Out of context: Reply #2

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  • Point50

    I've been hitting the weights hard since 1990. Finally, at the ripe old age of almost 33, I'm actually starting to get burned out on the concept of working out everyday. Injuries, work, family, living 10 miles from the gym, and the desire to actually sleep are all playing a major factor in deterring me from getting to the gym as often. But in the end there is no excuse. I've preached that to everyone I know for many years. Now, it's a new year, I'm actually disgusted with how I look now and there will be a new gym opening less than a 1/2 mile from my house this spring, so I'm determined to get fit. I'm even considering doing a mini-triathlon possibly or some friggin outdoor race. Anyone got any links to amateur trail racing or whatever the hell they call that? Kinda like the Eco Challenge, but 1/10 the distance! HAHA

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