Worst client ever...

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  • Spookytim0

    The worst company I ever worked for was Enterprise IG. I was dropped in there under cover of being a freelance designer to surrepticiously get a feel for the place because they were going to freeze one of their creative directors out and I was going to be offered his job.

    They placed me UNDER the bloke I was there to replace. He was an absolute buffoon. Really the most ridiculous parody of a 'creative genius at work' you could ever hope to enjoy. He used to attend meetings with one black leather driving glove on, and a horse's crop.

    I endured two weeks of his nonsense and told them I couldn't do any more. Overall I found that place to be appalling in every way.

    • ahahahaha! I remember you mentioning Enterprise IG in this way before, you must have hated them!ian
    • Awful awful place.Spookytim
    • love the site:http://www.ente...vrmbr
    • http://www.enterpris…vrmbr
    • Actually, they are now 'Brand Union' heres the new site: http://thebrandunion…ian
    • Hey did you ever come across David Jenkinson?Dancer
    • OMGmonoboy
    • Didn't know him, but I worked in one small team for the tiny time I was there.Spookytim
    • Ah. I cut my teeth there. I used to have 15 minute kips in the loos downstairs. Inbetween searching image librariesDancer
    • HAHAHAH METOO!!!! That had really naffly named "Brainstormpod" or whatever it was called down there!Spookytim

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