Star Wars: The Acolyte

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  • autoflavour1

    also whats with the quiff

  • NBQ00-2

  • prophetone5

    Dear diary, episode 4 Scooby Doo-like Jedi storyline, a lone wolf hippie Wookee with space witch gang affiliations, bro not really expecting houseguests tbh but they all insist on meeting up parking their rides waaaaaaay too far away for no logical reason despite abundant parking spot tracking tech, also the force, extra long bug-exterminating hikes in forest, toss in screaming teenage mutant Jedi gopher mechanics, and Saved by the Bell-level dialogue points painfully volleys between emotionless characters at -100 enthusiasm, nvrmnd dollar store chappie Kylo Ren is gonna spice things up for us, letsa gooo... j/k roll credits the end

    • I mean it’s 4/10 ish which is better than prev ep?prophetone
    • I’m enjoying these reviews far more than I would the actual episodes and saving me from having to watch them, keep ‘em coming lol_niko
    • https://www.instagra…prophetone
    • My dream is that Jar Jar is inserted into every one of these shows as the Sith Lord he truly is, savagely cuts down every protagonist..garbage
    • ..the studio laughs, nerds weep and still buy Mesa Merchandise.garbage
    • Revenge of the Jar Jar, pull in portrait shot of Baby Yoda, there's a beat, then a stomping foot comes from out of frame.garbage
    • "Mesa kill Yoda".garbage
    • Like I said. Worst SW script so far. Full of holes.monospaced
  • NBQ00-4

    • What's cringe are these basement dwellers trashing anything for likes with cartoon sound effects and terrible snarky one-liners.CyBrainX
    • So you don't agree it's crap?NBQ00
    • No. I've enjoyed it so far with minor complaints. But that wasn't really my point. If you're going to bitch about a series, don't be juvenile about it.CyBrainX
  • thumb_screws2

    I can't tell if ep 5 was better or if the bar has been set so low in previous eps that the only way was up.

    If the art direction and cinematography were as good as Andor, Ahsoka or even the Bad Batch I would forgive a lot more of its short comings.

    Everything seems tight and cramped and framed oddly. Obi Wan had some of the same issues.

    • They got their money’s worth out of that forest sound stageBluejam
    • It was a better episode but still piss poor writing, actions and consequences and a light saber battle at night in a forest was a underwhelming choiceBluejam
    • I watched it in the background, wonder if the problem is they've just made too much now?PhanLo
  • prophetone8

    Dear diary, episode six now I guess I dunno... so so so much endless talking, random walks on desolate beach, something about cosplaying someone’s sweaty helmet for no apparent reason, lots of heavy breathing, possibly the most boring thing I’ve ever watched in my entire life. The end.

    • thank you for your sacrificested
    • I will keep pushing through, for all of usprophetone
    • lol prophet and you’re the only one who’s been trying to give it the benefit of the doubt! Now all hope is lost!_niko
    • Listen, I WANT this to be a winner I really honestly do, I’m not hating for all the ridiculous catchphrase reasons flying around...prophetone
    • The writing is lazy and terrible and cheesy as all heck, omg so much cheese with characters you don’t care about bc they haven’t bothered to make it dynamicprophetone
    • I can handle all this if there’s great cinematography and occasional expected, true-to-canon tie fighter zipping by or something...prophetone
    • But no. Let’s do 50 mins of dialogue and sprinkle a scrap of action... or if there’s more than 1 min of action it’s repetitive, boring swordfights in a forest zzzprophetone
    • First episode was great, clever action moments that were Star Wars-esque, Carrie Moss scene was awesome... but that was top of hill and now we’re rolling down it?prophetone
    • Mouse Company if you’re out there, please do another ANDOR or something of that calibre... This is like a last-minute grade 10 video class project submission.prophetone
    • It feels like star wars is at its best when there are no Jedi around.monNom
  • thumb_screws0

    The way the episode's are named and the weird structure I reckon there is a narrative gimmick going on. Some Memento type shite so you can watch it in reverse order the protagonist will be the antagonist...

    E1 ∙ Lost/Found

    E2 ∙ Revenge/Justice

    E3 ∙ Destiny

    E4 ∙ Day

    E5 ∙ Night

    E6 ∙ Teach/Corrupt

    E7 ∙ ????? Wet/Dry

    E8 ∙ ????? Flaccid/Turgid

  • i_monk7


    • Not only the Acolyte. They seem to be giving up on everything. https://www.forbes.c…CyBrainX
    • https://www.forbes.c…CyBrainX
    • And yet, I bet they have more success with cartoons. This happens with Star Trek too. I have no idea what's wrong with people.CyBrainX
    • Maybe they read my diary entriesprophetone
    • lol prophet_niko
    • The problem with Star Wars is that it’s death by a thousand cuts, over-saturation. I don’t really give a fuck about the life story and adventures of the..._niko
    • ...mos eisley cantina band or whatever the fuck randomness they want to dig up and roll out._niko
    • Although that one would still be more interesting than the acolyte lol_niko
    • The problem with Star Wars is that people really do think bounty hunters are more interesting than the Jedi. Then, they give is several episodes per year.CyBrainX
    • Maybe the streaming industry would do better if they'd actually give some quantity.CyBrainX
    • "The life story and adventures of the Mos Eisley Cantina band" sounds fucking amazing to me. +1! The soundtrack would be amazing. Maddening.Nairn
    • These IP owners don't know what made the originals resonate with audiences for decades and mistook the fan theorizing as demand to see every detail on screen.i_monk
    • "The life story and adventures of the Mos Eisley Cantina band". I see drama, personal conflicts, love, divorce and serious dialogues about music and friendship.sandpipe
    • Nonsensical garbage. Poor story line, head butting lightsaber ffs.mrAtor
    • yeah a musical drama of Mos Eisley be great. But they should wear different color jackets so we know who is who.Beeswax
  • GM2783