Sony Hacked

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  • 159 Responses
  • nb0

    Can someone provide an example of a N. Korean film that specifically "targets" any American leader? I've heard experts discussing that there really aren't Korean propaganda films that would even mention a US President's name, let alone show depictions of him as a fool, and certainly never a comedic assassination of any foreign leader. The NK propaganda films will show NK as being great, etc, but never a direct humiliation of an American president.

    Yet, this is something we see again and again from Hollywood.

    The point is: Hollywood is the world's major producer of propaganda films.

    And before you say, "it's different because it's private", keep in mind that these movies and studios benefit from federal tax breaks, incentives, and general arts and culture funding. They are partially government sponsored.

  • PonyBoy0

    ^I don't need to provide an example of anything if I want to be satirical... which is all the movie is... Kim Jung will live on regardless of a piece of visual sarcasm... get over it.

    • What's your argument here? That it's your American right to be an asshole?nb
    • "I don't need to provide an example of anything" is a common argument from dictators, by the way.nb
    • it's satire, nb... Kimmy Jong needs to get his heart off his spoiled little sleeve AND LAUGH.PonyBoy
    • Talk about 'privileged'... that spoiled butt-cutted little fuck has has it better than every white person I've ever known...PonyBoy
    • ... he is an 'asshole' as you say (like his relatives before him) who is merely getting 'picked on' aww... poor spoiled rich kid. :)PonyBoy
    • anyone has a right, that's the pointformed
  • prophetone0

  • PonyBoy0

    Okay... anyone of you getting high and mighty over Hollywood / America being 'assholes' and picking on Kim Jong needs to pull your head out of your asses. :-/

    I don't give a fuck how hurt Kim Jong's feeling are and if 'America' is being an asshole by portraying his assassination in an OBVIOUS SATIRE...

    .... THE MAN IS A PIECE OF SHIT. His family has left millions upon millions is squaller, filth AND DEATH for decades... I say pick on the silly fucker and his dumb haircut to your heart's content and make a few more people aware of the piece of garbage this man and his 'government' are.

    Kim is NOT DEAD. He's not been assassinated by Seth Rogan and his little stoner buddy... ...

    Kim Jung is worse than a 'privileged white american male'. Little KimJ grew up a up a spoiled little bitch under his daddy's vile rule and has now continued that rule...

    ... so he gets PICKED ON... GOOOOOD!!! Make the world aware.

    Yet some of you can only get pissy and whine on and on (as usual) about Asshole America? God, what a headache... you choose this situation to hate on American and Hollywood when you should be yelling from the top of your lungs for the demise of governments like NK. America has it's probs... but on this one your heads are up your asses.

    • u mad?georgesIII
    • more confused... lately folks are latching on to the wrong situation for the right argument... making the right argument look sillyPonyBoy
  • Miguex0

  • Miguex0

  • georgesIII0

  • formed0

    How can anyone think this is logical to coward to NK? This is no different than letting the bully in the playground intimidate you. Worse, it sets a precedent that America will succumb to the wishes of terrorists.

    So if someone makes fun of ISIS are we going to pull the SNL skit because they threaten us? Ridiculous.

    I don't blame Sony and the theaters, they'll probably make 10x on the movie now when it goes gets to video, but for anyone to think it is anything more than acting like a coward and curling up in the corner is beyond me.

    • Do you not understand the difference between a private company pulling the film and the govt pulling it?nb
    • In this case, the company who OWNS THE MOVIE pulled it because they are afraid of losing money.nb
    • Corporations cave to terrorist threats on a regular basis. They must look out for their best interests, they are not the govt.nb
    • How would they lose money? They pulled it because they were afraid.formed
    • they pulled it to create controversy, you think they are cowards? its the EXACT OPPOSITE, they are MEGA BRAVEMiguex
    • BRAVE to pull off a stunt like that, corporate greed does not care what anyone thinks but moneyMiguex
    • Sony basically just made North Korea their bitchMiguex
  • sem0

    They did it with Saddam

    I'm not saying Kim is innocent, but it is true that Hollywood makes a lot of propaganda. Also the amount of American's that watch American made war documentaries and take its contents as gospel is crazy.

  • nb0

    @Ponyboy: NOBODY is suggesting that America is "picking on" Kim Jong Un or that the North Korean government should be off the hook for the terrible things they've done to their people. You can't even begin to compare NK with the states. NK is fucked up. I get it.

    My point is simply that Hollywood produces more propaganda films than anyone else.

    The reason I bring it up, is that I hear people claiming that their rights are being taken away by not being able to see this movie. People are suggesting that Americans should support this movie to show their patriotism. You don't think that's fucked up? Again, I'm not saying that it's more fucked up than anything NK is doing. Just saying it's fucked up from American standards.

    We don't need to compare the US and NK. They're not even remotely similar. And, nothing America does would justify what North Korea is doing.

    Still, just because America is better than North Korea doesn't mean we should let America get a pass on it's propaganda. If your country only needs to be better than North Korea, well, that's a low bar to set. If your excuse for putting up with these shit films is "but North Korea is worse!" you should check yourself.

    • in this case, 'stoner propaganda'prophetone
    • I think it has been suggested by the threat of attack that in fact, America is picking on Kim with this movie. Maybe I'm wrong.monospaced
    • I don't understand what you're saying, mono. Can you clarify?nb
    • the 9/11 style written threat on theaters, I felt it implied it was America's blame for the filmmonospaced
  • formed0

    Hollywood produces more films than anyone else, point being...? I cannot fathom how you could try to justify it. You can make fun of anyone, anywhere. If that hurts someone's feelings, then f' them! Really, I don't care what your beliefs are about impersonations and 'being made fun of', that's not America's, nor the free world's (or most of the world in general) beliefs.

    Further, calling this "propaganda" is such a ridiculous stretch I have to chuckle (this was a comedy, right??). C'mon man, you really don't believe that , do you??

    No rights are being taken away, it's just a large company bending to the whims of some punk bully. That's fine, but that's what it is.

    I will support this movie just because I think bending over for any bully is wrong, don't care if it's in a school yard or across seas.

  • pr2-7

    It's kind of scary how so few of you who actively work in the media actually comprehend how propaganda really works and how everything we do influences the public opinion... Noone is claiming that this one movie is propagandizing anything but rather that this one film ALONG with 100s of others does influence our perception of the world.

    There is this study how French perceived American role in WWII... Right after the war only 1/3 of French people perceived America as the main force of victory in WWII, 60 years later something like 70% of people saw that... What could happen in those 60 years? Could it be the countless of American made WWII films that show American soldiers as Europe's saviors?

    This extends much further - not only the movies but a whole system of any country is designed to support the status quo of said country. Read headlines on any days from major newspapers around the world and see how the same issues is perceived (or rather sold to us) differently. Sometimes it's a subtle choice of words or even avoiding a necessary comma in the headline (i have some real life examples to prove it) that twists the perception of the one who doesn't have all the facts into certain sets of believes and patterns of thinking.

    • you're wrong, only the communist use propaganda!!!georgesIII
  • omahadesigns0

    I don't see how they thought they could release this movie and nothing bad could happen.

  • ukit21

    I think nb makes a fair point...I'm against censorship but I'm also not a fan of movies like this because it just seems like an excuse for people to indulge in dumb stereotypes about other cultures. The government has declared North Korea as the officially sanctioned enemy of America, so it's OK to indulge in the most racist anti-Asian humor about the people there...good luck doing the same thing with Jews, blacks or women.

    Also the angry reaction of people at Sony's decision to cancel what was probably a really dumb tasteless comedy saying "the terrorists have won" or that it shows the decline of the country. OK I'm in favor of free speech but have some perspective, is this really the hill you choose to die on? It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and at times it seems like Americans are in danger of blowing the issue out of proportion for ideological reasons just as much as North Koreans.

  • prophetone1

    bad things happen everyday, they knew what they were doing, the issue is they knew they were taking the piss and wussed out anyway. stick to your guns! it's just a movie for chr* st sakes.

    why this is a special case now vs a history of bad comedies that happily stick poked powerful figures and was no bigs is a mystery... or is it? could be a convenient excuse as the bottom line is now affected. and a major movie company is super embarrassed over some leaks.

    and many have already coined it an 'issue of national security' despite the pres himself suggesting that people head to theatres. and USDHS confirming no credible threats.

    fact is, and no small thanks to the oversaturation of social media now, people are being manipulated into losing their sh*t.

    on that token though, I take great offense to the suggestion that propaganda is all-powerful and someone like myself is too ignorant to realize the cause/effect. that we are all powerless to its influence. we're not all morans you know.

    in the end, this whole scenario has been super interesting if only to witness in real-time how situations such as this explode into so many directions, in many cases bordering on the ridiculous.

  • oey0

    I "know" that North Korea is a Dictatorship.
    But what did they do in reent years besides trying some rockets?

    Did they overthrew governments in South America?
    Did they use and Atomic Bomb in other country?
    Did they invade Iraq?

    And so on...
    The list is big...who's the real Worl threath?

    Massive bullshit!

    As to Sony, go fuck themselves.
    Who cares?

    James Franco and Seth Rogan?

    Fucking Ridiculous.

    • < this. Gotta love Americans whining on when they experience anything remotely threatening yet happily bully the entire world and are generally found to be involved at the root of any major issue.fadein11
    • are generally found to be involved at the root of any major issue.fadein11
    • Sorry for the bad english. Keyboard problems and the "did"...oey
    • "recent", "trying out", "overthrow", "World"oey
    • oey, north korea was behind alqaeda, so NK did 9/11,
      wake up sheeple
    • loloey
    • lolfadein11
    • The NK govt reportedly does terrible things to its people. If they had oil, we'd be liberating them asap.nb
    • I'm not talking about their own people. That's a fact. it seems. i meant threat to the World.oey
    • The north american does terrible things to its people - plastic surgery and fast foodfadein11
  • whatthefunk0

  • prophetone0

    FBI Statement: "...North Korea's actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves," the FBI said in the release. "We are deeply concerned about the destructive nature of this attack on a private sector entity and the ordinary citizens who worked there."

    • 'reads like: this was a military grade attack on a civil target. sorry for that.uan
  • formed0

    I've never really cared about Clooney one way or another, but I applaud him for at least having some balls. I still can't believe people here are talking about propaganda. It's a f'in' stupid comedy for Christ's sake! If this is the result of insulting someone in power, we might as well succumb to zombies and vampire flicks forever, forget any comments on the world and culture. Sad.…

  • dorkKn1ght0

    Is this a diversion for whatever we were fighting the police about and that CIA torture business?