Christian Pamplets

Out of context: Reply #71

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  • teleos0

    "Teleos, my one recommendation to you would be that it doesn't matter whether people online are being disingenuous or not. Since when have we Christians measured our behavior by the world's yardstick? We should always strive to be kind no matter what. Never shirk from the truth mind you, but always be kind in the delivery of it, even if people are laughing at us and asking questions that are (at least in their minds) rhetorical and only serve to make us look foolish in our belief."

    I agree with you, gramme. I tend to be terse on forums and there are limitations with this mode of communication. And when people are downright demeaning, antagonistic and even threatening, it's hard to avoid bluntness in response. Though I do recognize the spiritual deception element in these discussions and I need to keep that in the forefront of my mind.

    • no one has ever threatened you, stop playing the victimDrBombay
    • kuz/khurram has. And you have spewed verbal abuse at me that I wouldn't expect from a weathered sailor.teleos
    • You are such a faker it's not even funny. You're a front. Gamme is at least the rel deal.TheBlueOne
    • oh whatever.teleos
    • yes whateverDrBombay
    • Whatever.TheBlueOne

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