Identity pricing

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • odobo0

    Variables , Variables , Variables
    Its the age old question - what do you charge - realistically it should be whatever the client thinks is value for money , but that valie depends on a massive amount of variables - how much work does it entail?

    The BBC got charged into the millions (rumoured to be over 5) by Lambie Nairn to change the old logo from a slanty square to a normal square - Shifting it 17.5 degrees to the left…

    I was privelleged to listen to his lecture about the process and that cost was entirely justifiable when you take in to account the design of all the tv, national and local radio, world service, research, library, arms of the corporation (he had a diagram that was mad of the arms of the BBC)) and then multiply that by design and creation of letterheads, bus cards of every employee, screen presentations, versions for tv, car stickers, t shirts, trucks, the list doesnt even bear thinking about

    so in answer to your question i would say - the right price is one that doesn't devalue your skills or the industry in general ($50 logo web shops help no one) how much thinking time do you get for $50 anyway?

    and that same price should be one that you are happy to work for and also the client is happy to pay, we sometimes ask what the client expectations are in terms of budget and then discuss the process with them - the good old rule of three often works and can be applied:

    good - cheap - quick - the client can pick two
    you want it good & cheap - it wont be quick we do it on our time (good for non profit who want quality but maybe cannot afford it)
    you want it good & quick - it wont be cheap (big business wnat to move on a project quick to get to market - charge accordingly)
    you want it cheap & quick - in the nicest sense it wont be good (there the jobs you either bang out for beer tokens or you walk away)

    our charges have ranged between £750.00 to £8000.00 and everywhere in between - from logo design for screen, web and master files supplied to - full id , usage manual , photo library, document templates, etc...

    so again in answer to your question - really there is no answer - other than what feels right for you and the client for the work you are doing, in relation to the quality of what you are doing - example you work as a freelancer and charge £xxx.xx per day the agency rolls your work out at probably 3x £xxx.xx but your happy you got your rate - the client's happy they came within budget - the agencies happy - as they busted both your balls :) and can pay for the directors 911 porsche for the next month.

    maybe it helps maybe it don't :)

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