- hotroddy
button distress
Has anybody esperienced a flash bug when converting graphics into buttons. The fla I'm working with won't let me view a buttons…
- hotroddy
convert scan to text
Is scanning software capable of converting scanned text into editable text any reliable? If so, what good ones are there out there…
- hotroddy
itunes crack
i've been searching goole but cannot find the name of software that lets you crack itunes to let you copy mp3 from other ipods. Do…
- hotroddy
thumbnail gallery
Anybody know of a dynamic thumbnail gallery built with actionscript which loads images from external sources? An Fla or tutorial …
- hotroddy
readjusting iframe height
I built a site using iframe's rather than frames. However my client has addressed her concern that the iframe scroller doesn't exp…
- hotroddy
fireworks vs photoshop
My Flash file isn't dynamically loading jpgs exported from photoshop so I've started using Fireworks. I want to set the image/hei…
- hotroddy
Site Check
Can somebody check to see if my fonts load properly.
- hotroddy
site critique
My client didn't like it. She thought it was too flashy.
She wants me to rip off The…
- hotroddy
the deal with relative paths.
What's the story with loading swf's into your main movie which are calling other movies?
Why do relative paths work (ie the path …
- hotroddy
flash relative paths
My _root flash file loads a swf 2 directories deep which loads an xml file. This last movie can't find the file since it's being r…
- hotroddy
sherlock movies won't play
Does anybody know why my movies won't preview (play nor stream) when I'm searching for movies on Sherlock?
- hotroddy
Mac internet exploder
Is it just me or is Mac i.e. just SUCK!!!
- hotroddy
Flash Screensavers
Can anybody recommend a good application (preferably templated so that I don't have to do much work) where you plug in pictures an…
- hotroddy
Batch Processing
Anybody know how to import a file (this case a logo) into a series of existing files through the use of batch processing and actio…