Christian Pamplets

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I don't give a shit about what the Bible says about dinosaurs and DNA or monkey-people. If that's where you want to set up camp to have your little war on the world, you go right ahead.

    I do happen to believe or rather interpret Jesus message as this: The Kingdom of Heaven is Here. Now. All the other stuff before is just distracting legal bullshit. Heaven. Here. Now. Act accordingly to the person next to you.

    I happen to think that's really all it says, but it's mad genius in it's simplicity and beauty. And in being, as I like to say, a truth truer than true. Many others who have held a similar interpretation have been burned at stakes, real and proverbial, for about a few thousand years but th whole priestly/legalistic side of the whole thing. But that's common to all have the mystics on one side and the priests on the other.

    The priests are always bastards. Always.

    • And all this evolution dinosaur crap comes from the priestly side of things.TheBlueOne

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