
Out of context: Reply #21

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    romance... even simple things like love notes and flowers when they arent expected or asking them out on a date even though you've been togetehr for 2 years... it makes them feel like you still are crazy about them... girls take a lot of work but they are just so fucking good. dont let things get stale or think you should put less effort because youve already 'got ' her

    • sucka!joyride
    • are u single?moogoo
    • me? no734
    • Me? yes of course, that's what I'm about for the time being.joyride
    • well do u have a clone, 734? lolmoogoo
    • haha.. sorry my friend read ur post and thinks ur a dime piece :)moogoo
    • joyride :P
      girls like that shit.
    • oh hahahaha... thanks. sorry only one of me... ive learned from a lot of bad relationships734
    • yeah I know moogoo, but that type of stuff does not keep people together, it's just nice.joyride
    • true. joyride it doesn't.
      im still trying to figure that whole love shit out myself. its weird.

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