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  • utopian0

  • NBQ00-1

    Large ground operation by Isarael into Gaza incoming.

    - "Very large amount of Israeli civilians and soldiers held in Gaza"
    - 100k Reserve troops in southern Israel preparing to "execute the task that the Israeli government has designated the IDF to do"
    - "At the end of this war, Hamas will no longer have any military capabilities"


  • yuekit0

  • yuekit0

    • TerrifyingBusterBoy
    • That's training footage released by Hamas, not sure from the actual attack.Nairn
    • I don't know how or why i added 'sure' in there, it isn't.Nairn
    • Yeah it's not from the real events but a propaganda video they released. But you can see in the video above they used this technique.yuekit
    • Red Dawn.

    • yeah sausage my thoughts exactly on that video above_niko
    • you gotta hand it to them, quite the ingenuity with the little resources they're allowed to have._niko
    • I don't think you got to hand it to them necessarily but yeah I guess Israel's air defense system is designed to detect missiles...yuekit
    • Looks cool!milfhunter
    • Israel and USA spent billions to build a complex tracking system "the Iron Dome" that shoots down almost all missiles.yuekit
    • No one expected Hamas to just fly directly into the country.yuekit
    • you do hand it to them. they're fighting colonizers.doesnotexist
    • Fucking amazing. How many military aged Israelis were taken off the battlefield in this one audacious, courageous move? So many. So great!Khurram
    • they paraglided to that festival and killed, raped and kidnapped all the young people..it was only 3km away from the border..neverscared
    • the battlefield is a teenage rave.... very noble freedom fighter are they not... they are bloodboiling-thirsty terrorists... as in anti-life maniacs.neverscared
    • Israel is fully mobilised nation where all its people - men and women - ages between 17-45 are conscripted into their military forces. They either all wear theKhurram
    • IDF uniform or are reservists ready to answer the call to arms. I support the targeting of all these people. They are legitimate military targets now taken offKhurram
    • I condemn the death of all civilians and would call on Hamas to show restraint.. But most killed were military age Israelis and their security forces.Khurram
    • Regarding the hysterical reports of rapes and executions. I condemn the death of the elderly and all young children. But we will need to have an investigationKhurram
    • to ascertain the circumstances of their deaths before we can now for sure if they were killed by Palestinian fire or Israeli fire.Khurram
    • How dare they rave on stolen Palestinian land.Khurram
    • *teenage* LOL what the fuck you on about.Khurram
    • We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. -E.W.doesnotexist
    • For the record, I've not seen any evidence at all of rapes, at least during the 'operation'. God knows where hostages are concerned.Nairn
    • yeah the rave so close to Gaza seems pretty tone deaf, but it was a high religious holiday so these secular kids are not the ones to target, if anything_niko
    • ...they were probably more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and not sure about the dynamics of free movement between Gaza and Israel but there could have_niko
    • been a few Palestinian kids raving there as well._niko
    • Khurram's mindset bloody fucking scares me.Nutter
    • if they would have their neurons firing instead of their bloodboiling they would have made a communications campaign with all that money they put in rockets..neverscared
    • but their neanderthal hustle is going to call god upon them in the form of the israeli army and they gonna get bombed sky high...neverscared
    • @Nutter - and so it should, because his is hardly unique.Nairn
    • Khurram will soon be paragliding into Israel and start fighting the Zionist enemy with his bare hands like a Jihadist Jean Claude Van Damme.yuekit
    • Everyone likes to take the most extreme view possible online but even if you think Israeli civilians deserve to die is it a smart strategy?yuekit
    • They murdered a German woman and paraded her body around and gunned down a bunch of migrant workers from Thailand who were just working in Israel.yuekit
    • Just one person being killed could be a major story in that country and influence people in favor of Israel and against the Palestinians.yuekit
  • neverscared0

  • BabySnakes1

    We must call upon our bright darkness
    Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked
    One was written on the sword
    For you must enter a room to destroy, destroy, destroy

    Now international security
    No call of the righteous man
    Needs a reason to kill man
    History teaches us so
    The reason he must attain
    Must be approved by his God
    His child, partisan brother of war

    Of war

    We don't speak anymore of war...

    We will fight the heathens
    We will fight the heathens

  • hans_glib4

    i don't think it's anything to do with palestine. i read in 'the week' that recently israel and saudi arabia have fleshed out some sort of co-operative agreement, recognition of israel etc etc ( something about it here - i haven't read this so... https://www.chathamhouse.org/202… ).

    obvs this a nightmare scenario for iran, so lo and behold hamas launches an attack to try and scupper that deal.

    fuck iran, and the whole sunni/shia nonsense.

    (not that this means in any way i'm a fan of what israel has done. i'm not - fuck them too.)

    • Yeah, shit like this is very rarely for the home audience, as much as it might appeal to them too.Nairn
    • meanwhile, Palestinians die.doesnotexist
    • all grist to iran's mill. saudis have to back off the deal because they can;t be seen to recognise israel while israel is killing muslimshans_glib
    • The greatest day of the Palestinian resistance to have occurred in my lifetime. They even captured one of their commanders!Khurram
    • https://www.thenews.…Khurram
    • In his underwear! Hahaha. That was beautiful.Khurram
    • Is this beautiful too?
    • Yes. We will free countless Palestinians languishing desperately in Israeli prisons on the backs of these hostages.Khurram
    • Now watch the second video, right to the end.Nairn
    • 170 Palestinian children taken hostage by Israel https://www.aljazeer…Khurram
    • We will free them all thanks to the bravery of Hamas warriorsKhurram
    • https://www.aljazeer…Khurram
    • Did you watch it yet? I'm curious to know how you feel about the summary execution of female civilians, including a granny.Nairn
    • if one nazi is sitting at a table with 10 other people, you have 11 nazis.doesnotexist
    • I too prefer to mindlessly regurgitate other people's attempts at aphorisms. Good to know you too are on the side that supports execution of civilians though.Nairn
    • Brave hamas warriors. Okay.monospaced
    • This isn’t about just prisoners. They will keep fighting over what they perceive as holy land, like stupid children.monospaced
    • ok nairn, which one is the colonizer?doesnotexist
    • All of this was funded by Iran via Qatar, it's not a fucking secretJrdntnnr
    • At this point, does that sort of reductionist thinking even matter? Israel are an oppressor and were/are a colonizer, but that estimation is a bit too B&WNairn
    • over this short span of history. The reality is - Israel is not going anywhere, so the middle east needs to deal with that. and Israel needs to sort itself outNairn
    • Israel does need to chart the higher path.. for Years, but it can't do so in a climate of fear, obviously, which is what Hamas are exploiting here.Nairn
    • The way I see it, Israel needs to massively reign in it ultra-Orthoidox and settler contingent and somehow not live in a realm of double-standards.Nairn
    • The West needs to massively invest in the social welfare of Palestinians and fight for their rights in a way that kowtows israel, but fucked if that's happeningNairn
    • Actually, fuck - the Saudis should financially support the Palestinians, but given the Palestinians (and Kurds) are basically rats to those clans, then.. no.Nairn
    • Hamas's main backers are Iran, a regime that.. well, isn't one I'd ever want to align with morally, and one that also doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians.Nairn
    • Basically, we have a massive clusterfuck of suffering or sympathetic but powerless populations versus power structures that give not a fig for their welfareNairn
    • Back again before bed. Just checking in to see if Khurram and doesnotexist are cool with the execution of a few innocent female civilians, including a granny.Nairn
    • I mean, the granny was presumably of fighting age once upon a time, drafted into the defence forces as she might;ve been forty years ago. Fair game.Nairn
    • Fuck Hamas, Iran and Israel...fuck them all!utopian
    • It seems so obvious that extremists have taken over both sides and they'll just continue the cycle of violence but apparently humans are justyuekit
    • incapable of changing course in a situation like this and has to keep mindlessly attacking the other side like a Looney Tunes character.yuekit
  • NBQ00-3

    Witnesses at the rave music festival say dozens of women raped and then executed and dozens more abducted to Gaza.

  • inteliboy0

    live stream. wild the world we live in today

  • NBQ00-3

  • palimpsest3

  • milfhunter1

  • _niko6

    Also, not a war.
    A war is fought between two equally armed and equipped sides, this is a genocide.

    Not sure what Hamas’goal was other than to end desert edm fests once and for all, because the poor Palestinians are fucked, more than they’ve ever been.

    They’re going to raze Gaza and the West Bank tens of thousands will die and the rest will experience apartheid on a level that’ll make South Africa seem like Disneyland.

    • That is true. Hamas doesn't care about the people in Gaza. Innocent civilians are suffering. At the same time Israel can no longer stand back.NBQ00
    • It seems like everyone’s turned their backs on hamas anyway, Egypt has blockaded them, the saudis only care about the all-mighty dollar and the iran_niko
    • Links are dubious at best, the Shia clergy are against the Sunni group...why would Iran risk a wider conflict to help sunnis? Just to fuck Israel?_niko
    • Proxy war with IranJrdntnnr
    • asymetric war but more a proxy war...neverscared
  • NBQ00-4

    Israel gives clear warning to Hezbollah:

    If Hezbollah joins the war, the IDF will completely destroy Damascus and will directly target the Iran-backed Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Moreover, US warships will support Israel in this war. This message was delivered by Israel via France.


    And then there's Russia there too who support Assad.

  • NBQ00-3

    1000+ Israeli and internationals killed by Hamas but it's Israel who's evil and shouldn't do anything about it. And oh the response is "excessive".

    We know from the last wars: In many places, solidarity with Israel only lasts until Israel defends itself. Compassion lasts as long as Jews are slaughtered without defense. As soon as they defend themselves, sympathy suddenly turns to the terrorists.

    • u bet the hamas gonna be a high price ...neverscared
    • Christ, you really are a moron.Nairn
    • NBQ00, go back to being a sex pest. At least *that* you have a thorough understanding of.Continuity
    • Didn't think thered be so many Hamas verstehers here. Crazy. I'm out.NBQ00
    • You know me so well, Continuity. Happy dancing around Muslim monkeys in Berlin chanting deaths of Jews and cheering on Hamas terrorists.NBQ00
    • Whatever helps you sleep at night, village idiot.Continuity
    • NBQ, your problem is calling a particular race of people animals and monkeys. seems pretty clear you're on the side of apartheid.doesnotexist
    • Only those who act like it. Terrorists and Muslims supporting terrorists.NBQ00
    • congrats on the propaganda soupdoesnotexist
    • What propaganda soup? Even you can't have a day of compassion for killed Israelis but straightaway jump to Whataboutism.NBQ00
  • Ramanisky26


    First hand account of survivor May Hayat who was at the music festival.

    “So I went to work with my girlfriend Liron at the bar in the Nova’s party, the whole night and morning we were together. We had so much fun.

    There was a beautiful sunrise and we went towards our trailer to drink coffee and rest. Then the nightmare began- rockets started flying over our heads.

    The music was stopped and we waited for the situation to calm down so we could go home. Suddenly I get a phone call from a friend who says that she and everyone who’s started driving back home from the party is being shot.

    I ran to the police officers closest to me to ask them to go and reinforce the people in the vehicles, but then we realized that there’s so many terrorists in our area and they are very close to us. There was one big chaos.

    We went to hide in the police command room and we all sat down on the floor. Some people cried, some shouted, some had anxiety attacks and some were completely silent.

    I hugged everyone who cried and couldn’t catch their breath, and Liron helped the wounded while we were under attack.

    The noise of the gunshots began to get closer, the policemen stood in the doorway ready with their weapons and looked at each other with a frightened look and shouted to “storm!”.

    They turned to us just before leaving the room and told us to “run and pray.” They came out and got shot one after the other. The terrorists fired bursts of gunfire at the room and for a moment there was shocking silence. We left the room running to the battlefield, and while I’m running I turned back and I saw Liron. She stayed there and didn’t come with us.

    We tried our best and ran as fast as possible until we reached some ambulance and hid behind it. The shots came from every direction. To our right, to our left, behind and in front of us.

    I saw someone yelling at us, “Come here, it’s safer.” I ran towards him, no one came with me. Me and him continued running together until we saw a vehicle approaching us. It was one of the party members who offered us to get into his car and try to escape with him.

    We got on his car and as soon as he started driving the terrorist started shooting at us. We made a U-turn and drove to the other way and we were shooted there as well. We returned back to the place we were at the beginning and suddenly the car’s wheel got stuck in the sand while we are still under fire.

    We ran out of the car until we noticed a hole in the ground. We entered inside, held hands and prayed. It was just the two of us, the guy who was driving the car disappeared.

    I told him ‘Do you know the stories of the Holocaust in which people pretended to be dead so they wouldn’t be noticed? This is what gonna happen to us. He covered us with sand and we were in silence for about an hour until we started hearing footsteps coming towards us and we prayed for a miracle.

    They found us. 8 terrorists in front of both of us. I closed my eyes tightly because I was sure they gonna shot us but then they grabbed us and lofted us from the ground. They took our phones and everything we had in our pockets. They announced in their walkie-talkie, ‘We have 2 more abductees.”

    One of the terrorists started talking to me in Arabic and I told him I can’t understand him. I didn’t shout, I didn’t went crazy, I became apathetic. He put his jacket on me while the rest of them was looking at me like I was a piece of meat because I was wearing a tank top. In one hand he holds my hand, and in the other hand he holds a missile.

    We started walking and I saw that they were looking on the floor for things like cigarettes and drinks. So I helped them. I didn’t want to resist.

    The guy who was with me didn’t stop crying and begging for his life. I tried to explain to him that he needs to stop crying, “It annoys them, stop crying and everything will be fine.” They had knives and hammers. I realized we were in danger.

    At first he listened to me but very quickly he returned to his initial and fell on his knees and again screamed and begged for his life. And then - he didn’t scream anymore. They murdered him in front of my eyes. I was left alone with them.

    One of them took a board and every few seconds hit me on the head. The other one was holding a knife and every few seconds approached me threateningly. It was important for them to humiliate me.

    The terrorist who held my hand shouted at them and “took me under his wing.” We started walking towards one of their cards and luckily their cars didn’t start. The threatening terrorist with the knife, the one who a moment ago murdered the guy who was with me, said to me “If you try to escape I’ll kill you like I killed your friend.”

    I remained standing and the terrorist who “took me under his wing” told me I can go. I didn’t know what to do and in one moment I just started running. I stole a glance back and saw that no weapon was pointed at me so I continued to run like crazy.

    I hid under the stage of the party and laid down next to 3 dead people. I smeared myself with the blood that dripped from one of the bodies next to me and pretended to be dead for 3 hours.

    3 hours that felt like an eternity. 3 hours where terrorists pass by me and shoot everywhere and burn every possible piece of land, while rockets float above my head. For 3 hours I lie among corpses and wonder what will happen to me.

    And suddenly I started hearing people talk in Hebrew. I screamed loudly “HELP!”. These were the army soldiers, they came and took me to a trailer with paramedics, along with other survivors. In the background, the shooting continued, and in front of my eyes I saw difficult sights that I will spare you and will not describe here.

    So it’s true that they murdered my soul and I hope that one day I will be able to heal it. But Liron, remember Liron from the beginning go the story? My girlfriend. They killed her. They killed are my hero and unfortunately no one will ever be able to bring her back.”

  • NBQ00-4

    How low can you sink?

    • i agree with her request, so sick of people filming portrait. do they watch their tv tipped onto their sides? i don't think so!
      get a brian morans!
    • post a few more youtube vids, i think you go lowerimbecile
    • More flaccid outrage from QBN's resident war crime enthusiast and occasional sex pest.face_melter
    • ^ username checks outsted
    • I thought some of you guys supported war crimes by HamasNBQ00
    • there is a high probability you think that because you have no idea what you are talking about and in a months time faced with the genocide of tens of thousandkingsteven
    • s of muslims you'll be "oops i supported the war machine", but most likely you'll have moved on to the next thing.kingsteven
  • Ramanisky21

    Palestinian journalist Plestia Alaqad

    • incredible how chill she is, almost incredulous at the absurdity of it all_niko
  • NBQ00-7

    Not good

    • you're an utter dipshit. have you figured that out yet? are you near getting a clue?imbecile
    • What's up, sweetieNBQ00
    • i'll take that as a no. mmm, you want to suck my cock, though? sounds like you do. I'm sure you're all teeth.imbecile
  • Nairn0

    • fucking animalssted
    • sted, you haven't been this outraged when Hamas killed innocent children, raped women at the festival before executing them, etc.NBQ00
    • Do you have any evidence anyone was raped at that festival yet? Looked like your link was the same unsubstantiated fourth person heresay I mentioned...Nairn
    • Multiple witnesses interviewed said so. Besides even without rapes is it not horrible enough? + 100 more bodies found yesterday in a small village, all executedNBQ00
    • Yes, it is horrible enough, so why inflate the horror with things that we have no evidence happened? Again, if you have any credible sources, I'm all earsNairn
    • I'm guessing i've probably put a lot more effort into searching for evidence for that (and more accusations) than you have, and i've seen nothing.Nairn
    • For the record your 'evidence' was a 'news outlet' entirely based on instagram...Nairn