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    Ok I'm old.

    I've been working in this sector for almost 30 years.

    Currently, what motivates me is money (don't we all work for it?), more than anything because I need it.

    But as soon as I feel more comfortable, I go back to my personal projects (which don't make as much money), and... I go back to the starting point.

    That roller coaster is what drives me crazy about this profession, and it is, at the same time, what helps me overcome the obvious periods of burnout, lol.

    • ....strive for that 20 hour work week with that 40 hour paycheck... it's tough to do that consistently.canoe
    • The rollercoaster is unacceptable. I love what I do but this profession is a shithole.CyBrainX
  • cherub0

    Have you ever went to the utmost end of the earth tracking down a bug and it was something so STUPIDLY simple that it got overlooked?

    I just fixed my first wordpress bug / major crisis.

    I couldn't update my website at all, kept getting 'update failed' error msg.


    after losing 2 full days of productivity I find out the FUCKING EMOJI in the TEXT was preventing the updates

    Everything works now. Tons of lost hours bug tracking and rewriting pages from scratch, copying, duplicating, fixing,

    and all I had to do was erase the emoji and now it works...

    • Btw, I am targeting the millenial demographic, that's why I use emojis for my stuff.cherub
    • LMAOLANG is the way to go.…
    • If you are targeting the younger generation on social media, you can't deny the power of the emoji. Change my mind.cherub
    • emotes can fuck everything up spectacularly but the worst bugs are the ones you fix and have no idea how :Dkingsteven
    • just wrote a prototype of a twitch app that performs emotional analysis on twitch chat history to create edit markers for vods and very few emoji, mostlykingsteven
    • one of a few million possible shared twitch / bttv gifs but the emojis have got me a few times.kingsteven
    • One of the very few topics that truly frighten me in the design world is the topic of unicode, and I'm dreading someone start talking about it.cherub
    • So you're creating edit points to create a highlight reel of the live twitch streams? That's a cool app.cherub
    • Cool kingcanoe
    • yeah, it's a nice project. i'm working with a guy that manages youtube channels for streamers. it's just one part of a broadcaster/ live edit suite.kingsteven
    • it's nice to have a few reasonably big streamers on board. trying to keep it within twitch ToS which requires the broadcaster granting permissions to the app.kingsteven
    • "broadcaster / live suite" we do similar stuff then. I'm planning to switch to OBS for streaming. It's free, supposedly great for multistreaming.cherub
    • oh nice, yeah i really like OBS. a few of the apps I am building using my API are designed specifically to work as browser source in OBSkingsteven
    • at the root of it is a db system which extends the the functionality of the twitch API by using UTC for all metadata. vods, clips, thumbs, title/game changes.kingsteven
    • and allows you to add and retrieve custom metadata for example chat analysis or vod video/ audio analysis as JSON using the API.kingsteven
    • Not practical as an API because the queries can get expensive but perfect for driving web apps for a smaller group of paying broadcasters and editors.kingsteven
    • I hate emojis even more than vertical video.CyBrainX
    • ^so does most of QBN, why else would they be absent here? hmm...cherub
    • kingsteven
  • cherub-1
  • canoe0

    Working on YouTube videos for a luxe SUV brand. At the moment they are just a montage of clips. I'm using ArtList.IO because they seem to have music that doesn't sound as canned.

    I imagine we're all pretty hardcore fans when it comes to good music. So you know how painful it is to search and find decent tracks...

    We need something classy, so I was going for jazzed up drum and bass. The client said prospects are listening to more country or folk inspired. From a marketing perspective, I find the song with the lyrics to keep my attention the longest.

    I’m putting some music to the silent video we aired at the show. I’ve been teetering back and forth between some jazzy drum and bass, and this song... which seems to capture the attention due to the lyrics.




  • PonyBoy6

    I'm in talks regarding an androgynous sex pop-up book... keep you posted. <3

    • hahahaha

      there're so many ways to take this :)
    • Keep us updated Kev, good luck ;)OBBTKN
    • #paperboner ?garbage
    • I wonder if your user name will check out.CyBrainX
  • canoe-1

    I want to smack the photographer saying he wants to charge $450 to cut a 20 second social reel. $5,000 for 10 fucking reels? That's crazy to me. The entire video shoot was $8,000.

    • Fuck him in the asscrazyprick
    • maybe they are worth that much.
      how many units do you expect to sell with this campaign?
    • That doesn’t seem that crazy. 3hrs at 150/hr? Probably more time spent talking than doing. Do it yourself if you don’t wanna pay.monNom
    • Or ask ChatGPT to do it.palimpsest
    • What a video cost to shoot is of little concern to an editor. You definitely can do it or find someone for much less assuming you don't expect endless revisionsspl33nidoru
    • He shot it, so he's already made 8k. If someone charges $150/hr, they should be fast enough to cut a reel in an hour. imhocanoe
    • Fuck it. I'll do it live!canoe
    • Video guy here. Don’t do social stuff. But curious, how many cuts are there?Graphics?Resiz...toemaas
    • "If someone charges $150/hr, they should be fast enough to cut a reel in an hour"

      Utter bullshit. <3
    • A person's rate is their rate regardless of the amount of time it takes to do something... your assumption on the time to complete is silly at best.PonyBoy
    • He’s giving you a fixed price. He’s gambling that he can get it done in the amount he quoted. You could take the risk and tell him you’ll pay his hourly...monNom
    • But now you are gambling.monNom
    • Pony, you would know because you art directed it, right? 3 cuts, audio, final frame. 2-3 hours. Spare me.canoe
    • It sounds like you might actually know what you're doing - why not cut it yourself instead of bitching about someone's set rates? What a waste of time. <3PonyBoy
  • Nairn1

    oooh, interesting pain sensation - I just got a splinter under my fucking pinky-finger nail. Gosh, that woken me up.

    I was NOT expecting that.

  • PonyBoy6

    My client passed away of cancer in October... He was so quiet about his sickness and unavoidable death that he never really told anyone what to do w/his business or the items / elements attached to it.

    I have sole access to his sites... goDaddy is asking if I want to renew the domains etc... I still get the spam alerts being sent from his mailing forms. Dude was such a sweet guy... so weird still getting all his various alerts that I'd always handle for him...

    • awe RIPYakuZoku
    • :-(
      It's sad the digital ghosts and debris that left when someone goes. Would those things get passed on to family or bus partners?
  • canoe0

    Has anyone made apparel, not POD, for clients looking to make outdoorsy jackets (teched up a bit with fleece and weatherproof qualities)?

    It doesn't seem like the US does this kind of stuff anymore. Not sure where to look. Should I find out where Patagonia, Helly Hansen, etc have their work done?

    I figure there's a few people on the QBN who have had to do their own research...

    • Applying the brand for a sailing team sponsorship... kinda fun putting it all together. Hopefully they'll spring for the sail and boat too.canoe
    • I’m literally doing this right now. Working with a company called Encore Apparel to customize their Panda Vest and knit custom beanies and scarves.monospaced
    • But if you’re not making a ton of them it likely won’t be cost effective or even possible.monospaced
    • This company out of Vancouver does branded tech apparel
    • I think these guys in Calgary do branded/custom work as well. https://spiritwest.c…monNom
    • Very nice. I think the idea is to measure how much we can sell through the summer, 6 events to market the brand.canoe
    • monNom, thnx!!! This is right on time my soul bruvcanoe
  • canoe1

    Do you like your curved monitor?