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  • 25 Responses
  • autoflavour4

    know that it never gets easier, and that your life will have to change.

    and then, before you know it your kid is 14 and you are lamenting you only have 4 years left before they are an adult

    • They grow pretty quick don't they.pseud
    • I found it DOES get easier after the first two years.. but then I haven't hit the next stage yet - I'm not looking forward to adolescence, hahaNairn
    • agreed nairn, it’s much easier once they aren’t always trying to kill themselvesmonospaced
    • Count the number summers you have left before they wont want to hang out with you anymore. Don't waste them!slappy
    • It totally gets easiernb
    • ok, maybe never gets easier is an overstatement, i guess i meant more whatever you get used to, changes, and then its new again.autoflavour
  • Ramanisky211

    • Heromonospaced
    • Dude deserves an award.utopian
    • yupYakuZoku
    • a free car?Nairn
    • hero until he steals yoursNBQ00
    • lol what?monospaced
    • no hero, knows he'll go free for stealing a car if caught but not for kidnapping a baby. the love affair for making heroes out of criminals is real.hotroddy
    • It's not like the hero cops will even bother showing up, they're too busy get BJ's from prostitutes, robbing drug dealers or sleeping in their car somewhere.utopian
    • wow you guys are so confusedmonospaced
    • annnnd there's hotknobby again. he judges not with fact but assumptions. no way he knows the real reason for returning the baby.pango
    • Low expectations for the marginalized 'heroes'. The mother briefly left her baby in the car seat to pay for gas.hotroddy
    • Soft bigotry of low expectationshotroddy
    • how you know "The mother briefly left her baby in the car seat to pay for gas" seems like another assumption.pango
    • The baby asked to be left in the car.palimpsest
    • Someone always fails to understand sarcasm ... and still does not understand the difference between socialism, capitalism and communism.utopian
    • holy shit, “hero” was a fucking joke you autistic literal cuntsmonospaced
    • lol at pango defending the criminal. #defund the police amiright Pango?hotroddy
    • Of course it was a joke, but your response inadvertently reveals your bigotry. That joke wouldn’t have the same impact with a white or Asian mug shot.hotroddy
    • my joke was independent of race, you sick bigoted beta soft little man bitchmonospaced
    • Ever notice Hotrod only posts inflammatory notes on anything that has to do with race/black people ?? About 99.9% of the time. Never contributes here.Ramanisky2
    • Never posts anything fun or of value.
      Just a miserable MAGA trolll.
    • supreme mental midgetutopian
    • ram we know what you're doing. you're the race baiter.hotroddy
    • ^ lol ok trollolloRamanisky2
    • it's amazing you can load qbn with posts about a fight, a meltdown, or a criminal incident but always very carefully selected and curated. :)hotroddy
    • #voice of the culture = RAMhotroddy
    • Oh ohh! You can't rebut what I said so you brought up other irrelevant stuffs. Lol every single time with out fail.pango
    • Why is this extreme racist bigot going around trying and failing to accuse others of being racist. It’s so weird.monospaced
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯pango
  • Danish1

  • Nairn1

    Advice, please?

    Girl-kid is five. I need to get her into computers.


    I'm thinking to buy her a second hand laptop and customise a windows profile and just go with that, but... thoughts?

    Is touchscreen necessary? I'd prefer her to learn keyboard, trackpad/mouse (a path she's already a bit on, from using my laptop here), but I can certainly see the advantage of a touchscreen interface too.. but then part of me wants to keep that seperate from the concept of a tablet. I think that sort of thing after she understands 'what' a computer is.

    Thanks in advance.

    • * I think that sort of thing *after* she understands...Nairn
    • Local Coder Dojo?…
    • Oh sorry, it’s from age 7mort_
    • thanks. I think I had a stroke up there.

      I'm thinking to aim for something like… long-term
    • I feel like they’re going to get into computers anyway, plenty, so there’s no big need to really force it early. But ... Minecraft?monospaced
    • My first meaningful computer experiences were with HyperCard on Mac classics in the 80s. As long as it isn’t YouTube :)monospaced
    • For slightly older kids, this looks impressive - https://www.mblock.c…Nairn
  • _niko0