Christian Pamplets

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • gramme0

    23, I have ABSOLUTELY NO problem with my belief system being questioned. I've done it and continue to do it myself, I don't believe anything without first testing, researching and approving it. This is how I came to faith, I eventually just could not avoid God anymore.

    Now that through years of searching, questioning and Divine intervention (God changing my heart during and through those times), I have been convinced of my faith beyond a reasonable doubt, I am not open to being convinced out of it. I am certainly open to, even striving toward growth and a better understanding of God and his word, but I stand firm upon the solid rock that is Christ.

    I have discussions with people about God and all surrounding subjects because I am genuinely interested in what people think and why, and because I have been charged with sharing the good news. My goal is not to force-feed or brainwash anyone, but to engage in thoughtful and sensitive dialogue.

    • see? it brings him joy. Let the guy do what he wants! He's not bothering anyone..
    • unless of course he starts to make political decisions (voting) based on religious beliefs, then sir, you lost my respect and support.Meeklo
    • support.Meeklo
    • Meeklo what would you call my record of voting pro-life? I don't see that as a church/state issue.gramme
    • I think it's a moral as well as ethical issue, just like I'm opposed to stealing or poor environmental stewardship.gramme
    • I have no idea of your personal voting record, I'm speaking in general.Meeklo
    • and for the record, I'm pro life as well, but to me that represent opposition to wars and guns.Meeklo

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