Christian Pamplets

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • teleos0

    "One of my beliefs - there was a big bang, things were created, we evolved from monkeys and now have computers!

    Now, if someone came along and gave a pretty damn good arguement for that being false and that we are infact all just in the dream of a space monster i'd at least entertain it."

    1. The Big Bang - All matter and energy sprang forth from a singularity. This has extremely strong theistic implications. Something outside of matter, time and energy would need to be the catalyst.

    2. "Things were created". No argument here. I will just point out that blind stochastic processes don't create things, like say: life, which possess highly specified information.

    3. "We evolved from apes". This is a just-so story at worst, and a shaky hypothesis at best. In reality, when you examine the empirical evidence, you find in total, about a pickup truck bed worth of fossil fragments of ape-like creatures. Pieces of skullcaps to parts of femurs (and plenty of plaster to fill in the holes). And there are no intermediate forms between these extinct creatures. But assuming that humans share a common ancestor with some kind ape-like creature, this does not conflict with the Biblical record of human origins (a discussion in itself).

    4. Computers are fun. And they require programmers. And programs look a lot like the development of phyla on this planet - like functions in an algorithm. Long periods of stasis with abrupt bursts of biological novelty. (see: saltation)

    • yeah but do you have any christian pamphlets?DrBombay
    • I don't hand those out. I prefer to build relationships with people and get to their spiritual needs when the time is right.teleos
    • yes, just like you've built relationships with us before spouting nonsense.spifflink
    • ha, the time has never been right around here.DrBombay
    • this is an internet forum.
      show me the nonsense i've spewed. Be specific.
    • < this post, and most of your posts. oh my god i just questioned your arguments! quick get defensive!spifflink
    • You lie.TheBlueOne

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