Are Designers resistant to change?

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Meeklo0

    no way
    i design something - then a month later - i wana do it again


    I'm the same way! but it's different, cause when I'm responsible for the change, then it's ok, (for me of course). With either brands conceived by me, or client brands that I consider absolutely hideous, but when I work with an established brand that I really like , its almost an honor to have their mark on my work, its like a trophy for my portfolio you know?

    It's a good opportunity to bring up Media Temple, which had a great strategy, associating themselves with top designers (that most likely will re-sell/ or recommend the company in their networks) by sponsoring them in return of having their mark on their site.

    1000s of designers started to add the MT mark on their own sites, because of this "status" feeling that you get from MT strategy.

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