online bible web-app

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • 25 Responses
  • anairn0

    Jesus, there's a lot to it!

    Your self-estimation in the approach comparison comes across quite smug.
    Clicking 'about' or 'community' does nothing - where it does with the other tabs? I'd have a very basic rundown when I click on 'About'.
    i think 'community' is slightly mis-representational. It's a blog and an option to spam.
    The downloads section could be a little glitzier.

    I've got this far and just now realised you want a crit on the bit that requires registration. Damn. No thanks.

    ps. (here comes my anti-religious railing) 'The truth made clear'? That's a lie, which I'm pretty sure isn't a Christian thing to do. I often wonder what Jesus would think of efforts such as these - I'm sure he'd rather corporations spent their money helping their fellow man rather than further inflating the so-called Good Book into yet more produkt.

    • you get banned?Jnr_Madison
    • Don't know what you're talkin' about, guvn'nor.
      *whistles nonchalantly*
    • haha, i figured your rant would get you into trouble.skt
    • WHY, OH GOD, WHY????Jnr_Madison
    • link?Jnr_Madison
    • *shrugs stupidly*

      No comprende, seƱor.
    • not here anymore.skt
    • I'm off to get drunk. Catch you two beautiful people later.

      Yes, that did include you, skt.
    • gee, shucks.skt
    • You love it.anairn

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