Christian Pamplets

Out of context: Reply #90

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    I get what you're saying kello, but I respectfully disagree. I think that almost everything we take for granted in regards to morality comes from Christian tradition, at least here in the western world. In all parts of the world, literally millions of Christians over the centuries have engaged in acts of kindness: feeding/clothing the poor, travelling to fly-blown corners of the world to teach people vital career skills, the list goes on. It was a Christian who developed the first 12-step program, from which many have spun off and unfortunately become degraded as they spun away from the true "Higher Power." Christians have for centuries been involved in efforts such as Habitat for Humanity. Now, these things are great, they are tangible, they have happened very much in the physical world, rather than in theory.

    But: the ultimate gift that the gospel has to give the world is forgiveness from all of our shortcomings, and eternal communion with God. Christ offers the ultimate victory—freedom from the curse of death.

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