anyone here DJ?

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • 23kon0

    Folk who go out and get technics as their first decks deserve a slap.

    I started djing on (and used for years as a poor student) a set of shot belt driven soundlabs. They used to jump like hell and the pickup was slow cos belt driven. But they taught me to be very careful when cutting or scratching.
    I've dj'd at bars and clubs where the decks have been sub-
    Technics-standard and you would hear other djs complain cos they struggled with them cos they were used to their perfect setups at home.

    People always preach that the only way to get the best results is to get the most expensive kit. Photographers will boast how much their camera kit or lenses cost, guitarists will look down on another guitarist if he has a budget setup and will tell you that to be a good guitarist you have to have a Gibson les wank or whatever and Djs will tell you that technics vestax wankbox is the only way to go.
    It's a lot of crap!
    It doesn't make you a better dj by spending a shit load on kit!
    It's the persons skills that count in the end and what they can do with the skills they have.

    • Soundlab DLPs and Squier guitars FTWkingsteven
    • i buy decent gear because i actually want it to sound good.acescence
    • anyone who tries to DJ on some whack ass turntables is usually really poor at mixing. Just my experience.designbot
    • not in my experience23kon

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