- shinpo
What's Wrong w/Women?
I can't help but feel saddened at the lack of meat on the young girls bones today. It is disgusting and what's worst is it is main…
- shinpo
Flash Images Rip?
Is there an easier way to rip a couple photos from a flash slide show and/or find their original source other than the one posted …
- shinpo
World Politics
In response to… this thread is for world politics and not the squabbling over left/right issues i…
- shinpo
QBN tricksters?
I am not sure if it goes against the terms of free speech that QBN has, but it would be damn funny if every time someone made a ne…
- shinpo
Does anyone use this?If you do how do you like it or is there somethin…
- shinpo
Caption of the Day
This thread is for all the millions of pictures that need captions - like this one.
- shinpo
Awesome+ness of the day
Sorry, but this deserves its own thread.
After your viewing pleasure please feel free to contribute any awesome+ness things you…
- shinpo
Govt. Snitch Line…
Is the White House Compiling an Ene…
- shinpo
Day Facebook Changed
I don't know if this has already been posted or not, but I would at least like to share it in case it has not.
- shinpo
For the Gamers
This looks really promising. It's a new way to enjoy video games. PC or Mac it doesn't matter all games will be compatible with al…