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InDesign page numbers
On Master pages, I've got my page number folios set up on the left-hand pages only, like so:
1 | 2
My problem is that I can…
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When life gives you lemons
Looks interesting. Via
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Mailing List—self promo
Has anyone here ever bought a mailing list for a self-promo campaign? If so, was it useful? Are there any reputable companies out …
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Check your email, holmes.
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ADC Young Guns 7
Didn't get in. Damn it.
Did anyone else here enter this year?
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Senior Designer in Midwest
Trying to determine what I would ask for if offered such a position, since I'm getting back into the interview world and it's been…
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Metagramme business card
Silver engraving on 130# vellum. It's an odd size, well at least in the States it is—it's a scaled down A4 to match the proportion…
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Stationery Poll
For my personal business card and letterhead, I'm doing a short run, mainly for interviews and resumes. In the event that I get an…
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Batch Question
I've got a ton of product logotypes and patterns we produced in conjunction with a brand standards program. I have to give them EP…
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20x200 Prints
Cool prints on the cheap. Letterpress & screen printing versions available. This is going on my birthday list :)
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Stay or Go?
Just found out I'm getting a generous bonus this year and some additional investment in my 401k, but no raises for any of us. I've…
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What would Bringhurst do?
So, I know in proper typography, small caps are used for acronyms, but not pronouns. I've always thought it's best to use a single…