Friday Silly Time!

Out of context: Reply #3

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    Okay then:

    When we were in high school we had two friends who felt no dare was too much. Our lunch break ended when many freshman were in between classes (we were Seniors) and using the restroom. One of these friends would go to the restroom, and, wearing swim goggles and a Freddy Krueger glove I gave him, step up to the wall stall and drop his pants to pee, almost always while a young fearful freshman was standing next to him. He would put the krueger glove up on the wall and begin screaming in this made up langauge, real japanese mixed with german kind of sounds.

    As time went on, two people started doing this, they would stand to the right and left of someone and drop their pants.

    On the best dare of all, we had planned that they would do this completely naked. In High School. 1995.
    They walked into the bathroom, stripped completely down save for skateboard shoes and socks, and walked to the stall, and thanks be to God there was some young impressionable kid waiting to be horrified.
    What's better is that some hick looking maintenance man in his 30s walked out of a stall just as one naked friend was walking to the stall-he literally brushed his full frontal nakedness against this man by bumping into him, and looked into his eyes and said, "Hey! How's it goin'?"

    The janitor backed away, looked towards the doorway and saw a dozen of us jockeying for a good view, making it even more shocking. This guys eyes kept darting all around like he'd just seen an alien walk through a wall.

    If I remember, I might have wet my pants rolling in the hallway laughing. good times. and I swear to God on millions of bibles that all of this is true.

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