul. It's Birmingham, UK.…

    • food for though https://www.theguard…neverscared
    • tneverscared
    • I doubt it:…NBQ00
    • You ought to come and visit NBQ. Be glad to show you around. The call to prayer is inconsequential to the people of Birmingham. It's another jewel in the rich..Morning_star
    • ...cultural tapestry that makes the city I live in one of the best places on this planet. That and Black Sabbath obvs.Morning_star
    • lolNBQ00
    • germans hating religion... classic.. thats how anti-semitsm drived so good in your minds..neverscared
    • First of all I'm not a German. Secondly, I don't hate religion per se and only that which wants to restrict my freedom. Islamism is such a religion.NBQ00
    • It must take so much of your time reading through all these articles in hope of saving your QBN 'friends'! Does Islam make your day-to-day life more difficult?Ianbolton
  • NBQ00-8

    11 year old girl and 34 year old woman stabbed in London.…

    • God, you're tiresome.Nairn
    • also from your link - OHNO, A BROWN…
    • I'm not a fucking racist. So, well done brownie.NBQ00
    • Oh, but you are a fucking racist, you tedious cretin.Continuity
    • Ah, gotcha - you're just on your Breaking News fix, glossing over the fact that every other cunt here has the internet too. Right. Soz. No racism here.Nairn
    • Oh NBQ (I'm not a racist, but...). I feel like you're posting this shit for attention now. Because it gets a heated reaction from us non-racists.Ianbolton
    • It's maybe you guys who are racists. I posted it because of the stabbing, since it's a huge issue in the UK. I applaud Abdullah for stopping the stabber.NBQ00
    • Once again, I'm not a racist or hate brown people. To the contrary. I just hate fascist religions like Islam.NBQ00
    • I'm racist against you, that's for sure.Nairn
    • It must take so much of your time reading through all these articles in hope of saving your QBN 'friends'! Does Islam make your day-to-day life more difficult?Ianbolton
    • Oh yes! The old far-right 'white people racist against white people' routine!

      Try harder.
    • I will fight Islam taking over Europe and the West until my dying breath. Thank me in the next 50-100 years so your kids/ grandkids don't live under Sharia law.NBQ00
    • No you won't. You'll just sit in front of your computer in your dirty scaffs, keyboard warrioring and eating cheetos and mountain dew and wanking.Nairn
    • You guys are fucking morons. Just because I don't like Islam doesn't make me a racist or make me hate brown people. I have brown friends.NBQ00
    • "I will fight Islam taking over Europe and the West until my dying breath" flol, listen to yourself. Go touch grass, as the kids say.
      Sad, lonely twat.
    • the skid marks in your grunts don't count.Nairn
    • "I'm not against gays, but they shouldn't be allowed to marry. Hey, I'm not homophobic! I have a gay friend!"Continuity
    • Unlike Islam, I like + tolerate gays. You guys are really morons. Trying to brand me as a racist or far-right/ neo nazi because I don't like that shit religionNBQ00
    • We're not trying to do anything that you're not already doing to yourself, cretin.Continuity
    • How are you fighting it though mate? Are you messaging us from the front-line? Popping off muslims with your little maggot pistol as they walk down the street?Ianbolton
    • You have a really low iq to not be able to grasp that somebody can dislike a certain religion and not be racist at the same time. Moron.NBQ00
    • Do you genuinely feel that you're achieving something by posting the same content over and over on an ex-design forum frequented by seventy old blokes? Really?Nairn
    • If I can achieve that some of you finally use your brains then maybe I have achieved something. Me pissing on Islam is not equal racism.NBQ00
    • I'm absolutely no fan of Islam, but you're earnestly not achieving anything useful here other than highlighting how much of a sad, pointless prick you are.Nairn
    • "I have brown friends." <— this is a barefaced lie, of course. No self-respecting brown person would ever want to be anywhere near a flagrant racist like you.Continuity
    • Funnily you guys only get riled up when it comes to Islam, but when we piss on Christianity it's crickets.NBQ00
    • See video why:…NBQ00
    • By the way, I'm a muslim and gay but white. How does that make you feel buddy?Ianbolton
    • Sure you are. At least in the west you won't get lashed, executed or put in jail for being so :)NBQ00
    • Baldie, once again you know jack-shit about me. You project your self-hatred onto me, not being able to grasp the concept that somebody can dislike a religion..NBQ00
    • ...and not be racist. Are the other Atheists here who mock Christianity racists? I bet no. Me neither. Islam is just the shittier religion of the two.NBQ00
    • u project your self hatred on islam..neverscared
    • Aw, bless you.
      Now run along, I'm sure you have some vandalism to do with your other racist buddies.
    • You're really dumber than I thought :) How can somebody confuse disliking a religion and its flawed system with racism. I'm here in disbelief hehe.NBQ00
    • You can dislike whatever you like, but criticise 'MY' religion by conflating it with barbaric instances of rape, murder and violence. That's not on.Ianbolton
    • That's why you're a racist.Ianbolton
    • Religion is not a race. Ya know?NBQ00
    • But you are conflating only a single religion with multiple instance of violence, rape and murder. Yeah?Ianbolton
    • And how many white muslim friends do you have? I'm currently not your friendIanbolton
    • The problem with Islam in the west is that most moderate Muslims don't speak out against Islamists and those who want a Caliphate/ Sharia.NBQ00
    • Even here all I see is "raaaacisssst, raaaacissst!". No I just don't like these cunts. If they want Caliphate/ Sharia go to fucking Saudi Arabia or AfghanistanNBQ00
    • I'll ask again... But you are conflating only a single religion with multiple instance of violence, rape and murder. Yeah?Ianbolton
    • Islam is the single biggest issue in that regard in Europe, yes (see Germany & UK). On top of Imams and Caliphate bros pushing for more Sharia.NBQ00
    • You need to try harder as right now you are our only hope on the front lines. Our futures are in your hands. Don't let us down mate. Wipe out all muslims yeah?Ianbolton
    • No muslims can do as they please as long as they don't push an agenda or want to impose their shitty religion onto democracy-loving people.NBQ00
    • If they want a Caliphate/ Sharia Law go to fucking Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or where else in the middle east. Don't try this shit in Europe/ West.NBQ00
    • I feel safer already.
    • there we go, we managed to form a deal. All sorted yeah? You managed to stop World War 3 there mate. Well done.Ianbolton
    • Right. Off to drinks, then, Ian? We can let the Keyboard Warrior cook.Continuity
    • I knew NBQ would save us from the tyranny of religious fundamentalists using only his mighty keyboard. What a legend. Let's drink!Ianbolton
    • "Funnily you guys only get riled up when it comes to Islam"
      No. remember that time you said something misogynistic and we gave you shit for it?
  • NBQ00-7

    @Morning_Star speaking of Birmingham

    A Pakistani immigrant broke into an English woman’s house, raped and tortured her for 5 hours.

    He poured bleach into her eyes and mouth and forced her to eat cat feces.

    This happened in Birmingham, the most Islamic city in the UK.…

    Birmingham aka Kabul or Islamabad

    • It seems that particular story is a little more complex and certainly can't be linked in any way to Islam. The guy is a drug dealer and him and his...Morning_star
    • ...girlfriend ran a prostitute ring and cam girls and have kidnap women, tortured them as punishment for not paying off drug debts. This man is a ...Morning_star
    • ...lowlife nasty drug dealing cunt who exploits and tortures women. The colour of his skin or religion is irrelevant. It's not particular to Birmingham,..Morning_star
    •'ll find many examples of pricks like this everywhere.Morning_star
    • oh aye, I remember that bit in the Quran about bleach and making people eating shit - at the back somewhere, next to the recipe for porridge.face_melter
    • tell us again how you're not a racist and will fight Islam on the beaches with a plastic spoon and your pants round your ankles.face_melter
    • NBQ00 you need to step away from your machine, go out for a walk and speak to someone. It's no healthy reposting so much fear.mrAtor
    • OkNBQ00
  • _me_2

    Can i ask a question NBQ...

    Were you born in ?
    or do you consider you and your family from the UK ?

    I dont care either way, its just for context of my next few questions.

    Me - born in the UK [ 1975 ] , now live in Australia [ since 2003 ].

    • Literally all he knows about the UK comes from what he watches on his youtube and twitter recommendations.Nairn
    • I don't wanna spread fear mongering. Just saying, there's a reason why UK natives are fed up. And no they're not all neo-nazis.NBQ00
    • and yet you continue to do the thing you said you don't want to do.pango
    • Sometimes you need to shake things up, mango.NBQ00
    • answer the question NBQ_me_
    • or you absolutely have no control over your impulse.pango
    • @me: I'm a world citizenNBQ00
    • lolNutter
    • more like world SHITizen..neverscared
    • Hungarypablo28
    • NBQ. I think you get more audience accepting of your fear mongering post on twitter.pango
    • lol, keep simping for Islam. Until you live under Sharia Law and then go to mommy crying.NBQ00
    • no pablo.NBQ00
    • whats the probabilty that uk will get sharia law ? 99.969% or 0,00000002% ?neverscared
    • if more westerners, virtue signalling peeps like you guys keep simping for Islam then in maybe 50-100 years yesNBQ00
    • Well, what the fuck are you waiting for then?! Get off QBN, get out there, and fight! Do your bit on the front lines!Continuity
    • 50-100 years..... wow.. thats a alpha dumb thing to claim .... everybody knows that u cant predict timeframes so deep in the future...neverscared
    • if u would have said 10 or 15 years.. that would be specualition worthy ... but 100 ...or even 55 .... just shows how u r not the brightest...neverscared
    • I think you're not the brightest if you think it would take only 10 years.NBQ00
    • i dont think but it makes more sense to speculate on it... calculate a scenario running 75years for immigration into the future.... there are so many factorsneverscared
    • it doesnt work.....its more fictional than to calculate 10 or 15 years... but show us your 75 year scenario... the numbers and componnents how it will add up...neverscared
    • u seem very close to the topic so iam sure u have all 75 years worked out the singularity when we drop into sharia law... step into the showlight.neverscared
    • Well if it goes like this:…NBQ00
    • ok u have nuffin but x links... thats poor worldbuilding rational...neverscared
    • omg, there it is, he actually said "until you're living under sharia law" as if it was even the most remote possibilitymonospaced
    • dude, is that what this is all about, you think Islam is going to take over or some stupid fear based nonsense?monospaced
    • Look, I despise the part of Islam behind all this violence, as I despise any violence in the name of any nonsense religion. But this is just fear mongering.monospaced
    • i bet 100euros he cant even differentiate between political islam and islam... he only write islam the whole time...flipping nutjobneverscared
    • mono, it could happen in the next 100 years if UK develops as it does currently.NBQ00
    • laughable - You think the UK will be under Sharia law? You mean colonial Britain? Funny that, as blacman born and raised here, that is NOT i or my many POC...necromation
    • Yes, just look how the UK and its "PC" politics is bending over for Islam(ists) while anyone that speaks out against it is a racist and Islamophobe.NBQ00
    • Clowns:…NBQ00
    • Woo-hoo, another Twitter link as "proof"!Continuity
    • see. I grew here watching generations of white people sitting in the same house doing fuck all, while all my greek, turkish, indian, west indian mates parents..necromation
    • worked two three jobs, NEVER took a penny of the state. I've been paying super tax since i was 25 (i'm 50 now)... your hate is lame and depressingnecromation
    • I have no hate towards immigrants like you explained. I'm saying is criminal immigrants and Islamists and sympathisers should be handled much tougher in EU.NBQ00
    • IF WHAT continues? There are no laws being made in the name of Islam. Who gives a flying fuck if some Islamic people live there?monospaced
    • I think you're delusional with the bending over backward for Islam part. They're just treating them like humans, not like something to fear.monospaced
    • you need to study more what's happening in EU (and maybe Canada too), mono. Also I recommend this fictional book:…NBQ00
    • oh, the whole "do your own research" shit, as if I'll come across the same far-right, nationalist hate puke you are slopping up like a pathetic dog.monospaced
    • Instead of telling me to study, how about cite ONE way the British government is preferring Islam or calling you a racist. Because, that's what you said.monospaced
    • In the past days I've given enough examples and many discussion points. Give it a chance to research it more. I don't have time to post it all in little notes.NBQ00
    • draw us the graph how much immigration uk needs to turn into sharia in 66 years ...or 100 ... anything u have up your sleeve except x videos...neverscared
    • not just hot air all the time... we are not lunatics like u who can feed on that....some nuts and bolds...neverscared
    • the math behind the overtake...neverscared
    • is he any better than Pango immigrating to canada and wanting to change the name of the Province? All b/c it doesn't represent him (in his eyes)?hotroddy
    • lolNBQ00
    • having hotknobby's support isn't exactly a vote of confidence. since he's a know racist as well. Congrat NBQ. only racist align with you lolpango
    • and of course hotknobby make shit up like he always do. Go Qoob search for it i dare you. I said i wouldn't stop them from changing it.pango
    • but he won't qoob search for it cuz that would proof me right.
      watch. i'll wait :)
    • i don't know if he's a racist, haven't followed his posts here much but usually yes right-wingers are anti-islam. cuz us lefties don't want...NBQ00
    • be called "racist" or "islamophobes".NBQ00
    • get your brain checked you senile.pango
    • NBQ are you watching? he won't search what i actually said. he will only make things up. cuz he's full of shit.pango
    • you have the support of someone's who's full of shit. lolpango
    • pango, you seem a little crazy.NBQ00
    • look at this patriarchal Islam degenerate in Amsterdam:…NBQ00
    • thx. ya i do like to keep what i said accurately represented. too many time if you don't check him he will make shit up in the thin air :)pango
    • a couple of x videos... they are just a few drops in the ocean .. thats for fools... we need a simulation of the whole ocean to understand the trajectory...neverscared
    • c'mon hotknobby we're waiting.

      NBQ watch.
      watch he's gonna evade to something else :)
    • its an empty hand u cant win any rational being with that ... except hoddoddy... and u know he said he wants to be lead by the incomptent before the stoopid...neverscared
    • and he found his master in you evidently...neverscared
    • aight daddy's going to work. when i come back you and knobby better have done your research.pango
    • iam impersonating nbq... hey i saw a lot of x videos of right wing bros attacking police.... logical conclusion > in 100 years fasho state england will come...neverscared
    • u c how lunatic that causual relationshipt is.... to make that prediction...neverscared
    • Wow._me_
    • ya none muslim italian man never tried to rape. can you show us muslim man are raping more in italy? or just more baseless X repost?pango
    • stop being a shit for brain. and stop letting me call you shit for brain.
      plz i want to stop!
    • rape is popular in muslim countries. where the woman gets punished and most often has to marry the rapist. then they come to EU and think it's cool to rape.NBQ00
    • NBQ, remember you are arguing with pango who has zero logical skills (and correct you when they are wrong)…
    • Omg the lake! Not the lake! Lol that hurts me sooo bad. People criticize him for being a racist and supporter of Pinochet and I got a lake lolpango
    • NBQ. Simple question. Are Muslim raping more in UK more than anyone else?
      Plz stop letting me call you shit for brain. I want to stop.
    • lol, when being labels a 'racist' is worse than lacking basic geographical skills is how you end up with Kamala and Pangohotroddy
    • *labeledhotroddy
    • wut? is that the best insult your senile brain can come up with? cmon try harder lolpango
  • NBQ00-9

  • PhanLo1

  • Noggin1

  • NBQ00-6

    flol mate, 18 months...


    • do you ever get a day off mate? It's like each of your posts projects all of your fear, bitterness and resentment you're building up reading all this shit.Ianbolton
    • so you keep continuing to attack the messenger.NBQ00
    • If i spend all day watching stupid dashcam videos on YouTube I start to feel like the roads are a horrifically dangerous place. Yet I've never had an accidentIanbolton
    • In fact, I see a lot of drivers co-oporating and appreciating the rules of the road as all they really care about is getting from A-to-B.Ianbolton
    • there you go, next time you get called out for being a sex pest freak just claim religious persecution.
      'god made me send you pics and stalk you'.
    • "Good idea" (sarcasm). except unlike many Muslims I never harassed or sexually abused women.NBQ00
    • that's just your opinion BROIanbolton
    • Why say 'many' Muslims. You may as well just say all of them, because they're all the fucking same to youIanbolton
    • nahNBQ00
    • Stop posting videos and news stories only about islam and muslims then you fucking idiot. No wonder you piss everyone off and constantly get downvoted.Ianbolton
    • Maybe join another forum where your utterances will be wanked upon by other like-minded cunts.Ianbolton
    • I must've hit a nerve. Trash Christianity = ok, Islam = no.NBQ00
    • Trash whoever and whatever you like. But the rhetoric is always the same - hate, hate, hate. Are you okay? Do you need to chat about anything?Ianbolton
    • not hate. simply pointing out all the shit going on and the hypocrisy of us liberal minded people. but i won't post more about it for now.NBQ00
  • NBQ00-5

    The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors.…

    Fucking hell...

    The world is upside down in UK & EU. You can see this is being done by design. "Divide & conquer" or something.

    • Do you honestly feel like this is the right forum for all of this? Wouldn't you be better off sharing this somewhere else?Nairn
    • So sorry. I forgot some here only want a one way street safespace :)NBQ00
    • It's more that you're making this place thoroughly miserable merely regurgitating twitter talking points to people who actually live here.Nairn
    • As I've said to you beforehand - you're not bringing anything new to the table, but you are doing it relentlessly and it's just boring at this stage.Nairn
    • I just don't see what you're trying to achieve. If anything, you're probably making people put up walls against your points because it's just ..tedious.Nairn
    • whilst we do have olitical stuff and we do have arguments, most come here to shoot the shit and share joyful things. You're just.. well, the opposite.Nairn
    • Yeah it's shaking up your worldview (and mine too). It's not just "Trump is bad" and "right wingers are bad". There's other type of bad too.NBQ00
    • But it's not shaking my worldview. you have no idea what my worldview is. You are shitting on 'my' QBN though.Nairn
    • I've just re-read your last note and .. I'm sorry, was there a point there, or are you just really, really thick?Nairn
    • I'm a "free thinker" (lol), I don't give a shit what is left or right - wing. I post about both sides when I see corrupt shit happening.NBQ00
    • It's funny how 'free thinkers' are often so easily cajoled into thinking what others want them to think.Nairn
    • Again - do you actually think you're making a difference here, or is it just sport at this stage?Nairn
    • Yes I think I'm inspiringNBQ00
    • Nah, nairn. At this point he's merely trolling because he's an adolescent who gets his rocks off pretending he's big and tough, and getting a rise out of peopleContinuity
    • Presumably, once he's past puberty, he'll start to smarten up a bit.

      Though, there are no guarantees of anything in this life.
    • All you've got is attacking the messenger, not any intelligent arguments. That's what I've noticed so far from you, Baldie :)NBQ00
    • You attack me when I post about cunt Islamists who want jihad in Europe, you attack me when I post about corrupt UK system. That tells me a lot about you.NBQ00
    • Am I supposed to give a fuck?Continuity
    • You seem to give a fuck a lot apparently. Or you wouldn't constantly attack me. I must've hit a nerve.NBQ00
    • Keep telling yourself that.Continuity
    • You've hit the 'relentlessly fucking annoying' nerve. Give it a rest.Fax_Benson
    • it's patronising to suggest you're the messenger though. As if we're all incapable of forming our own world views. Sad to think this actually your lifeIanbolton
  • Nairn6

    Now, back to regular programme.

    If you haven't seen this already, get your speakers on - German Corvette is pulled into the Thames...

    [ ]

    • (they're playing the music. i didn't make that clear)Nairn
    • Very appropriate musicOBBTKN
    • haha, so menacing.Ianbolton
    • i knew it was this music before hitting play lolHAL9001
    • I was looking for a Chevy Corvette all squinting my eyes n shitYakuZoku
  • Gardener0

    • Olympic champions of drugsPhanLo
    • Does it include alcohol?Nairn
    • So, has independence happened on the sly? Do GB figures include Scotland or not? Looks at article, oh, an anti-SNP hit piece.comicsans
    • ok, not alcohol.…
    • Actual source of the data is the National Records of Scotland.
      Are they anti-SNP too?
    • We've had record drug deaths the last few years, also do the most coke in the world per head of population.PhanLo
    • France??OBBTKN
  • Gardener1